


A lot of hiking holidays sound e_____________, 1.___________

but the r___________(现实)is often very different. 2.__________

Hiking trips can be _________(不舒适的)and even  3.___________

dangerous.However,at A________2000 we feel that we 4.__________

understand the n______of hikers.All our guides have5.___________

several years of __________(经验) in       6.__________

__________(带领)hiking trips in the Himalayas.   7.___________

They know all the best_________(路线)and the best   8.___________

places to camp.We also realize that hiking can be hard

work and believe that hikers need our help.As well as

the group guide,all teams have cooks and porters.While

on the hiking trip,our cooks prepare__________(可口的) 9.___________

meals.And our porters carry your_________(行李),which10.___________

means that you can simply enjoy the hiking action.







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