
8.Nowadays with the development of science,more and more new technology       to the fields of IT.(  )
A.has introducedB.was introduced
C.will introduceD.is being introduced

分析 随着科学技术的发展,越来越多的新技术正在被引进到IT行业.

解答 答案:D.
根据前面的时间状语Nowadays可知,句子表达的是现在或将来的事情,可排除B项,因为new technology和introduce之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,需要用被动结构,所以可排除A和C;故选D.

点评 本题考查现在进行时,要掌握不同时态的区别和用法.尤其要掌握句子的语态.

18.When I was eight,I saw a movie about an island that had an erupting volcano and jungles filled with wild animals.The island was ruled by a beautiful woman called Tondalaya,the Fire Goddess of the Volcano.It was a low budget movie,but to me,it represented the perfect life.But through the years,Tondalaya was forgotten.
The week I turned 50,my marriage came to a sudden end.My house,furniture and everything I'd owned was sold to pay debts that I didn't even know existed.In a week I had lost my husband,my home and my parents who had refused to accept a divorce in the family.
I'd lost everything except my four teenage children.I used every penny I had to buy five plane tickets from Missouri to Hawaii.Everyone said I was crazy to think I could just run off to an island and survive.I was afraid they were right.
I worked 18hours a day and lost 30pounds because I lived on one meal a day.One night as I walked alone on the beach,I saw the red orange lava(火山岩) pouring out of Kilauea Volcano in the distance.It was time to live my imagination!
The next day,I quit my job,bought some art supplies and began doing what I loved.I hadn't painted a picture in 15years.I wondered if 1could Still paint.My hands trembled the first time I picked up a brush.But before an hour had passed,I was lost in the colors spreading across the canvas(画布) in front of me.And as soon as I started believing in myself,other people started believing in me,too.The first painting sold for﹩1500.
The past six years have been filled with adventures.My children and I have gone swimming with dolphins,watched whales and hiked around the crater rim (火山口边缘) of the volcano.We wake up every morning with the ocean in front of us and the volcano behind us.
The dream I had more than 40years ago is now reality.I'm living freely and happily ever after.

56.Why did the writer go to Hawaii?A
A.To make a living.
B.To spend her holiday.
C.To free herself from trouble.
D.To realize her childhood dream.
57.Which of the following is the writer's dream?B
A.Get close to wildlife.
B.Live a free and happy life.
C.Live in nature with animals.
D.Become a successful painter.
58.We can infer from the passage thatD.
A.the writer had never done painting before
B.the writer's parents encouraged her to divorce
C.the writer's husband took away most of her money
D.the writer wasn't sure whether she could survive in Hawaii at first.
13.My mum was young when she fell pregnant with me.After I was born it was decided that my father's relatives would(36)Dme in Manchester.No one spoke about Mum.Eventually,I was shown letters from Mum,(37)Bthat she was a drug addict.
All this was running through my head as I arrived in Glasgow on 27 December last year.My sister Leanne,from my mother's side,had(38)Bme down on Facebook,and we had been(39)Cfor a while,but had met only once or twice.Leanne had been brought up by our mother's parents,and had some(4)0Awith Mum throughout her life.She was now living in Canada,but returning for Christmas and(41)Dto see all the family together.A big party had been arranged to welcome her back,and everyone would be there,including our(42)C.
In a very short time my sister and I hatched a(43)B.I'd meet my sister as she arrived at Manchester airport,then we'd drive up to Glasgow(44)C.Keeping it a surprise gave us a rush.After about a four-hour drive,we were there.I'd(45)Dcalled someone"Mum"before.But there she was.
We embraced (拥抱) and were soon(46)B.We could hardly get the words out fast enough.Seeing someone so alike looking back at me was the strangest but most(47)Cexperience.Though a lifetime may have(48)Aus,this woman at a party in Glasgow was my mum.She(49)Cat me for a second,before giving me a tight hug.All she could say was that she never thought we'd(50)Dagain.
She'd been(53)Aof drugs for five years.She told me how she now works for a charity that helps young people(52)Bthe same problems she had.We now talk regularly,and I feel(53)Cshe's my mother.That's something I couldn't have even(54)Awhen the door opened to her at that Christmas party.Life may be short,but it's always(55)Denough to reconcile (和好).
44.A.in advanceB.in turnC.in secretD.in time
46.A.looking awayB.chatting awayC.turning upD.picking up
47.A.disturbingB.annoyi ngC.comfortingD.frightening
20.The Hollywood film,"The Martian",opens to U.S.audiences on October 2.Actor Matt Damon stars as an astronaut left alone on Mars.His crew returned to Earth thinking he had died in a windstorm.Damon's character,Mark Watney,must survive with few supplies and somehow get a message to Earth that he is alive.
The plan to release the movie this week was some lucky timing.On Monday,the U.S.space agency NASA announced it had found strong evidence of liquid water on Mars.That again raised the possibility that,with liquid water,there could be life.
NASA also took a part in the development of"The Martian".Director Ridley Scott and Matt Damon reached out to agency officials for help to make the story as scientific as possible.
So how scientifically accurate is"The Martian"?Jeffrey Luger of Time magazine tried to answer that question.He pointed out two of the biggest falsehoods of the film.The first,Mr.Luger writes,is central to the story:a powerful,dangerous windstorm that forces the space crew to leave the planet.The very low density atmosphere of Mars,Mr.Luger argues,could not create a storm like that.Mr.Luger also has trouble with the lack of danger from radiation on Mars.He notes that the six-month trip to Mars alone would expose the astronaut to 15times more radiation than is permitted for nuclear energy workers in a year.
But Popular Science reported much realism in the details.Science writer Sarah Fecht points to Astronaut Watney's struggle to work in astronaut clothing,especially the gloves.And,an expert she spoke with said the stiff gloves are a real problem.They are very difficult to bend.
"The Martian"is receiving excellent reviews from top critics.Anne Hornaday calls it a"spirited example of how cool science can be".Mike D'Angelo describes"The Martian"as a"celebration of our ability to solve even the most difficult problems".

32.In"The Martian",Mark WatneyB.
A.had no food to eat
B.was left alone on Mars
C.had to stay on Mars for good
D.couldn't send a message to earth
33.From the passage,we know that NASAC.
A.has already found life on mars
B.has a plan to send human beings to the Mars
C.played a role in producing"The Martian"
D.thought"The Martian"is scientifically inaccurate
34.According to Jeffrey Luger,which of the following is a falsehood of"The Martian"?D
A.Watney's struggle to work in astronaut clothing is untrue.
B.The space crew had to leave Mars because of lack of oxygen.
C.The low density atmosphere of Mars produced a smaller storm.
D.Radiation on Mars seemed to have little effect on Watney's health.
35.We can infer from the passage thatA.
A."The Martian"is a science-fiction film
B."The Martian"is a film about colorful life on Mars
C."The Martian"is likely to win an Oscar Award
D. NASA uses"The Martian"to help people understand Mars.
13.A young ensign (海军少尉) was given the opportunity to prepare his ship to"set sail".Soon the ship was driven slowly out of the channel.The ensign's efficiency was remarkable.In fact,the talk was that he had set a new record for getting the ship underway.Later he was handed a radio message from the captain.
"My personal congratulations on completing the sail with amazing speed,"it read,"but next time wait until your captain goes aboard before getting underway!"
   What good is a ship without the captain?The ensign did all the right things,but he never did the most important thing!
   It is a matter of priorities (优先).You may accomplish a great deal every day.But are you accomplishing the truly important things?Have you put first things first?
   In work and study,in the areas of mental,physical and spiritual health,are you truly doing the important things?
   Today,will you put first things first?And how about tomorrow?And the next day?If so,you will one day discover that you are building a life that counts.
以 Put first things first为题,写一篇读后感.

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