

1What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.A couple.B.Friends.C.Parent and child.

2How much will the speakers pay for the concert in total?

A.$ 20.B.$ 40.C.$ 50.






W: Rick, there will be a rock concert at Riverside Theater tonight. Do you want to go?

M: It sounds interesting. When will it begin?

W: Let me see… It will begin at 7:30 this evening.

M: But I told our daughter that we might go out to dinner tonight. I should have told you earlier.

W: She told me about that. We can take her along.We can eat first and then go to the concert.

M: That sounds perfect. How much are the tickets?

W: $ 20 per ticket for adults and half that price per ticket for children under 10 years old.

M: Luckily, our daughter is nine. We’d better hurry, though. We don’t have very much time to enjoy our meal.


【题目】Growing up, I always hid my thumbs in my fists because of their unusual shape. ________ they do look more like a big toe(脚趾)________ a thumb. And from an early age, my thumbs ________ another name “toe thumbs” .

In high school, I served as a cashier in a grocery store. One day, I was ________ a sweet little old lady and as I ________ her change back to her, she suddenly took my hands and said in a thick Polish ________, “You are Polish! Look at those ________ Polish thumbs! They match mine!” She raised her hands and ________ her thumbs to me that ________ weathered and wrinkled, looked exactly like mine! She ________ my hands again and said, “Be ________ of those thumbs!”

I’ll never forget that 30-second ________ with a stranger that forever ________ my view of a part of me I once was ________ by and now accept. As I was eating dinner with my Samuel tonight, he looked down at my hand ________ on the table next to his and said, “Mommy! Our thumbs ________!” I smiled and answered, “Yes, they do, buddy! Those are strong Polish ________ you have! Take pride in them! Maybe someday you’ll have a little boy or girl who will have the same thumbs!” I ________ my son never hides his thumbs like I did. I hope he’ll be proud of their “unusualness” and the ________ behind them. He carries on a(n) ________ part of me and that for me will always be beautiful!

1A. Admittedly B. Fortunately C. Normally D. Basically

2A. other than B. due to C. instead of D. along with

3A. earned B. cloned C. found D. deserved

4A. waiting for B. checking out C. talking with D. watching over

5A. paid B. charged C. counted D. donated

6A. tune B. voice C. language D. accent

7A. beautiful B. strange C. long D. clumsy

8A. passed B. recommended C. showed D. offered

9A. till B. unless C. once D. although

10A. raised B. inspected C. examined D. held

11A. sure B. skeptical C. afraid D. proud

12A. appointment B. conversation C. bargain D. deal

13A. supported B. changed C. proved D. hurt

14A. embarrassed B. frightened C. delighted D. amazed

15A. scratching B. resting C. knocking D. drawing

16A. differ B. suit C. fight D. match

17A. fists B. thumbs C. toes D. hands

18A. guarantee B. figure C. insist D. pray

19A. scene B. lesson C. history D. moment

20A. unique B. elegant C. frank D. sensitive

【题目】Airplane emissions are a big problem for the climate—and steadily rising. Experts predict that aircraft emissions will triple(增三倍)by 2050 as demand for flights increases. To prevent this terrible situation, a team of scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, along with government and industry partners, is attempting to completely redesign airplanes.

Their idea, called the “double-bubble” D8, could significantly reduce plane’s carbon footprint and improve fuel efficiency if confirmed in full-scale tests. It involves major changes to the standard 180-passenger Being 737 and Airbus A320 aircraft.

The most significant change, though, is where the engines are fixed. Air slows down as it flows over the top of a traditional plane, thus creating drag and making the craft less efficient. But the D8 design moves the jet’s engines from their usual spot underneath the wings to the top of the plane’s body, by the tail—where they suck in and speed up the slow layer of air, greatly reducing drag.

These changes would make the aircraft use 37 percent less fuel than a typical passenger jet. The experts have already built and tested an 11th-scale model of the aircraft in a NASA wind tunnel. Combining the new design with future technological advances could further reduce fuel use and finally add up to 66 percent in fuel savings in two decades.

Other experts note that the D8’s develops must still overcome economic difficulties while ensuring that the engines are strong enough to handle the new design. Still, “it’s a very remarkable idea and design,” says Brian J. German, an aerospace engineer at the Georgia Institute of Technology, who was not involved in the work. The experts are now exploring the development of a half-scale model plane. If the effort succeeds, travelers may fly in one of these jets as soon as possible.

1Why are airplane emissions steadily rising?

A. Because of the special climate. B. Because of designing new airplanes.

C. Because of the increasing flights. D. Because of the development of industry.

2What are the most obvious changes of the new airplanes?

A. Their engine shape. B. Their engine weight.

C. Their engine position. D. Their engine power.

3How do the experts reduce pollution from planes?

A. Using 11th-scale models. B. Saving energy.

C. Inventing stronger engines. D. Improving typical passenger jets.

4How is the new plane progressing?

A. It meets with economic difficulty. B. It is at the laboratory stage.

C. It may fly as soon as possible. D. It is testing with its new engine.

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