
1."When can I get a cell phone?"The answer is when your parents think you need one,though many kids seem to be getting them around age 12or 13.Some younger kids may have them because their parents see it as a matter of safety and convenience.For example,a kid can call mom and dad when sports practice is over.And a cell phone can give kids almost instant access(快捷通道) to their parents if something goes wrong or they need help.It can give parents quick access to their kids so they can check on them and make sure they're OK.
If you do get a cell phone,make some rules with your parents,such as how many minutes you're allowed to spend on the phone,when you can use your phone,when the phone must be turned off,and what you will do if someone calls you too often,and so on.
You'll also have to learn to take care of the phone in your life.Keep it charged(充电) and store it in the safe place so it doesn't get lost.And whatever you do,don't use it in the bathroom.I know someone who dropped her phone in the toilet!

11.Parents buy cell phones for their kids becauseA.
A.they think it is necessary
B.they think their kids are old enough
C.they have asked the author for advice
D.they want to follow their kids wherever they are.
12.The author of the passageC.
A.wants to describe how children use cell phones
B.knows nothing about when children can have a cell phone
C.may have done a survey on kids using cell phones
D.has been a teacher for many years
13.Which of the following is true?B
A.It is too young for kids of 12or 13to get a cell phone.
B.A cell phone is useful for kids and their parents.
C.The author is against the idea of kids to have cell phones.
D.Most kids are considering having cell phones.
14.Who is the passage most probably written by?D
A.Parents who have bought phones for their kids.
B.Someone who does cell phone business.
C.A teacher who cares most about school safety.
D.Someone who works for children's education.
15.Which might not be a rule for kids with a cell phone?A
A.Keep it on all the time.
B.Make a call if something goes wrong.
C.Don't use it in the bathroom.
D.Take care not to lose it.

分析 本文是一篇社会文化类阅读,父母认为孩子们需要移动电话的时候就为他们买,主要考虑的是孩子们的安全和方便.本文以此展开,主要谈论了孩子们对移动电话使用的原因,使用的规定和注意事项.

解答 11.A.细节理解题.本文第一句"When can I get a cell phone?"The answer is when your parents think you need one,though many kids seem to be getting them around age 12or 13.提到,父母认为孩子们需要移动电话的时候就为他们买,主要考虑的是孩子们的安全和方便,所以说父母亲认为为孩子们买移动电话是必要的,故选A.
13.B.细节理解题.本文第一段第三行It can give parents quick access to their kids so they can check on them and make sure they're OK.提到移动电话对于孩子们的安全和方便是有用的,故选B.
15.A.细节理解题.本文最后两段Keep it charged(充电) and store it in the safe place so it doesn't get lost.提到孩子们使用移动电话时要及时地充电,不要在浴室里使用,不要把它丢掉,当某事发生的时候可以打电话,不要一直开着移动电话,故选A.

点评 本文是一篇社会文化类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,推理判断题.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测.

3.I recently overheard something that surprised me.I heard that people who win the lottery are(41)Dfor about 3 weeks.And then they go back to their(42)Bstate of being before they won the money.I(43)Athat they would have been happy for a much longer time.
The reason for this is that(44 )Cwe try to change how we feel by using something outside of ourselves,like winning the lottery,or getting a new car or house,but it never(45)D.The resulting feelings of happiness often last for a short time.We cannot(46)Bthem for very long.In some way,it may be a good thing.It reminds us that happiness really does come from within and is(47)Cto us at any moment.True happiness has(48)Bto do with what is happening outside; it is an inside job.Happiness is a(49)A.We can make the decision to be happy for one day,when we(50)Bin the morning,every morning.We can find something that brings us great (51)D,like sitting outside in the garden under an old tree and(52)Dthe birds sing,or watching the dog or cat play,and just(53)Athe moment.It is our(54)Bstate and we need only allow it in.At any moment,we can(55)C,take a deep breath,and remember who we really are,and why we came here,and that truly is to (56)Djoy and the aliveness of being.
"Happiness is like a butterfly which,when run after,is always(57)Bour reach,but if you will sit down(58)B,may fall upon you,"said Nathaniel Hawthorne,an American novelist.So,today,no matter what is going on in your own(59)D,stop and take a few moments to breathe deeply and just (60)Cto be happy,whatever that means to you.
50.A.look upB.wake upC.turn upD.stand up
52.A.makingB.helpingC.calling onD.listening to
12.The term"to extend an olive(橄榄) branch"means to make an offer of peace or reconciliation(和好).This term has Biblical(圣经的)origins,coming from the section of the Old Testament that deals with the flood; the sign that the flood is over is an olive branch brought back to the ark(方舟) by a dove.Olive branches were also symbols of peace in Ancient Greece and Rome,and they continue to be used in various works of art that are meant to suggest peace.
Some people have suggested that the olive was a very deliberate and well-considered choice as a metaphor(比喻)for peace,because olive trees famously take years to mature.War is typically very hard on the trees because people cannot take the time to nurture them and plant new ones.Therefore,the offer of an olive branch would suggest that someone is tired of war,whether it is an actual war or a falling out between friends.
In Ancient Greek and Roman times,people would offer actual olive branches.In Rome,for example,defeated armies traditionally carried olive branches to indicate that they were giving in,and the Greeks used them into weddings and other ceremonies.In the modern era,the branch is usually metaphorical,rather than actual,not least because the plants can be a bit difficult to obtain.
Many people agree that peace negotiations at all levels of society are a good idea.Between nations,obviously,it is important to extend an olive branch to ensure mutual safety and to help the world run more smoothly.This act can also be important on a personal level,as resolving conflict and learning to get along with others is viewed as an important life skill in many cultures.
At some point in their lives,many people will be advised to extend an olive branch to settle a dispute or resolve an issue.Some people believe that it takes an immense amount of courage to take this action,as it often comes with an admission of wrongdoing and regret.

32.According to the Bible,C.
A.an olive branch suggests flood is coming
B.the ark is made of olive tree wood
C.an olive branch means flood is over
D.a dove loves to settle on the olive branch
33.The olive is considered a good choice as a metaphor for peace for the following reasons EXCEPTB.
A.olive trees famously take years to mature
B.olive branches make people tired of war
C.war is typically very hard on the trees
D.people cannot take the time to nurture them while at war
34.Why are actual olive branches seldom used in modern times?C
A.Olive trees are being protected now.
B.Olive trees are planted only in certain countries.
C.Olive trees can be far to seek.
D.There is no need to use real olive branches.
35.It can be learned from the text that to extend an olive branchC.
A.is not important on a personal level
B.is only important between nations
C.takes a lot of courage
D.is an important life skill in many cultures.
16.How would you like an easy way to earn $2,500?All you have to do is to sit around and wait for your meals.There's a catch,however.You have to stay in a chicken cage with a stranger for a whole week.There are no books or television or radio for amusement.You can't leave until the week is up.And a camera will be recording your every move.
Two people actually took the job.The idea came from Rob Thompson,a video artist.He wanted to make a film about the way animals are treated.His goal was to raise people's awareness of the living conditions of animals that are raised for food.He decided to pay $5,000 out of his own savings to two people who were willing to live like chickens for a week.
    To Rob's surprise,quite a few people answered his advertisement.He had interviewed and selected Eric,a 24-year-old restaurant worker,and Para,a 24-year-old chemist.The plan was for them to spend seven days together in a chicken cage that was six feet long and three feet wide.A camera would record their experiences,which would take place in an art museum.
    The week was long and difficult.They slept on a hard wooden floor.They couldn't stand up without hanging their heads.They ate vegetables and drank water from a garden hosepipe.Their only privacy was a toilet surrounded by a curtain.There were no sinks,mirrors,or toothbrushes in the cage.Their only inspiration was the two framed checks that hung on the wall outside the cage.Visitors who came here were warned,"Do not feed the humans."
    Finally it was over,and Para and Eric appeared from their cage.They had survived the week,and they each had a $2,500 check in their hands.When Rob Thompson opened the cage,Eric came out,changed into clean clothes,and ate a chocolate bar right away."It's great to be able to stand up,"he said.Para just changed her clothes and left.After a week of visitors and reporters watching her,she didn't want to talk to anyone.

56.What kind of person is Rob Thompson?B
   A.He is curious about people's personal life.B.He is kind-hearted to animals.
   C.He hates people around.D.He likes to help poor people.
57.The underlined word"catch"probably meansD.
   A.unsolved problem               B.surprising wonder
   C.unbelievable fact                D.hidden difficulty
58.What made it most difficult for the two to stay in the cage?D
   A.They didn't know each other.B.They couldn't lie down to sleep in the cage.
   C.They didn't have meat to eat.D.They had to do almost everything under others'eyes.
59.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?C
   A.Easy Way to Earn $2,500    B.Do Not Feed the Humans
   C.Living Like a Chicken            D.Getting Along Well Anyway.
13.Imagine a town with crosswalks but no pedestrians,cars and trucks but no drivers.Welcome to Mcity,a fake(假的)"city"built by researchers who are testing out the driverless cars of the future.
The controlled test environment,which opened today (July 20,2015)at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor,covers 32acres (the size of about 24football fields) and contains all the trappings of a real suburb or small city.There is an entire network of roads lined with sidewalks,streetlights,stop signs and traffic signals.There's even a"downtown"area complete with fake buildings and outdoor dining areas.
The idea behind Mcity is simple:test out new driverless car innovations(创新) in a human-free environment before these technologies are unleashed(投放) in the real world.
"Mcity is a safe,controlled,and realistic environment where we are going to figure out how the incredible(难以置信的) potential(可能性) of connected and automated vehicles can be realized quickly,efficiently(有效地) and safely,"Peter Sweatman,director of the Mobility Transformation Center at U-M,said in a statement.
The roads of Mcity are built to stand up to"strict,repeatable"testing,according to MTC officials.While Mcity drivers don't have to compete with real pedestrians,there will be one mechanical foot-traveler (a robot-like machine named Sebastian) that steps out into traffic to see whether the automated cars can hit the brakes in time.The fake city also features a traffic circle,a bridge,a tunnel,some unpaved(未铺砌的) roads,and even a four-lane(四车道的) highway with entrance and exit ramps(坡道),according to a report by Bloomberg Business.
In addition to evaluating fully automated,or driverless cars,the researchers also hope to test out so-called connected vehicles within Mcity's limits.Connected cars can either communicate with one another (vehicle-to-vehicle control,or V2V) or with pieces of equipment,such as traffic lights,that are located near roadways (vehicle-to-infrastructure基础设施 control,or V2I).
Even the smallest details of Mcity have been planned out in advance to copy the conditions that connected and automated vehicles could face in the real world.For example,there are street signs covered up with graffiti(涂鸦),and faded yellow and white lane markings line the streets.
Mcity is just one part of a much larger project that MTC and its partner organizations are establishing in an effort to get a whole fleet(车队) of connected and driverless cars on the road in Ann Arbor by 2021.In addition to the fake city,MTC is also continuing to launch connected and semi-autonomous(半自动) cars on real roadways.Eventually,the University of Michigan and the Michigan Department of Transportation said they hope to put 20,000connected cars on the roads of southern Michigan.

67.According to the passage,McityB.
A.is a real town used to evaluate the function of future cars
B.is a fake city with transportation system but no pedestrians
C.covers an area of 32acres with as many as 24football fields
D.owns a downtown area with a bridge and some unpaved roads
68.Why did researchers build Mcity?A
A.To test new driverless cars.B.To make a real suburb or small city.
C.To control road environment.D.To build an entire network of roads.
69.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.some connected and semi-autonomous cars have been put into use
B.the researchers plans to create a robot-like machine to direct the traffic
C.the widespread use of driverless cars will soon come into reality in America
D.MTC is attempting to make connected and driverless cars available(可利用的) on real roads
70.How does the passage mainly develop?A
A.By presenting descriptions of the design.
B.By describing a cause and its effects.
C.By providing the time order.
D.By comparing the opinions.

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