

Nearly two decades have passed since China sent the first Beidou satellite into space in 2000. During that time, more Beidou satellites were sent into orbit (轨道), 1 (form) the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS). In late 2012, it began providing positioning, navigation, timing and messaging 2 (service) to people in China and other parts of the Asia-Pacific region. At the end of 2018, BDS started to serve users worldwide. Now with two more Beidou satellites 3 (launch) on Dec 16, 2019, BDS has 53 satellites in orbit.







1考查非谓语动词。句意:在此期间,更多的北斗卫星被送入轨道,形成北斗导航卫星系统。分析句子结构,form与其逻辑主语Beidou satellites之间是主动关系,用现在分词作结果状语。故填forming

2考查名词的数。句意:2012年底,该公司开始向中国和亚太地区其他地区的用户提供定位、导航、定时和短信服务。service为可数名词,根据上文positioning, navigation, timing and messaging可知此处服务不止一种,故应用名词复数形式。故填services

3考查with复合结构。句意:20191216日,北斗系统又发射了两颗北斗卫星,现有53颗在轨卫星。这里是with复合结构,因为“北斗卫星”和“发射”之间是被动关系,所以用with + n + 过去分词结构,所以填launched。


【题目】 Earth Day is one of the world's largest environmental movements. Held every year on April 22, Earth Day turns 50 this year. It was created by US politician Gaylord Nelson, aiming to give a voice to people who wanted environmental protection. 1 Back then, it helped to bring clean air and water laws to the US. Now a global movement, it's facing even bigger environmental threats.

2 One of these is The Ocean Cleanup based in the Netherlands. It has successfully made a device that can gather and collect waste from our oceans and rivers, a majority of which is plastic. For us, plastic is an item we use and then throw away. But if you throw away a plastic bottle today, it is non-biodegradable (不可生物降解的).It will still be around for hundreds of years. Much of this plastic waste ends up in the sea, where it kills more than 100 million sea creatures every year. 3

It is not just our oceans that are under threat. Over time, deforestation (滥伐森林)improper farming, and livestock grazing (放牧)can stop green areas from growing. 4 A Chinese non-governmental organizations (NGO) — The China Green Foundation — is working to change this by planting millions of trees. Another NGO that is making big changes is Welfare Togo. Togo is a developing country in Africa. It faces many environmental problems, including air and water pollution and desertification. To help, Welfare Togo opened 31 schools across the country that focus on teaching sustainable development. Its aim is using education to bring positive environmental changes to Togo.

5 However, through small everyday changes, such as recycling correctly, we can also bring about considerable changes to our natural world.

A.This is called desertification.

B.It aims to support environmental protection around the world.

C.His idea was so successful that more than 20 million people joined in Earth Day events.

D.However, because of high demand, we still make more than 300 tons of new plastic every year.

E.It challenges people to promote environmental education.

F.Not all of us can make such large contributions.

G.Fortunately, many NGOs are stepping up to promote positive changes.


The family had just moved to Rhode Island, and the young woman was feeling a little sad on that Sunday in May. After all, it was Mother's Day—and 800 miles separated her from her parents in Ohio.

She had called her mother that morning to wish her a happy Mother's Day, and her mother had mentioned how colorful the yard was now that spring had arrived. As they talked, the younger woman could almost smell the tantalizing aroma of purple lilacs (紫丁香) hanging on the big bush outside her parents' back door.

Later, when she mentioned to her husband how she missed those lilacs, he popped up from his chair. “I know where we can find you all you want,” he said. “Get the kids and come on.” So off they went, driving on the country roads of northern Rhode Island. Eventually, he stopped the car.

“Come with me,” he said. “Over that hill is an old cellar hole, and there are lilacs all around it. Go pick a few.”

There, on the top of the hill, were the towering lilacs bushes. While the man examined the cellar hole and tried to explain to the children what the house must have looked like, the woman had been cheered up, drifting among the lilacs. Carefully, she picked some out. She was in no hurry, admiring each blossom as a rare and delicate treasure.

Finally, though, they returned to their car for the trip home. When they were almost home, she suddenly shouted to her husband: “Stop the car. Stop right here!”

In a second, the woman was out of the car and hurrying up a nearby grassy slope with the lilacs still in her arms. At the top of the hill was a nursing home and, because it was such a beautiful spring day, the patients were outdoors, walking with relatives or sitting on the porch (走廊).






Paragraph 1: The young woman went to the end of the porch, where an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair, alone.


Paragraph 2: Curiosity was aroused among the kids and the husband.


【题目】Tips for Cycle Trips

Cycling has many advantages as a form of travel, as it is the fastest way to travel by human power, and slow enough to allow the type of local involvement that is impossible with powered travel. Cycle travel is a cheap form of transportation.


On level terrain(地形), without a headwind, a cyclist of average fitness on a touring bike can comfortably cover 60-120km a day. Distances of up to 250km a day are possible, but anything much beyond 120km will require considerable physical tension and not allow many stops to enjoy the places you visit. For many, 80-100km a day will be the most suitable distance to aim for, as it will give a sense of achievement and also leave plenty of time for meals and activities.


The gradient(坡度)of the trip will reduce your range. A basic rule is that for every 100 metres of altitude you climb, you should add an extra 15 minutes to your journey time. In hilly or mountainous areas, the easiest routes for cycling are downstream along major rivers, as overall they will be downhill. A long, roundabout route along a river will usually be easier than a short, direct route over a hill or mountain pass. However, it is worth bearing in mind that the most scenic routes often come from hilly terrain.


Food choice depends largely on where you are, so see the respective sections for more information about foods. As you will be working hard, it’s important to get enough energy in your food. On long trips away from major towns, there may be little quality food available, so be prepared to live on candy bars, prepared meat products and the like if the need arises.


While you can take a tent with you, many hotels and especially campsites can accommodate cyclists. However, there are also some hotels that may be less used to accommodating cyclists. If you are exploring an unfamiliar place, asking about the accommodation spares you the search for a new place to stay after a long exhausting day of travel.

1Which of the following distance does the author suggest to ordinary cyclists a day?



2What can we learn from the passage?

A.Cycling over a mountain is challenging but worthy.

B.Hotels seldom provide accommodation for cyclists.

C.High quality food is easy to get on long trips.

D.It takes cyclists 15 minutes to climb 10m of altitude.

3Where can we probably read this passage?

A.In a geography book.B.In a research report.

C.In a travel magazine.D.In a science fiction.

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