
7.To many Singaporeans,Mr.Lee Kong Chian is a familiar name.Popularly known as the"Rubber and Pineapple King",he was a person who had donated generously to the society by pouring his wealth into charity work.Knowing (33)what education means to a person,he devoted a lot of energy and money to (34)building(build) schools.He was particularly concerned with the less fortunate as he could relate himself to them.
Although Lee's father knew Lee (35)must receive education,his father wasn't able to afford to send him to school.However,his father's friends helped him pay for his education.Having left school as an honour student,he went to work in the field of rubber and pineapple (36)where he set up his own business later.Thanks to the golden timing then,he had hardly got familiar with the dealings in the field (37)when he enjoyed great success.His wealth rose rapidly and before long he became a millionaire.
(38)However wealthy he was,he never forgot his humble beginnings and was always ready (39)to help(help).Since 1952till today,the Lee Foundation which he founded (40)has donated(donate) three hundred million dollars to various causes with no conditions attached.His generosity has provided relief to the poor of all races.

分析 本文主要介绍了有着"橡胶大王"之称的华人李光前先生致力于慈善事业的情况;因为知道教育对于一个人来说意味什么,所以他将大量的精力与金钱放在了创建学校上;在李光前先生小的时候,由于家里无力供他上学,他是在父亲朋友的帮助下才得以完成学业的,因此他尤其的关心那些不幸的人们;李光前先生在橡胶领域获得了巨大的成功之后,他从未忘记过他卑微的出身,总是想着去帮助别人;自1952至今,他创办的李氏基金会已无任何附加条件地向各项事业捐赠了三亿美元,他的慷慨解囊为所有种族的穷人提供了救助.

解答 答案:
33.what   考查特殊疑问词    本句的意思是:由于知道教育对于一个人来说意味什么,所以他将大量的精力与金钱放在了创建学校上;故填what
34.building   考查动名词    由于短语devote…to…中的to为介词;故此处应使用动名词building
35.must  考查情态动词       本句的意思是:虽然李的父亲知道李必须接受教育,但他的父亲却没能力供他上学;故填must
36.where  考查关系副词     根据句意"作为一名优等生离开学校后,他从事了橡胶和凤梨领域的工作,后来,他在该领域里开创了自己的事业"可知,本句是定语从句;由于先行词 field 在该从句中作地点状语;故填where
37.when    考查固定结构   本句符合"sb.+had+hardly/scarcely/barely+动词的过去分词+…+when引导的从句"这一结构;意为:由于当时的黄金时代,在他几乎还不熟悉该领域的交易情况时,他获得了巨大的成功;此处when意为:这时,突然;故填when
38.However   考查连接副词    本句的意思:不管他多么地富有,他从未忘记过他卑微的出身,并且总是乐于助人;连接副词However 意为"不管怎样";故填However
39.to help    考查固定短语   固定短语"be ready to"意为:乐意做某事;故填to help    
40.has donated  考查时态    本句的意思是:自1952至今,他创办的李基金会已经无任何附加条件地向各项事业捐赠了三亿美元;根据句中的时间状语"Since 1952till today"可知,此处应使用现在完成时;故填has donated

点评 本题主要考查了各种语法在短文中的具体运用.做本题时,需要在正确理解短文的前提下,逐句分析句意以及所考查到的语法现象;因此在平时的学习中,应熟练掌握各种语法知识,其中包括词法,句法,各种时态语态以及虚拟语气等.

19.Texas parks will celebrate National Fishing Week by offering a day of license----free fishing in public waters on June 3.Besides,youth fishing activities are scheduled across the state June 3-11.
l  Cedar Hill State Park (Dallas County):Wal-Mart Kids All-American Fishing Derby,June 3.10 am to 2 pm.Kids can test their fishing skills; prizes are offered.972-291-3800,ext.232.
l  Texas Freshwater Fisheries Centre (Henderson County ):National Fishing Day,June 3,9 am to 4 pm.Children 12 and younger will be admitted free for fishing,contests,games and prizes.903-676-2278.
l  Caddo Lake State Park & Wildlife Management Area (Harrison County):Wal-Mart-Kids All-American Fishing Derby,June 11,9 am to 3 pm 903-679-3351.
       CONTACT:1-800-792-I112; www.takemefishing.org and www.tpwd.state.tx.us.
Alligators (短吻鳄) can be found in the wild in nearly half the counties in Texas,especially in the eastern part of the state,so residents and visitors may need a safety course about alligators.Although no deaths attributable to alligator attacks have been recorded in Texas during the past 15 years,17 people have reported injuries.It's against law to feed a free-ranging alligator,because after an alligator realizes that people are a source of food,it will become a problem animal.The alligator is a protected game animal in Texas,so special permits are required to hunt,raise or possess alligators.
l  Stay at least 30 feet away from an alligator.
l  Never Feed an alligator or leave food accessible.
l  Don't approach them or swim in areas where alligators have been seen.
l  During warm months,alligators are most active at dawn and dusk.
l  Alligators are common in swamps,rivers and muddy places.While typically found in fresh water,they can endure salty water.
SOURCE:Texas Parks & Wildlife; www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature
70.In this passage,the writer has mainly talked aboutD.
A.kids'shopping and fishing activities in Wal-Mart
B.most people's preference for fishing and alligators                    
C.fishing activities and alligator hunting in public waters
D.the celebration of National Fishing Week in Texas parks
71.If a child wants to know how good his fishing skill is,it's better for him to visitA.
A.Cedar Hill State Park in Dallas County
B.Texas State Parks & Wildlife Protection Centre
D.Caddo Lake State Park & Wildlife Management Area
C.Texas Freshwater Fisheries Centre in Henderson County
72.What can be learned about alligators from this passage?D
A.Alligators are rare animals protected by law.
B.Alligators are most active in all places and climates.
C.There have been some victims of alligators in the past decade.
D.Hunting alligators are not allowed unless you've got permission
73.The underlined word"swamps"can most probably be replaced byB.
A.streams      B.wet lands              C.deserts           D.dry lands.
2.Have you heard of a student awarded naster's dgree?Of curs.But the following student
Is quite different.Because she is(61)bothblind and dead.She is(62)acombination of disabilities that is one of the mot severe known to mankind.Mrs Michelle Smithdas (63)enjoyed(enjoy) a special success when she was awarded a masters degree at teachers'College,New York,in the spring of 2005.
    She did it with a lot of help from a lot of friends and (64)volunteers(volunteer).Michelle,who received her degree in education of blind and visually impaired (受损的)learners,(65)is believed(believe)to be the first to gain a graduate degree from a top,famous university.She is an instructor at the Helen Keller National Centre in Sands Poit,New York,(66)whereshe teaches Braille,vocabulary,sign language and (67)othercommunicatio skills to those who are deaf-blind like her.For five years,she was driven to and from New York City for her classes by Mrs Linda Stillman,who also served (68)asher interpreter.During classes,Mrs Stillman would sit next ot Michelle and hold her hand,using the manual alphabet (also known as finger-spelling) to communicate.Michelle also participated fully in class,going on al field trips and (69)asking(ask) questions in class.Outside class,many of her friends and helpers helped her read text books and write research papers.
According to one professor at Teachers'College,Michelle was(70)notonly a fine student but also an inspriration to us all.
5.One night I decided to spend some time building a happier and closer relationship with my daughter.For several weeks she (25)had been asking (ask) me to play chess with her,I suggested a game and she eagerly accepted.It was a school night,however,and at nine o'clock my daughter asked if I (26)could hurry my moves,because she needed to go to bed; she had to get up at six in the morning.I knew she had strict sleeping habits,(27)but I thought she ought to be able to give up some of this strictness.I said to her,"Come on,you can stay up late for once.We're having fun."We played on for (28)another fifteen minutes,during which time she looked anxious.Finally she said,"Please,Daddy,do it quickly.""No,"I replied."(29)If you want to play it well,you're going to play it slowly."And so we continued until suddenly my daughter burst into tears,and admitted (30)being beaten (beat).
Clearly I had made a mistake.I had started the evening wanting to have a happy time with my daughter but had allowed my desire to win to become more important than my relationship with my daughter.When I was a child,my desire (31)to win(win) served me well.As a parent,I realized that it got in my way.So I had to change.

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