
5.In the United States,it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning.If you telephone him early in the day,while he is shaving or having breakfast,the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention.The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p.m.If someone receives a call during sleeping hours,he assumes it's a matter of life and death.The time chosen for the call communications is important.
In social life,time plays a very important part.In the U.S.A.guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the attention to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.But it is not true in all countries.In other areas of the world,it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten.The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world.Thus,misunderstandings arise between people from cultures that treat time differently.Promptness (准时) is valued highly in American life,for example.If people are not prompt,they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible.In the U.S.no one would think of keeping a business friend waiting for an hour.It would be too impolite.A person who is 5 minutes late is expected to make a short apology.If he is less than 5 minutes late,he will say a few words of explanation,though perhaps he will not complete the sentence.
62."The same meaning is attached to telephone calls after 11:00p.m."Here"attached"meansC.
A.taken       B.drawn        C.given         D.shown
63.According to this passage,time plays an important role inC.
A.everyday life    B.school life   C.social life    D.private life
64.What is the main idea of the passage?A
A.The important role of time in social life   
B.Time is treasure
C.The Importance of an Announcement      
D.Time and Tide Wait for No Man
65.According to the passage,the author of the article may agree to which of the following statements?B
A.It is appropriate to send your invitation cards three or four days before a dinner party date in the U.S.A.
B.It may be appropriate to send your invitation cards to your guests three or four days before a dinner party date in some countries.
C.It is best for one to make telephone calls at midnight because it costs much less.
D.If one is less than 5 minutes late,he has to make a short apology.

分析 这篇短文主要描述了时间在社会交往中的重要作用,不同的时间在社会交往中往往代表了不同的含义.

解答 62.C词义猜测题 根据The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p.m.If someone receives a call during sleeping hours,he assumes it's a matter of life and death.可知文中的attach有"赋予,给予"的意思.故答案为C
63.C 细节理解题.根据In social life,time plays a very important part.及下文描述可知,时间在与他人交往中扮演者重要的作用,故选C.
64.A 主旨大意题 这篇短文主要描述了时间在社会交往中的重要作用,不同的时间在社会交往中往往代表了不同的含义.故答案为A
65.B 推理判断题.根据In the USA guests are likely to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party reaches them only three or four days before the party date如果邀请赴宴只提前三四天,美国客人会觉得他们不被重视;But it is not true in all countries但不是所有国家都这样.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.

15.Who hasn't felt lonely or sad at times?We all have days when we feel down or overwhelmed with life,and we may even go through periods when we have a really (1)C case of the blues.If we take a closer look,however,there's often an identifiable (2)Bbehind those feelings:a loss,an emotional or physical blow of some kind.
Grief over the death of a loved one,the end of a relationship,the loss of a job,or some other type of extreme (3)Cmay cause us to feel a bit hopeless and miserable (4)A.Having those sad feelings doesn't (5)Dmean we're depressed-----it might just be our normal and understandable reaction to life's hardships.
So how do we know if we,or someone we care about,are suffering from (6)Brather than just ordinary sadness?It's not always easy to tell the (7)A.The short,quick answer is that sadness is a temporary emotion,(8)Cwith a identifiable cause,while depression (9)Dfor longer periods of time; sometimes forever,and often for no (10)Dreason.
Recognizing depression can be extremely (11)B.There are many signs of this condition that you may have not considered,and to make it even harder,the signs and symptoms (12)Agreatly from person to person,as does the severity.Worse,it's harder to (13)Cthe signs when you are in the midst of depression already,which is why other people often notice before the depressed individual does.
If left untreated,depression can worsen,causing the gradual destruction of life and (14)Dlife threatened.Proper diagnosis(诊断) and (15)Ais the only way to defeat depression-----it won't go away on its own.

16."Dry-clean only"is probably a phrase that you have seen before.You see it on the labels of certain pieces of clothing-like jackets,trousers,skirts and so on.I know quite a lot about dry cleaning because every Saturday from the age of 15to 18I worked at a dry cleaning shop.It was my first job.It was not particularly interesting,and it was not at all  glamorous,but,looking back,I think it was important.
The only reason why it was important back then was the money.For the first year I earned four pounds an hour,and after that it was five.It's almost unbelievable now:that's the physically hardest job I've ever had and the least I've earned.But it paid for my social life,my mobile phone credit,a holiday to Spain after my"A"Levels,and my first laptop.
One of the reasons why that job seems important now is that it was the first time I spent on an equal level with adults.As a teenager,the only adults you tend to regularly spend time with are the ones who have power over you:your parents and your teachers.But having a job gives you a chance to mix with adults who are doing the same task as you.And if you don't do the task,they won't shout at you,or call you back after school,they'll just tell you not to come back to work.However,you won't be paid.This is a useful thing to learn early.
My time at that shop also taught me something important about what I didn't want.I knew that I didn't want to clean other people's clothes in the future.Therefore,I went to university at 18with my very own laptop and a good idea of what life wasn't going to be.It wasn't going to be"dry-clean only".

71.What would be the best title for the passage?D
A.A Sweet Dream        B.How To Dry-clean
C.My Favorite Sport    D.My First Job
72.The underlined word"glamorous"in Paragraph 1probably means"C".
A.surprising   B.disturbing    C.attractive   D.sensitive
73.Why did the author work in a dry cleaning shop as a teenager?C
A.To avoid being blamed by her parents.
B.To satisfy her need for equality with adults.
C.To earn some extra money for personal use.
D.To learn more knowledge about dry cleaning.
74.The author shows the importance of her first working experience byB.
A.making comparisons             B.listing reasons
C.listing numbers                D.analyzing numbers
75.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.the author enjoyed dry cleaning
B.the author got well paid in the shop
C.the author knew nothing about dry cleaning
D.the author benefited a lot from working in the shop.
13.You can find language pollution whenever you open a newspaper,turn on your TV set,listen to a popular song or look at different kinds of advertisements.Language pollution exists almost everywhere and can be seen in the following place:
1.Chinese characters are written in the complex form.Although simplified(简化的) Chinese characters were accepted for use many years ago,it seems that more and more people like Chinese characters written in the complex form.
2.Many goods are produced in China but carry foreign names,which sound strange and have no meaning at all.
3.Words and expressions being used have a bad meaning"Ba",which means very,very big in Chinese.It is one example.Now there are a lot of goods,restaurants,even factories or films,with"Ba"in their names.
4.There are too many incorrect grammatical expressions.Some films have strange names and incorrect grammatical structures."Ai ni mei shang liang",which means"I love you without consulting",is grammatically incorrect and this kind of expression is now becoming popular.
Some language experts point out that language pollution must be done away with,which is an idea shared by many others and myself.
As we know,a lot of big games take place in Beijing.More and more foreigners will come to China.We Chinese shouldn't lose our faces in our language.From now on we should be against the language pollution and get used to using the correct language.

26.The writer of the letter suggests thatA.
A.something be done to make our language pure
B.everything have a good name and a good meaning
C.the Chinese language doesn't have the word"Ba"
D.everyone try their best to stop pollution
27.What the writer wants to imply is thatB.
A.great difference exists between the Chinese characters written in the complex
form and simplified form.
B.our newspapers,TV programs,pop songs and advertisements are getting polluted
C.Some film writers should pay more attention to Chinese grammar
D.Many people agree with the experts on language pollution in China
28.The expression"do away with"in the second to the last paragraph meansA.
A.clean          B.recycle          C.get away        D.put away
29.We can learn from the last paragraph thatD.
A.a lot of language pollution will get into the big games
B.foreigners don't understand our language pollution
C.some big games will not take place in China
D.the foreigners can look down upon us because of the language pollution
30.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?C
A.More Attention to Grammar          B.Films with Strange Names
C.Pollution of our Language          D.Experts'Good Advice.
20.The world has almost seven billion people,at least two billion of whom are expected to be on the Internet.New growth is mostly from developing countries,though only 20% of their population is online,a new report says.A group called the World Wide Web Foundation is working to make the Web more usable to more of the world.Tim Berners-Lee,the British computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web,announced the launch of the Web Foundation last November.The group says many people can access  the Web but are unable to use it.The biggest reason is illiteracy.The latest United Nations report says about 800million adults are unable to read or write.Even for those who can read,much of the information that is available on the Web is not in a language they can understand.
Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web as a way to help people share information.He says the World Wide Web Foundation wants everyone to be able to use this information.It's focusing on (concentrating ) the Web not just as a technology,but as one of the most powerful means for connecting people to knowledge and people to each other.World Wide Web Foundation's cooperation with the Web Science Trust and the World Wide Web Consortium aims to creat applications that make the Web more user-friendly.Steve Bratt says mobile technology is an important part of that work,as more and more people use their phones to go online.One of the challenges (挑战) the Foundation has now is to make the Web a lot easier to use even on the simplest and least expensive mobile phones.

56.What does the speaker say about Net users?A
A.The number of Net users is growing fast in developing countries.
B.Most people in developed world are Net users.
C.Net users are more active in developing countries.
D.There are more Net users in developing countries.
57.Why can't many people use the Internet?C
A.They don't have access to Internet.
B.They can't understand any foreign language.
C.They can't read and write.
D.They don't know how to search information.
58.What's Tim Berners-Lee's main purpose of creating the World Wide Web?B
A.To develop the information technology.
B.To provide ways of communication and study.
C.To help Net users with their own problems.
D.To make the Web more user-friendly.
59.What challenge does World Wide Web Foundation face now?D
A.Making the illiterate have access to Internet.
B.Creating simplier language for its users.
C.Attracting more phone users to join its networks.
D.Making it easier to use the Web.
60.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 1mean?B
A.Unable to pay.
B.Unble to read or write.
C.Unable to use together.
D.Unable to use.
10."Long time no see"is a very interesting sentence.When I first read this sentence from an American friend's email,I laughed.I thought it was a perfect example of Chinglish.
Obviously,it is a word-by-word literal(文字的) translation of the Chinese greetings with a ruled English grammar and structure!Later on,my friend told me that it is a standard American greeting.I was too thrilled to believe her.Her words could not convince me at all.So I did a research on google.com.To my surprise,there are over 60 thousand web pages containing"Long time no see."This sentence has been widely used in emails,letters,newspapers,movies,books,or any other possible places.Though it is sort of informal,it is part of the language that Americans use daily.Ironically,if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word,the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.
Nobody knows the origin of this Chinglish sentence.Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan's movies.In the 1930s,Hollywood moviemakers successfully created a world wide famous Chinese detective named"Charlie Chan"on wide screens.Detective Chan likes to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting Confucius."Long time no see"was his trademark.Soon after Charlie Chan,"Long time no see"became a popular phrase in the real world with thanks to the popularity of these movies.
Some scholars refer to America as a huge pot of stew.All kinds of culture are mixed in the stew together,and they change the color and taste of each other.American Chinese,though a minority ethnic(少数民族的成员) group in the United States,is also contributing some changes to the stew!Language is usually the first thing to be influenced in the mixed stew.
You can have some other examples than adoptions from Chinese,such as pizza from Italian,susi from Japanese,and déjà vu from French etc.There is a long list!Americans do not just simply borrow something from others.They will modify it and make it their own,so you would not be surprised to find a tofu and peanut butter hamburger in a restaurant,or to buy a bottle of iced Chinese green tea with honey in a grocery store.Since Americans appreciate Chinese culture more and more nowadays,I believe more Chinese words will become American English in the future.In this way the American stew keeps adding richness and flavor.
67.The writer himself felt surprised atA.
A."Long time no see"used as standard American English   
B.the Chinglish expression"Long time no see"
C.so many literal translation of the expressions used in America
D.finding out Americans seldom use the expression
68.The underlined word"stew"in the 4th paragraph probably meansB.
B.a mixture of different cultures
C.a kind of cooked dish           
D.American changing cultures
69.According to the passage,it can be inferred thatD.
A.detectives translate the phrase"Long time no see"
B.cultures can be changed in the huge pot of stew
C.the huge pot of stew greatly affects all kinds of languages
D.Hollywood made"Long time no see"popular
70.The main idea of the passage is thatB.
A.some Chinese expressions are introduced into English
B.American English keep being enriched from different cultures
C.some American expressions can be used in China
D.you'll not be surprised at a tofu in a restaurant in America.
17.Travel is exciting and summer is a busy period for holiday travel.Many people will travel great distances in airplanes,cars or other vehicles.Experts say people should know about other health problems that can strike when traveling by air.
One of these is a condition called hypoxia (缺氧症).It results from a lack of oxygen to the brain.Experts say the body begins losing oxygen minutes after an airplane leaves the ground.The air pressure in a plane during flight is lower than at sea level.This makes it more difficult for the body to effectively use the same amount of oxygen as it would on the ground.Fewer oxygen molecules (分子) cross the tissues (组织) in the lungs and reach the bloodstream.
The result is a five to twenty percent drop in the amount of oxygen in the blood.This reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the organs of the body.
One effect of this lack of oxygen to the brain is a headache.When this happens,the heart attempts to fix the situation by beating harder and faster.This can make the traveler feel tired.
These signs of hypoxia are not dangerous in a healthy person.But a drop in oxygen level can cause a health emergency in people with heart or lung problems.They might lose consciousness or even suffer a heart attack.
Experts say that smoking cigarettes and drinking alcoholic liquids also reduce the body's ability to use oxygen.So they suggest that people not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes either before or during a flight.They also say persons with heart or lung problems should seek advice from their doctors before flying.
63.The author writes the passage mainly toC.
A.warn people in airplanes of possible dangers
B.offer some advice on avoiding health problems
C.explain the causes and effects of hypoxia
D.advise people not to smoke or drink alcohol
64.According to the passage,what leads to hypoxia?A
A.The brain lacks enough oxygen.
B.The air pressure in a plane is too high.
C.Our body needs less oxygen during takeoff.
D.The bloodstream contains no oxygen molecules.
65.The underlined part"fix the situation"means"D".
A.use more oxygen it needs            
B.increase the air pressure
C.reduce the amount of blood          
D.bump more blood to the brain
66.Why should passengers not smoke or drink before flying?A
A.They weaken the body's ability to use oxygen.
B.Smoking may pollute the air inside the airplane.
C.Drinking alcohol may raise one's blood pressure.
D.Drinking is forbidden at the airport.
14.Why Cats Scratch Tings
In has long been assumed that when cats scratch objects with their front paws(爪子)that they are sharpening their claws.(71)AResearch on cat behavior suggests that the major reason for this behavior is communication.By scratching up the bark of a tree (or the leg of your favorite chair) the cat is letting other cats or people know where she is and what she is up to.
Cats tend to pick a small number of noticeable objects in their environments to scratch such as trees,fence posts repeatedly.(72)BThe scratched surface leaves a highly visible mark that can be easily seen by other cats.In addition,cats have special glands (腺)in their paws so that when they make scratching movements they leave scent(气味)that the cats can smell.The fact that cats leave scent marks by making scratching movements may be the reason that cats will continue to scratch objects even after they have been declawed.(73)F
We don't know exactly what cats are communicating with their scratching.Both males and females do it.It is done inside and outside the home and even by cats living with no other cats around.(74)G Cats don't scratch up your furniture to bother you or just to be destructive,but for specific reasons,one of which is communicating.Cats also scratch to extend their bodies,during play,and possibly as a greeting or to relieve dissatisfaction when prevented from doing other things they want to do.
(75)EIt is easier to prevent problem scratching rather than trying to change your cat's preference for the arm of your sofa after it has become a built up habit.Thus,the goal is to establish acceptable scratching habits by getting your cat to prefer a scratching post rather than the arm of your sofa.

A.It turns out that this is only a secondary reason.
B.This is why the tree next door looks so scratched up.
C.Cats use other parts of their bodies to communicate as well.
D.Small pieces of bark have accumulated on the ground underneath.
E.Scratching can result in considerable damage,owner dissatisfaction.
F.Declawed cats may still be leaving scent marks on objects they scratch.
G.It could be a defensive warning or just a marker that announces its existence.
15.As everyone knows,different countries have different customs in giving gifts.
In China you must never give a clock to a Chinese person,because the sound of the word for"clock"is similar to the sound of"death".Also,don't wrap (用…包裹) a present in white,black,or blue paper,because they are the colors for funerals (葬礼).Don't give a knife,because something sharp can cut a friendship.
In Russia if you give flowers as gifts,you have to give an odd number of them (one,three,five,etc.) because even numbers of flowers are for funerals.
In Germany if you are invited to dinner,flowers are good gifts to take to your dinner hostess (女主人),but don't take her red roses because it means you are in love with her.Don't take thirteen of anything because it's an unlucky number.Don't take an even number of anything,either.Don't wrap your presents in white,brown,or black paper.
36.According to the passage,Amust never be given to Chinese people as presents.
A.clocks        B.clothes         C.food              D.flowers
37.People don't wrap presents in black or white paper inD.
C.both China and Russia           
D.both China and Germany
38.What does the underlined word"even"mean in Chinese in the passage?B
A.奇数的        B.偶数的          C.甚至              D.平坦的
39.What gifts can you take to your dinner hostess in Germany?C
A.Thirteen of something
B.An even number of something.
C.Flowers except red roses
D.Something wrapped in brown paper.
40.Which is the best title of the passage?D
B.Giving flowers as presents.
C.Don't give thirteen of anything as presents
D.Different customs in giving presents.

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