
13.在成长过程中,我们有时会和父母意见相左,请叙述你曾经做过的一件违背父母意愿的事,并简要谈谈你现 在对此事的感受或看法.

分析 这是一篇提纲作文,让我们写一篇年少无知,青春叛逆的作文,这需要我们发挥英语思维,将提供的信息用英语完整流畅的表达出来.写作需要用第一人称,时态主要是一般过去时,内容要点包括:在成长过程中,我们有时会和父母意见相左,请叙述曾经做过的一件违背父母意愿的事.我们此篇作文分为两部分,第一部分为曾经做过的一件违背父母意愿的事情叙述.第二部分为现在对此事的感受或看法.
grow up 成长
sb be  required to do sth.某人被要求做某事
feel  ashamed of 羞愧,惭愧
高分句型一:It happened one year ago,when we were required to choose one test subject from the six selective courses..此句用了when引导定语从句
高分句型二:Hardly had I been informed of the news when I chose history without hesitation because of my strong interest in it此句hardly置于句首,部分倒装
高分句型三:Recalling my previous behaviors,I feel quite ashamed of my rudeness and disrespect to mum此句现在分词Recalling作伴随状语.

解答 As we grow up,we often do something something against our parents'will.It happened one year ago,when we were required to choose one test subject from the six selective courses.(高分句型一) Hardly had I been informed of the news when I chose history without hesitation because of my strong interest in it.(高分句型二) After school,when I told mum my choice happily,she showed his disapproval by saying history knowledge was too complex to learn  by heart.At last,I could not bear my mum and shouted at  her,"It is none of your business".(曾经做过的一件违背父母意愿的事情叙述)
Recalling my previous behaviors,I feel quite ashamed of my rudeness and disrespect to mum(高分句型三).And now I do believe that there is no parent but loves her child.(现在对此事的感受或看法)

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实 的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

2.All through history,people from many different countries and cultures have lived together in Britain.The English language (1)consists (consist) of the grammar and vocabulary (2)these (this) people brought to Britain.That is (3)why English has so many difficult rules that confuse people.
The development of English experienced three periods-Old English,Middle English and Modern English.From the 5th to the 9th centuries,Britain was occupied by different groups from other countries,which led to Old English (4)replacing (replace) Celtic.Old English,a mixture of different languages,differs (5)from today's English.Middle English is the name (6)given (give) to the English used from (7)approximately (approximate) the 12th to the 15th centuries.During this period,French,though it didn't replace English,still made many (8)contributions (contribution) to Middle English.This resulted in more words with similar meanings.The words for the meat of these animals which (9)was served (serve) to the Normans,came from Old French.Modern English appeared in the 16th century,which went through many changes during this period.The question of (10)whether English will keep on changing in the future is easy to answer.It is certain that this process will continue.
A.Heat food thoroughly
B.Store food properly
C.Cook food thoroughly
D.Serve food safely
E.Prepare food safely
F.Shop smartly
Food Safety in the Home
Prevention food poisoning starts with your trip to the supermarket.Pick up your packaged and canned foods first.Buy cans and jars that look perfect.Look for any expiration dates on the labels and never buy outdated food.Likewise,check the"use by"or"sell by"date on dairy products such as cottage cheese,cream cheese,yogurt,and sour cream and pick the ones that will stay fresh longest in your refrigerator.
After shopping,get home as soon as you can.Then put food into the refrigerator or freezer right away.Make sure to set the refrigerator temperature to 40℉and the freezer to 0℉.Check temperatures with a thermometer.Place raw meat and seafood in containers in the refrigerator to prevent their juices from dripping on other foods.Eggs always go in the refrigerator.
Wash hands and surfaces often.Bacteria can be spread throughout the kitchen and get onto cutting boards and counter tops.To prevent this,wash hands with soap and hot water before and after handling food,and after using the bathroom or handling pets.Wash everything else before and after it touches food.Wash cloths before you use them again for anything else.
Cook food thoroughly until it is done.For example,cooked red meat looks brown inside.Use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature of meat,poultry,casseroles and other food.Use a thermometer with a small-diameter stem.Insert the thermometer 1to 2inches into the center of the food and wait 30seconds to ensure an accurate measurement.Check temperature in several places to be sure the food is evenly heated.
Use clean containers to store and serve food.When a dish is empty or nearly empty,replace with fresh container of food,removing the previous container.Place cold food in containers on some ice.Place the container inside a deep pan filled with ice to keep food cold.Once food is thoroughly heated on stove top,oven or in microwave oven,keep food hot by using a heat source.Place food in chafing dishes,preheated steam tables,warming trays and/or slow cookers.
8.Teamwork is the ability to work together with other members toward a common goal.
(36)C Many factors influence the working of a team.If a team can't get the desired results,try the following ways that would help improve teamwork.
Planning goals ahead:(37)G When a goal is planned,all team members should be clear about their goals they have to achieve and then they should find a way that would lead them to achieve their goals.
Electing team leader:A team is led by the team leader.(38)D It is the leader's duty to work out the conflicts (冲突) caused by different characters and attitudes.
Maintaining good relationship between team members:Teamwork needs cooperation (合作).(39)A So it would also be great if the team members can communicate outside the workplace to know each other more.This will help increase a sense of togetherness at work,thus improving teamwork.
Avoiding competition:Competition is important for a person's growth.(40)F One should understand that each person has his or her own strengths and weaknesses.Rather than compete with each other in the team,one should learn from others and improve one's performance.
A.It would be good for their cooperation if the members know each other well.
B.But there are many difficulties in teamwork.
C.The ability can help common people achieve uncommon goals.
D.His or her duty is to encourage and lead the team members to achieve their goal.
E.The goals should be easy enough to achieve.
F.However,unhealthy competition among group members can hurt team spirit.
G.It is the duty of all the members to work together to plan the goal.
5.People who enjoy a dream-filled sleep are better at recalling information and making links between facts when waking.But recharging with a shallow (小睡) offers no such mental improvement,the research suggests.The results of the study added to the growing body of evidence that Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is very important to the brain's ability to form strong memories.
An average night's rest includes four or five spells of REM sleep,but these bursts tend to be lengthier towards the end of the night.This means adults getting less than the recommended seven to eight hours a night--and therefore inadequate REM sleep--may be damaging their mind's ability to memorize:Although REM sleep is not classified as a type of deep sleep,it is only reached after the brain has passed through deep sleep stages.
In the recent study,participants were shown groups of three words and asked to find another word that can be associated with all three words.They were tested once in the morning and then given the same task again in the afternoon.In between,some were allowed a nap with REM sleep,some a nap without REM sleep,while the others had a quiet rest period.The quiet rest and non-REM sleep groups didn't improve,but the REM sleep group improved on their morning performance by an average of almost 40 per cent.Dr Sara Mednick,a sleep researcher at the University of California who led the study,believes the formation of connections between previously unassociated information in the brain occurs during REM sleep.
It is believed that sleep acts as a sort of mental filing system,enabling the brain to sort relevant information from useless information.This process may take place as memories are removed hem one art of the brain to others.
Title REM Sleep (76)Benefits/ImprovesMemory
The result of the
study Rapid Eye Movement sleep is of great importance to the brain's ability to (77)strengthenmemories.
The (78)process/steps/proceduresof the study◆(79)Participantswere required to think of another word
   associated with all three words.
◆The same task was given to participants (80)twicea day.
◆The quiet rest and non-REM sleep groups showed no
◆The REM sleep group (82)performedwell by an average of
 almost 40 per cent.
Dr Sara Mednick's
(83)opinion/view/beliefConnections between previous unassociated information in the
brain are (84)formedduring REM sleep
Conclusion Sleep acts as a sort of mental filing system,enabling the brain to abandon useless information and keep the (85)relevant/relatedinformation.
2.Who do you trun to when you're in need of cash?(56)D,But,mixing finances and friendship can ruin a friendship if you aren't sure you can pay back what you borrow,To ensure you and your friend are on the same page you need to create a paper that explains what you're borrowing,for how long and how you will pay it back.
1、(57)A.You can draft a letter explaining how the money will be used and what you intend to get out of the temporary loan,This may help ease you friends'concerns about lending money to you.
2、Ask for an exact amount of money from your friends,Your friends likely do not have the so much money as a bank,(58)B and tell your friends how you arrived at the figure.
3、Negotiate an interest rate that is suitable to you and your friends,Many lending arrangements between friends can be uncomfortable because (59)C,You can make a loan worth your friedn's thime by adding competitive interest rates into the agreement.
4、provide friends who lend you money for a business with services or products from that business,(60)F,rented equipment and other benefits to encourage your friends to invest in the longtern health of your business.

A、Tell your friends exactly why you need to borrow money
B、Determine the right amount to borrow
C、neither side wants to ask for too much
D、It's normal to ask a friend for help
E、both sides like to ask for high rates
F、You can use discounted sales prices
G、it's not a good idea to turn to your friends for help.
3.Some animals can be trained to help humans.For example,specially trained dogs help blind people walk around the town safely.Some kinds of monkeys can be taught things too.(36)C The monkeys pick up the phone when it rings,carry shopping bags and do housework.
In the wild,animals and humans are not usually friends.(37)F In Africa,the honey-guide bird works with humans to find food.The bird likes to eat the grubs (幼虫)-a type of insect that lives inside a beehive (蜂巢,蜂窝).It knows how to find beehives but it can't open them and get the grubs.People like to eat honey,but they aren't very good at finding beehives.(38)B The bird flies to a beehive and people follow it.When the people open the beehive and take the honey,they give the grubs to the bird.
In Laguna in the south of Brazil,fishermen and dolphins work as a team.The ocean isn't very clean,so the fishermen can't see the fish.(39)G When the dolphins find a large group of fish,they make a noise to tell the fishermen.Then the dolphins push the fish to the beach.The fishermen wait in the water near the beach and catch a lot of fish in their nets.The fishermen's nets make it easier for the dolphins to catch fish too.In Laguna,fishermen and dolphins have been working together for many years.(40)E Meanwhile,the dolphins must be happy to help because they teach their babies how to work with the humans!
A.They attack each other for food or something else.
B.So the bird and the people help each other.
C.They can learn how to help people who can't use their arms or legs.
D.In fact,they usually help to get enough food for their babies.
E.The fishermen teach their children how to work with the dolphins.
F.However,there are a few interesting examples where they can work together.
G.However,dolphins can find them easily by using sounds.

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