
The Beagle Brigade

Return to the United States from a trip abroad, and your luggage will get inspected by the U. S. Department of Agriculture’s Beagle Brigade. Working with human canine officer partners, the beagles sniff out potential threats to American agriculture.

An orange or apple, for example, might harbor a Mediterranean fruit fly. Hams could carry a disease such as hog cholera. These and other pests could destroy farmer’s crops and livestock. “Once we introduce something that is not part of the environment, there may riot be any controls for it in the environment,” notes USDA’s Lisa Davis at the National Dog Detector Training Center in Orlando, Florida. “The best thing for us to do is to prevent it from coming across the border and becoming established. ’’

When a beagle sniffs specific food odors, it signals its partners by sitting. The human officer then investigates. When the dog is right—which happens 90 percent of the time——it gets an edible treat.

“The dog is not out there working,” explains Davis. “It’s out there playing. It’s a game to the dog.” The handlers give the beagles plenty of food and loving. They make sure they get first-class medical attention, too. When the dogs finally retire after 9 to 11 years, the USDA finds caring homes for them. It’s a dog’s life indeed!

How well does the Beagle Brigade do its job? “On average,” notes Davis, “each year our 54 teams prevent around 75,000 prohibited, restricted items.” Since even one infested (为患的) item could cause widespread destruction, that’s a great result for America’s agricultural environment.

1.According to the article, what is a problem with agricultural products brought into the United States by passengers traveling from abroad?

A. They generate similar types of food odors.

B. They are difficult to identify, even with trained dogs.

C. They must be inspected before being allowed to enter the country.

D. They may carry something that could harm the agricultural environment.

2.According to the article, how does the beagle signal that it has found a suspicious food product?

A. By barking at its partner. B. By begging for a treat.

C. By sitting next to the item. D. By playing a game.

3.How is the beagle congratulated for finding a specific food product?

A. The handler praises it with a hug.

B. The beagle gets to play for a few hours.

C. The beagle gets to retire to a caring home.

D. The handler gives it an edible reward.

4.In the article, the author supports the use of the Beagle Brigade by .

A. providing statistics about the number of items detected by the dogs

B. showing that the dogs enjoy discovering prohibited items

C. pointing out that good homes are found for the dogs when they retire

D. praising the fact that the dogs work for a government agency


About three decades ago, China was known as the “Bicycle Kingdom”. But the two-wheeled way of transport’s popularity began to fade, with many bikes soon replaced by their fuel-powered competitors.

But recent months have seen a revival of the bike across China, with an increasing number of people choosing cycling instead of driving to schools, to workplances or to do sightseeing. The introduction of bike-sharing systems has brought the trend to a new level.

People can unlock the shared bikes by simply using their smartphones. The bikes are equipped with GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user. They’re popular among many Chinese people as they provide an effective solution to the “last mile” problem, which refers to the final leg of a person’s journey.

However, the systems have also led to problems such as illegal parking, damage and theft. Last month, two nurses in Beijing were placed under arest for five days for putting locks on two shared bikes.

“Bike-sharing is a greener method of transportation and provides a user-friendly experience,” said Liu Xiaoming, vice-minister of transport. “ But it’s a combination of online and offline business. Operators are usually strong in online services, but lack offline business experience, which causes problems.”

Now, Chinese service operators are trying to handle these problems. For example, a bike-sharing company called Mobike sets a 100-piont credit score for each user, with points taken in the case of bad behavior. Once a score drops below 80, bike rental is increased to 100 yuan per 30 minutes, up from 0.5-1 yuan.

1.The underlined word “revival” in paragraph 2 probably means .

A. survival B. recovery

C. existence D. popularity

2.The bike-sharing systems are popular because .

A. they are very effective B. they can be picked up anywhere

C. they are equipped with GPS D. they help to solve the “last mile” problem

3.To solve the problems of illegal parking, damage and theft, operators need to .

A. offer stronger online services B. combine online and offline business

C. provide credit score for users D. obtain more offline business experience

Winter care for roses

Do roses need extra care for winter? Like so many other things in the garden, the answer is debatable. 1.

Roses are grouped and referred to by type. Shrub roses are the hardiest and need little extra care. Hybrid tea roses and other roses are more likely to need winterization to survive or remain healthy.

2. And even shrub roses exposed to severe winter conditions can suffer. If roses are growing in a location that is subject to heavy winter winds, even the hardiest varieties may benefit from winterization.

Some gardeners live by the theory that if a plant can't grow well, the best bet is to replace it. 3. If you wish to do nothing with your roses, you also have chances of having plants around in the spring. If you like to baby plants along, winterization is for you.

Winterize roses after a hard freeze and cold weather. The first step is to add soil or other plant material over the crown(花冠)of the rose bush. The material should be about 12 inches deep over the crown. The second step to winterizing roses is to tie up the plants. 4. If the plants are tall, use ropes to provide support to them.

When spring comes, remove the added soil from the base of the plant. 5. This is the time to clean up cuts and reduce plant size if desired.

A.Location also plays a role, though.

B.Remove strings if plants have been tied up.

C.So they often change the plants they grow.

D.Other gardeners have plants that are almost like children.

E.You should consider sunshine and water when answering this question.

F.The main purpose is to prevent them from breaking off in the face of strong winds.

G.It depends on the plant variety, growing location and a gardener's personal preference.

Hee Ah Lee was born with severe physical disability. She has ______ fingers on each hand. And her legs end at her knees. Her doctors didn’t expect her to ______. But she does live.

At the age of six she started to play the piano. At the time, her four fingers were very ______. She couldn’t even hold a pencil. Her mother ______ that her daughter should take piano lessons. One reason was the thought of helping her strengthen her hands so she could hold a pencil. The other was ______ she felt that if she could ______ the piano, she could manage anything.

For six months piano schools ______ them down and then the only teacher who did accept the ______ got discouraged and wanted to ______. It became a three-month contest of ______ between mother and daughter that led to a difficult situation in which the mother ______ threw her daughter on the floor in disappointment. She said Lee got back up on the piano ______ and for the first time played the children’s song she had been trying to ______. That was the turning point and one year later Lee won the grand prize in a piano concert for kindergartners. It was at age 7 that Lee ______ Korea’s 19th National Handicap Conquest Contest and was ______ with the medal by the president. Today Lee is 32, has won a number of ______, and is a widely traveled concert pianist with more than 200_______.

Lee gives thanks to her mother for ______ her to master the piano and said that although her training was ______, “As time went by, the piano became my ______ of inspiration and my best friend.”

1.A. no B. two C. three D. four

2.A. succeed B. exist C. survive D. grow

3.A. short B. inflexible C. weak D. fat

4.A. imagined B. discussed C. ordered D. decided

5.A. that B. because C. why D. so

6.A. teach B. love C. take D. master

7.A. turned B. looked C. calmed D. let

8.A. offer B. task C. gift D. price

9.A. hide B. quit C. rest D. escape

10.A. achievement B. will C. habit D. quality

11.A. accidentally B. bravely C. angrily D. carelessly

12.A. lesson B. class C. board D. bench

13.A. teach B. sing C. hear D. learn

14.A. competed B. beat C. won D. watched

15.A. presented B. awarded C. rewarded D. supplied

16.A. supports B. games C. prizes D. praises

17.A. contests B. meetings C. followers D. performances

18.A. challenging B. allowing C. persuading D. encouraging

19.A. long B. tough C. uneasy D. pleasant

20.A. source B. symbol C. knowledge D. energy

My husband hasn't stopped laughing about a funny thing that happened to me. It's funny now but it wasn't at the time.

Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I wanted a rest before catching the train, so I bought a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the station coffee shop - that was a cheap self-service place with long tables to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to keep a place, and went to get a cup of coffee.

When I went back with the coffee, there was someone in the next seat. It was one of those wild-looking youngsters, with dark glasses and worn clothes, and hair colored bright red at the front. Not so unusual these days. What did surprise me was that he'd started to eat my chocolate!

Naturally, I was annoyed. However, to avoid trouble - and really I was rather uneasy about him - I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me closely. Then he took a second piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didn't dare to start an argument. When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, "Well, I shall have the last piece." And I got it.

The boy gave me a strange look, and then stood up. As he left he shouted out. "This woman's crazy!" Everyone stared. That was embarrassing enough, but it was worse when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face went red - as red as his hair - when I realized I'd made a mistake. It wasn't my chocolate that he'd been taking. There was mine, unopened, just under my newspaper.

1.The woman telling the story ________.

A. always went shopping with her family on Fridays

B. had been very busy and needed some time to recover

C. bought some chocolate so that she could keep a place at the table

D. wanted a newspaper and some chocolate to take home to her family

2.When the woman saw the boy go on eating the chocolate, she felt ________.

A. too tired to start an argument

B. more and more angry with the boy

C. too shy to look in the boy's direction

D. more and more disappointed at losing the chocolate

3.The woman's face turned red ________.

A. because she hated being shouted at

B. because she saw everyone staring at her

C. because she realized that the boy was poor and angry

D. because she realized that she had been quite wrong about the boy

4.From the story we can see the woman ________.

A. was crazy

B. was being careless

C. often made mistakes

D. was careless and selfish

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