
Early in 1980, a magazine called Good Housekeeping printed an amazing article. It was the true story of twins who met for the first time —when they were 39 years old. The twins were separated when they were five weeks old and adopted by different families.

In 1979 they found each other. They found out that they were both named Jim. Although they had never met, they had both been married to women named Linda. Of course, they looked exactly alike. They also walked alike, laughed alike, and even talked alike.

How would you find other articles about twins? The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature helps you find magazine articles. Look at the section of the Readers’ Guide below. Study the sample entry.

The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature lists magazine articles under their subject or author. All entries are listed alphabetically.

Each subject entry in the Readers’ Guide lists all the articles written on that subject. It gives the title and author of each article. It also lists the name, date, and volume of the magazine, and the pages where you will find the article. Use the section of the Readers’ Guide below to answer the questions. Be sure to study the sample entry.


See also

Siamese twins

Identical twins reared apart [University of Minnesota study] C. Holden. il Science 207: 1323-5+ Mr 21 ’80

It’s twins! T. B. Brazelton. Redbook 154: 80 + F ’80

Jim Twins: together after 39 years [identical twins J. Springer and J. Lewis; ed by E. P. Frank] B. Springer. il pors Good H 190: 123 + F ’80

Me, myself & us: twins. J. Rodgers. il Sci Digest p92-7 N/D ’80

Mysteries of identical twins. R. Distelheim il McCalls 108:68+ Ja ’81

New studies on twins seeking to prevent double trouble. K. Cassil. Sci Digest 88:78-81 S ’80

Reunion of identical twins, raised apart, reveals some astonishing similarities [Jim twins]  D. D. Jackson. il pors Smithsonian 11:48-57 O ’80

Telltale behavior of twins [study of long separated identical twins] S. Farber bibl il Psychol Today 15:58-60+ Ja ’81

Twins. M. J. Friedman. il Parents 55:76-81 N ’80

Twins. G. G. Panter. il Parents 55:72+  Mr ’80

Twins take on modeling. Pors seventeen 39:130-3 Je ’80

Twins: the facts and the folklore. E. R. Mark.  Good H 190:256  Je ’80

39. Who wrote the article “Jim Twins: Together After 39 Years”?

   A. Good housekeeping    B. J. Rodgers                   C. B. Springer    D. Jim

40. You want to read the article “Mysteries of identical Twins”. In what magazine will you find this article?

   A. McCalls                 B. Science Digest     C. Distelheim     D. Science

41. Which of the following articles is the newest?

   A. “It’s Twins”                                              B. “Identical Twins Reared Apart”

   C. “Mysteries of Identical Twins”                    D. “Jim Twins: Together After 39 Years”

42. The Readers’ Guide is a series of books. Each book lists all the magazine articles published for one year. Which book in the Readers’ Guide would list the articles on Twins?

   A. 1978-1979              B. 1979-1980            C. 1980-1981     D 1981-1982


Sri Lanka is known as the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean”, and it is easy to see why. This little country never fails to please visitors.
The national airline is Sri Lankan Airlines, which flies from Colombo to London and a couple of other European cities. The country’s main airport is Colombo Bandaranaike, located 29km north of the capital city.
Why now?
The best time to visit Sri Lanka’s southern beaches is from November to April. So by going early in the season, you’ll get the best weather. Also in November, Deepavali, known as “Diwali” or the “Festival of Lights”, is Sri Lanka’s main religious festival, celebrated throughout the country.
There is plenty to see in Sri Lanka. The ancient capital cities of Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura are worth seeing, and so are many outstanding ruins. Other must sees are the rock fortress (要塞) of Sigiriya, towering over the jungle as far as the eye can see, and Dambulla’s cave temple, the country’s largest and best preserved. Both are UNESCO World Heritage (遗产) Sites. Kandy is a picture-like town, which was the last stronghold of the Kandyan Kings. Today it is a cultural relic centre where age-old customs, arts, and crafts remain.
Sri Lanka owns about 1,600km of beautiful palm-shaded beaches as well as warm, pure seas and colourful coral reefs. You can explore the underwater world, and surfing and diving are available too. Away from the shore, wildlife is a big draw for Sri Lanka, and Yala National Park is one of the best places in the word to see wild animals including leopards (豹) and elephants.
Sri Lanka is celebrated for its excellent food, with a particular emphasis on fresh fruit and vegetables on menus everywhere. Fish and seafood are a big part of the local diet.
Did you know?
Sri Lanka is known for its tea, but it is also the world’s largest producer and exporter of cinnamon(肉桂).
【小题1】Which of the following is a cultural relic centre of Sri Lanka?

A.Kandy. B.Anuradhapura. C.Polonnaruwa.D.Colombo.
【小题2】If you want to know something about “Diwali”, you’d better go
there in        .
【小题3】We learn from the passage that Sri Lanka        .
A.is in the Pacific Ocean
B.is famous for its excellent food
C.is the world’s largest producer of tea
D.has only flights to London
【小题4】The author wrote the article in order to     .
A.introduce the picturesque landscape of Sri Lanka
B.let readers know what is famous for in Sri Lanka
C.make Sri Lanka well known throughout the world
D.let people get more travel information about Sri Lanka

________【小题1】These days Ada and her classmates are arguing about whether a woman can play an important role in the political area as Hillary, they are searching for any useful information about women and politics.
________【小题2】Albert shows great interest in Asian history. These days he is busy collecting information about how people in Asia fought against colonists(殖民者)in the 1930s.He thinks the people from that time were very great.
________【小题3】Elva realizes that it is difficult to combine music and performance perfectly so she wants to watch more films and plays that are full of music.
________【小题4】Ivy is something of a dreamer. She is always hoping that one day she will come across a boy in an unexpected situation. In her opinion, films like that are the most romantic.
________【小题5】Tim majors in science. He likes watching films that can not only let him know more about the modern great scientists but also can give him some courage.

Mahatma Gandhi became the famous leader of the Indian movement against the British through his philosophy of non-violent protest(非暴力抗争). This film describes his life and times and how he managed to free his country from the British rule using peaceful means.
It is a film directed by Ronald F. Maxwell which presents a lifelike picture of the Gettysburg War, the turning point of the Civil War. The famous speech The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln is related to this war.
C.Roman Holiday
Roman Holiday, a 1953 romantic comedy, introduced American audiences to Belgian-born actress Audrey Hepburn. Princess Anne signs up for a very popular tour of all the European capitals. When she arrives in Rome, unexpectedly she falls in love with Joe Bradley, an American reporter working for the Rome Daily American,
D.The Sound of Music
The Sound of Music is a 1956 film directed by Robert wise. It’s one of the most beloved movie musicals of all-time. THE SOUND OF MUSIC had all the makings of a successful film -- beautiful songs, the brilliant performance, and most importantly, an interesting story with sympathetic heroes and broad family appeal.
E.A Beautiful Mind
This is a 2001 American film about John Forbes Nash. The story begins in the early years of Nash's life at Princeton University,as he develops his "original idea" that will revolutionize the world of mathematics. Early in the movie,Nash begins developing mental illness and brings a heavy burden upon his wife and friends.However, he learns to live with his disease and finally wins the Nobel Prize.
Eva(Evita)Peron,started out life as a poor girl who went on to become an actress and then the wife of the president of Argentina,Juan Peron.The film is a story of love and politics.Evita’s huge political influence and constant charity(慈善)work earned her love from people all over the country. She is described-as the most beloved woman in Argentina.

It was early in the morning, on a lonely road. It's 1  heavily. A 9-year-old boy was in the car with his mother, who was 2  him to school. Suddenly, the car went off the road, rolled  several times, and came to rest upside down in a ditch (沟渠) filled with water.

Luckily, both the mother and son were 3  seatbelts. The mother suffered a blow to her head and was unable to move. The boy was frightened but 4 . As water came through broken windows in the car, he 5  unbuckled (解开) himself, climbed out of the  passenger  window, made his way around to the driver's side, and reached inside the 6  to free his trapped mother. With great effort, he managed to 7  her, pull her through the window and up to the road, where they were soon 8  .

His mother later recalled her experience of the 9  . Being unable to move or even  speak   to offer instructions (指导) or encouragement to her son, she was  10  by her little son's action. She recalled hearing  her boy saying out loud as he pulled her through the water, “I think I can, I think I can!”

It seemed clear    that this little boy's act of courage was from one of his favorite books: The Little Engine that Could. In that  11  , when everyone else had  12  hope, the Little Engine carried the heavy load of toys and good things to eat over the hill to the children waiting on the other side. He had 13  and took action. Obviously this book had left a 14  impression before the accident that rainy 15  and motivated (激励) the son to take action if the terrifying moments.

1.                A.snowing        B.smoking        C.blowing   D.raining


2.                A.ordering        B.driving         C.pushing   D.flying


3.                A.making         B.watching        C.wearing  D.missing


4.                A.afraid          B.dead           C.tired D.unhurt


5.                A.quickly         B.carefully        C.nearly    D.happily


6.                A.box            B.room           C.car  D.ditch


7.                A.respect         B.introduce       C.recognize D.free


8.                A.accepted       B.rescued        C.welcomed D.fed


9.                A.accident        B.experiment      C.travel    D.fire


10.               A.excited         B.frightened      C.wounded  D.amazed


11.               A.poem          B.notice          C.story D.dream


12.               A.realized        B.waken         C.kept up   D.given up


13.               A.courage        B.food           C.space D.time


14.               A.bad           B.deep          C.false  D.general


15.               A.afternoon       B.night           C.morning   D.evening



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