
14.Bob lived in (36)a small town.Later,he got a job in a big city so he had to move there with his wife and two (37)children(child).(38)On the first Saturday in their new home,Bob took his new red car out of the garage(车库).He (39)was washing (wash) it when a neighbor came by.When he saw Bob's car,the neighbor stopped and stood there,(40)looking(look)at it for a minute.Then Bob turned and saw him.The neighbor said,"That's a nice car.Is it (41)yours(you)?""Sometimes"Bob answered.The neighbor was (42)puzzled(puzzle)."Sometimes?"he said,"What do you (43)mean(meaning)?"Bob answered (44)slowly(slow),"Well,when there's a party in town,it belongs to my daughter.(45)When there's a football game somewhere,it belongs to my son.When I've washed it,and it looks really nice and clean,it belongs to my wife.And when it is dirty,it's mine."

分析 鲍勃住在一个小镇上,后来他在大城市里得到了一份工作,所以和妻子及两个孩子搬到那.在新家的第一个周六,他说车开出车库.一个邻居经过时,他正在洗车.当邻居看到鲍勃的车时,他停下来看了一会.然后鲍勃转身看他.邻居说"车不错,是你的吗?"鲍勃说"有时是."邻居很疑惑"有时?什么意思?""城里有聚会时,是我女儿的,某个地方有足球赛时是我儿子的,当我洗完看上去真的好看干净时,是我妻子的,脏的时候,是我的."

解答 36.a 考查冠词.town是可数名词,单数形式前加不定冠词a表示泛指.
37.children  考查名词复数.child是可数名词,其前有数词two修饰时用复数形式.
38.On 考查介词.根据句意:第一个周六在他们的新家里,鲍勃从车库里开出新车.on Saturday意为"在周六",是固定搭配.
39.was washing 考查动词时态.was/were doing sth.when-did sth.意为"正在做某事,这时突然…",是固定句型. 
40.looking 考查现在分词.the neighbor与look之间是主谓关系,用现在分词作状语.
41.yours 考查代词.yours相当于your car,是名词性物主代词作表语.
42.puzzled 考查过去分词.过去分词作表语,多半用来表示人物所处的心理状态或情感变化,其主语多半是人.
43.mean 考查动词.根据句意:什么意思?根据The neighbor was puzzled."Sometimes?"邻居很疑惑"有时?",可知答案填mean.
44.slowly 考查副词.answer是动词,要用副词修饰.
45.When 考查连词.根据句意:某个地方有足球赛时是我儿子的.用连词when引导时间状语从句.

点评 在一篇200词左右的语篇(短文或对话)中留出10处空白,部分空白的后面给出单词的基本形式,要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所需的内容或所提供单词的正确形式,所填写词语不得多于3个单词.要做好语法填空题,理解短文是解题的前提,扎实的词汇、句型和语法知识是基础,英语国家的背景知识是必要的补充.考生须灵活运用语法知识,如单词词性、单词时态、名词单复数、连接词、代词、冠词等判断各空白处应填写的内容.答完后,还要通读全文,核对所填单词形式是否正确,是否符合语境.

2.Why play sports?You might say"to get exercise"and you'd be right.To have fun?That's true,too.But there's more.(36)DAccording to the Women's Sports Foundation,girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.
Girls who play sports do better in school.You might think that athletics will take up all your study time.(37)GExercise improves learning,memory,and concentration,which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom.
Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills.(38)BWhen working with coaches,trainers,and teammates to win games and achieve goals,you're learning how to be successful.Those skills will serve you well at work and in family life.
Sports are good for a girl's health.In addition to being fit and keeping a healthy weight,girls who play sports are also less likely to smoke.And later in life,girls who exercise are less likely to get breast cancer or osteoporosis(骨质酥松症).
Playing sports improves self-confidence.(39)EWhy?It builds confidence when you know you can practice,improve,and achieve your goals.Sports are also a feel-good activity because they help girls get in shape,keep a healthy weight,and make new friends.
(40)APlaying sports can reduce stress and help you feel a little happier.How?The brain chemicals released during exercise improve a person's mood.Friends are another mood-lifter.And being in a team creates tight bonds between friends.It's good to know your teammates will support you---both on and off the field!

A.Exercise cuts the pressure.
B.Sports teach valuable life skills.
C.Regular exercise increases quality of life.
D.In fact,there are at least five more reasons.
E.Girls who play sports feel better about themselves.
F.Playing sports offers children more than just physical benefits.
G.But research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than those who don't.
3.When was the last time someone unexpectedly did something nice for you?Not someone you knew,but a total stranger?It's happened to me a few times,but two instances really stand out.
A few years ago,I was dining in a restaurant with a friend who kept talking about himself,completely not aware of the fact that I was sitting there in misery.It wasn't my friend's talks that made me suffer.I was recovering from a broken heart,and just sitting down to dinner reminded me of my last relationship.I could have burst into tears right there at the table.
When we picked up the check,the waitress said,"Your meal was already paid for."My friend and I didn't have a clue how it happened.Then I remembered a man I saw out of the corner of my eye.He was dressed in mostly white,sat down at the bar,had a beer,and stayed for maybe ten minutes.The waitress said,"Yes,the gentleman in white paid for you."It felt like an angel was saying,"I see you,honey.It's going to be okay."
Just last year,I was running a halfmarathon.With just 1 mile to go,I was out of gas.Runners call it"hitting the wall".I thought I couldn't move another inch.Out of nowhere,a strang er came up to me and said,"What's your name,sweetie?Jennifer?Okay,Jennifer,let's go!Come on!It's just around the corner!You can do it!"And he ran with me until I picked up my pace.I found him at the finish line to thank him for the encouragement only to learn he wasn't even supposed to be in the race that day.
I still shake my head when I think of these momentary angels that came to me at my point of need.Do you have any experiences like these?
1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A
A.The kindness of strangers                
B.Valuable friendship
C.Two special experiences                 
D.Helping others is worthwhile
2.According to the passage,the man in whiteC.
A.was the author's friend              
B.had a big meal in the restaurant
C.was generous and kindhearted         
D.enjoyed making fun of others
3.The underlined expression in the passage means""D.
A.being hurt by the wall                
B.winning the game
C.taking a deep breath                  
D.running out of energy
4.Who is the stranger in the marathon race?D
A.the writer's friend                     
B.the winner of the race
C.an athlete in the race                   
D.a stranger passing by.

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