
     In your spoken English class,your teacher shows you the following picture.You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.

分析 本文为看图作文,主题是"不管面对多大困难,始终要坚持不懈,百折不挠,成功定会到来".写作时可按"二段式"来写,首先描述图片点明主题,然后分析概述其含义,发表感想.基本时态为一般现在时,人称以第三人称为主.重要短语:struggle all the way  (一路奋斗…..),remind sb of sth (提醒某人某物),give up (放弃),try one's best to do sth (努力做某事),succeed in sth(成功做某事),be faced with (面临,面对).

解答 In the picture,between two closely-located buildings grows a big tree.【高分句型】Unlike most trees,this one bends in the middle,struggling all the way up to get more sunshine.【高分句型】(描述图片)
The picture reminds me of those who succeed in unfavorable conditions.【高分句型】Faced with difficulties,they never give up but try their best to find a way out.【高分句型】Life can be hard.But if we have the courage and determination,we will finally get the sunshine we want as the tree in the picture does.(理解图片)

点评 写作看图作文时,首先认真看图,结合图片和文字,确定所要表达的主题是什么,然后围绕主题,提炼要点,合理想象,对译出的要点通过合理的组合,加上必要的连接词使表达连贯.同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次,平时需注意积累短语和重要句型.

5.In the animal kingdom,weakness can bring about aggression in other animal.This sometimes happens with humans also.But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people.I see it every day when people hold doors for me,pour cream into my coffee,or help me to put on my coat.And I have discovered that it makes them happy.
     From my wheelchair experience,I see the best in people,bur sometimes I feel sad because those who appear independent miss the kindness I see daily.They don't get to see this soft side of others often,we try bevery way possible to avoid showing our weakness,which includes a lot of pretending.But only when we stop pretending we're brave or strong do we allow people to show the kindness that's in them.
     Last month,when I was driving home on a busy highway,I began to feel unwell and drove more slowly than usual.People behind me began to get impatient and angry,with some speeding up alongside me,horning (按喇叭) or even shouting at me.At the moment I decided to do something I had never done in twenty fore years of driving.I put on the car flashlights and drove on at a really low speed.
     No more angry shouts and no more horns!
     When I put on my flashlights,I was saying to other drivers,"I have a problem here.I am weak and doing the best I can."And everyone understoof.Several times,I saw drivers who wanted to pass.They couldn't get around me because of the stream of passing traffic.But instead of getting impatient and angry,they waited,knowing the driver in front of them was in some way weak.
     Sometimes situations call for us to act strong and brave even when we don't feel that way.But those are and far between.More often,it would be better if we don't pretend we feel strong when we feel weak or pretend that we are brave when we are scared.

26.the author has discovered that people will feel happy whenA.
A.they offer their help
B.they receive others'help
C.they feel others'kindness
D.they show their weakness
27.The author feels sad sometimes becauseD.
A.he has a soft heart
B.he relies much on others
C.some people pretend to be kind
D.some people fail to see the kindness in others
28.What did the other drivers do when they saw the flashlights?
A.They speed up to pass.
B.They waited with patience.
C.They tried their best to help.
D.They put on their flashlights too.
29.In this passage,the author advises us toC.
A.handle problems by ourselves
B.accept help from others
C.admit our weakness
D.show our bravery
30.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?B
A.A Wheelchair Experience.
B.Weakness and Kindness.
C.Weakness and Strength
D.A Driving Experience.
14.The International Painting Contest on Google's homepage in 2015 may look pretty strange,but it spotlightings a very serious issue:clean water,which is unusual for an 11-year-old from Long Island.
Audrey Zhang,a fifth-grader from Levittown,N.Y,is the winner of this year's Doodle 4Google contest,rising to the top of some 100,000entries on the theme of"draw one thing to make the world a better place."
Her piece,titled"Back to Mother Nature,"describes a detailed water-cleaning machine.Zhang worked with a team of artists at Google to animate(使…生动)her drawing.
"To make the world a better place,I came up with a transformative water purifier,a machine used to remove dirty or harmful substances,"Google quoted Zhang as saying."It takes in dirty and polluted water from rivers,lakes and even oceans,then massively transforms the water into clean,safe and pure water.When humans and animals drink this water,they will live a healthier life."
She created a whole world around the device-one populated by humans,a whale in a top hat and dragons.
Zhang,s piece is"so vivid and so rich and so full and so complete,"Google Doodle team leader Ryan Germick told the Washington Post."Every leaf seemed to have life in it."
Along with having her artwork featured on Google's homepage,Zhang wins a 30,000 dollars college scholarship.In addition,her school will receive a 50,000dollars Google for Education technology grant,and the company is donating 20,000dollars in her name to a charity devoted to bringing clean water to schools in Bangladesh.On Sunday,the night before her work was revealed on net,Zhang told Newsday she was excited by the big win,but said she wouldn't be awake when her art first went online at midnight.
"I have school-tomorrow,so I can't stay up late,"she told the paper.

25.What's the passage mainly about?A
A.The winner and her work in the painting contest.
B.The team of artists at Google to animate drawings.
C.The painting contest of Google's homepage in 2015.
D.The water-cleaning machine in the painting contest.
26.According to the passage,we know thatA.
A.Audrey Zhang is creative and self-disciplined
B.a water-cleaning device was made in the contest
C.50,000dollars will be donated in Audrey Zhang's name
D.Zhang's piece was printed in all major newspapers
27.The underlined word in Paragraph l probably means"D".
A.put up with    
B.1ook for ward to
C.breakaway from 
D.focus attention on.

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