
   As consumers,we all want low prices,but how can big retailers(零售商) afford to make their prices so attractive? What they do not do is 1 their own profits to reduce prices. They pass those “low prices” along the supply chain to the 2 , who are forced to 3 with each other globally to be the cheapest. The producers then have to pass on the cost of 4 production to their workers. That is to say,they can only 5 these workers — some of them are the poorest in the world — minimum salaries or less.

   That's why FAIRTRADE,a social movement has appeared. David Simpson,one of the staff 6 ,aWe first visit existing producers to take a close look at their products and their business strengths and weaknesses. 7 everything is good,we sit down and work out an action plan,a strategy,together. Sometimes the producers might need help or 8 in order to get their products to meet the market demands. But what is much more 9 is that we also agree to buy directly for a fair price that is 10 ,that is,we will not suddenly offer to pay less. The FAIRTRADE minimum price defines the 11 price that a buyer of FAIRTRADE products must pay the producer. The minimum price is 12 based on talks between FAIRTRADE producers and traders and makes sure that producers receive a price,which 13 the cost of workable production. This 14 workers to start climbing out of poverty. Later,we provide training in marketing and other 15 so that producers can gradually become independent. Meanwhile,the products themselves are already being 16 in our own FAIRTRADE shops and in an increasing number of other shops."

   FAIRTRADE products are now recognized 17 and sales are rising. Consumers realize they are buying a quality product at a competitive price while 18 the producer. Instead of increasing the profits of the middlemen,their 19 are building a Aiture for some of the world's 20 people.

1. A. show   B. cut   C. increase   D. earn

2. A. workers   B. consumers   C. retailers   D. producers

3. A. argue   B. compete   C. cooperate   D. discuss

4. A. mass   B. quick   C. cheap   D. efficient

5. A. pay   B. bring   C. lend   D. send

6. A. agrees   B. explains   C. complains   D. imagines

7. A. If   B. Because   C. Though   D. Unless

8. A. praise   B. friendship   C. success   D. support

9. A. convenient   B. practical   C. important   D. interesting

10. A. decided   B. guaranteed   C. suggested   D. permitted

11. A. average   B. selling   C. lowest   D. fairest

12. A. set   B. changed   C. predicted   D. admitted

13. A. returns   B. shares   C. ignores   D. covers

14. A. advises   B. forces   C. allows   D. expects

15. A. interests   B. skills   C. facts   D. processes

16. A. presented   B. sold   C. used   D. examined

17. A. widely   B. quickly   C. excitedly   D. eagerly

18. A. trusting fi. training   C. encouraging   D. helping

19. A. kindnesses   B. improvements   C. presents   D. purchases

20. A. saddest   B. busiest   C. poorest   D. weakest



   Roman Krznaric used to regularly walk past a homeless man around the comer from where he lived in Oxford and took almost no notice of him. One day he stopped to speak to him.

   It turned out his name was Alan Human and he had a degree in Philosophy,Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford. They afterwards developed a friendship based on their common interest in Aristotle's ethics(伦理学) .

   This unexpected meeting taught Roman that having conversations with strangers opens up our empathic(同情的) minds. We can not only meet amazing people but also challenge the prejudices that we have about others based on their appearance, accents or backgrounds.

   Furthermore,it's about recovering the curiosity everyone had as a child. Respect the advice of oral historian Studs Terkel,who always spoke to people on the bus, “Don’t be an examiner,be an interested inquirer(探究者).”

   The world's first Empathy Museum is starting in the UK in late 2015 and will then be traveling to Australia and other countries. Among the unusual exhibitions will be a human library,where instead of borrowing a book you borrow a person for conversation — maybe an unhappy investment banker or a gay father. In other words,the kind of!people you may not get to meet in everyday life.

   As the psychologist and inventor of emotional intelligence Daniel Goleman puts it,without empathy a person is “emotionally tone deafIt's clear that with a little effort nearly everyone can put more of their empathic potential to use. So try putting on your empathy shoes and make an adventure of looking at the world through the eyes of others.

11. Why did Roman and Alan become good friends?

   A. They helped each other.

   B. They felt pity for each other.

   C. They shared the same interest.

   D. They had to depend on each other.

12. What should adults learn from children?

   A. Never judge by appearances.

   B. Be curious about others.

   C. Never talk to strangers.

   D. Always be polite.

13. According to Paragraph 5 ,in a human library you can .

   A. act as a librarian

   B. borrow your favorite books

   C. meet ordinary people in life

   D. expect a talk with someone special

14. Which of the following is TRUE according to Daniel Goleman?

   A. Emotional intelligence cannot be improved.

   B. Most people don't  have empathy for others.

   C. It is important to develop empathy for others.

   D. Deaf people have little emotional intelligence.

   We've all experienced test anxiety right before a big test. When you’ re sitting at the desk,it's a little too late to manage your stress physically. 1 But the toughest test anxiety war can happen in your head. The following test anxiety tips will help get those nerves settled right before you take the big test.

   2 You may never score perfectly on all big tests and you know what? That's okay!Drop the image of who you think you should be. Before you head to the testing center,just set a realistic goal for yourself. Practice with a test booklet,so you know what you can and can't do. Part of your test anxiety may be coming from too high expectations.

   Use positive imagery. Obviously,the most relaxing place in the world is not a classroom. But you' 11 be surprised how much test anxiety you will reduce by just imagining yourself being in a place without a ticking clock. For example,bury your toes in imaginary sand. 3 Listen for the lap of waves breaking against a warm beach.

   Repeat a positive phrase. 4 Since your cheering section can't sit with you during the test,you’ re going to have to raise your own morale (士气) . What is a good strategy? Try a positive phrase like,u\ can do this,” or “I deserve to achieve my goals." Who knows the result? You may just start believing it.

   Accept mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. 5 Learning to tolerate small failures and mistakes — like the one you made in the math pop quiz 一 is a valuable skill.

   A. Take care of yourself.

   B. Set realistic expectations.

   C. They can contribute to your anxiety.

   D. Feel the warmth of the sun on your shoulders.

   E. Sure,you can take some calming breaths to reduce some stress.

   F. Much of our test anxiety comes from our own lack of confidence.

   G. You may have even heard teachers refer to mistakes as learning opportunities.

   Earlier this month,Debbie and Shaun Riddle went to the West Side Cafe for lunch. The couple are regulars at the restaurant and their 1 , 21-year-old Kayla Lane,remembered them from a 2 visit. A few weeks before,the couple had come to the cafe with their newborn baby,Glory. 3 ,the child had died in her sleep of an unknown cause soon after that 4 .

   After learning the sad 5 , Lane didn't know what to 6 . She just said, “Oh my gosh,I am so sorry." There's nothing anyone can say to make that better,7 she just served them with the best service she could.

   The waitress also decided to do something 8 for the couple: she picked up their tab(付款). 

   9 a Facebook post penned by Debbie Riddle,she and her husband received a 10 instead of a bill at the end of their 11 . “Your bill has been 12 . We are terribly sorry for your 13 . God Bless,” it read.

   The note was signed “The West Side."

   The Facebook post soon caught mass attention. A manager at the restaurant said that it had 14 been Lane herself who had paid for the meal out of her own pocket,and not the cafe's management as the note 15 .

   It turns out,the waitress has a(n) 16 of picking up her customers’ tabs. “Like with firefighters ,” she said. “I feel 17 that I'm able to do it."

   And she always does so anonymously(匿名地) .“I didn't want any 18 for my good deed ,” she wrote on Facebook. “I just simply wanted the satisfaction of being a 19 hand in a time of deep sorrow for this family. I get too much from this 20 . Thank the Riddles so much for being the wonderful people and blessing me with their friendship."

1. A. waitress   B. daughter   C. manager   D. friend

2. A. daily   B. frequent   C. private   D. previous

3. A. Suddenly   B. Quickly   C. Quietly   D. Sadly

4. A. visit   B. conversation   C. plan   D. holiday

5. A. reality   B. memory   C. news   D. mistake

6. A. offer   B. say   C. write   D. order

7. A. but   B. if   C. as   D. so

8. A. hard   B. extra   C. natural   D. smart

9. A. According to   B. Regardless of   C. Instead of   D. Thanks to

10. A. diary   B. note   C. report   D. notice

11. A. trip   B. stay   C. meal   D. rest

12. A. thrown away   B. taken back   C. looked over   D. paid for

13. A. pressure   B. trouble   C. loss   D. failure

14. A. actually   B. eventually   C. usually   D. absolutely

15. A. suggested   B. proved   C. promised   D. repeated

16. A. method   B. style   C. habit   D. opportunity

17. A. inspired   B. honored   C. surprised   D. interested

18. A. reward   B. recognition   C. respect   D. reputation

19. A. helping   B. firm   C. guiding   D. skilful

20. A. accident   B. practice   C. experience   D. example

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