




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Tom is music lover. He knows beats (音乐节拍) quite good. Now, the teenager is used his talent to become a DJ—a person which mixes different music during shows. He often gives shows around his hometown. At shows, Tom had to deal with difficult people. Once, a couple invited him to be the DJ at our party. The husband wanted country music, so his wife asked for pop music. To make them all happy, Tom played music in both styles. After playing at different parties and shows, Tom has become more confident and better at meet people’s needs. Moreover, he has made of enough money to buy set of DJ equipment so he can practice at home.

【答案】第一处: music前加a

第二处: good→well


第四处: which→that/who

第五处: hadhas

第六处: ourtheir

第七处: so→but/while

第八处: allboth

第九处: meetmeeting






第三处:考查时态语态。句意:现在,这个年轻人正在利用他的天赋成为一名DJ,在演出中将不同的音乐混合在一起。the teenager use之间是主动关系,is表明用的是现在进行时,此处用现在分词,故used改为using

第四处:考查定语从句。句意同上,此处为定语从句,关系词指代先行词a person并在从句中作主语,故which改为that/who








【题目】 My mom was a beauty who seldom spent time and money on her physical appearance—especially in terms of fancy clothes or hairstyles. She just kept beautiful in her way rest, water, exercise, vegetables and laughter.

My mom would tell me her father had her run his little corner store from the age of ten. She saw poor people come in, looking for food and making hard choices, like meat or cheese. She took their coins with an eye on the bottom line. It was up to her to ensure the register balanced at the end of the day. So from a young age, my mom had her mind conditioned about money.

However, my mom had one weakness diamonds. In 1958, my teenage dad gave her a diamond chip as an engagement(订婚)ring, which she proudly wore until she saved enough for an “upgrade". By then, she was in her thirties. Over the years, my mom also acquired other diamond pieces like earrings. Mom wore them proudly and she simply loved the way her diamonds sparkled(闪耀).

On my parents' 50th wedding anniversary, I treated them to dinner at a restaurant. It made her happy, but Mom had her eye on a big diamond to mark the occasion. My dad found her a six-carat(克拉)one. Mom said each carat represented a decade that she loved my dad, plus one to grow on. For the next six years, she never took it off her finger.

Knowing how my mom loved that diamond made it more special when she left it to me. After wearing it on my hand for a year, I decided to set it into a necklace where it'd be closer to my heart. It reminds me of my mom every day, no matter what I'm doing, and it speaks to me in unique ways.

1What can we know about Mom?

A.She spent much on her makeup.B.She was a vain beautiful woman.

C.She kept beautiful in a natural way.D.She was proud of her appearance.

2What made Mom careful about spending money?

A.The words of neighbors.

B.Her life in a poor family.

C.The choice of the poor people.

D.Her experience in her father's store.

3Mom most probably thinks of the diamonds as a sign of_____ .


4What is the best title for the text?

A.Mother's Love for DiamondsB.Love Between Mother and Daughter

C.Memories of Beautiful DiamondsD.Strong Love for a Determined Mother


School mornings were always busy. The first sentence I usually heard was. 'It's time to rise! ' It was Mom's loudest voices, and there was no way I could pretend not to hear it or hide from it.

By then. I couldn’t get to the kitchen fast enough. In fact, it was a race between my sister, my brother, and me. We usually seated ourselves at the same time, sometimes knocking each other out of our places. After breakfast, we all rushed out to the bus stop as we took our lunch bags that contained a sandwich, fruit, and dessert.

Then, one day, much to my surprise, there was no dessert in my lunch! What could have happened to it? Did Mom forget to make or buy it? Oh, well, I thought. It's only one time, so it’s no big deal. But, for the next few days, my lunch contained no dessert! So one day, after school, as soon as I got home, I asked, 'Mom! Why haven't you been putting a dessert in my school lunch? '

Mom answered, 'Why, Eugene, I have been including a dessert in your lunch. If you're not getting them, then who is? '

So then we thought of my activities, and what I did with my lunch each day. As soon as I arrived at school, I always put my lunch in the classroom closet(储物间) along with all of the other lunches. And that brought us to Carl-the bad boy of the third - grade classroom. The teacher didn't like him in class and would send him to the closet, where he would spend most of each day.

Carl lived in a group foster home(集体寄养之家). He was loud and somewhat of a thief, he would take just about anything that wasn't fastened down(盖紧), so he wasn’t welcome at school. Mom and I decided that with nothing else to do Carl was probably going through the lunches and eating what he liked.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为100字左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好。

Paragraph 1 :

My mother and I talked about ways to solve this problem.


Paragraph 2 :

Another day, Carl asked me if he could come to my house and meet my mother.


【题目】 A team of over 30 Chinese surveyors left the base camp at Mount Qomolangma for a higher spot on its journey to the peak on Wednesday as part of the country’s mission to remeasure the height of the world’s highest mountain.

The remeasurement of the peak’s height is a part of China’s latest large-scale scientific survey of Qomolangma. Preparation of the project was started in early March, with 53 surveyors from the First Geodetic Surveying Brigade (大地测量旅) getting stationed near Qomolangma to carry out adaptive climbing and training in other technical skills, and they are going to the survey on the top of the mountain.

To ensure the accuracy of the measurement, and to work it in a more scientific way, experts from the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, the Shaanxi Bureau of Surveying, and the China Geological Survey were invited to assist in the technical design and planning of the project from the beginning.

The technical innovation and breakthrough applied in the latest survey include the application of the BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System and advanced domestic surveying and mapping instruments.

The Chinese government has conducted six large-scale surveys and measurements on Qomolangma in the past few decades; it had successfully measured and announced the height the mountain in 1975 and 2005. Chinese mountaineers and researchers climbed Mount Qomolangma in 1975 to determine its height and concluded that the rock height of the peak was about 8,848.13 meters, and in 2005, the summit measured 8,844.43 meters (29,017 feet).

1Where does the text come from?

A.A story book.B.A science fiction.

C.A news report.D.A travel guidebook.

2What ensures the accuracy of the measurement according to Paragraph 3?

A.Inviting many experts to support.

B.Applying adaptive climbing skills.

C.Planning the project in early March.

D.Using the most advanced mapping instruments.

3Which of the following about the survey is true?

A.83 surveyors worked for the remeasurement.

B.This is the 7th large-scale survey of Qomolangma.

C.30 Surveyors were stationed near Qomolangma.

D.The height of Qomolangma must be shorter than before.

4What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.The ways of remeasuring Qomolangma.

B.The results of measuring Qomolangma.

C.The technologies applied in remeasuring.

D.China’s remeasurement of Qomolangma.

【题目】 Food companies engineer junk food to make it addictive. They label their products to make them seem much healthier than they are. Their advertisements target children. All of this is according to a news report read recently by students in a Texas middle school. They were taking part in an experiment run by the University of Chicago and the University of Texas. “I don't understand how this is even legal, ” said a girl who took part in the study.

Researchers had students learn about food-industry advertising strategies. They wanted to know if learning about them would change how kids feel about junk food. All over the world, kids are eating more foods that are high in salt, sugar, and fat. That is partly the result of clever ads that make junk food irresistible. Christopher J. Bryan led the study. He says that when kids question the motives behind junk food ads, they feel like they're fighting injustice. The reward is knowing they are doing the right thing.

Junk food has been linked to health problems such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetesBut in 2018food companies spent nearly $9 billion TV ads selling unhealthy fare. Companies use varying strategies. An ad with cartoon characters may make chips seen fun to eat. A professional athlete enjoying a sugary drink may make it look cool. Advertisers know that if kids want a product, they'll annoy their parents to buy it. Even parents don't notice the power of ads. By the time they are adults they have been used to junk-food advertising. They just don't see it.

In the Texas study, Bryan had students view ads on iPad. Their job was to write or draw on the screen, to make each ad's message true. For example, a McDonald's ad showed a Big Mac (巨无霸) and the words “The thing you want when you order salad. ” To the end of the sentence, a student added “should be salad”.

Three months after analyzing ads, students were still choosing healthier snacks: milk instead of sugary juices, fruit over cookies. Kids are becoming conscious of themselves as agents in the world. They see a chance to make the world a better place.

1What is the purpose of the experiment?

A.To survey what snacks children like best.B.To guide children against unhealthy food.

C.To find ways to make junk food healthy.D.To teach children how to pick out legal food.

2How do children feel about junk food advertisements after the experiment?



3Why are parents unaware of the harm of junk food advertisements?

A.Parents have never seen such junk food advertisements.

B.Advertisements have blinded them since they were young.

C.The food industry has special advertising strategies for parents.

D.Parents have to agree with their children about the junk food.

4How did students conduct the experiment?

A.By correcting unreal advertisements.B.By offering suggestions to food industry.

C.By making up their own advertisements.D.By studying food industry advertising strategies.

【题目】 A trip to the theater, museum or art gallery could help you live longer. And the more often you get that culture fix the better, a new study suggests.

Researchers from University College London (UCL) found that people who engaged in the arts more frequently—every few months or more—had a 31% lower risk of dying early when compared to those who didn’t. Even going to the theater or museum once or twice a year was linked with a 14% lower risk.

“While other health behaviors like smoking, alcohol and exercise are undoubtedly bigger predictors of death rate, these leisure and pleasure activities that people don’t think as a health related activity do support good health and longevity.” said Daisy Fancourt, an associate professor at UCL’s Research Department of Behavioural Science and Health.

The study looked at a range of economic, health and social factors to try and explain why there is a link between “arts engagement” and living longer, although as an observational study it can’t establish cause. Part of the reason, the study said, comes down to social and economic differences among those who go and don’t go to museums, exhibitions and art galleries.

Wealth, they found, explained about 9% of the association. Cognitive differences, social and civic engagement, mental health, mobility and deprivation also played a role. Things like free time and occupational status made no material difference.

The study says that engaging with the arts can reduce stress and build creativity that allows people to adapt to changing circumstances. It also helps people build social capital—accessing emotional support and information that helps people age more successfully.

Everyone should have the chance to take part in cultural activities and the study added weight to growing concerns about the decline in arts subjects in schools and universities.

1What are the statistics in Paragraph 2 about?

A.Connection with art.

B.Risk of dying early.

C.Chances of healthy living.

D.Frequency of art engagement.

2What does Fancourt think of going to the concert?

A.It contributes to living healthier and longer.

B.It can improve peopled cultural awareness.

C.It is a good behavior like smoking or exercise.

D.It offers people opportunities to become artists.

3What can we infer from the text?

A.People who have more free time enjoy visiting museums.

B.Social status plays an important role in leading a happy life.

C.Everyone taking part in art related activities can live longer.

D.There should be more arts subjects in schools and universities.

4Why did the researchers carry out the study?

A.To find the cause of building creativity.

B.To promote the mental health of the old.

C.To analyze the link between arts and life.

D.To influence the social behavior of people.

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