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9.A student of history is most likely to take  listed above.

A.the fourth book      B.the third book        C.the second book       D.the first book

10.The underlined word“others”in Paragraph 3 may include.

A.traffic accidents      B.floods                C.pollution            D.diseases

11.It can be learned from one of the books how to.  

A.repair your digital camera for yourself       

B.work out the expenses before going  to a restaurant

C.get the latest information about natural disasters  

D.learn a lot about historian Alan Brinkley

9-11 ABB


9.A  由第4本书中提到historic 200 races 等可知。

10.B  由本文题可知,指的是natural disasters. A、C、D都不是“自然灾难”。

11.B  由第一本书中的内容可知。


Early in 1980, a magazine called Good Housekeeping printed an amazing article. It was the true story of twins who met for the first time —when they were 39 years old. The twins were separated when they were five weeks old and adopted by different families.

In 1979 they found each other. They found out that they were both named Jim. Although they had never met, they had both been married to women named Linda. Of course, they looked exactly alike. They also walked alike, laughed alike, and even talked alike.

How would you find other articles about twins? The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature helps you find magazine articles. Look at the section of the Readers’ Guide below. Study the sample entry.

The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature lists magazine articles under their subject or author. All entries are listed alphabetically.

Each subject entry in the Readers’ Guide lists all the articles written on that subject. It gives the title and author of each article. It also lists the name, date, and volume of the magazine, and the pages where you will find the article. Use the section of the Readers’ Guide below to answer the questions. Be sure to study the sample entry.


See also

Siamese twins

Identical twins reared apart [University of Minnesota study] C. Holden. il Science 207: 1323-5+ Mr 21 ’80

It’s twins! T. B. Brazelton. Redbook 154: 80 + F ’80

Jim Twins: together after 39 years [identical twins J. Springer and J. Lewis; ed by E. P. Frank] B. Springer. il pors Good H 190: 123 + F ’80

Me, myself & us: twins. J. Rodgers. il Sci Digest p92-7 N/D ’80

Mysteries of identical twins. R. Distelheim il McCalls 108:68+ Ja ’81

New studies on twins seeking to prevent double trouble. K. Cassil. Sci Digest 88:78-81 S ’80

Reunion of identical twins, raised apart, reveals some astonishing similarities [Jim twins]  D. D. Jackson. il pors Smithsonian 11:48-57 O ’80

Telltale behavior of twins [study of long separated identical twins] S. Farber bibl il Psychol Today 15:58-60+ Ja ’81

Twins. M. J. Friedman. il Parents 55:76-81 N ’80

Twins. G. G. Panter. il Parents 55:72+  Mr ’80

Twins take on modeling. Pors seventeen 39:130-3 Je ’80

Twins: the facts and the folklore. E. R. Mark.  Good H 190:256  Je ’80

39. Who wrote the article “Jim Twins: Together After 39 Years”?

   A. Good housekeeping    B. J. Rodgers                   C. B. Springer    D. Jim

40. You want to read the article “Mysteries of identical Twins”. In what magazine will you find this article?

   A. McCalls                 B. Science Digest     C. Distelheim     D. Science

41. Which of the following articles is the newest?

   A. “It’s Twins”                                              B. “Identical Twins Reared Apart”

   C. “Mysteries of Identical Twins”                    D. “Jim Twins: Together After 39 Years”

42. The Readers’ Guide is a series of books. Each book lists all the magazine articles published for one year. Which book in the Readers’ Guide would list the articles on Twins?

   A. 1978-1979              B. 1979-1980            C. 1980-1981     D 1981-1982

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