







Many people which smoke say that smoking helps them to think better. But I strongly against smoking. First, smoking is harmfully to one’s health. People who smoke may die of different illnesses and disease. Second, smoking polluted the air. People find them impossible to work well in a room full of smoke. Third, smoking wastes of much money. It’s said that millions of dollars are spent treating diseases causing by smoking. To sum up, smoking does more harm than good. However, students should not pick up a habit of smoking.




【3】harmfully 改为harmful



【6】them 改为it


【8】causing 改为caused





【1】Which改为who 考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是many people,这是一个指人的词,所以使用关系代词who引导这个定语从句并在句中做主语。

【2】I后加am 考查系表结构。单个形容词是不能充当谓语的,只有和系动词一起构成系表结构才可以充当位于部分。句意:我强烈反对抽烟。

【3】harmfully 改为harmful 考查形容词。形容词和系动词一起构成系表结构。本句中含有形容词短语be harmful to…对…有害。句意:首先吸烟有害健康。

【4】disease改为diseases 考查名词。句意:吸烟的人也许会死于生病或者疾病。名词disease疾病,是可数名词,与前面的illnesses一样,都应该使用复数形式。

【5】polluted改为pollutes 考查时态。全文都使用一般现在时 对目前的情况进行叙述,而这句的主语是somking,所以应该使用pollutes。

【6】them 改为it 本句中的it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不等式短语to work well in a room full of smoke。在英语中能够充当形式主语和形式宾语的只有it。

【7】去掉of 动词waste本身就可以在剧中充当谓语动词,且waste是一个及物动词,后面可以直接加宾语,介词of是多余的。

【8】causing 改为caused 考查过去分词短语充当定语。本句中名词diseases与动词cause之间构成被动关系,所以使用过去分词短语在句中充当定语修饰名词disease。

【9】However改为Therefore 考查连词。句意:总得说来,抽烟的坏处多过好处,因此学生不应该染上抽烟的习惯。

【10】a改为the 考查冠词。本句中名词habit的后面有介词短语of smoking修饰,说明表示特指,所以要把a改为the。


【题目】Census Bureau (人口普查局) data released Thursday show that 48 of the 50 most populous (人口稠密的) U.S. cities have grown since 2010, compared with only 40 of the top 50 in the first two years after the 2000 Census. Of the top 100, 93 have grown since 2010, compared with just 72 a decade ago.

Many of the biggest, such as New York, Houston, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego and Dallas, are outpacing the nation’s 1.7% growth rate since 2010.

“Urban America is recovering faster than more remote places,” said Robert Lang, a professor of urban affairs.

Only two big cities - Detroit and Cleveland - lost population between 2010 and 2012.

The urban recovery is led by mid-sized cities including Austin and Fort Worth and Charlotte. Austin grew 6.6% in two years, becoming the USA’s 11th-largest city. In 2000, it was No. 17.

Other trends:

New York City grew 2%, adding about 161,500 people since 2010. By far it is the USA’s most populous city.

The population of New Orleans continues to grow. In 2005 a terrible natural disaster happened to the city, causing the population to decrease. Now it has a population of three hundred and sixty-nine thousand. The number has grown by 7.4% since 2010.

Government budget crunches (紧缩) have put state capitals in difficulty. Half are behind the growth rate of their regions.

Perhaps the biggest exception to the capital crunch is Austin. It has grown more than 26% since 2000. Population expert William Frey says Austin enjoys a number of qualities that make it attractive. It’s a high-tech city with a state university. And it’s in Texas, an attractive place for newcomers. “In some ways it’s a model of what other cities would like to become,” he says.

Frey notes that Charlotte, which grew 5.4% since 2010 has grown into a high-tech and financial center whose industries do business not just with those in other U.S. cities but with the rest of the world.

【1】The statistics in Paragraph 1 suggest that _____.

A. there were fewer cities in the USA a decade ago

B. remote areas in the USA have more people now

C. the population in the USA has grown since 2010

D. many big cities in the USA face population problems

2William Frey thinks Austin’s growth _____.

A. is due to its education

B. is the steadiest in the USA

C. attracts well-educated people

D. deserves the attention of other cities

3According to the text, Charlotte _____.

A. is a political center

B. has grown slowly since 2010

C. is the USA’s 11th-largest city

D. does business at home and abroad


Four Ways to Be a Great Roommate

Having a roommate can be one of the best experiences in college or, easily, one of the worst 【1】 Follow these tips to avoid the common mistakes that turn good roommate relationships sour.

Talk things out.

Communication is key. If something happens, sit down with your roommate and have a face-to-face conversation. I've seen roommate relationships fall apart because something happens and ,instead of talking to each other, the two start complaining about their roommates behind their backs 2

Don't expect to be best friends.

Some roommates become the best of friends, and some don't. Don't put pressure on yourself or your roommate, especially when you first meet. 3 And if your roommate doesn't end up being your best friend, don't worry.

Ask before you take.

This applies to food, clothes and anything else. If you want to keep a relationship going, show your roommate that you have respect for what is his or hers by asking first. 4

Clean up after yourself.

This should do without saying. Don't be lazy. Or, at least, don't bury your roommate in your clothes and garbage. Most people I've come across in college are messy. 5 But being considerate with where you put your stuff will help you avoid conflict.

A. So you need to think twice before you help your roommates out.

B. This creates nothing but awkward. situations and unhappiness.

C. Even if you both agree to share you should still ask.

D. You don't have all the time to clean your room and keep it organized.

E. It all starts with you to have a good relationship with your roommate.

F. Sometime you get stuck with someone who has tons of negative energy.

G. Remember, you're trying to make a new friend, not to scare your roommate away.


Effective time management is the primary means to a less stressful life. High school, especially during your senior year, can be frustrating. This is the time of your life when you are preparing yourself for college and real world. 【1】

Plan each day.

Planning your day can help you accomplish more and feel more in control of your life. Write a to-do list, putting the most important task at the top. 2

Prioritize(按重要性排列) your weekly schedule as a student.

Prioritizing tasks will ensure that you spend your time and energy on those that are truly important to you. 3 Friends will want to hang out with you on the weekends, but they will understand if you explain to them that you need to study or catch up on college-related work.


Keep a diary of everything you do for free days to determine how you are spending your time. Look for time that can be used more wisely. For example, if you take a bus to school, you can use the time to catch up on reading. Thus, you can free up some time to exercise or spend with your family or friends.

Get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

5 It will help improve efficiency so that you can complete your work in less time.

A. A healthy lifestyle can improve your focus and concentration.

B. How do you manage your time doing all your activities without being overly stressed?

C. Take a break before you need one.

D. Any academic studies must come first, then extra curriculum activities, and then social life.

E. Evaluate how you’re spending your time.

F. You need to try every possible means to save time.

G. Every daily activity should be considered seriously.

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