
We all know that some things are obviously right. For example, it is right to be   1  to other people. It is also right to look after the environment. Some things are   2  wrong, too. For instance, we should not hurt or bully(欺负)others, nor should we litter. Rules often tell us what is right or wrong.
Rules can help the public make the right   3 , and remain safe. Car drivers have to obey traffic regulations that tell them the right things to do on the road to avoid crashes. Cyclists who give signals before turning or stopping help prevent   4 .
If people follow rules without taking other matters into consideration, it will be   5 for them to form what is sometimes called a “black and white” view (黑白分明的观点). For example, they may believe that people should always tell the truth, and that lying is   6  acceptable. Such people always stick to their views, even if it means that they may get into  7 .
Sometimes it may not be so easy to know   8  what is right or wrong. Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is   9  to eat animals, but others argue that they can eat meat and   10  be kind to animals; some insist that stealing is always wrong, but others think that one does not need to feel so guilty (有罪的) when stealing some food to eat, if he lives in a really poor area and he is starving.
Rules help us live together in harmony, because they show us the right way to treat others. However, some people argue that rules may be confusing, having observed that rules change all the time, and that some schools have some regulations and others have different ones---so who is to decide what is right?
A.interestingB.vital (重要的) C.easyD.valuable
A.seldomB.rarelyC.merely (仅仅)D.never
A.roughly B.eventually C.deliberately (故意地)D.exactly
A.awful (可怕的)B.cruelC.unhealthyD.unnecessary


小题1:考查形容词及上下文的呼应。kind友好的; sensitive易受伤害的; fair 公平的;generous大方的。根据后文look after the environment以及反面观点的hurt 和bully可知,此处应该为kind 友善。故选A。
小题2:考查副词及上下文的呼应。equally平等的; slightly轻微地; clearly清楚地,清晰地;    . increasingly渐增地。与第一句some things are obviously right相对应,选择obviously的近义词clearly。故选 C。
小题3:考查名词及上下文的呼应。suggestions建议; conclusion结论; turns转弯;choices选择。由常识和下句 “…tell them the right things to do on the road”可知,规章是告诉人们对该如何做作出正确“选择”。故选D。
小题4:考查名词及上下文的呼应。accidents事故; mistakes错误; falls瀑布; deaths死亡。由常识和上文提到的avoid crashes 避免碰撞可知,此处应选择prevent accidents 防止意外。故选 A。
小题5:考查形容词及上下文的呼应。interesting有趣的; vital重要的; easy容易的;valuable有价值的。由逻辑推断可知,如果人们遵守规章而不用考虑其他事情,他们就很“easy”形成“黑白”观。故选C。
小题6:考查副词及上下文的呼应。seldom很少; rarely很少地; merely仅仅; never从不。因tell the truth与lying相对,而与always相对的应是never。故选D。
小题7:考查名词及上下文的呼应。trouble麻烦; power政权; prison监狱; control控制。get into prison 坐牢(过于严重);get into control 控制。此处表达坚持“黑白观”的人很容易惹麻烦。故选A。
小题8:考查副词及上下文的呼应。roughly粗略地; eventually最后; deliberately故意地; exactly精确地。由下面的例子可知,有时很难“确切地”区分正确与错误。故选D。
小题9:考查形容词及上下文的呼应。awful可怕的; cruel残酷地; unhealthy不健康地;unnecessary 不必要的。由but可知,应选与下文中kind相对的cruel残忍。故选B。
小题10:考查副词及上下文的呼应。still仍然; even 甚至; later后来; somehow以某种方式。表达另一种吃肉的人的观点。虽然吃肉,但是仍然要对动物友善。故选A。
Once upon a time there were two brothers who lived near each other. One day, they had a ___36___ because of some small things. And neither was willing to ___37___ each other.
One morning, there was a knock at door of the elder brother. He  38 _ it and found a man standing beside the door. “I’m a carpenter(木匠). I’m  39__ a few days’ work. Perhaps you would have a few small jobs I could help with.”  
“Yes,” said the elder brother. “I do have a job for you. ___40___ at that farm across the small river. It is my younger brother’s. We had a quarrel, so I won’t like to see his place or his __41___ any more. I want you to build me a 8-foot ___42___.” 
The man said, “I think I understand the situation. Don’t worry. I’ll be able to do a job that makes you __43__.” So the elder brother was very glad and left for the town nearby.
In the evening, the carpenter had just ___44___ his job when the elder brother returned. But he was __45___ to find, instead of a fence, before him, stood a __46____, which went from one side of the river ___47__ the other! On the other __48____ of bridge, was his younger brother.
“Do you know the name of the bridge?” The carpenter asked.
“No,” the elder brother was __49___. 
“OK, I can tell you. Its name is understanding and __50___,” the carpenter smiled.
Suddenly they began to understand ___51___. Surely, between two brothers there should be a bridge rather than a _52____. Standing on the bridge, they _53___ each other’s hands with ____54__ in their eyes. 
“Could you stay another few days? I’ve a lot of other work for you,” said the elder brother. “I’d love to ___55___ on,” the carpenter said. “But I have many more bridges to build.”
A.looking forB.looking atC.looking onD.looking up
Very old people do raise moral problems for almost everyone who comes in contact with them. Their values—this can't be repeated too often—are not necessarily our values. Physical comfort, cleanness and order are not necessarily the most important things. The social services from time to time find themselves faced with a flat with decaying food covered by small worms (蠕虫), and an old person lying alone in bed, taking no notice of the worms. But is it interfering (妨碍) with personal freedom to insist that they go to live with some of their relatives so that they might be taken better care of? Some social workers, the ones who clear up the worms, think we are in danger of carrying this concept of personal freedom to the point where serious risks are being taken with the health and safety of the old.
Indeed, the old can be easily hurt or harmed. The body is like a car, it needs more mechanical maintenance as it gets older. You can carry this comparison right through to the provision of spare parts. But never forget that such operations are painful experiences, however good the results. And at what point should you stop treating the old body? Is it morally right to try to push off death by pursuing the development of drugs to excite the forgetful old mind and to activate the old body, knowing that it is designed to die? You cannot ask doctors or scientists to decide, because so long as they can see the technical opportunities, they will feel bound to give them a try, on the principle that while there's life, there's hope.
When you talk to the old people, however, you are forced to the conclusion that whether age is happy or unpleasant depends less on money or on health than it does on your ability to have fun.
小题1:It is implied in Paragraph 1 that______.
A.very old people enjoy living with their relatives
B.social services have nothing to do with very old people
C.very old people would like to live alone so that they can have more personal freedom.
D.very old people are able to keep their rooms very clean
小题2:Some social workers think that______.
A.health and safety are more important than personal freedom
B.personal freedom is more important than health and safety
C.old people should keep their rooms clean
D.one should not take the risk of dealing with old people
小题3:In the author's opinion, ______.
A.the human body can't be compared to a car
B.the older a person, the more care he needs
C.too much emphasis has been put on old people's values
D.it is easy to provide spare parts for old people
小题4:The author thinks that______.
A.medical decisions for old people should be left to the doctors
B.old people can enjoy a happy life only if they are very rich
C.the opinion that we should try every means possible to save old people is doubtful
D.it is always morally right to treat old people and push off death
Kilimanjaro Climb : a Rite of Passage for Father and Son
Climbing Kilimanjaro is a transformational experience for many people. The things that make the mountain hard are the very things that make it so powerful. In the case of my son Josh and I,the walk up Kilimanjaro proved a powerful symbol ofhis transition into manhood, and a great change in our relationship.
Day three on the mountain, Josh was hit with massive headaches. He told me every step felt like a nail driving into his head. And then, on the night we climbed the crater rim, less than 40 minutes from the summit, Josh fell. I was walking ahead, and did not even see it. He was so exhausted that he could not get up. He recalled our guides, debating whether or not they should take him straight down. Josh snapped out of it. He forced himself to his feet, shook the guides off. He set his face towards the peak and just kept marching. Near the summit he caught up with me and we reached the peak together.
“ I’ve never been in so much pain and so happy at the same time,,,he said, as we sat side by side on the frozen rock and looked down over Africa. “You know, in the past when we’d go on camping and rafting trips, you guided and took care of me through it all. But on Kilimanjaro it was different. From the bottom up, I climbed it. I never feltlike a kid, even when 1 was in pain. You never acted like a parent.”
“That’s not quite true,”I replied. “When you told me that on the summit you fell-and I did not even notice, my first thought was, ‘Oh my God! I’m such an awful parent!’ But then it hit me, ‘He got himself up. He walked to the peak on his own. He didn't need me to help.,”
I realized as I spoke that two people had died that night on Kilimanjaro. A child and a parent. It wasjust two friends who walked down the mountain together.
小题1:What is NOT mentioned in the first paragraph?
A. Kilimanjaro is powerful.
B. Kilimanjaro is hard to climb.
C. Many people, including Josh, have changed after climbing Kilimanjaro.
D. The writer has a distant relationship with his son after climbing Kilimanjaro.
小题2:From the second paragraph we know that_____
A. Josh had a slight headache.
B. Josh reached the top of the mountain with the help of the guides.
C. Josh overcame various difficulties on his way to the summit.
D. Climbing Kilimanjaro was too hard for such a child as Josh.
小题3:What does the underlined phrase in the second paragraph mean?
A. cheered upB.gave upC.burst outD.ran out
小题4:What can be inferred from the talk between the father and the son?
A. Josh felt quite good about his independence.
B. Josh appreciated his parents ,company and care.
C. The father felt guilty all the time.
D. The father should have taken good care of Josh as usual.
小题5:Why did the father feel that two people had died?
A. Because two people had lost their lives while climbing Kilimanjaro.
B. Because the father and son had become friends.
C. Because they had witnessed an accidence of a father and son.
D. Because two friends had misled him.
Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials to make the light bulb. When none worked successfully, his assistant __16_, “All our work is in vain. We have learned nothing.”
Thomas Edison replied very __17_, “Oh, we have come a long way and we have _18__ a lot. We now know that there are two thousand materials which we cannot _19__ to make a good light bulb.”
If you learn from your mistakes, then you are _20__. If you learn from someone else’s mistakes, then you are a genius. Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines __21__ daily and failure is nothing more than a few small __22_ repeated daily.
How __23_ the above lines are! Success takes __24_. We’ll make mistakes _25__ we do things in too much of a hurry. When we do not practice disciplines in life, we don’t build enough confidence to __26__ new and challenging tasks which are important and matter in life. Our confidence __27__ what we think of ourselves and whether we believe in ourselves. We are all born with exceptional _28__, but only a few really _29___ their true potentials and make efforts in life and the others just lead a(n) _30__ life. Do you want to be exceptional?
Success is a fruit which everyone wants to _31__, but it is not found everywhere and no one can __32_ it without serious efforts.
Those who want to succeed will find a way; those who don’t will find a(n) _33__!
Success depends on previous __34__, and without it we will end in failure.
When you are __35__, please enjoy it and give your hand to others who want to accomplish something.                  
A.healthy B.enthusiasticC.intelligentD.generous
A.as thoughB.so thatC.unlessD.if
A.depends onB.sets asideC.turns downD.sets up
When something goes wrong, it  can be very satisfying to say, “Well, it’s so­and­so's fault.”or “I know I'm late, but it's not my fault; the car broke down.”It is probably not your fault, but once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation, you are a loser. You have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation. However, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to remedy the situation.This is the winner's key to success.
Winners are great at overcoming problems. For example, if you were late because your car broke down, maybe you need to have your car examined more regularly. Or,you might start to carry along with you the useful phone numbers, so you could call for help when in need. For another example, if your colleague causes you problems on the job for lack of responsibility or ability, find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability rather than simply blame the person. Ask to work with a different person, or don't rely on this person. You should accept that the person is not reliable and find creative ways to work successfully regardless of how your colleague fails to do his job well.
This is what being a winner is all about—creatively using your skills and talents so that you are successful no matter what happens. Winners don't have fewer problems in their lives; they have just as many difficult situations to face as anybody else. They are just better at seeing those problems as challenges and opportunities to develop their own talents. So,stop focusing on “whose fault it is.”Once you are confident about your power over bad situations, problems are just stepping stone for success.
小题1:According to the passage, winners __________.
A.meet with fewer difficulties in their lives
B.have responsible and able colleagues
C.blame themselves rather than others
D.deal with problems rather than blame others
小题2:The underlined word remedy in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.
小题3:When your colleague brings about a problem, you should __________.
A.blame him for his lack of responsibility
B.tell him to find the cause of the problem
C.find a better way to handle the problem
D.ask a more able colleague for help
小题4:Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.A Winner's Opportunity.B.A Winner's Problem.
C.A Winner's Secret.D.A Winner's Achievement.
The sun is shining when I get on No. 151 bus. We passengers sit jammed together in heavy clothes. No one speaks. That’s one of the unwritten rules of Chicago commuting. Although we see the same faces every day, we prefer to hide behind our newspapers. The phenomenon is striking: people who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their distance.
As the bus approaches the Magnificent Mile, a voice suddenly rings out: “Attention! Attention!” Papers rattle (发出细小声). Necks crane (伸长). “This is your driver speaking.”
We look at the back of the driver’s head. His voice has authority.
“All of you put your papers down.”
The papers come down, an inch at a time. The driver waits. The papers are folded and placed on our laps.
“Now, turn and face the person next to you. Go ahead.”
Amazingly, we all do it. Still, no one smiles.
I face an older woman, her head wrapped tightly in a red scarf. I see her nearly every day. Our eyes meet. We wait, unblinking, for the next order from the driver.
“Now, repeat after me…” It is a command, delivered in the tones of a drill sergeant (操练军士). “Good morning, neighbor!”
Our voices are weak and timid. For many of us, these are the first words we have spoken today. But we say them at the same time, like schoolchildren, to the strangers beside us.
We smile and can’t help it. We have said it; the barrier has been broken. Good morning, neighbor. It is not so hard after all. Some of us repeat it. Others shake hands. Many laugh.
The bus driver says nothing more. He doesn’t need to. Not a single newspaper goes back up. I hear laughter, a warm sound I have never heard before on bus No. 151. This day is starting off better than most.
小题1:On hearing the sudden utterance of “Attention!”, the passengers ___________.
A.stopped reading and put down their newspapers immediately
B.sat still without response
C.looked up from the newspapers to see who was speaking
D.were frightened
小题2:The underlined word “commuting” in Paragraph 1 most probably means ___________.
A.long-distance ride
B.daily traveling between home and work
C.communication technology
D.behavior patterns
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The passengers on the crowded bus were so absorbed in reading their newspapers that no one spoke.
B.When the bus driver said nothing more, the passengers picked up and read their newspapers again.
C.The passengers didn’t follow the driver’s instruction at first.
D.The passengers were physically close together but mentally they kept each other at a terrible distance.
小题4:What would be the best title for the text?
A.The Warmth of Communication
B.The Exchange of Information
C.The Power of Observation
D.The Attitude to Loneliness
Emanuel’s father liked to declare he’d spent ages by the sea, breathing seawater. Now, away from the sea, in the hospital, his body just looked like a beached fish. His condition went from bad to worse. The doctor came from saying, “He’ll be home in a day,” “He’ll be home in a week,” to “He will be home in a month.”
When Emanuel was a teenager, if he ever seemed bored with the pier(码头), his father would shout, “What ? This isn’t good enough for you?” And later, when he suggested Emanuel take a job at the pier after high school, the boy almost laughed, and his father again said, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?” And before Emanuel went to war, when he talked of marrying Maggie and becoming an engineer, his father said, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?”
And now, here he was, Emanuel helped out at the pier, working evenings after his taxi job, doing his father’s labor.
Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. It is not until much later that children understand: their stories and all their accomplishments sit on top of the stories of their mothers and fathers.
One night his father, lying in hospital, was practically too weak to speak. Others comforted him. “Your old man will pull through. He’s the toughest man we’ve ever seen.”
When the news came that his father had died, Emanuel felt heart-broken.
In the following weeks, Emanuel’s mother lived in a confused state. She spoke to her husband as if he were still there .She yelled at him to turn down the radio. She cooked enough food for two .One night, when Emanuel offered to help with the dishes, she said. “Your father will put them away.” Emanuel put a hand on her shoulder. “Ma,” he said softly, “Dad’s gone.”
“Gone where?” murmured Mum.
小题1:Which of the following shows the right order of the story?
a.Emanuel’s father fell ill.         
b.Emanuel helped out at pier.
c.Emanuel went to the war.
d.Emanuel wished to be an engineer.
e.  Emanuel’s mother lived in a confused state
小题2:In Paragraph 4, the writer inplies that       
A.Children can never understand how much their parents have devoted to them
B.Children wouldn’t have achieved so much without their parents’ support
C.Children often feel regretful because they leave their parents
D.Children like moving away from their parents
小题3:The underlined phrase “pull through” can probably be replaced by ________
A.wake upB.give upC.pick upD.get up
小题4:The last paragraph mainly tells us that      
A.Emanuel’s mother was at a loss at her husband’s death.
B.Emanuel often helped his mother to wash the dishes.
C.Emanuel lived with his mother and often comforted her.
D.Emanuel’s mother doesn’t like to listen to the radio.
John and Booby joined a wholesale company together just after graduation from college the same year. Both worked very hard. After several years, however, the boss promoted(提升)Bobby to the position of manager but John remained an ordinary employee(雇员). John could not take it any more, so he sent his resignation(辞职信) and complained that the boss did not value(重视)hard working workers but only promoted those who said good words of him.
The boss knew that John worked very hard for the years. He thought for a moment and said, “Thank you for telling me, but I have a request. I hope you will do one more thing for our company before you leave. Perhaps you will change your mind and take back your resignation.”
John agreed. The boss asked him to go and find out anyone selling watermelons in the market. John went and returned soon. He said he had found out a man selling watermelons. The boss asked how much per kg, John shook his head and went back to the market to ask and returned to tell the boss $1.2 per kg.
The boss told John to wait a second, and he called Bobby to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. Bobby went, returned and said only one person sold watermelons. $1.2 for a kg, $10 for 10kg and his watermelons added up to 340. On the table 58 melons, every melon weighs about 2 kg, bought from the south two days ago and they were fresh, red and good quality.
John was surprised and realized the difference between himself and Bobby. He decided not to go away but to learn from Bobby.
The story tells us that a more successful person is more concerned and thinks more. Chances are there in the daily details. For the same thing, a person sees one year ahead, while another sees only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times, how could you win?
小题1:John wanted to stop his job in his company because_________.
A.Bobby was promoted but he was not
B.he didn’t want to say good words of his boss
C.he thought the boss didn’t take his hard work seriously
D.he didn’t want to be an ordinary employee
小题2:The boss asked John to find out where watermelons were sold in order to _________.
A.persuade him to stay in the company
B.prove he was a hardworking worker
C.buy some watermelons for the company
D.prove his abilities at work for himself
小题3:From what Bobby did, we can see that he was promoted only because _________.
A.he was a more concerned businessman
B.he knew how to do business
C.he was more experienced at work
D.he knew details about the watermelon market
小题4:We can conclude from the story that _________.
A.one should stop his job if the boss doesn’t think much of his work
B.it’s necessary to know the market when you buy a watermelon
C.detail plays a very important part in one’s success
D.one should get along well with his boss if he wants to be promoted
小题5:What can be the best title of the passage?
A.More Concerned, More SuccessfulB.How to Buy Watermelons
C.Who Is More SuccessfulD.Proud John

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