
   Imagine you are a kid living in America in 1920,and your parents are too busy to cook dinner. Instead,they serve you something they are sure is just as healthy as chicken and vegetables: a chocolate bar.36 However,as recently as the 1940s,many Americans believed that candy was as nutritious as an entire meal. Today,we understand that some foods are better for us than others. You probably know that the oatmeal(燕麦粥) and fruit you wisely ate for breakfast were packed with vitamins and other nutrients. You probably know as well that those chewy candies hidden in your drawer are little more than sugar. 37

   Back in the early 1900s,the science of nutrition — the study of how foods affect the body — was new. 38 But the importance of vitamins was not well understood. Many scientists believed that candy was just as healthful as steak and potatoes or fish and broccoli. 39 Ads for Milky Way suggested that each bar contained a glass of milk (not true) . There was even a popular candy bar called Chicken Dinner (which,thankfully,did not contain chicken) .

   Today,we know the dangers of eating too much sugar. We also have laws that prohibit companies from creating advertisements that lie about products.

40 But most of us understand it's best left for dessert.

   A. It sounds a little crazy now.

   B. We still love candy,of course.

   C. They are still made in a Boston factory.

   D. People knew that food provided energy.

   E. Candy companies wanted people to believe this too.

   F. Even little kids understand that eating too much sugar is unhealthy.

   G. Candy makers have continued to produce new kinds of candies to delight us.



36.A.A项中的It指代上文的your parents are too busy to cook dinner. Instead,they 'serve you something they are sure is just as healthy as chicken and vegetables: a chocolate bar。

37. F。F 场与上X的 Today,we understand that ... than sugai.都是说明如今人们对营养有了更科学的认识。

38. D.D 项 People knew ...与下文的... was not well understood 形成对比。

39. E。E项中的this指代上文的candy was just as healthful as steak and potatoes Or fish and broccoli 。

40. B.B 项与下文的 But most of us .understand it's best left for dessert 是转折关系。


   Most people don't notice I'm polite,which is the point. I am big and look less energetic. Still,every year or so,someone takes me aside and says,wYou actually are polite,aren’t you?” I'm always thrilled. They noticed. That's the thing. When we talk about politeness,we usually think of please; thank you; I like your hat; etc. AW we need to do is to hear,not to notice.

   When I was in high school,I read etiquette manuals (手册) . No one noticed my politeness except for one kid. He yelled at me about it. aIt's strange that you are always so polite,” he said. I took that as praise and made a note to hide my politeness further. Real politeness,I reasoned,was invisible(看不见的) . It adapted itself to the situation.

   Politeness leaves doors open. V ve met so many people whom,if I had trusted my first impressions,I would never have wanted to meet again. Yet many of them are now great friends. One of those people is my wife. On our first date,she told me at length that she had an operation to remove a cyst (瘤) from her body. This is a cyst with hair and teeth. Of course,it killed the chemistry. But when I walked her home,I told her I'd had a great time. We talked a little after that. I kept everything pleasant and brief. Much later,I learned that she’d been having a very bad day in a very bad year.

   People silently suffer from all kinds of terrible things. The good thing about politeness is you can regard these people exactly the same and wait to see what happens. You don't have to have an opinion. You don't need to make a judgment.

   Last week,my two-year-old son,Abraham met a foreign woman in the playground. Out of curiosity,I suppose,he asked, “What's your name?” The woman told him. Then he put out his little hand and said, “Nice to meet you!” Everyone laughed and he smiled. He shared with her his firmest handshake,like I taught him.

28. Many people don't think the author is polite at first because he doesn't .

   A. look polite

   B. say polite words

   C. listen to others politely

   D. behave politely towards strangers

29. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

   A. The author's good manners.

   B. The author's strange behavior.

   C. The author always making notes.

   D. The author reading etiquette manuals.

30. The author writes Paragraph 3 to show that politeness can .

   A. keep everything pleasant

   B. help people make friends

   C. be good for people's health

   D. give people second chances

31. What's the author's attitude towards his son's behavior?

   A. Embarrassed. B. Surprised.

   C. Satisfied. D. Curious.

   When I was growing up,our family often started a jigsaw puzzle(拼图游戏) in the evening. Everyone would go to bed,but I wouldn’t. I cannot leave a puzzle unfinished. I would just keep going,and finish it at five in the morning. When everyone got up in the morning,too bad — the puzzle was done.

   In eighth grade,I decided to be a professional puzzle maker. However,I attended law school eventually. The spring of my first year in law school,I wrote my parents that I'd be dropping out to work on puzzles. My mom wrote back a very thoughtful .letter saying, “This is a terrible idea ,” and listing all the reasons why. I thought her reasoning was good,so I did get my law degree.

   I have worked as a crossword(纵横字谜) editor since 1993 and invented hundreds of varieties of puzzles. I get 75 to 100 crossword submissions (投稿) a week. Every puzzle has to be looked at and responded to: yes or no. Usually,I write some comments on the puzzle. On average,about half the clues in the puzzles are mine. The most important thing for my work is accuracy,so I check anything that I'm not 100% sure of. I also edit for the proper level of difficulty,freshness,color,and just a sense of fun. After the puzzles are edited,they are typeset (排版) and sent to four test solvers.

   In our daily life,we’ re faced with various problems. We do the best we can,but we never know if we’ve got the best solution. The great thing about a human-made puzzle is when we? re done,we know we have achieved perfection. We don't get that feeling much in everyday life.

   I enjoy everything I do. I'11 never get tired of doing this.

24. When the author was a child,why did he stay up to finish a puzzle?

   A. Because he couldn’t fall asleep early.

   B. Because he had a great love for puzzles.

   C. Because he didn 51 have time to do it in the day.

   D. Because he wanted to win the family competition.

25. In the letter,the author's mom wanted to .

   A. show her support for .the author's decision

   B. give the author advice about his future career

   C. talk about the author's first year in law school

   D. persuade the author to continue attending school

26. Which of the following can best describe the author's work?

   A. Submit,check and type.

   B. Read,respond and edit.

   C. Plan,comment and reply.

   D. Design,examine and test.

27. From the text,we know the author is .

   A. imaginative and friendly

   B. energetic and generous

   C. humorous and ambitious

   D. creative and determined

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