Dear Mr£®Huang£¬
I am Li Hua£¬a child living in community£®
Best wishes!
Yours sincerely£¬
Li Hua£®
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Second£¬I wonder if you could find us a room to do our homework so that we can help and learn from each other£®Æä´Î£¬ÎÒÏëÖªµÀÊÇ·ñÄãÄÜ°ïÎÒÃÇÕÒµ½Ò»¸ö¿ÉÒÔ¹©Ñ§Ï°ºÍ½»Á÷µÄµØ·½£®
Third£¬I think it's a good idea to encourage children to join the community's football club and arrange some mathes£®µÚÈý£¬ÎÒÈÏΪ¹ÄÀøº¢×ÓÃǼÓÈëÉçÇø×ãÇò¾ãÀÖ²¿²¢°²ÅűÈÈüÊǺܺõÄÖ÷Ò⣮
¾äÐÍÒ» ¢Ùif you could find us a room to do our homework ¸Ã¾äÊÇÒ»¸öλÓÚwonderºóÃæµÄ±öÓï´Ó¾ä
¢Úso that we can help and learn from each other ¸Ã¾äÊÇÒ»¸öÓÉso thatÒýµ¼µÄÄ¿µÄ×´Óï´Ó¾ä
¾äÐͶþ I think it's a good idea to encourage children ¸Ã¾äÖÐÓÐÒ»¸ö¹Ì¶¨¾äÐÍ£ºit is+n+to do×ö£®£®ÊÇÔõôÑùµÄ
½â´ð Dear Uncle Huang£¬
I am Li Hua£¬a child living in this community£®Most of the children in our community feel lonely and we have few friends here£®To change this situation£¬I'd like to offer some suggestions£®£¨Ìá³ö¹Ûµã£©
First£¬would you please organize the children to clean up our neighborhood regularly£¿Through this activity£¬we can know each other and make new friends£®Second£¬I wonder if you could find us a room to do our homework so that we can help and learn from each other£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£© Third£¬I think it's a good idea to encourage children to join the community's football club and arrange some mathes£®£¨¾ßÌ彨Ò飩£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©
I hope we can get more involved in our community and our life will be colorful and full of fun£®
Best wishes!
Yours sincerely£¬
Li Hua
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A£® | of proving | B£® | of proved | C£® | of to prove | D£® | of being |