
11.Camels certainly like eating green grass,not dry grass.But(41)strangely(strange),camels always keep looking for dry grass (42)until/till/beforetheir stomachs are filled up.
A classmate of (43)mine(I) whose home is on the edge of Turpan Basin in Xinjiang told me his home has two camels; he said you could imagine a camels appetite,for it can slowly swallow dozens of kilograms of hay (干草).I asked him(44)whycamels eat hay,not green grass.He said the camel is a kind of animal with (45)astrong sense of suffering,(46)fearing(fear) its master letting it travel through the desert the next day,and the hay in its stomach is more hunger-resistant (47)thangreen grass.
The camel has the best tolerance.Unfortunately,many people can only see a camel's outstanding performance,but few understand its(48)preparations(prepare) made for it.
Life,(49)likea camel traveling through the desert,(50)needs(need) the adequate accumulation,but not everyone can understand it.

分析 考查语法填空,文章大意:本文以骆驼吃干草来抗击饥饿告诉我们一个道理:生活,就像骆驼穿越沙漠,需要充足的准备.

解答 41.strangely,考查副词,修饰整个句子,用副词.
42.until/till/before,考查连词,根据句意"骆驼总是找些干草直到他们的胃被填饱(在他们的胃被填饱之前)",用 until/till/before引导时间状语从句.
43.mine,考查代词,mine在此相当于my classmates,of后要用名词性物主代词.构成双重所有格.
48.preparations.考查名词,根据短语"make preparations for为…做好准备"可知答案.

点评 本题主要考查了用单词或短语的适当形式填空.做本题的关键是在理解短文的基础上,灵活运用所学的基础知识.本题考到的知识点有:固定的短语,词类的转换,名词的复数形式,副词以及祈使句的用法等.因此,这就需要在平时的学习中,牢固掌握各语言点及一些语法知识.

1.A man came home from work late,tired and found his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.
"Daddy,may I ask you a question?""Yeah,sure,what is it?"replied the man.(36)C"If you must know,I make﹩20?""Oh,"the little boy replied,with his head down.Then he looked up and said,"Daddy,may I borrow﹩10?The father was angry,"If the only reason you asked for that is to borrow some money to buy a silly toy,the you should go to bed."(37)F
After about an hour or so,the man calmed down,and started to think.Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10 and he really didn't ask for money very often.(38)E"Are you asleep,son?''He opened the door and asked."No,Daddy,"replied the boy."I've been thinking,maybe I was too hard on you just now,"said the man,"Here's the $10 you asked for."(39)G"Oh,thank you,Daddy!"he yelled.Then,reaching under his pillow he pulled out some small change.(40)B"Why do you want more money if you have already had some?"the father asked angrily.
"Because I didn't have enough,but now I do,"the little boy replied."Daddy,I have $20 now.Can I buy an hour of your time?Please come home earlier tomorrow,I would like to have dinner with you."

A.Silently the little boy returned the money to his father with tears.
B.The man,seeing that the boy already had money,started to get angry again.
C."Daddy,how much do you make an hour?"
D."Daddy,how much do you spend a day?"
E.The man went to the door of the little boy's room.
F.The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
G.The little boy sat straight up,smiling.
19.Men are spending more and more time in the kitchen encouraged by celebrity (名人) chefs like Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver,according to a report from Oxford University.
The effect of the celebrity role models,who have given cooking a more manly picture,has combined with a more general drive towards sexual equality and men now spend more than twice the amount of time preparing meals than they did in 1961.
According to the research by Prof.Jonatahn Gershuny,who runs the Centre for Time Research at Oxford,men now spend more than half an hour a day cooking,up from just 12 minutes a day in 1961.
Prof.Gershuny said,"The man in the kitchen is part of a much wider social trend.There has been 40yars of sexual equality,but there is another 40years probably to com."
Women,who a generation ago spent nearly two hours a day cooking,now sped just one hour and seven minutes-a great fall,but they still spend far more time in the kitchen than men.
Some experts have named these men in aprons as"Gastrosexuals (men using cooking skills to impress friends)",who have been inspired to pick up a kitchen knife by the success of Ramsay,Oliver as well as other male celebrity chefs such as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall,Marco Pierre White and Keith Floyd.
"I was married in 1974.When my father came to visit me a few weeks later,I was wearing an apron when I opened the door.He laughed,"said Prof.Gershuny."That would never happen now."
Two-thirds of adults say that they come together to share at least three times a week,even if it is not necessarily around a kitchen or dining room table.Prof.Gershuny pointed out that the family meal was now rarely eaten by all of its members around a table-with many"family meals"in fact taken on the sofa in the sitting room,and shared by family members."The family meal has changed a lot,and few of us eat-as I did when I was a child-at least two meals a day together as a family.But it has survived in a different format."

28.What is one reason behid the trend that men spend more time cooking than before?D
A.The improvement of cooks'status.
B.The influence of popular female chefs.
C.The change of female's view on cooking.
D.The development of sexual equality campaign.
29.What does the author think about the time men and women spend on cooking?B
A.Men spend more time cooking than women nowadays.
B.Women spend much less time on cooking than before.
C.It will take 40years before men spend more time at the stove than women.
D.There is a sharp decline in the time men spend on cooking compared with 1961.
30.How did Prof.Gershuny see the family meal according to the passage?B
A.It has become a thing of the past.
B.It is very different from what it used to be.
C.It shouldn't be advocated in modern times.
D.It is beneficial to the stability of the family.
31.Which is the best title for the passage?C
A.The Changes of Family Meals
B.Equality between Men and Women
C.Cooking into a New Trend for Men
D.Cooking-a Thing of the Past for Women.
6.What are American high schools like?Well,I'm happy to tell you what I know.
When I started school here,it had already been a week since the school opened.At this school,freshmen usually go on a trip for about three days at the beginning of school.Unfortunately I missed that wonderful trip,which would have been the best time to get to know my classmates.I was really sad.I wished I'd known about it earlier.
Despite the disappointment,however,I gradually adapted to my new life and school.
There is a space in the basement of the teaching building where students chat and meet each other.As we do not always have the same classrooms and classmates,the school wants us to get to know each other there.Students usually come to school early,sit in that space and have fun.Around the space,there are many lockers for students to leave their books in,so that students do not have to carry a heavy schoolbag everywhere.
It really surprises me that we have almost no textbooks.We only have textbooks for World History and Algebra 2 and they are big and heavy,like bricks.For other classes,we only need binders (活页夹) with paper in them.Without textbooks,students learn things freely and actively.For example,my humanities teaher just teaches us what is in her mind at the time.We never know what we will learn.
Another difference between American schools and Chinese schools is that American schools care about students'morality more than their academic studies.For example,if you do not finish your homework,you will just be asked to do it later,but if you cheat or lie,you will get a warning or even be kicked out.
I think that most students here are good at schoolwork as well,but compared to Chinese students,they can make learning a more joyful experience.I think we should take the good points from our two different kinds of education to perfect our approach to studying.

24.What was the writer sad for?B
A.He was late for school.
B.He missed the trip at the beginning of school.
C.He didn't know anyone.
D.American students looked down upon him.
25.Why do students go to the basement of the teaching building?C
A.To attend class.
B.To share a classroom.
C.To have fun.
D.To meet teachers.
26.How do teachers in the US teach the students?C
A.However they want to.
B.They use bricks.
C.Some use textbooks; some teach freely.
D.They always teach as required.
27.According to the passage,in American high schools,A.
A.you are likely to be kicked out if you cheat
B.you'll be punished if you do not finish your homework
C.students are better at school work than Chinese students
D.students care much about the grades they get.
20.ChancesI really love my job because I enjoy working with small children and like the challenges and awards from the job.I also think my work is important.There was a time when I thought I would never have that sort of career(职业).
I wasn't an excellent student because I didn't do much schoolwork.In my final term I started thinking what I might do and found I didn‘t have much to offer.I just accepted that I wasn't the type to have a career.
I then found myself a job.Looking after two little girls.It wasn't too bad at first.But the problems began when I agreed to live in,so that I would be there if my boss had to go out for business in the evening.We agreed that if I had to work extra hours one week,she'd give me time off the next.But unfortunately,it didn't often work out.I was getting extremely tired and fed up,because I had too many late nights and early mornings with the children.
One Sunday,I was in the park with the children,and met Megan who used to go to school with me.I told her about my situation.She suggested that I should do a course and get a qualification(资格证书)if I wanted to work with children.I didn't think I would be accepted because I didn't take many exams in school.She persuaded me to phone the local college and they were really helpful.My experience counted for a lot and I got on a part-time course.I had to leave my job with the family,and got work helping out at a kindergarten.
Now I've got a full-time job there.I shall always be thankful to Megan.I wish I had known earlier that you could have a career,even if you aren't top of the class at school.
21.What is the author's present job?D
A.Working part-time in a college.
B.Taking care of children for a family.
C.Helping children with their schoolwork.
D.Looking after children at a kindergarten.
22.When staying with the two girls'family,the authorB
A.was paid for extra work    
B.often worked long hours   
C.got much help from her boss    
D.took a day off every other week
23.Why did the author leave her first job?C
A.She found a full-time job.
B.She was fed up with children.
C.She decided to attend a part-time course.
D.She needed a rest after working extra hours.
24.What has the author learned from her own experiences?A
A.Less successful students can still have a career.
B.Qualifications are necessary for a career.
C.Hard work makes an excellent student.
D.One must choose the job she like.

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