
18.As the proverb goes,man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.Water runs downhill from mountaintops to streams,to rivers and to oceans.But downhill isn't the only way that water moves.A new study measures how water travels from country to country for human consumption.This flow isn't the type we usually think about.These scientists looked at the water used to grow and make the products which get shipped from nation to nation as imports or exports.They call this a flow of"virtual water".
We typically think about water as the liquid that flows from a tap.However,92%of the water used by people goes into growing crops,according to a water researcher Arjen Hoekstra.He recently studied the hidden travels of virtual water used in products made from things like crops and meats.These products are shipped around the world.
For example,consider a sugary soft drink.Hoekstra estimated that to produce one half-liter of the drink requires between 170and 310liters of water-about 95% is used to grow and process the ingredients(原料).Another 4% goes into the packaging and labeling.In Hoekstra's calculation,when one country produces a half-liter of soda and sells it abroad,it exports as much virtual water as would fill a large refrigerator.
According to Hoekstra's new report,dry countries like Israel and Kuwait,both in the Middle East,get the majority of their virtual water from other countries,through imported products.More surprisingly,some wetter countries,like the Netherlands and the United Kingdom,also get the majority of their virtual water from other places.That means that most of the water used to grow or produce the products and food consumed in those countries came from other countries.

25.The proverb in Paragraph One is used toC.
A.inspire readers to struggle upward        
B.tell a law of nature
C.introduce the topic of the passage         
D.summarize the main idea of the passage
26.In which countries does most part of virtual water come from outside?C.
A.The United Kingdom and China         
B.America and Israel
C.The Netherlands and Kuwait            
D.The Netherlands and America
27.What can be a suitable title for the passage?D
A.Benefits of Virtual Water             
B.Hidden Uses of Water
C.Crops and Virtual Water             
D.Water's Worldwide Travels
28.Where does the passage probably come from?A
A.A science news report.
B.A newspaper advertisement.
C.A book review.
D.A science fiction story.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了正如谚语人往高处走,水往低处流所说,虚拟水从山上到流经河流到人类的消费所经历的旅程,是如此的漫长,许多缺水国家的虚拟水甚至基本都来自于其他国家,它真正做到了环球旅行.

解答 25.C.推理判断题.文章主要在讲正如"人往高处走,水往低处流",而现实生活中缺水国家的水基本都来自于其他国家,因此可推测As the proverb goes是正如谚语所说的意思,因此proverb介绍了这篇文章的主题;故选C.
26.C.细节理解题.根据文章最后一段"dry countries like Israel and Kuwait,both in the Middle East,get the majority of their virtual water from other countries"和"like the Netherlands and the United Kingdom,also get the majority of their virtual water from other places"可知色列,科威特,中东国家,荷兰,英国等国大部分虚拟水都来自其它地区;故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

9.Today,paper-making is a big business.But it is still possible to make paper by hand,since the steps are the same as using big machines.
You should use paper with small amounts of printing.Old envelopes are good for this reason.Colored paper also can be used,as well as small amounts of newspaper.Small pieces of rags or cloth can be added.These should be cut into pieces about five centimeters by five centimeters.
Everything is placed in a container,covered with water and brought to a boil.It is mixed for about two hours with some common chemicals and then allowed to cool.Then it is left until most of the water dries up.The substance left,called pulp(纸浆),can be stored until you are ready to make paper.
When you are ready,the pulp is mixed with water again.Then the pulp is poured into a mold.The mold is made of small squares of wire that hold the shape and thickness of the paper.To help dry the paper,the mold lets the water flow through the small wire squares.
After several more drying steps,the paper is carefully lifted back from the mold.It is now strong enough to be touched.
The paper is smoothed and pressed to remove trapped air.You can use a common electric iron used for pressing clothes.

24.It is suggested that we"should choose paper with small amounts of printing"toA
A.make paper by ourselves                B.renew the old envelopes
C.make various colored paper             D.create our own newspaper
25.Whether the paper is strong enough to be touched is determined byC.
A.how long the pulp is stored            B.how thick the paper is
C.how much water remains                 D.what type of chemicals are used
26.When the paper is lifted from the mold,it is time toA.
A.make it smooth                       B.make it strong
C.decorate it                          D.use an iron
27.The passage is most probably intended toB.
A.introduce the history of paper-making
B.describe the process of paper-making
C.compare the ancient with the modern paper-making
D.argue about the possibility of paper-making by hand.
6.Shanxi noodles:A matter worth being proud of
A commonly used greeting in China is the question,"Have you eaten?"It indicates the(41)importance(important) of food in China.The Chinese are(42)extremely (extreme) proud of their cuisine(烹饪).For example,Shanxi takes full advantage.It is famous for its noodles (43)made (make) of wheat.It has a recorded history of more than 2,000years in making wheat-flour noodles.
Every kind of noodle imaginable can be found in Shanxi.Even Marco Polo (44)was inspired (inspire) by the making of the Shanxi noodles,which led him to take the recipes back to Italy and Europe.(45)The most popular Shanxi noodle is the daoxiaomian.This noodle is shaved from a giant block of dough(面团) hoisted over the chef's shoulder.The noodles are shaved off directly into boiling water.There is a phrase (46)that/whichdescribes the noodle-making process:"One noodle in the (47)boiling (boil) water,one flying in the air,and one just being cut".
The noodles are usually served in a small bowl,mixed (48)withfresh vegetables.As a special refinement,you can put some Shanxi vinegar on top.The extra aged vinegar is a typical product of the region as well.
One can find handmade noodles all over China today,(49)butShanxi province is special.It's (50)where the art of noodle-making reached its top.
Garlic,a common seasoning found in many different types of food,has a long medical and mythical history.References to garlic (25)are found(find) in Chinese texts that are dated as far back as 3000BC.The physician Hippocrates used garlic in ancient Greece (26)to treat(treat) infections and physical disorders.In many parts of ancient world,garlic was thought to avoid unfriendly spirits,treat wounds (27)as well as protect against disease.
Roman soldiers believed that garlic brought them courage and energy.They took it with them when they went into battle.Egyptians fed garlic to their servants when they built pyramids.They thought that it gave the workers strength.They also believed that garlic had magical and medicinal powers in the Middle Ages,people thought that garlic prevented the plague(瘟疫).
People have praised the virtues of garlic for centuries.Garlic's popularity began to decline in the early years of the twentieth century,but its reputation (28)has been restored(restore) in recent years.It is now a valuable cash crop in the state of California.Nearly a half-billion pounds of garlic are produced there each year.The city of Gilroy,California,considers (29)itself the garlic capital of the world.Each year,the city hosts the Gilroy Garlic Festival in honor of the crop.
Some doctors are studying garlic's effects as a defense (30)against some forms of cancer.Others are exploring its possibilities for treating arthritis.Garlic has also received praise for its ability to lower high levels of cholesterol(胆固醇).
(31)Although/Though some of the medicinal benefits of garlic have yet to be proven,it is certain(32)that many people enjoy the flavour that it adds to food.

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