
The sun is shining when I get on No. 151 bus. We passengers sit jammed together in heavy clothes. No one speaks. That’s one of the unwritten rules of Chicago commuting. Although we see the same faces every day, we prefer to hide behind our newspapers. The phenomenon is striking: people who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their distance.
As the bus approaches the Magnificent Mile, a voice suddenly rings out: “Attention! Attention!” Papers rattle (发出细小声). Necks crane (伸长). “This is your driver speaking.”
We look at the back of the driver’s head. His voice has authority.
“All of you put your papers down.”
The papers come down, an inch at a time. The driver waits. The papers are folded and placed on our laps.
“Now, turn and face the person next to you. Go ahead.”
Amazingly, we all do it. Still, no one smiles.
I face an older woman, her head wrapped tightly in a red scarf. I see her nearly every day. Our eyes meet. We wait, unblinking, for the next order from the driver.
“Now, repeat after me…” It is a command, delivered in the tones of a drill sergeant (操练军士). “Good morning, neighbor!”
Our voices are weak and timid. For many of us, these are the first words we have spoken today. But we say them at the same time, like schoolchildren, to the strangers beside us.
We smile and can’t help it. We have said it; the barrier has been broken. Good morning, neighbor. It is not so hard after all. Some of us repeat it. Others shake hands. Many laugh.
The bus driver says nothing more. He doesn’t need to. Not a single newspaper goes back up. I hear laughter, a warm sound I have never heard before on bus No. 151. This day is starting off better than most.
小题1:On hearing the sudden utterance of “Attention!”, the passengers ___________.
A.stopped reading and put down their newspapers immediately
B.sat still without response
C.looked up from the newspapers to see who was speaking
D.were frightened
小题2:The underlined word “commuting” in Paragraph 1 most probably means ___________.
A.long-distance ride
B.daily traveling between home and work
C.communication technology
D.behavior patterns
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The passengers on the crowded bus were so absorbed in reading their newspapers that no one spoke.
B.When the bus driver said nothing more, the passengers picked up and read their newspapers again.
C.The passengers didn’t follow the driver’s instruction at first.
D.The passengers were physically close together but mentally they kept each other at a terrible distance.
小题4:What would be the best title for the text?
A.The Warmth of Communication
B.The Exchange of Information
C.The Power of Observation
D.The Attitude to Loneliness


小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:Papers rattle (发出细小声). Necks crane (伸长).可知听到“attention”大家抬头看。选C
小题2:猜词题:从后面的句子:Although we see the same faces every day, 可知是每天上下班的常规路线。选B
小题3:细节题:从第一段的句子:we prefer to hide behind our newspapers. The phenomenon is striking: people who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their distance.可知人们距离虽然短但是心理的距离却很大。选D
All the definitions(定义) and facts in a dictionary or book do not convey what friendship is really about. It cannot be understood through   36 . The only way to understand friendship is through experience, which   37  all the senses.
Friendship can be seen. It is seen in an old couple sitting in the park holding hands. It is seen in a child freely   38  the last cookie. It is not   39  to see friendship; it is always there for eyes that can see.
Friendship can be heard. It is heard in the words of two friends squeezing in lunch together on an extremely   40  day although they have a lot of things to do. It is the way they   41  each other, not the words. Friendship can be heard by those willing to listen.
Friendship is   42  in a touch. It is a pat on the back from a teammate, a high five between classes, and the wet kiss from the family dog. The touch   43  more than words or gestures. It is   44  understood and clearly shows the feelings.
Friendship has a taste. It tastes like homemade bread: the ingredients all measured and planned, then carefully   45 , then the quiet   46  as the dough(生面团) rises. Hot from the oven, the bread tastes more than the sum of its ingredients   47  there are the thoughts of the baker as her hands mix the flour or her   48  as she waits for the dough to rise.  49  and unmeasured, this is the ingredient that   50 . Warm, fresh from the oven, the difference you taste is   51 .
Friendship has a smell. It smells like the slightly burnt cookies your brother made especially for you. It smells like your home when   52  it after being away for a long tome. Friendship has   53  smells.
Finally, more than the other senses, friendship is a(n)  54  of the heart. It is the language of the heart --- a language that, whether seen, felt, heard, or tasted, is understood by the   55 . Like air fills the lungs, friendship fills the heart, allowing us to experience the best life has to offer: a friend.
A.look atB.talk toC.care for D.play with
A.comes to lifeB.makes the differenceC.makes senseD.takes effect
A.winning backB.stepping intoC.helping outD.carrying on
When I was a little girl, I found love in a box all because of a class assignment. On a Friday night I   36  at the dinner table, “My teacher said we have to bring a box, a special box, for our valentines on Monday”.
Mother said, “We’ll see,” and she continued eating.
What did “We’ll see” mean? I had to have that box,   37  my second grade Valentine’s Day would be a disaster. Maybe they didn’t love me enough to help me with my   38  .
All Saturday I waited   39  and with Sunday arriving, my concern increased. However, I   40  that an enquiry about the box would   41  anger or loud voices, for in my house children only asked once. More than that   42  trouble.
Late Sunday afternoon, my father called me into the kitchen. The table was covered with different kinds of colorful   43  . A (n)   44  shoebox rested on top of it.   45  flooded through me when Daddy said, “Let’s get started   46  your project.”
In the next hour my father   47  the shoebox into an impressive valentine box. Colorful paper covered the ugly cardboard with red hearts   48  to what I considered all the right places. He sang while he worked. When he finished, he was so delighted that a   49  smile spread across his face. “What do you think of that?” he asked.
I answered him with a hug.
But inside,   50  danced all the way to my heart. It was the first time that my father had devoted so much   51  to me, for his world consisted only of work.
The holiday party arrived, and my classmates put cards and presents into the valentine boxes. Laughter filled our classroom until dismissal time   52 .
On the way home, I held out my valentine box for the world to   53  . The love that filled it meant more to me than all the valentines inside.
The valentine box became a symbol of his love that   54  through decades of other Valentine’s Days. My father gave me other gifts through the years, but none   55  compared with the love I felt within the limits of the old, empty shoebox.
On a cold winter morning I heard someone trying to get their car out of the snow after a snowstorm. After a few minutes I realized they needed a(n) __小题1:__, so I got dressed ,went __小题2:__, and pushed the car. It only took about a minute and, __小题3:__ more cold than sociable(交际的), I walked back to my apartment, __小题4:__ really seeing the driver.
Months ___小题5:__ I was at the corner store and the guy in front of me __小题6:_ on paying for the beer I was buying! It felt a bit __小题7:__ and I had to refuse repeatedly. When I __小题8:__ the cashier she told me my stuff was already __小题9:___ and she couldn't take my money.  
So, I was walking back home from the store and that __小题10:__ guy is fifty feet in front of me, all the way! It __小题11:__that he's my neighbor, living in the apartment complex(公寓大楼) just after mine!  
As we __小题12:__ the stairs of our separate apartment buildings I __小题13:__, "Thanks for the beer!" He replied, "__小题14:__. Thanks for helping me push my car that time!" 
I didn't __小题15:_ him and told him it wasn't me.  He said "Oh! Okay. Well, still ... enjoy!" 
A few days later I __小题16:_ him getting into his car and I realized __小题17:__ he was and that it actually had been me who __小题18:__ him that day!
Maybe one day soon I'll tell him he bought __小题19:__ for the right guy!
Either way, it feels nice to help, and when you put __小题20:__ into the world, it eventually comes back to you!  
A.upward B.downstairsC.backwardsD.outside
A.turned downB.checked outC.set asideD.paid for
A.finds outB.turns outC.carries outD.works out
A.walked upB.settled downC.dried upD.turned around
A.No wayB.No wonderC.No problemD.No doubt
When an NBA player is young he thinks he can win the championship by himself. It is only later when he has aged and been through many battles that he learns an important lesson: there is no “I ” in “team”.
There is no better example of the value of teamwork than the Boston Celtics. Paul Pierce, Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett were all superstars on three different teams. Yet, none of them had any titles to show for it. Then, last season, they decided to sacrifice money and individual statistics to play together. Garnett and Allen joined Pierce on the Celtics and changed the NBA in the process.
It started in simple ways. Garnett and Allen are two of the most intense athletes in the world. They treat every second of every practice like it is the NBA championship. If you want to play alongside them then you will have to do the same. So, the young guys on the Celtics started giving their full effort too.  
Pierce had been the star of the Celtics for many years. He used to shoot the ball many times a game. But with the addition of Allen and Garnett he shot less and focused on defense. His selflessness showed the young players that doing what made the team better was the only thing that mattered.  
When the Celtics were winning and the game was almost over, Garnett, Pierce and Allen would come out of the game. But they wouldn’t just sit on the bench. Instead, they stood and cheered and screamed for their teammates. They wanted to support their friends and teammates.
Now, the guys who don't play know they can still affect the game by cheering so they scream and cheer when Garnett, Allen and Pierce are playing. The Celtics have developed a strong relationship. They are more than just teammates. They are brothers. 
The result: the Boston Celtics won the championship and are considered the favorites to win the Eastern Conference championship again this year.  
There is a saying that goes, "A successful team beats with one heart." If that is the case, the Celtics may have the biggest heart in the NBA. 
小题1:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The stories of three famous basketball superstars.
B.A famous basketball team named the Boston Celtics.
C.The importance of teamwork among teammates.
D.Matches between the Boston Celtics and other teams.
小题2:What does this sentence “there is no ‘I’ in ‘team’.” mean in Paragraph 1?
A."I" will be missing once "I" am on the court.
B.The cooperation of the teammates is more important than the individual.
C."I" work so hard in a team that "I" will forget who "I" am
D.Surrounded by other players, "I" don’t seem to exist.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true about Pierce’s recent performance?
A.He became an even better shooter with others’ help.
B.He focused much more attention on defense.
C.He created more chances for teammates.
D.He stood and cheered for his teammates
小题4:Which of the following didn’t contribute to the success of the Boston Celtics?
A.The whole team has become devoted to each and every stage of the game.
B.The cooperation and teamwork among the teammates in the match.
C.The influence of Garnett, Allen, Pierce and other teammates’ cheering.
D.The increasing frequency of team players on the bench
We all know that some things are obviously right. For example, it is right to be   1  to other people. It is also right to look after the environment. Some things are   2  wrong, too. For instance, we should not hurt or bully(欺负)others, nor should we litter. Rules often tell us what is right or wrong.
Rules can help the public make the right   3 , and remain safe. Car drivers have to obey traffic regulations that tell them the right things to do on the road to avoid crashes. Cyclists who give signals before turning or stopping help prevent   4 .
If people follow rules without taking other matters into consideration, it will be   5 for them to form what is sometimes called a “black and white” view (黑白分明的观点). For example, they may believe that people should always tell the truth, and that lying is   6  acceptable. Such people always stick to their views, even if it means that they may get into  7 .
Sometimes it may not be so easy to know   8  what is right or wrong. Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is   9  to eat animals, but others argue that they can eat meat and   10  be kind to animals; some insist that stealing is always wrong, but others think that one does not need to feel so guilty (有罪的) when stealing some food to eat, if he lives in a really poor area and he is starving.
Rules help us live together in harmony, because they show us the right way to treat others. However, some people argue that rules may be confusing, having observed that rules change all the time, and that some schools have some regulations and others have different ones---so who is to decide what is right?
A.interestingB.vital (重要的) C.easyD.valuable
A.seldomB.rarelyC.merely (仅仅)D.never
A.roughly B.eventually C.deliberately (故意地)D.exactly
A.awful (可怕的)B.cruelC.unhealthyD.unnecessary
Kasey Kaczmarek: When I read “Would my dad love me?” by Martha, I related to how Martha felt about her father. I always wondered if my dad cared about me, or if he even loved me. All the kids would be with their dads and they would ask me where my dad was, and I would tell them that he was out of town. For all you kids who have a dad, tell him how much you love him because there are plenty of kids who would love to have a dad.
Armen Abidian: This article describes everything about me and my life. When I was about 3 years old, my mother and father had a big argument and got divorced. Now I’m 13 years old and I haven’t seen my father for 10 years. Just like Martha, I don’t know what he looks like now, whether or not he’s got married to a different woman, or if he has another child.
Emma Ramirez: When Martha talked about how “most girls have dads who take them to their practices, buy them things and play with them”, I thought I was one of those girls. I never stopped to think about how there are girls who have always dreamed of having those things but don’t have a father. After reading what Martha wrote, I told myself I would always appreciate the days I spend with my dad because I am very lucky to have a dad who does so much for me.
Stephanie Felix: This article reminded me of how much I missed my dad when I was younger. I really relate to this article because I used to always wonder about my dad, but not any more. Life without my father has made me more independent and responsible. By reading this article I remember all of this and I was able to understand what the writer was talking about.
小题1:The above four passages are most probably_______.
A.comments on a book about a girl who has no father
B.comments on Martha’s opinion about parents’ love
C.four people’s thoughts after reading Martha’s article
D.letters to Martha to comfort her
小题2:What does the passage suggest?
A.Martha’s father didn’t love her
B.Martha didn’t grow up with her dad
C.Martha was brought up by her grandparents
D.Martha’s parents got divorced when she was 13
小题3:What does Kasey Kaczmarek suggest kids do?
A.Not ask other kids where their dads are
B.Be kind to those kids who don’t have a dad
C.Tell their fathers how much they love them
D.Spend as much time with their fathers as possible
小题4:After reading what Martha wrote, Emma Ramirez_______.
A.decided to spend more time with her father
B.told herself to appreciate all that she had
C.realized how badly she behaved in the past
D.found how lucky she was to have a dad
I remember as a small child people would often ask me, "What are you going to be when you grow up?"
     Well, it 31  being a cowboy or some super hero. Later it was a fireman, a policeman, a lawyer... As I grew older my dreams for the future  32 . When, at last, I was in college, I had my 33 set on becoming a preacher (牧师) like my father.  34  I studied and prepared for that life. I reached the 35 in the end and I was preaching  36 full-time for much of my adult life.
     However, for many, there is a "thief" that goes around stealing our 37 . Sometimes, the thief will come as a parent, a relative, or a friend, but the 38  thief is usually ourselves.
     We find 39 just about reaching the top, and a "small" 40  inside says, "You’ll never 41 it""You can’t possibly do this." On and on the "small" voice 42 our failure. Failure, though, is exactly how dreams are 43 . It is one of the most important tools we have, because it teaches us invaluable (极宝贵的) 44 . When we learn these lessons well, we are ready for 45  
     The message I always gave my children was that you 46  do anything that your heart desires. Remember the saying, "Nothing is 47 to a willing heart." There are 48  "overnight" successes, but with determination, they will arrive. The life you dream of 49 in the end .Then in your heart, believe it will happen to you. Then work, work, work. You’ll get the picture.
     So, be true to your dream, and don’t let anyone 50 it from you —especially yourself.
A.insisted onB.felt likeC.kept onD.started out
A.changedB.failed C.plannedD.left
A.agreementB.decision C.aimD.position
A.hardlyB.slightly C.nearlyD.extremely
A.successB.succeedC.a successD.successful
A.are able toB.used toC.have toD.ought to
A.manyB.a fewC.someD.no
A.comingB.to comeC.cameD.will come
TS said that everyone has a changing circle of friends. However, no matter how frequently we renew our phone books, some names always remain. These names remind us of the good times we spent together with our friends. Though we may not see them every  day, they will always stay in our hearts.
Tom was often called "Big Head" at school because of his extraordinarily large head. He was one of my close friends at primary school. But since graduation, we have been studying in different cities and haven't seen each other for a long time.
Several days ago, I received an e-mail saying that my former classmates from primary school were holding a party to get together and chat about past memories. I was so excited because [ would get to see Tom again. What would he look like now? Would we still feel as close to each other as we had done back then? I was a little frightened about what I would find.
When I arrived at the party, I did manage to recognize Tom. However, he was much taller than he had been before. What's more, his head was no longer big.
"Hi, Buddy. Do you recognize me?" Tom walked towards me.
"Of course. How could I ever forget our ' Big Head' ," I said jokingly, "But where has your big head gone?"
"Haha, maybe it didn't keep up with the steps of time and stayed in the past," Tom patted his own head and answered with a laugh.
All my misgivings suddenly disappeared. I realized that time had changed us outwardly, but our friendship hadn't changed at all. I chatted happily with Tom about our shared experiences in primary school.
Then I looked around the small room and saw different faces, both familiar and unfamiliar, but none of them the faces of strangers. The whole party was filled with a warm atmosphere. Everyone was lost in the sweet memories of childhood. They forgot all their present-day stresses and pressures.
"Hey, what are you thinking about? Come and get some pizza!" A call from a friend woke me up from my thoughts. I hurried towards the table. "Wait! That biggest piece is mine!"
小题1:Why are some names always in our phone books?
A.Because everyone has a changing circle of friends.
B.Because we sometimes forget to renew phone books.
C.Because we'll never forget some of our friends.
D.Because our circle of friends will not change.
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Tom has changed a lot since primary school.
B.Tom invited the author to the get-together party by email.
C.The author recognized Tom immediately because of his big head.
D.Tom couldn't recognize the author at the first sight.
小题3:What does the underlined word "misgiving" mean (in para. 8 )?
A.expectation and excitementB.worries and doubts
C.stresses and pressuresD.shyness and nervousness
小题4:The author writes the last paragraph to show
A.others can't understand what the author is thinking about
B.The pizzas are not adequate for everyone in the party
C.the author wants to have a big pizza very much
D.the author enjoys the warm atmosphere of the party greatly
小题5:Which of the following proverbs can be used to conclude this passage.'?
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.B.Time reveals a person's heart.
C.Friends are like wine; the older, the better.D.A faithful friend is hard to find.

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