
3.Some animals can be trained to help humans.For example,specially trained dogs help blind people walk around the town safely.Some kinds of monkeys can be taught things too.(36)C The monkeys pick up the phone when it rings,carry shopping bags and do housework.
In the wild,animals and humans are not usually friends.(37)F In Africa,the honey-guide bird works with humans to find food.The bird likes to eat the grubs (幼虫)-a type of insect that lives inside a beehive (蜂巢,蜂窝).It knows how to find beehives but it can't open them and get the grubs.People like to eat honey,but they aren't very good at finding beehives.(38)B The bird flies to a beehive and people follow it.When the people open the beehive and take the honey,they give the grubs to the bird.
In Laguna in the south of Brazil,fishermen and dolphins work as a team.The ocean isn't very clean,so the fishermen can't see the fish.(39)G When the dolphins find a large group of fish,they make a noise to tell the fishermen.Then the dolphins push the fish to the beach.The fishermen wait in the water near the beach and catch a lot of fish in their nets.The fishermen's nets make it easier for the dolphins to catch fish too.In Laguna,fishermen and dolphins have been working together for many years.(40)E Meanwhile,the dolphins must be happy to help because they teach their babies how to work with the humans!
A.They attack each other for food or something else.
B.So the bird and the people help each other.
C.They can learn how to help people who can't use their arms or legs.
D.In fact,they usually help to get enough food for their babies.
E.The fishermen teach their children how to work with the dolphins.
F.However,there are a few interesting examples where they can work together.
G.However,dolphins can find them easily by using sounds.

分析 本文主要介绍人类和动物如何相互帮助的事情.例如:导蜜鸟知道如何找到蜂窝但打不开,而人喜欢吃蜂蜜但找不到蜂窝,这样,人跟着导蜜鸟找到蜂窝打开它得到蜂蜜,导蜜鸟吃到幼虫.这样,相互帮助,各取所需.

解答 36-40:CFBGE
36.C 考查上下文理解判断能力.根据下文The monkeys pick up the phone when it rings,carry shopping bags and do housework可知,猴子接电话,搬运购物袋及做家务,这些都要使用手,上文应是:它们能学会如何帮助那些不能使用手和腿的人.故选C.
37.F 考查上下文理解判断能力.根据下文In Africa,the honey-guide bird works with humans to find food可知,在非洲,导蜜鸟和人一起工作来寻找食物,上文应是:也有一些有趣的例子他们能一起工作.故选F.
38.B 考查上下文理解判断能力.根据上文It knows how to find beehives but it can't open them and get the grubs.People like to eat honey,but they aren't very good at finding beehives可知,导蜜鸟知道如何找到蜂窝但打不开,而人喜欢吃蜂蜜但找不到蜂窝,下文应是:他们相互帮助.故选B.
39.G 考查上下文理解判断能力.根据下文When the dolphins find a large group of fish,they make a noise to tell the fishermen可知,当海豚找到一大群鱼时,它们弄出吃亏告诉渔民,上文应与海豚有关,即:海豚通过作用声音很容易找到鱼.故选G.
40.E 考查上下文理解判断能力.根据下文Meanwhile,the dolphins must be happy to help because they teach their babies how to work with the humans可知,同时,海豚想必很高兴地帮助,因为它们教幼崽如何和人一起工作,上文应是:渔民教孩子如何和海豚一起工作.故选E.

点评 七选五题型看似简单,实际上有时完全作对并不容易,需要方法和分析能力及足够的耐力,有必要进行专门练习.首先,快速浏览一遍七个备选答案,先确定哪个选项适合放在文章的什么位置.其次,快速浏览文章,确定文章体裁,抓住文章结构,分析篇章结构,找出各段的主题句或主旨大意.其三,注意各选项中出现的句子衔接手段,寻找句中衔接标志词,七选五备选答案中有两个多余的选项,会对文章中两个空的选择构成干扰,这时要特别细致地比对相似选项.最后,用代入法,检查答案是否合理,将所有选择答案放回空白处,通读全文,检查文章内容是否语义连贯合理、紧扣主题,语篇结构是否通顺连贯、具有一致性、合乎逻辑,写作思路是否清晰明了,格式以及用语是否恰当贴切,从而判断选择的答案是否正确.

14.A61.Susan is a big eater.She usually has a lot at every meal.So she wonders whether she could only eat less for the first meal of a day to lose weight.
C62.Tina is a fat girl who doesn't like exercise much.She just wants to lose weight by eating less but not doing exercise.
E63.Maggie is a busy office lady.She usually has to work overtime every day.So she could only have her dinner late at night.She wants to be slimmer so that she could be much more attractive.
D64.Judy is a fashionable designer.She hopes to have a slim shape as models.She usually doesn't have any regular meal,but has some snacks when she is hungry.

A.If you eat less for breakfast,you have a lower chance of losing weight.Breakfast is important.It gives the body sufficient energy to sustain itself through the morning,and it also stimulates metabolic (新陈代谢) activity in the body.Metabolism is what consumes fat and what makes us slimmer.So,don't forget to eat something for the breakfast.
B.What makes people fat is not the number of calories for one meal,but the total accumulated over time.So don't expect your weight to drop when you eat less for just one meal.This needs to be sustained over a period of time.After some time,you will notice a change.
C.Many people stop doing exercise when they eat less.When you do this,your body will burn less fat.So even if people take in less calories,they get rid of less too.The balance is then unchanged.
D.People gain fat not from the food they eat,but from the number of calories in the food.For example,a bunch of vegetables has just one tenth the calories contained in a small bit of chocolate cake.So make sure you have adequate regular meals,but firmly say no to various snacks,milk tea or even instant noodles.
E.If you ate your last meal right before going to bed,the calories accumulated from this meal could be twice the amount accumulated from a same meal if you ate it another time during the day.
11.The eyes are the windows of the soul (心灵).Having a pair of bright,clear eyes is very important,so we should protect our eyes throughout our lives.
(36)A Don't read while lying down or walking.Relax after every hour of reading.
Keep a distance from the TV set when you watch TV and give your eyes a rest every 30minutes.
Don't stare at (盯着看) the sun or try to read in the darkness.(37)E This can damage your eyes easily.
Get your eyes checked often.Not many people have this habit,but it is necessary.If you feel that there is something wrong with your eyes,get them checked quickly.(38)F.
(39)B.You can close your eyes for a few seconds or look into the distance for one or two minutes.A small break will relax your eyes and help to stop you from getting eye problems.
Be careful when you choose your glasses.(40)D.Make sure your glasses are right for you.If they don't feel right,get your glasses changed.
A.Develop good reading habits.
B.Rest your eyes whenever you can.
C.Make sure you get enough sleep every night.
D.Glasses that aren't suitable for you could bring you trouble.
E.Even if you're wearing sunglasses,never look directly at the sun.
F.Eye problem can be found and treated early with regular checks.
G.Drink green tea every day as a way to protect your eyes against eye problems.
18.There are some very good things about open education.This way of reaching allows the students to grow as people,and to develop their own interests in many subjects.Open education allows students to be responsible for their own education,as they are responsible for what they do in life.Some students do bad in traditional classrooms.The open classroom may allow them to enjoy learning.(71)DThey will not have to worry about grades or rules.For students who worry about these things a lot,it is a good idea to be in an open classroom.(72)C
 For some students,there are too few rules.These students will do little in school.They will not make good use of open education,which is very different from traditional education.These students may have a problem of getting used to making so many choices.(73)GThey worry about the rules even when there are no rules.Even a few rules will help this kind of students.The last point about open education is that some traditional teachers do not like it.(74)ATeachers who want to have an open classroom may have many problems at their school.
You now know what open education is,whose good points and bad points have been explained.You may have your own opinion about open education.I think that open education is a good idea,but only in theory.(75)FI believe that most students,but of course not all students,want some structure in their classes.They want and need to have rules.In some cases,they must be made to study some subjects.Many students are pleased to find subjects they have to study interesting.They would not study those subjects if they did not have to.

A.Many teachers do not believe in open education.
B.Open education is better than traditional education.
C.But many students will not do well in an open classroom.
D.Some students will be happier in an open education school.
E.The teachers'feeling and attitudes are important to the students.
F.In fact,it may not work very well in a real class or school.
G.For many students it is important to have some rules in the classroom.
8.Facts About Goal Setting
These practical tips on goal setting can help make it easier to set and reach goals:
Specific,realistic goals work best.(21)G"I'm going to recycle all my plastic bottles,soda cans,and magazines"is a much more doable goal than"I'm going to do more for the environment."And that makes it easier to stick with.
(22)F It will probably take a couple of months before any changes-like getting up half an hour early to exercise-become a routine part of your life.That's because your brain needs time to get used to the idea that this new thing you're doing is part of your regular routine.
(23)A Say your goal out loud each morning to remind yourself of what you want and what you're working for.Writing it down works too.Every time you remind yourself of your goal,you're training your brain to make it happen.
(24)B The key to making any change is to find the desire within yourself-you have to do it because you want it,not because a girlfriend,boyfriend,coach,parent,or someone else wants you to.It will be harder to stay on track and motivated if you're doing something out of obligation to another person.
Roadblocks don't mean failure.Slip-ups are actually part of the learning process as you retrain your brain into a new way of thinking.It may take a few tries to reach a goal.But that's OK-it's normal to mess up or give up a few times when trying to make a change.So remember that everyone slips up and don't beat yourself up about it.(25)D

A.Repeating a goal makes it stick.
B.Pleasing other people doesn't work.
C.You should make a change in your life.
D.Just remind yourself to get back on track.
E.Set a goal and come up with steps to reach it.
F.t takes time for a change to become an establishedhabit.
G.When it comes to making a change,the people who succeed are those who set proper goals.
15.Building Trust in a Relationship Again
Trust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences,(36)B.That is a risk.But you can't be successful when there's a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.
Unfortunately,we've all been victims of betrayal.Whether we've been suffer from,lied to,misled,or cheated on,there are different levels of losing trust.Sometimes people simply can't trust anymore,(37)E.It's understandable,but if you're willing to build trust in a relationship again,we have some steps you can take to get you there.
l(38)Ahaving confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome would be for your well-being.
l(39)CIf you've been betrayed,you are the victim of your circumstance.But there's a difference between being a victim and living with a"victim mentality".At some point in all of our lives,we'll have our trust tested or violated.
l  You didn't lose"everything".Once trust is lost,what is left?Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle,look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life.(40)Ginstead,it's a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room for positive growth and forgiveness.

A.Learn to really trust yourself.
B.It is putting confidence in someone.
C.Stop regarding yourself as the victim.
D.Remember that you can expect the best in return.
E.They've been too badly hurt and they can't bear to let it happen again.
F.This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.
G.Seeing the positive side of things doesn't mean you're ignoring what happened.
12.Improve your memory
Do you find yourself forgetting where you left your keys or blanking out information on important tests?(36)B Before your next big exam,be sure to check out some of these tried and tested ways of improving memory.
Focus your attention on the materials you are studying.Attention is one of the major components(组成部分) of memory.In order for information to move from short-term memory into long-term memory,you need to actively attend to this information.(37)A
Structure and organize the information you are studying.Researchers have found that information is best organized in related groups.(38)E Or you can make an outline of your notes and textbook readings to help group related concepts (概念).
(39)F When you are studying unfamiliar material,take the time to think about how this information relates to things that you already know.By establishing relationships between new ideas and previously existing memories,you can greatly increase the likelihood of recalling(回想起) the recently learned information.
Pay extra attention to difficult information.Remembering information at the beginning or end of an article is easy.However,recalling information from its middle can be difficult.(40)C Another way is to try restructuring what you have learned so it will be easier to remember.When you come across an especially difficult concept,devote some extra time to memorizing the information.

A.Try to study in a quiet place and concentrate on your learning.
B.Fortunately,there are things that you can do to help improve your memory.
C.You can overcome this problem by spending extra time memorizing this information.
D.Use this approach in your own studies.
E.Try grouping similar concepts and terms together.
F.Relate new information to things you already know.
G.Repeat the information you are studying to improve memory.
13.Most people feel lonely sometimes,but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours.This kind of loneliness is not serious.In fact,it is quite normal.For some people,though,loneliness can last for years.(16)D
The first kind of loneliness doesn't last long.This is the most common type.(17)C The second kind is situational,it is a natural result of a particular situation.For example,family problem,the death of loved one,or moving to a new place.Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems,such as headaches and sleeplessness,it usually does not last for more than a year.
The third kind of loneliness is the most serious.(18)F People who experience habitual loneliness have problems socializing and becoming close to others.Unfortunately,many of them think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.
Psychologists agree that one important factor in loneliness is a
person's social contacts.(19)E For instance,our families give us emotional support,our parents and teachers give us guidance,and our friends share similar interests and activities.However,psychologists have found that,though lonely people may have many social contacts,they sometimes feel they should have more.They question their popularity.
Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitually lonely people for two reasons:they are unhappy and unable to socialize and there is a connection between habitual loneliness and seriousillness such as heart disease,(20)B

A.we live in a big family and we love our family members.
B.while temporary and situational loneliness can be a sad,and sometimes dangerous condition.
C.It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention.
D.Psychologits are studying this complex phenomenon,and have identified three different types of loneliness.
E.We depend on various people for different reasons.
F.Unlike the first two types,it usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause.
G.and temporary and situational loneliness also need to pay attention to.

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