
   When I was growing up,our family often started a jigsaw puzzle(拼图游戏) in the evening. Everyone would go to bed,but I wouldn’t. I cannot leave a puzzle unfinished. I would just keep going,and finish it at five in the morning. When everyone got up in the morning,too bad — the puzzle was done.

   In eighth grade,I decided to be a professional puzzle maker. However,I attended law school eventually. The spring of my first year in law school,I wrote my parents that I'd be dropping out to work on puzzles. My mom wrote back a very thoughtful .letter saying, “This is a terrible idea ,” and listing all the reasons why. I thought her reasoning was good,so I did get my law degree.

   I have worked as a crossword(纵横字谜) editor since 1993 and invented hundreds of varieties of puzzles. I get 75 to 100 crossword submissions (投稿) a week. Every puzzle has to be looked at and responded to: yes or no. Usually,I write some comments on the puzzle. On average,about half the clues in the puzzles are mine. The most important thing for my work is accuracy,so I check anything that I'm not 100% sure of. I also edit for the proper level of difficulty,freshness,color,and just a sense of fun. After the puzzles are edited,they are typeset (排版) and sent to four test solvers.

   In our daily life,we’ re faced with various problems. We do the best we can,but we never know if we’ve got the best solution. The great thing about a human-made puzzle is when we? re done,we know we have achieved perfection. We don't get that feeling much in everyday life.

   I enjoy everything I do. I'11 never get tired of doing this.

24. When the author was a child,why did he stay up to finish a puzzle?

   A. Because he couldn’t fall asleep early.

   B. Because he had a great love for puzzles.

   C. Because he didn 51 have time to do it in the day.

   D. Because he wanted to win the family competition.

25. In the letter,the author's mom wanted to .

   A. show her support for .the author's decision

   B. give the author advice about his future career

   C. talk about the author's first year in law school

   D. persuade the author to continue attending school

26. Which of the following can best describe the author's work?

   A. Submit,check and type.

   B. Read,respond and edit.

   C. Plan,comment and reply.

   D. Design,examine and test.

27. From the text,we know the author is .

   A. imaginative and friendly

   B. energetic and generous

   C. humorous and ambitious

   D. creative and determined

24. B 25. D 26. B 27. D



24. B.推理判断题。根据第一段中的I cannot leave a puzzle unfinished及下文介绍作者从事跟 谜题有关的工作并乐此不疲可以看出,由于作 者醉心于谜题游戏,所以他熬夜也要把拼图游 戏做完。

25. D.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“This is a terrible idea,” and listing all the reasons why 可 知,妈妈认为辍学去从事跟谜题有关的工作不 是个好主意,并列出了原因。由此不难看出,妈 妈是想劝作者完成学业。

26. B.细节理解题。根据第三段中的Every puzzle has to be looked at and responded to ... I check anything that V m not 100% sure of. I also edit for the proper level of difficulty ...可以看出,作 者的工括审阅投稿并回复,此外,作者还进 行编辑工作,包括核对正误、调整难度等。

27. D.推理判断题。根据第二段中的In eighth grade,I decided to be a professional puzzle maker 及最后作者从事跟谜题有关的工作可以看出,作者意志坚定,实现了从小立下的志愿;根据第三段中的 invented hundreds of varieties of puzzles 及 about half the dues in the puzzles are. mine不难推断,作者很有创造力,创造了很多谜 题游戏。


   Long live language. That's the message Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson and city councillor Amaijeet Sohi voiced when they declared Feb. 21 to be International Mother Language Day (IMLD) in Edmonton,the capital of the Canadian province of Alberta.

   The pair were on hand for the International and Heritage Languages Association's (IHLA) 12th annual Mother Language Day celebrations in an effort to save endangered languages.

   “Keeping languages alive is important for the richness of our culture and the diversity that strengthens Edmonton,” said Iveson.

There are nearly 7,000 unique languages spoken worldwide,but according to data from the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) half of those languages are at risk of going extinct in just a few generations.

   For example,there are currently over 3 ,000 languages spoken throughout Africa. This sounds impressive until you realize that there were over 10 ,000 languages spoken on the continent before colonization during the 19th century.

   “People who lose their language experience suffering,” said Olenka Bilash,professor of second language education at the University of Alberta. Bilash likened the loss of language to the loss of cultural identity.

   “As a multicultural society,it is very important to continue to preserve and pass on to future generations the language,culture,traditions and customs that we bring to Canada,” said IHLA president Olga Prokhorova.

   While the City of Edmonton's citizen and new arrival centre in city hall provides services in 150 languages,Bilash said research shows that “most people are still uncomfortable speaking their own language in public spaces."

   Bilash hopes the official announcement of International Mother Language Day in Edmonton — which echoes International Mother Language Day declared by UNESCO in 1999 — will be a step toward encouraging more language diversity in order to preserve the cultures tied to them.

   “Our words define us; our expressions and vocabulary define who we are as people,” said Marneen Kubinec,Alberta's minister of culture and tourism. “Our words are living examples,perhaps the best that there are,of human creativity.” 

32. The example of the languages in Africa is given to show .

   A. there’ re many languages in Africa

   B. a great number of languages became extinct

   C. Africa believes . in encouraging cultural diversity

   D. Africans are trying to save endangered languages

33. Both Bilash and Prokhorova stress the importance of .

   A. mastering more than one foreign language

   B. public policy on Canadian traditions and customs

   C. protecting languages and cultures from extinction

   D. the official announcement of IMLD by UNESCO

34. What does the underlined word “echoes” in the text mean?

   A. Suggests. B. Creates.

   C. Celebrates. D. Imitates.

35. What can we learn from Kubinec's words?

   A. Your language is your identity.

   B. Native language is disappearing.

   C. Alberta is rich in language diversity.

   D. Language can be saved by creativity.

   On August 17,2013,a hunter made a campfire. He just wanted to 41 some soup. But he 42 started the third-largest wildfire in California's history.

   The 43 carried sparks(火花) from the hunter's campfire into the woods. Soon,a wildfire was burning 44 . It spread with 45 speed. For a while,it doubled in size every day.

   The blaze(烈火) became known as the Rim Fire. It lasted for two months. Thousands of 46 worked to stop it. When they finally did,400 square miles of forest had 47 . That's an area larger than Dallas,Texas.

   Wildfires have always been 48 in the western U.S. In recent years,they have been getting bigger and harder to control. That's partly because the weather has been 49 and drier than in the past. Forest plants have dried out. That makes the plants bum very 50 . The average fire is three times larger than it was in the 1980s.

   The Rim Fire started in a remote area. Fighting such a fire can be a big 51 . Firefighters often use planes to 52 the fire. Then they dwmp (倾倒) huge loads of water from these planes. Sometimes that is not 53 to stop a wildfire,so firefighters jump down.

   After they jump onto the 54 ,these firefighters use axes to 55 plants. They create a line of bare soil near the edge of the fire. When the fire reaches this line,there is 56 to bum. The fire stops spreading.

   In the past,people often 57 in wildfires. Today,wildfires are 58 deadly. Early warnings usually help people get to safety before it's too 59 . Even though the Rim Fire 60 11 homes and caused millions of dollars in damage,no one was killed.

41. A. heat up   B. drink up   C. give up   D. store up

42. A. quickly   B. secretly  C. accidentally   D. gradually

43. A. rain   B. snow   C. light   D. wind

44. A. out of mind   B. out of time   C. out of date   D. out of control

45. A. exciting   B. terrifying   C. constant   D. average

46. A. firefighters   B. doctors   C. policemen   D. campers

47. A. broken   B. disappeared   C. dropped   D. developed

48. A. distant   B. similar   C. common   D. strange

49. A. warmer   B. hotter   C. colder   D. cooler

50. A. gently   B. easily   C. quietly   D. brightly

51. A. success   B. mistake   C. challenge   D. opportunity

52. A. make   B. fuel   C. reach   D. cause

53. A. enough   B. valuable   C. necessary   D. helpful

54. A. building   B. platform   C. street   D. ground

55. A. protect   B. water   C. grow   D. remove

56. A. something   B. nothing   C. everything   D. anything

57. A. died   B. hurt   C. shouted   D. cried

58. A. always   B. rarely   C. sometimes   D. never

59. A. soon   B. late   C. much   D. long

60. A. replaced   B. repaired   C. destroyed   D. occupied

   Imagine you are a kid living in America in 1920,and your parents are too busy to cook dinner. Instead,they serve you something they are sure is just as healthy as chicken and vegetables: a chocolate bar.36 However,as recently as the 1940s,many Americans believed that candy was as nutritious as an entire meal. Today,we understand that some foods are better for us than others. You probably know that the oatmeal(燕麦粥) and fruit you wisely ate for breakfast were packed with vitamins and other nutrients. You probably know as well that those chewy candies hidden in your drawer are little more than sugar. 37

   Back in the early 1900s,the science of nutrition — the study of how foods affect the body — was new. 38 But the importance of vitamins was not well understood. Many scientists believed that candy was just as healthful as steak and potatoes or fish and broccoli. 39 Ads for Milky Way suggested that each bar contained a glass of milk (not true) . There was even a popular candy bar called Chicken Dinner (which,thankfully,did not contain chicken) .

   Today,we know the dangers of eating too much sugar. We also have laws that prohibit companies from creating advertisements that lie about products.

40 But most of us understand it's best left for dessert.

   A. It sounds a little crazy now.

   B. We still love candy,of course.

   C. They are still made in a Boston factory.

   D. People knew that food provided energy.

   E. Candy companies wanted people to believe this too.

   F. Even little kids understand that eating too much sugar is unhealthy.

   G. Candy makers have continued to produce new kinds of candies to delight us.

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