
18.Lanzhou No.1Senior High School,Gansu,(36)founded(found) in 1902,which was called"Gansu Advanced School",is an exemplary high school (37)with a history of 114years.The name of the school has been changed several times over the history but (38)what keeps unchanged is its spirit and elegant work.The school is always ranked (39)as first class in the education of Gansu Province.There used to be a variety of classes,the class of commerce,normal classes,the class of minority,the class of Mathematical Olympiad and the class of the arts and sports (40)included(include).The school is carrying out the educational principle wholly,and (41)practicing(practice) quality education in an all-round way.The school motto is"fostering moral character,developing intelligence,(42)strengthening(strong) bodies,and cultivating appreciation of the beautiful."All the people here hold a belief(43)that"An (44)educated(educate) gentleman cannot but be broad-minded,(45)for he has taken up a heavy responsibility and a long course."

分析 本文介绍了兰州第一中学的历史,虽然它的校名改过几次,但它的精神和优雅的工作没有改变.同时介绍了它设置的一些特色课程及学校格言等.

解答 36.founded    37.with   38.what   39.as   40.included 41.practicing   42.strengthening   43.that  44.educated   45.for
36.founded  考查过去分词.Senior High School与found之间是动宾关系,要用过去分词表示被动.
37.with  考查介词.根据a history of 114years可知,应是带有114年的历史,with意为"有,带有".
38.what  考查代词.keep是谓语动词,缺少主语,what作主语,意为"[用于指定某事]…那样的事".
39.as 考查介词.rank as是固定搭配,意为"列为…; 认为是…".
40.included  考查过去分词.class与include之间是动宾关系,要用过去分词表示被动.
41.practicing  考查动词时态.practice与carry out由and连接作并列谓语,都是现在进行时态.
 42.strengthening   fostering moral character,developing intelligence,cultivating appreciation of the beautiful都是动名词短语作表语,strong的动词形式是strengthen,其动名词形式是strengthening.
43.that 考查代词.belief后接的从句是同位语从句,从句是完整的,用连接词that引导.
44.educated   考查形容词.根据句意要填入形容词,educated意为"受过教育的"作定语修饰gentleman.
45.for 考查连词.根据he has taken up a heavy responsibility and a long course,这是补充说明原因,要作连接for,意为"因为".

点评 在一篇200词左右的语篇(短文或对话)中留出10处空白,部分空白的后面给出单词的基本形式,要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所需的内容或所提供单词的正确形式,所填写词语不得多于3个单词.要做好语法填空题,理解短文是解题的前提,扎实的词汇、句型和语法知识是基础,英语国家的背景知识是必要的补充.考生须灵活运用语法知识,如单词词性、单词时态、名词单复数、连接词、代词、冠词等判断各空白处应填写的内容.答完后,还要通读全文,核对所填单词形式是否正确,是否符合语境.

8.Children and adolescents who watch a lot of television are more likely to have antisocial and criminal behavior when they become adults,according to a new University of Otago,New Zealand,study published online in the journal Pediatrics.The study followed a group of around 1,000children born in the New Zealand city of Dunedin in 1972-1973.Every two years between the ages of 5and 15,they were asked how much television they watched.Those who watched more television were more likely to have a criminal conviction and were also more likely to have antisocial personality traits in adulthood.
The study found that the risk of having a criminal behavior by early adulthood increased by about 30% with every hour that children spent watching TV on an average weeknight.
The study also found that watching more television in childhood was associated,in adulthood,with aggressive personality,an increased tendency to experience negative emotions,and an increased risk of antisocial personality disorder; a psychiatric disorder characterised by persistent patterns of aggressive and antisocial behavior.
The researchers found that the relationship between TV viewing and antisocial behavior was not explained by socio-economic status,aggressive or antisocial behavior in early childhood,or parenting factors.
A study co-author,Lindsay Robertson,says it is not that children who were already antisocial watched more television."Rather,children who watched a lot of television were likely to go on to manifest antisocial behavior and personality traits."
Other studies have suggested a link between television viewing and antisocial behavior,though very few have been able to demonstrate a cause-and-effect sequence.This is the first‘real-life'study that has asked about TV viewing throughout the whole childhood period,and has looked at a range of antisocial outcomes in adulthood.As an observational study,it cannot prove that watching too much television caused the antisocial outcomes,but the findings are consistent with most of the research and provides further evidence that excessive television can have long-term consequences for behavior.
Antisocial behavior is a major problem for society.While we're not saying that television causes all antisocial behavior,our findings do suggest that reducing TV viewing could go some way towards reducing rates of antisocial behavior in society,"says Associate Professor Hancox.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children should watch no more than 1to 2hours of quality television programming each day.The researchers say their findings support the idea that parents should try to limit their children's television use.

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
81.The aim of the study is to revealthe relationship between television viewing and antisocial behavior.
82.The researchers choseabout 1,000 children born in Dunedin in 1972-1973. as their research subjects(研究对象).
83.What's the shortcoming of most of the studies on this topic?They fail to demonstrate a cause-and-effects equence
84.What do you suppose many parents will do after reading this passage?Limit their children's television use(to 1 to 2 hours)..
1.A.case  B.experience  C.growing  D.dominant  E.exclusion  F.variety G.declining H.remain  I.problematic  J.contribution  K.share

The world faces a future of people speaking more than one language,with English no longer seen as likely to become(41)D,a British language expert says in a new analysis."English is likely to(42)H one of the world's most important languages for the foreseeable future,but its future is more (43)I and complex-than most people appreciate,"language researcher David Graddol said.He sees English as likely to become the"first among equals"rather than having the global field to itself."Speakers,who only use English,of any(44)F of English-American or British-will(45)B increasing difficulty in employment and political life,and are likely to become confused by many aspects of the society and culture around them,"Graddol said.
The(46)K of the world's population that speaks English as a native language is decreasing,Graddol reported in an issue of the journal Science.The idea of English becoming the world language to the(47)E of others"is past its sell-by date,"Graddol said.Instead,he said,its major(48)J will be in creating generations who use more than one language.
A multilingual(使用多种语言的) population is the(49)A in much of the world and is becoming more common in the United States.Indeed,the Census Bureau reported last year that nearly one American in five speaks a language other than English at home,with Spanish leading,and Chinese(50)C rapidly.The diversity of language,in turn,has helped to make English the nation's official language.
18.As people have accurately observed,smiles are absent from early photographs.In 1852,for instance,a girl sat for her Daguerrotype,her head slightly turned,giving the camera an unsmiling look.She is preserved forever as a very serious girl indeed.Charles Darwin,a loving and playful parent,looks frozen in photographs.Why did our ancestors,from unknown sitters for family portraits(肖像画) to the great and famous,because so sad in front of the camera?
The severity is everywhere in Victorian photographs.However,you don't have to look very long at these unsmiling old photos to see how incomplete the seemingly obvious answer is-that they are freezing their faces in order to keep still for the long exposure times.In Julia Margaret Cameron's Portrait of Tennyson,the poet dreams,his face a shadowed mask of genius.This is not simply a technique.It's an emotional choice.
People in the past did not go around in a continual state of sorrow.In fact,the Victorians had a sense of humor even about the darkest aspects of their society.Laugher was not just common in the past but accepted by society far more than it is today,from medieval canivals(中世纪狂欢节) to Georgian print shops,where people gathered to look at the latest funnies.Far from preventing festivals and fun,the Victorians,who invented photography,also created Christmas as a celebration as it is today.So the severity of people in the 19th-century photographs cannot be the evidence of generalized sadness.This was not a society in permanent desperation.Instead,the true answer has to do with attitudes to portraiture itself.
People who sat for early photographs understood it as a significant moment.Sitting for the camera was ceaper,quicker and meant that people who never had a chance to be pained could now be photographed; but people seemed to have taken it seriously in the same way they would be a painted portrait.Like a portrait painting,it was intended as a timeless record of a person.
To me those unsmiling people probably had as much fun as we do,if not more.But they felt no need to prove it with pctures.Instead,when whey sat for a photograph,they thought about time,death and memory.Perhaps we should stop smiling sometimes,too.
67.What do we know about the people in Victorian times?D
A.They laid importance on religious events.
B.They were skillful at portrait painting.
C.They valued their family life.
D.They enjoyed themselves.
68.The author mentions Portrait of Tennyson in Paragraph 2toB.
A.prove a theory          B.support his opinion
C.introduce a painting     D.describe a technique
69.The author thinks early people look frozen in old photos becuseC.
A.they lived in a traditional society
B.they had to stay still for a long time
C.they regarded photography important
D.they held negative views about painting
70.What is the author's attitude towards people not smiling in old photos?D
Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) has been used for many years as a painkiller.It also has an anti-inflammatory (消炎) action and can be used to reduce fever.Aspirin is already recommended for people to prevent stroke and heart attack because it improves one's blood circulation.So many people already take daily aspirin as a heart drug.Although aspirin can cause deadly internal bleeding,which is relatively rare,its benefits for people are great,not only to help increase the length of people's lives,but to prevent and treat cancer,or to stop cancer spread according to the latest research.
Taking a low dose (剂量) of aspirin every day can prevent and possibly even treat cancer,fresh evidence suggests.Prof.Peter Rothwell,from Oxford University,and his colleagues,who carried out the latest work,had already linked aspirin with a lower risk of certain cancers,particularly bowel(肠) cancer.But their previous work suggested people needed to take the drug for about 10 years to get any protection.Now the protective effect occurs much sooner-within three to five years-based on a new analysis of data from 51 trials involving more than 77,000 patients.And aspirin appears not only to reduce the risk of developing many different cancers in the first place,but may also stop cancers spreading around the body.
Taking a low (75-300mg) daily dose of aspirin appeared to cut the total number of cancer cases by 25% after only three years-there were nine cancer cases per 1,000 each year in the aspirin-taking group,compared with 12 per 1,000 for those taking dummy pills.It also reduced the risk of a cancer death by 15% within five years (and sooner if the dose was higher than 300mg).And if patients stayed on aspirin for longer,their cancer death risk went down even further-by 37% after five years.
Low-dose aspirin also appeared to reduce the probability that cancers,particularly bowel,would spread to other parts of the body,and by as much as half in some instances.However,Prof.Rothwell says for most fit and healthy people,the most important things they can do to reduce their lifetime cancer risk is to give up smoking,take exercise and-have a healthy diet.
But experts warn that there is still not enough proof to recommend it to prevent cancer cases and deaths and warn that the drug can cause dangerous side effects like stomach bleeding.Prof.Peter Johnson of Cancer Research UK,along with other experts,said it was still a good idea that people thinking of taking aspirin should first consult their doctors because of the possible side effect.And people should get some decisive advice from the government as to whether aspirin should be recommended more widely and the government should also advise the public about the benefits and risks of aspirin.

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