
My Journey to Lhasa

At the age of fifty-five, Alexandra David-Neel walked for four months across the high mountains of the Himalayas 1. little food or money. She 2. (willing) suffered the tough travel 3. (condition) to reach her goal and finally, in 1924, became the first European woman ever to enter Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. Lhasa is very difficult to get to, and some people call it “The Roof of The World”. “My Journey to Lhasa” is the true account of David-Neel’s extraordinary journey, 4. is even more remarkable because at that time, foreigners, especially foreign women 5. (forbid) to enter Lhasa. To hide 6. (she), she wore the clothes of a beggar. Her book is a good 7. (introduce) to Tibet. Readers will love her descriptions of the people she met along the way. David-Neel was 8. (fluency) in Tibetan dialects and knew the culture there, so it was easy for her to get to know the people.

“My Journey to Lhasa” 9. (give) a real feeling for Tibet and the people there. It is a great book if you want to visit Tibet, or if you just like a good story. This book, first 10. (publish) in 1927, is well worth reading.


It was 8:30am and the doorbell rang. I answered the door and there was Mr. Jones, who was from a bike-racing company. Mr. Jones said, “Congratulations! You are one of our finalists(决赛选手) for this year’s US Bike Tour Challenge. If you can ride your bike from here to Miami, Florida and finish it first, you will win $50,000. You can only take ten stops on this race and this doesn’t include overnight stays at hotels. Will you accept this challenge, Mr. Wozniak?” I agreed, and so did my parents.

Mr. Jones explained to me the rules. The race began the next day. The first day was very smooth for me. But unluckily the next four days, I bumped into some rain, which didn’t stop until I reached North Carolina. And I had used six stops because of the bad weather. It would take five days to get to Florida, so I would travel one day without making a stop. And I did it. On the sixth day, I succeeded in riding all the way to Savannah Georgia without a stop. Four days later, I arrived in downtown Miami and I was told that I was in the 4th place. So I thought to myself I could win. At 6:15pm, I found myself head to head with another racer. We both switched gears to head for the finish line.

When the officials announced, “The Ohio competitor, Evan Wozniak, is the winner!”

I was so excited that I fell off my bike. Happily, I got the $50,000 for winning this race. And I did it in ten days.

1.Evan Wozniak is a competitor from ______.

A. Ohio B. North Carolina

C. Savannah Georgia D. Florida

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. Mr. Jones was one of the finalists for this year’s US Bike Tour Challenge.

B. Evan Wozniak gave up the challenge for his parents’ disagreement.

C. Riding from Ohio to Florida needs at least 5 days.

D. Evan Wozniak successfully finished his race despite much trouble.

3.The correct route of this year’s US Bike Tour Challenge is ______.

A. Ohio→Savannah Georgia→North Carolina→Miami, Florida

B. Miami, Florida→North Carolina→Savannah Georgia→Ohio

C. Ohio→North Carolina→Savannah Georgia→Miami, Florida

D. Savannah Georgia→→North Carolina→Miami, Florida→ Ohio

Does every important present come in a big package? As the holiday season approaches, most of us are looking for the perfect gift, ready to give whatever we can afford, hoping to please the ones we love.

This morning, my son responded to my e?mail, in which I had mentioned his Christmas list. To my surprise, he didn't tell me what was on his list—rather he opted to tell what was not, such as more sweaters or button?downs.

“I have 3x more of shirts than I could ever possibly wear,” he wrote.

I laughed, not only at my silly assumption but also at the frank and sensitive way he'd told me I'd been missing the boat. In my attempts to be generous, I'd merely been repetitive.

It hurts to admit this naturally, but the truth is that if I'd been visiting him more frequently, I'd know he has too many shirts in his drawers with the tags still on them. But because he is living so far away, I just don't know what exactly he wears on a daily basis.

Perhaps if I paid him and his wife a visit, we could share takeout in their apartment. Laugh together. Talk about something. It would be a big gift in a small package, requiring only a plane flight and some time.

Of course, this present could come at any time of the year. I am thinking about the idea now because it's December, when thinking about perfect presents for those we love occupies our thoughts quite a bit. We are troubling ourselves with the idea of perfection, sometimes losing sight of the point of it all, which is simply to make one another happy.

So maybe under our Christmas tree this year there will be a package wrapped in red and green with my son's name on it. Inside will be a plane ticket to JFK in my name. Wouldn't that be perfect?

1.What did the author realize after reading her son's e?mail?

A. Her son didn't think she was generous.

B. She ignored her son's inner feelings.

C. She missed out her son's development.

D. She didn't buy her son proper presents.

2.Which of following can best replace the underlined word “opted” in Paragraph 2?

A. Chose. B. Promised.

C. Refused. D. Pretended.

3.What might be the best title for the passage?

A. Small presents also count B. Presents—symbol of love

C. Big presents in little packages D. Presents—a bond between people

The Beagle Brigade

Return to the United States from a trip abroad, and your luggage will get inspected by the U. S. Department of Agriculture’s Beagle Brigade. Working with human canine officer partners, the beagles sniff out potential threats to American agriculture.

An orange or apple, for example, might harbor a Mediterranean fruit fly. Hams could carry a disease such as hog cholera. These and other pests could destroy farmer’s crops and livestock. “Once we introduce something that is not part of the environment, there may riot be any controls for it in the environment,” notes USDA’s Lisa Davis at the National Dog Detector Training Center in Orlando, Florida. “The best thing for us to do is to prevent it from coming across the border and becoming established. ’’

When a beagle sniffs specific food odors, it signals its partners by sitting. The human officer then investigates. When the dog is right—which happens 90 percent of the time——it gets an edible treat.

“The dog is not out there working,” explains Davis. “It’s out there playing. It’s a game to the dog.” The handlers give the beagles plenty of food and loving. They make sure they get first-class medical attention, too. When the dogs finally retire after 9 to 11 years, the USDA finds caring homes for them. It’s a dog’s life indeed!

How well does the Beagle Brigade do its job? “On average,” notes Davis, “each year our 54 teams prevent around 75,000 prohibited, restricted items.” Since even one infested (为患的) item could cause widespread destruction, that’s a great result for America’s agricultural environment.

1.According to the article, what is a problem with agricultural products brought into the United States by passengers traveling from abroad?

A. They generate similar types of food odors.

B. They are difficult to identify, even with trained dogs.

C. They must be inspected before being allowed to enter the country.

D. They may carry something that could harm the agricultural environment.

2.According to the article, how does the beagle signal that it has found a suspicious food product?

A. By barking at its partner. B. By begging for a treat.

C. By sitting next to the item. D. By playing a game.

3.How is the beagle congratulated for finding a specific food product?

A. The handler praises it with a hug.

B. The beagle gets to play for a few hours.

C. The beagle gets to retire to a caring home.

D. The handler gives it an edible reward.

4.In the article, the author supports the use of the Beagle Brigade by .

A. providing statistics about the number of items detected by the dogs

B. showing that the dogs enjoy discovering prohibited items

C. pointing out that good homes are found for the dogs when they retire

D. praising the fact that the dogs work for a government agency

The London Travelcard is a paper ticket that is valid on all London public transport.

?Online exclusive: you can not buy a paper 7 Day Travelcard from Underground stations in London — it can only be bought in advance.

?Unlimited travel: the Travelcard gives you unlimited travel on London’s public transport network.

?No queuing: while other visitors wait in line at the train station with their heavy bags, you’ll be ready to travel as soon as you arrive in London.

?Low prices: a Travelcard is of great value, and you get a discount on the Tames Riverboats and Emirates Air Line cable car.

Should I buy an Anytime Travelcard or an Off Peak Travelcard?

It depends on what time of the day you will be travelling:

Anytime Travelcards can be used at any time; Off Peak Travelcards are cheaper, but cannot be used on Monday to Friday before 9:30 am.

Which zones do I need a Travelcard for?

The center of London, including most major attractions, is in Zones 1–2. Most suburban (郊区的) areas of London, including Wembley Stadium and Wimbledon Tennis Club, are within Zones 1-4. Almost the whole of London, including Heathrow and London City Airports, is in Zones 1-6.

To check which zones the areas you want to visit are in, see the full map of the London transport network.

Tickets prices:

Zones 1–2

Zones 1–3

Zones 1–4

Zones 1–5

Zones 1–6

1 Day Anytime



Adult: 12.10

Child: 6.00


Adult: 17.20

Child: 8.60

1 Day Off Peak





Adult: 12.10

Child: 6.00

7 Day Anytime

Adult: 32.40

Child: 16.20

Adult: 38.00

Child: 19.00

Adult: 46.50

Child: 23.30

Adult: 55.20

Child: 27.60

Adult: 59.10

Child: 29.60

Single Journey





Adult: 6.00

Child: 3.00

Adult: (16+) Child :(11-15)—Under 11 travel free, 11+ need their own travel ticket. N/A: Not available

London Travelcards can be used on :

?London Underground (the Tube)

?Overground and National Rail trains in London

?London buses (in any Zone, irrespective of the zones shown on the ticket)

?Trams (有轨电车) in South London

?Docklands Light Railway (DLR)

You can also get a 33% discount on river boats and a 25% discount in the Emirates Air Line cable car.

1.Which of the following statement is true about the London Travlecard?

A. you can buy it from Underground stations in London

B. it saves you a lot of time waiting in line to get a ticket.

C. its price is based on how many times you want to travel.

D. With it you can get a discount on all transport in London.

2.If you want to travel from central London to Wembley Stadium after 10 am and stay at your friend’s home nearby for two days, a ______ is your best choice.

A. 1 Day Anytime Travlecard for Zones 1–4.

B. 1 Day Off Peak Travlecard for Zones 1–6.

C. Single Journey Travlecard for Zones 1–6.

D. 7 Day Anytime Travlecard for Zones 1–4.

3.If Jack is planning to take his two kids (aged 10 and 16) to travel in the centre of London with the 7 Day Anytime tickets, he should pay ______.

A. 32.40 B. 48.60

C. 64.80 D. 81.00

4.A London Travelcard for Zones 1–4 can Not be used on ______.

A. London buses in Zones 1–6

B. National Rail trains in central London

C. the Docklands Light Railway within Zone 4

D. the London Underground to get to the airports.

How to overcome challenges in your life

We all face tough and difficult challenges in life. To overcome challenges you need to have that “never quit” attitude in life. If you develop it, you’ll overcome quite a bit.

Motivate yourself. Say “YES, I CAN.” The challenge should bring out the best of you in this situation. Slow it down, and think that process through. 1. If you develop that mindset (心态), you’ll get it done.

2. Remain calm when you’re facing serious troubles and problems in life. You have to recollect yourself, and calm down. You can’t solve problems when you’re panicking. Take a deep breath, relax, and slow it down. Think things through calmly.

Let failure and fear fuel you in a positive way. Everyone fails at times. If you fail the first, second, or third time, don’t give up. 3.

Learn what made you fail and overcome these challenges.

Simplify the challenge you’re facing. Make the challenge easier than it is. 4. As you get through each step, you develop more confidence and you believe you can get it done, and then you will.

Stay positive and confident. 5.You have to find out all the ways you can use to overcome it, and put them to full use with all your effort. It’s our own mental stability that’s the difficult part. When you do it mentally, you’ll actually be able to do it.

A. Stay calm and cool headed.

B. Think the best, not the worst.

C. Start by breaking it down into steps.

D. To overcome a challenge, you have to believe you can really do it.

E. Most people will avoid any challenge, because they’re scared of failing.

F. Develop that confidence in saying there’s no way you’re going to fail at this.

G. Pick yourself up, and learn from why you’ve failed, and move on in a positive direction.

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