
14.Have you ever had the strange feeling that you were being watched?You turned around and,sure enough,someone was looking right at you!
Parapsychologists(灵学家)say that humans have a natural ability to sense when someone is looking at them.To research whether such a"sixth sense"really exists,Robert Baker,a psychologist at the University of Kentucky,performed two experiments.
In the first one,Baker sat behind unknowing people in public places and stared at the backs of their heads for 5to 15minutes.The subjects(受试者)were eating,drinking,reading,studying,watching TV,or working at a computer.Baker made sure that the people could not tell that he was sitting behind them during those periods.Later,when he questioned the subjects,almost all of them said they had no sense that someone was staring at them.
For the second experiment,Baker told the subjects that they would be stared at from time to time from behind a two-way mirror in a laboratory setting.The people had to write down when they felt they were being stared at and when they weren't.Baker found that the subjects were no better at telling when they were stared at than,if they had just guessed.
Baker concludes that people do not have the ability to sense when they're being stared at.If people doubt the outcome of his two experiments,said Baker,"I suggest they repeat the experiments and see for themselves."

56.What is the purpose of the two experiments?(No more than 10words)
Prove why humans have a sixth sense.
57.What does the underlined word outcome mean in English?(No more than 5words)
58.In the first experiment,what did the subjects say to Baker?(No more than 15words)
The subjects were not told that they would be stared at
59.What did Baker find when he finished the second experiment?(No more than 15words)
The subjects couldn't tell when they were stared at and when they weren't
60.What can we learn from the passage?(No more than 15words)
The subjects do not have a sixth sense in the experiments.

分析 这篇短文主要介绍了两个测试第六感的实验,通过实验告诉我们第六感并不存在.

解答 56.Prove why humans have a sixth sense.写作意图题.根据文中Parapsychologists(灵学家) say that humans have a natural ability to sense when someone is looking at them.可知灵学家们说,人类有一个能在感觉出有人在看他的自然能力.这篇文章就是通过两个实验来证明人类的第六感.
57.result      细节理解题.根据If people doubt the outcome of his two experiments,said Baker,"I suggest they repeat the experiments and see for themselves."可知"如果人们怀疑他的实验结果,"贝克说,"我建议他们重复实验,看看自己."outcome是结果的意思是"结果". 
58.The subjects said they had no sense that someone was staring at.细节理解题.根据第三段最后一句 Later,when he questioned the subjects,almost all of them said they had no sense that someone was staring at them.几乎所有的受试者回答他们没有感觉到有人盯着他.
59.The subjects  couldn't tell when they were stared at and when they weren't 细节理解题.根据倒数第二段Baker found that the subjects were no better at telling when they were stared at and when they weren't.Baker发现受试者在盯着他们看的时候并没有更好地告诉他们什么时候他们不被盯着看.
60.The subjects do not have a sixth sense in the experiments    综合理解题.这篇短文主要介绍了两个测试第六感的实验,通过实验告诉我们第六感并不存在

点评 阅读表达题是从多个角度和方位考查考生对文章内容的理解以及考生本人对相关问题的看法,问题类型多样.这要求学生具有相当强的阅读能力、理解努力、概括努力和表达能力.阅读时要准确理解文章的大意、细节把握作者的观点、态度、语气等.捕捉与题目有关的信息,为回答问题做准备.

12.Family get-together are a great way for family members to understand the lives each other and strengthen family bonds.For younger family members,get-togethers can reinforce(加强)family traditions and can be learning experiences that help them to grow and mature.Traditional Family get-togethers can include a meal and an activity such as going to see a movie.However,there are other ideas that can help make get-togethers memorable and provide moments that enrich the lives of family members.
One way to make a family get-together memorable is to give it an environmentally friendly theme.A garden can be planted,for example.Include vegetables that can be eaten and future get-togethers.A tree could be planted and called the family tree.The family get-together could also be planned for a specific place such as a community nature center.The family could participate in an environmental project such as a neighborhood clean-up,or cleaning streams or roadsides.
Be active
Family get-togethers can have physical activity as a main focus of the fun.Families can gather at a beach and go swimming.Building sand castles also requires exertion.Other beach activities can include kite flying and searching for shells.A family get-together can also be planned for a park that has a nature trail.A picnic meal can provide food,and everyone can take a hike for exercise.A family get-together can also have a sports theme when planned for a location that has a basketball court,tennis court or some other sporting venue.For places with snow,families can go sledding or skiing together.
Museum or historic Site
A family get-together can also be an educational gathering.For example,a get-together planned at a museum can provide entertainment as well as educational value.Family members can talk and catch up with one another while touring the museum.Contact the local chamber of commerce( 商会) to find historical sites,which can provide memorable scenery to a family get-together.

36.The main purpose of the passage isB.
A.to give us some advice on how to plan a family get-together
B.to introduce some ways of making family get-togethers unusual
C.to compare traditional family get-togethers with modern unusual
D.to tell us why and where we often need a family get-together
37.Which of the following is the best choice for the blank?C
A.Be planned.
B.Family tree.
C.Go green.
D.Community nature center.
38.What does the underlined word"exertion"in Para.3really mean?B
39.If you want to have fun and learn a lot,which one is your best choice?D
A.A family planting a family tree.
B.A family gathering at a beach.
C.A family gathering of sports theme.
D.A family gathering at a museum.
40.According to the passage,which of the following is a way of traditional family get-together?A
A.Seeing a film.
B.Planting a tree.
C.Having a picnic.
D.Visiting a historic site.
2."Everything happens for the best,"my mother said whenever I faced disappointment."If you carry on,one day something good will happen.And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that previous disappointment."
Mother was right,as I discovered after graduating from college in 1932,I had decided to try for a job in radio,then work my way up to a sports announcer.I hitchhiked to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station-and got turned down every time.In one studio,a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring an inexperienced person."Go  out in the sticks  and find a small station that'll give you a chance,"she said.I thumbed home to Dixon,Illinois.
While there were no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon,my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to manage its sports department.Since Dixon was where I had played high school football,I applied.The job sounded just right for me.But I wasn't hired.My disappointment must have shown."Everything happens for the best."Mom reminded me.Dad offered me the car to hunt a job.I tried WOC Radio in Davenport,Iowa.The program director,a wonderful Scotsman named Peter MacArthur told me they had already hired an announcer.
As I left his office,my frustration (挫折) boiled over.I asked aloud,"How can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?"I was waiting for the elevator when I heard MacArthur calling,"What was you said about sports?Do you know anything about football?"Then he stood me before a microphone and asked me to broadcast an imaginary game.The preceding (在前的) autumn,my team had won a game in the last 20seconds with a 65-yard run.I did a 15-minute build-up to that play,and Peter told me I would be broadcasting Saturday's game!On my way home,as I have many times since,I thought of my mother's words:"If you carry on,one day something good will happen.Something wouldn't have happened if not for that previous disappointment."
I often wonder what direction my life might have taken   if I'd gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.

50.The writer shows hisC by saying"…if I'd gotten the job at Montgomery Ward".
A.regret  B.happiness  C.gratefulness  D.disappointment
51.The underlined phrase"out in the sticks"probably meansB?
A.in radio stations  B.in the country
C.in big cities      D.in Dixon,Illinois
52.Why did the writer mention his mother's words over and again?BecauseA.
A.it was his mother's words that encouraged him
B.his mother was a person who talked a lot
C.nothing good has happened to him up to now
D.he got turned down every time he tried
53.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?D
A.There was a small radio station in Dixon,Illinois.
B.Peter MacArthur was a program director in Scotland.
C.WOC Radio in Davenport broadcast imaginary games.
D.Montgomery Ward had a store with a sports department.
54.When did the writer decide to take a radio-announcing job?C
A.When he hitchhiked to Chicago.    B.After he graduated from college.
C.Before he graduated from college. D.As soon as he was turned down.
9.Legos (乐高玩具)
    Architecture lovers in Washington do not have to travel far to see some of the world's must famous building.Architect Adam Reed Tucker has rearrested fifteen of them using Lego bricks.The exhibit is called"LEGO Architecture:Towering Ambition."It is at the National Building Museum in Washington until early September.
  Lego bricks are small,colorful plastic blocks.They can be snapped together to make any number of objects.They are popular with children of all ages around the world.
  Adam Reed Tucker calls himself an"architectural artist."
  He was a professional architect for ten years.After the terrorist attacks against the United States in two thousand one he decided to do something different.He wanted to express his feelings for the form of the skyscraper while deepening his understanding of architecture,engineering and construction.He chose to use something that most people used as children and could relate to.
  The buildings in the exhibit include the World Trade Center in New York that was destroyed in the terrorist attacks; the Gateway Arch in Saint Louis,Missouri; the famous house called Fallingwater in Pennsylvania,designed by Frank Lloyd Wright; and the Burj Khalifa in Dubai,the tallest building in the world.Tucker used more than four hundred fifty thousand Legos to make his version which is more than five meters tall.
  Tucker does all his work by hand,using only pictures of the buildings.He does not use any computers or drawings to plan his buildings.While the exhibit is going on,Tucker will be working on his latest work,the White House where the American president lives.Visitors can watch him create the famous building brick by brick.
  Anne Bennett visited the Building Museum with her two grandchildren,Dylan and Daisy.She used the Lego exhibit to teach her grandchildren about famous buildings.
"My favorite is probably that tall building because it's made out of Legos.It's really cool because it looks like there's individual little rooms."Said Daisy.
What Daisy was talking about is the Willis Tower,formerly known as the Sears Tower in Chicago,Illinois.The real building is over four hundred forty meters tall.Tucker's model stands six meters tall.
  After walking through Tucker's models,visitors can create their own works at the building station.They can make houses,office buildings,stores or factories.They can then place their models on a large map of a city.As more visitors come,the Lego city will grow.
  To many people,Legos might seem like toys for kids.But Adam Reed Tucker proves that the only limit to what the toy can do is a person's imagination.
71.How many buildings had Tucker completed using Lego bricks by the time the architecture exhibit began?A
72.When can you see LECO Architecture Exhibit according it the text?A
A.August 28 th.B.September 23 rd.C.October 5 th.D.November 7 th.
73.Which of the following buildings can you see in the exhibit according to the text?B
A.The Empire State Building
B.The World Trade Center.
C.Statue of Liberty
D.UN Buikling.
74.Which of the following is the tallest building in the word?A
A.The Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
B.Falling water in Pennsylvania.
C.The Gateway Arch in Saint Lauis,Missouri.
D.The Tokyo Sky Tree in Japan.
75.What can we know about the Wills Tower according to the text?D
A.It was once known as Bank of America Tower.
B.It was destroyed in the terrorist attacks.
C.Tucker's model sounds sixteen meters tall.
D.The real billing is over four hundred fatty meters tall.
6.Walking with long steps on purpose,Barack Obama appears to have arrived to visit an elementary school he attended as a boy.But wait.It's not real Obama.The US president is back in Washington DC.
So who is this guy?He's Ilham Anas,34,a teen-magazine photographer who has taken advantage of his striking resemblance to Obama and turned it into his own brand of celebrity and wealth.
Since his sister told him in 2007that he looked like the then-presidential candidate,Ana's face and big smile have been seen on Southeast Asian TV and the Internet,appearing in the advertisements of medicine and other products.He has also shown up on his nation's television-talk show.Anas'resemblance to the president has turned his life around 180degrees.He's even written an autobiography Because of Obama.
Anas is the first to admit that he's an impostor(冒牌货).But he'll also tell you that he's in incredible demand."I've got so much work I can't handle it all,"he said.
But when his sister first mentioned the resemblance,he dismissed it.Then a colleague at the magazine asked him to pose as Obama in front of a US flag.He also refused."I'm a photographer,not an object for the camera,"he said.
As soon as he accepted the idea,his career took off.The married father of two children is rarely home these days.Recently a group of reporters followed him on a tour of the elementary school Obama once attended.Anas sat in the classroom where the president studied.He spoke a few lines in English.The moment he opened his mouth,however,the differences became apparent."Obama is a baritone(男中音),"Anas said."I'm not.I sound like a little boy."He is also shorter than the president.But he makes up for that by practising Obama's typical actions.Before public appearances,he spends hours in front of the mirror posing,gesturing,flashing that smile.
Anas said he hasn't changed his appearance much for the role.He wears his hair just like he did in high school.But he did shape his eyebrows to look more like those of the president.
He used to dislike looking into the mirror because of his average appearance.Now he no longer considers himself as an average guy,but a superstar.
Now,he hopes that Obama will win a second term in the White House.‘‘The longer he's in office,the longer my fame will last,"he said.

61.Ilham Anas becomes well-known because heB.
A.wrote a biography for President Obama
B.looks like President Obama
C.attended the same school as President Obama used to attend
D.played many roles in films
62.Which of the following can't be used to describe Ilham Anas?C
A.Famous.  B.Wealthy.  C.Handsome.  D.Busy.
63.The underlined sentence"he's in incredible demand"meansA.
A.his advertisement business is very booming
B.he demands better pay from his boss
C.he is planning to increase the production
D.he asks for higher prices for his advertisements
64.Ilham Anas differs from President Obama in that AnasD
A.is taller than President Obama
B.is older than President Obama
C.is a baritone
D.sounds like a little boy
65.We can infer that Anas nowA.
A is proud of his appearance
B is not satisfied with his appearance
C often keeps in touch with President Obama
D intends to become a politician.

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