

1It is hopeful that vaccine against COVID-19 will be easily________ _______(易获得的)the general public in the near future.

2___________ the _____________(相反),I don’t find him funny at all.

3There is a ceremony_________ ____________(为了纪念)of those killed in the explosion.

4________ ______________(除了……之外)being good exercise,swimming is also a very useful skill.

5I think you must be__________ me ____________(把……误当成……)someone else.

6Greatly_____________________my_____________________(令……庆幸),the car was not damaged and nobody was hurt.

7The committee_____________ _____________(由……组成)ten members from different fields.

8Yesterday,he__________down___________(患病) flu and was unable to go to work.

9_____________ ______________(毫无疑问)I fell for his stupid trick again.

10Smokers are well__________ ___________(意识到的)the dangers to their own health but they just can’t resist the temptation


1accessible to

2On contrary

3in hono(u)r/memory

4Apart/Aside from

5mistaking for

6to relief

7consists of

8came with

9No /Beyond doubt

10aware of



1考查固定短语。句意:希望在不久的将来,公众能够很容易获得新冠肺炎疫苗。sth be accessible to sb:(某物是)可以获得的,可用的,可接近的。故填(1). accessible (2). to

2考查固定短语。句意:相反,我一点都不觉得他很有趣。on the contrary:相反地。故填(1). On (2). contrary

3考查固定短语。句意:为了纪念在爆炸中丧生的人举行了一场仪式。in hono(u)r of / in memory of:为了纪念。故填(1). in (2). hono(u)r/memory

4考查固定短语。句意:游泳除了是很好的运动之外,也是一项非常有用的技能。apart/aside from:除了……之外。故填(1)Apart/Aside (2). from

5考查固定短语。句意:我想你一定是把我误当成别人了。mistake …for…:把……误当成……。you发出mistake的动作,因此使用mistake的现在分词构成谓语动词must be doing。故填(1). mistaking (2). for

6考查固定短语。句意:令我庆幸的是,汽车没有损坏,也没有人受伤。 to one’s relief:使某人感到轻松的是,令人宽慰的是,令人庆幸的是。故填(1).to (2). relief

7考查固定短语和时态。句意:委员会由十个来自不同领域的成员组成。consist of: 由……组成。由语境可知,本句的谓语动词应该使用一般现在时。主语是the committee,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填(1). consists (2). of

8考查固定短语和时态。句意:昨天,他得了流感,无法上班。come down with sth 感染上……。由本句的yesterday可知,谓语动词应该使用一般过去时。故填(1). came (2). with

9考查固定短语。句意:毫无疑问我又被他的愚蠢把戏骗了。no /beyond doubt:毫无疑问。故填(1). No /Beyond (2). doubt

10考查固定短语。句意:吸烟者意识到吸烟对其健康有危险,但他们无法抗拒诱惑。be aware of 意识到 ,察觉到。故填(1). aware (2). of

to + one’s +情感名词”是英语中一个十分有用的结构,主要表示某人由于某事的发生而唤起其内心的某种情感,通常译为“令某人……的是”,“使某人感到……的是”该结构主要适用于以下名词: admiration (羡慕),amazement (惊奇), amusement (娱乐), annoyance (烦恼),astonishment (惊奇), delight (欣喜),despair(绝望), disappointment(失望), embarrassment(难堪),happiness(幸福), horror (恐怖), joy (高兴), puzzlement (疑惑),regret (遗憾), relief (放心),satisfaction (满意),shame (羞愧),sorrow (悲伤), surprise (惊讶)等 小题6考查固定短语。句意:令我庆幸的是,汽车没有损坏,也没有人受伤。 to one’s relief:使某人感到轻松的是,令人宽慰的是,令人庆幸的是。故填(1).to (2). relief


【题目】 Many of us think, wrongly, that the moon doesn’t change. For example, the Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Ruoxu once wrote that “Generations have come and passed away; From year to year the moons took alike, old and new.”

However, a new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience shows that the moon is in fact slowly shrinking over time. For the study, a group of US scientists examined and analyzed thousands of photographs taken by the NASA orbiter Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (月球勘测轨道飞行器照相机) . They found that there were lots of faults (断层) on the surface of the moon. These faults were formed by recent movement on the moon.

According to NASA, the moon is made up of pieces of rocks with a hot core () .The moon continued to expand as it was born. But in this process, it released energy and cooled down. Then it began to shrink, in a way comparable to the shrinking of a grape into a raisin (葡萄干) . Over the past several hundred million years, it has become 46 meters “skinnier”. But due to its hard and rocky crust (外壳) . the moon’s surface continues to push up, “Some of these quakes can be fairly strong around five on the Richter scale (里氏震级 ) ,” said Thomas Watters, a senior scientist at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in the US.

But does that mean the moon is a dangerous place that human shouldn’t try to explore and live on in the future? Maybe not, reported the Telegraph, “This isn’t anything to worry about. The moon may be shrinking, but not by much. It’s not going anywhere,” Watters comforted us.

The new discovery proves that the idea that the moon is a dead, boring place is wrong. “We have been to the moon and we’ve done some great science, but there is still a lot we don’t know. The moon is shrinking — we didn’t really realize that until recently. It’s a much more active and interesting place than we thought and we should explore that,” NASA scientist Nathan Williams said.

1Which point of view about the moon may the writer agree to?

A.It stays the same as before.B.It is becoming lightly smaller.

C.It is getting older and older.D.It has passed away.

2What can we learn about the moon from the third paragraph?

A.It has become 46 meters fatter due to expanding.

B.It has changed from a grape into a raisin in recent years.

C.It quakes even at seven on the Richter scale.

D.It has a hot core and releases energy during expanding.

3Who thinks that we needn’t worry about the moon?

A.Zhang Ruoxu.B.Thomas Watters.

C.Nathan Williams.D.The journalist.

4What does Nathan Williams think of the moon?

A.It is a dead and boring place.B.It has lots of faults on the surface.

C.It is valuable to do more science.D.It isn’t a place where we can live.

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