

1What is the man going to do with his friends?

A. Prepare for a test the next day.

B. Hold a big birthday party for Sara.

C. Have dinner and see a movie.

2What’s the matter with the woman?

A. She doesn’t feel well. B. She is very ill. C. She doesn’t sleep well.

3When will the movie start?

A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:30.











【题目】 There are many gardening tips. Some suggest playing music for your house plants, having conversations with them, or even giving them a gentle touch now and then. Most of these practices are probably more for the benefit of the gardener than the garden, and generally harmless enough but except the last one. Your plants really dislike it when you touch them.

A new study out of the La Trobe Institute for Agriculture and Food has found that most plants are extremely sensitive to touch, and even a light touch can significantly stunt(阻碍) their growth. “The lightest touch from a human, animal, insect, or even plants touching each other in the wind, can cause a huge gene response in the plant,” Jim Whelan, who led the new study, said. “Within 30 minutes of being touched, 10% of the plant’s genome(基因组) is changed. This involves a huge expenditure(消耗) of energy which is taken away from plant growth. If the touching is repeated, then plant growth is reduced by up to 30%.”

Whelan and his team are still trying to find out why plants respond, at the genetic level, so strongly. They do have some theories, however. We know that when an insect lands on a plant, genes are activated(激活) preparing the plant to defend itself against being eaten ,” said Dr. Yan Wang, co-author of the study.

Until more research is done, it’s just a guess at this point. Still, the findings might already lead to new methods for how agriculturalists deal with their crops, to best promote healthier growth.

It’s worth noticing that while the study found that plants often respond to just a single touch in negative ways, it’s really repeated touching that causes lasting stunted growth. That’s because the plants are looking for patterns in the touching, to tell harmful touch from random touch. So it doesn’t matter if you accidently brush up against a bush during a walk through the woods.

1How is the passage mainly developed?

A.By comparing

B.By giving examples

C.By listing numbers

D.By showing results of studies

2Why can touching stunt a plant growing according to the study?

A.It leads to the plant’s energy expenditure.

B.It makes the plant sensitive to threats.

C.It causes a genetic disorder in the plant.

D.It prevents the plant absorbing nutrients.

3What’s the importance of the study by Whelan and his team?

A.It gives us more useful gardening tips.

B.It helps find ways to ensure plants’ healthy growth.

C.It contributes to the further study on genes.

D.It uses data to warn people not to touch plants.

4What is the passage mainly about?

A.Something is done to help plants grow.

B.Plants’ genome can be changed easily.

C.Plants don’t really like to be touched.

D.What we do every day may destroy plants.

【题目】DirectionsRead the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Job Discrimination against Women in China

Nowadays, more and more women have walked out of kitchen and become career women instead of housewives. With the increase in the employment ratio of women in society, some subtle forms of job discrimination do exist.

To begin with, quite a lot of companies intentionally control the number of female employees when they advertise for staff in the newspaper. Therefore, it is rather difficult for women, even with a master degree, to get well-paid jobs. Some enterprises definitely refuse female applicants, either to avoid their maternity leaves stipulated(规定)by our government when they give birth to a child, or because of the employers’ prejudice against women. Some bosses think women are inferior to men in professional skill and spirit of enterprise.

Some companies do employ women staff, but inequality is always there like an increasable spot. Even when men and women are in the same position doing the same job, it is no easy task for a woman to be promoted or get equal pay. The employers take the biased attitude toward female employees, and usually think that a man is more capable than a woman. Sometimes they fire a woman without any good reason.

In china, there is a saying“Women hold half of the sky”. But women are not given enough respect they deserve in their career. Since men and women are together playing the same important role in our whole society, our government, as well as the society, should take efficient measures to provide the same job opportunities to women. And the women themselves should enhance their work ethic and awareness of self-reliance and self-protection. In this way, more and more women can be motivated to work well at their favourite job and promoted to their desirable positions. Only in this way, can our society be called an equal, open and just one for everyone.

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