
12.The illness of her son is so _______that she cannot go to sleep at night.(  )

分析 她儿子的病令她如此的担忧以至于她夜不能寐.

解答 答案:B.A.satisfying 令人满意的; B.worrying令人担忧的; C.surprising令人惊讶的; D.puzzling令人困惑的.结合句意"她儿子的病令她如此的担忧以至于她夜不能寐."可知,worrying符合语境,故选B.

点评 本题考查形容词词义辨析.词汇辨析题首先要掌握各个选项的词义、固定搭配、用法,然后再根据句意,结合语境,选出正确答案.

4.The world shares him and London claims him,but Stratford-on-Avon intends to spend 2016 celebrating Shakespeare as their man:the bard(诗人)of Avon,who was born there in 1564,and died there 400years ago.
Stratford remained hugely important throughout Shakespeare's life,argues Paul Edmondson,the head of learning and research at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
"People have seen Shakespeare as a Dick Whittington figure,who turns his back on Stratford and his family,goes to London to earn his fortune and only comes back to die,"
he said."But Stratford is where he bought land and property,where he kept his library,
where he lived and read and thought.We are going to spend the year re-emphasizing the importance of Shakespeare,the man of Stratford."
The anniversary of the death of the most famous and the most performed playwright in the world will be marked across Britain and the globe.Macbeth is about to open in Singapore,Romeo and Juliet in Brussels.Shakespeare's Globe is completing the first world tour,in which it has taken Hamlet to almost every country.North Korea is still holding out,though.
The Globe director recently jokily claimed Shakespeare as a true Londoner.Stratford,
however,will be insisting that the town made and educated Shakespeare."His old school
room in Stratford-on-Avon where Shakespeare learned‘small Latin and less Greek'-as kindly laughed at by his friend Ben Jonson-will open its doors,scarred by centuries of naughty schoolboys,to mark 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death,"said Paul Edmondson.
Shakespeare bought the splendid New Place,the second best house in the town,when he had made his fortune on the London stage."You don't buy a house like New Place and not live there,"Paul said.He believes that after Shakespeare bought it,all his thinking time was spent there,and that the late plays,including The Tempest,were at least planned in his library and probably written there.

28.What made people regard Shakespeare as a Dick Whittington figure?A
A.His life experiences.
B.His achievements in literature.
C.His popularity in London.
D.His contributions to Stratford.
29.Where is the play Hamlet resisted?C
A.In Brussels.
B.In Singapore.
C.In North Korea.
D.In London.
30.What can we know about New Place?D
A.The Tempest was totally finished there.
B.Shakespeare learned Latin and Greek there.
C.It was completely destroyed by naughty schoolboys.
D.Shakespeare probably spent his last few years there.
31.What can be a suitable title for the text?B
A.Bard of London       
B.Man of Stratford
C.Life of Shakespeare  
D.Plays of Shakespeare.
17.The story of Juno and Lucas is one of the mos t touching stories about the amazing relationship between humans and their companion animals.
Juno is a Belgian Malinois(比利时马犬).The dog was beautiful but was given up by its owners,as they did not want to take on the responsibility.
Lucas,a little boy,had a strange illness,a condition that stops the body's ability to process enzymes(酶).As his life continues,he will lose the ability to speak and his physical and mental abilities will degrade till he is left in a vegetative(植物人的)state.The average life expectancy for the patients is 15 years.
Chester,the boy's father,wanted his child to enjoy his life on earth as much as possible and looked into getting a service dog for the child.However,Lucas wasn't a good candidate due to his deteriorating(恶化的)abilities,not to mention the $15,000 cost of the animal.
Not terrified by all of this,Chester looked into adopting a dog for his son.He found Juno on a website and drove two hours to meet her.Chester had worked with the breed(品种) in the police force and was familiar with how to train them.He put in patience and hard work,and trained Juno while allowing her to become accustomed to Lucas.Now,not only will Juno not leave Lucas'side,she is also helping with his illness.Chester said,"She has the ability to notice his neurological changes.Now she reminds us when Lucas is about to have a seizure(疾病发作) or if his oxygen levels drop really low.She has saved him several times."
Companion animals are beautiful things and they establish a bond that can't be described without experiences.I know that I held my adopted dog a little closer after hearing this story.There are a lot of dogs out there that need good homes and that won't be as lucky as Juno.So,if you think you're prepared,you should consider giving one a nice home.
24.Chester wanted to find a service dog toC.
A.protect Lucas from being injured      
B.help the boy recover from the disease
C.accompany Lucas to enjoy his time left 
D.show their love for the beautiful dog
25.Chester got the dog Juno byD.
A.asking for help from the police force   
B.donating a lot of money
C.picking it up near the house          
D.searching on the Internet
26.Which of the following statements is NOT true?D
A.The author has also adopted a dog and loves it.
B.Juno has gained some skills accompanying Lucas.
C.Chester was very satisfied with Juno's performances.
D.Lucas recovered from the disease accompanied by Juno.
27.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?B
A.Unlucky boy,lucky dog        
B.A love for a dog,a companion for a boy
C.A faithful friend-Juno         
D.Love me,love my dog.
7.To many Singaporeans,Mr.Lee Kong Chian is a familiar name.Popularly known as the"Rubber and Pineapple King",he was a person who had donated generously to the society by pouring his wealth into charity work.Knowing (33)what education means to a person,he devoted a lot of energy and money to (34)building(build) schools.He was particularly concerned with the less fortunate as he could relate himself to them.
Although Lee's father knew Lee (35)must receive education,his father wasn't able to afford to send him to school.However,his father's friends helped him pay for his education.Having left school as an honour student,he went to work in the field of rubber and pineapple (36)where he set up his own business later.Thanks to the golden timing then,he had hardly got familiar with the dealings in the field (37)when he enjoyed great success.His wealth rose rapidly and before long he became a millionaire.
(38)However wealthy he was,he never forgot his humble beginnings and was always ready (39)to help(help).Since 1952till today,the Lee Foundation which he founded (40)has donated(donate) three hundred million dollars to various causes with no conditions attached.His generosity has provided relief to the poor of all races.
3.Founded by Louis Cartier in Paris France in 1847,Cartier is well known in the fashion world.It is recognized as (32)one of the world's most distinguished luxury brands.Most early years of Cartier (33)were devoted(devote) to serving royal families and celebrities.King Edward VII of England referred to Cartier as"the jeweller of kings and the king of jewellers."The company remained under family control (34)until 1964when an investment group bought the business.
Many of Cartier's famous products were produced (35)by chance.In 1904,the Brazilian pioneer pilot,Alberto Santos-Dumont complained to Louis Cartier about the unreliability and impracticality of using pocket watches (36)while flying.In result,Cartier designed a flat wristwatch named"Santos".(37)As soon as it was available on the market,the watch was loved by not only Alberto Santos-Dumont but also other customers.It wasn't long (38)before the Santos watch became the most popular men's wristwatch then.
In 1907,Cartier began to work with a businessman named Edmond Jaeger,(39)whoagreed to exclusively supply the movements for Cartier watches.By that time,Cartier (40)had established(establish) branches in many cities.It was these earliest shops that witnessed Cartier's amazing development into today's leading jewelry and watch brand.
10.George Dawson was born in the state of Texas.He was the grandson of slaves.He began working on the family farm when he was four.When he was twelve,he worked (25)on a nearby farm to help feed his parents and four younger brothers and sisters.For the next eighty-five years,he held a number of different jobs,most of them involving hard labor.
George Dawson lived a happy life(26)even though/if conditions were difficult.When he was ten years old,he saw a young African-American man (27)murdered (murder).He would have told people about it,but he said his (28)biggest(big) problem was his inability to read and write.
George Dawson kept it a secret that he could not read.But he said he always dreamed that he would learn.Although he had no education,he taught his children (29)to work (work) hard in school.
George Dawson's life changed in 1996.A man came to his house in Texas,and told him that adult education classes were being taught at a nearby school.So the man who (30)had signed (sign) his name with an"X"for almost one-hundred years went to school.
People wondered (31)why Mr.Dawson did not go to school earlier.He said he never had the time because of his farm work.And he never knew about adult education programs.
George Dawson did all he (32)could to learn to read,which influenced students of all ages.He spoke to young people about the importance of learning to read and write.

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