
The parents was given in 1876,butfive days laterBell sent his frist telephone message to his assistant Waston.
You should learn
The twins are no alike that
(4)我弄不清楚“above all”和“first of all”用法的不同。(汉译英)

(5)His late arrival (打扰了)our plans.

(1)it was not until;that
(2)distinguish between right and wrong
(3)no one can distinguish one from the other
(4)I can’t tell differenceBetween the usages of “above all”and “first of all”.
(5)messed up
【解析】固定搭配it was not until…that;distinguishBetween right and wrong明辨是非;


It was the end of my junior year,the weekend before a party.I was1around that night with some friends,and a2got passed around the car.Everyone was taking swigs(大口喝).Then the bottle got to me.I took a swig.That was the biggest3of my life,I had to drive4 later that night.
About a mile from my house,a policeman turned his light bar on and I5over and waited for him to come to my door.“Can I see your6and registration please,Miss?”He took them and went back to his car for a while.When he returned,he asked if I had7
“Yes sir,”I said.He asked me to step out of my car.
All of a sudden I felt cold metal on my wrists.He8 me right then and there.As I was sitting in the back seat of his car,all I could think was,“God,I'm in so much9my parents are going to10me.”
The cop drove me to a town twenty minutes from my home.Being arrested was so11.The next week I got a lawyer and I went to12two months after that.I got $ 700 in fines,forty hours of community13 , and had to attend a MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) meeting.I'll be on probation(缓刑)for a year,and I have to14driver's education again.And I 15my license for a whole year!
This has been a huge 16 experience for me.It opened my eyes to how17 it is to make a 18decision.I want everyone reading this to know that it's not19 to drink and drive,and it20isn't worth losing your license.
(1)A.walking B.running C.driving D.riding
(2)A.cup B.jar C.bowl D.bottle
(3)A.mistake B.change C.problem D.challenge
(4)A.school B.home C.office D.hospital
(5)A.pulled B.swung C.turned D.knocked
(6)A.identity B.passport C.card D.license
(7)A.practiced B.eaten C.drunk D.quarreled
(8)A.fined B.arrested C.scolded D.forgave
(9)A.trouble B.confusion C.mess D.wonder
(10)A.hate B.help C.kill D.question
(11)A.boring B.common C.different D.scary
(12)A.prison B.hotel C.court D.church
(13)A.survey B.service C.activity D.communication
(14)A.give B.bring C.make D.take
(15)A.lost B.kept C.got D.held
(16)A.struggling B.exercising C.learning D.working
(17)A.dull B.funny C.puzzled D.easy
(18)A.stupid B.difficult C.quick D.happy
(19)A.hard B.right C.cool D.positive
(20)A.necessarily B.gradually C.definitely D.possibly

Last August, I traveled with a group of volunteers to Tres de Mayo, a small community near Tela, Honduras to help renovate(整修) a community centre. During my stay there, I learned many things and I also had plenty of opportunity to interact(互动) and work with local children, and I often could not help but think about the hardships they faced day to day, all factors considered to place children at-risk for problems later in life.
One young boy in particular, Javier, 16, stood out for me. Javier's father had left a year earlier for the U. S, and the family had not heard from him since. This put his mother in a difficult position, stay in Tres de Mayo with no job and no source of income. In the end she decided to move to another province to find work. Javier with his little brother had to stay to live with their grandfather in a small house. Many of the children we met in Tres de Mayo were in similar situations.
As our last day approached, I remember the look in Javier's eyes, as they welled up(涌出)with tears when we told him we were leaving. One of the volunteers held him close, but it did little to console him. He had already experienced so much loss, his father abandoning him, his mother leaving to find work, and it was hard to realize that our departure(离开)was adding to the list.
As I looked beyond Javier, I could see the many men and women whom Javier looked up to, depended on, and gathered strength from. I did know that without parents to raise him, he was not left alone. Instead, the adults in the community took responsibility for the care of their collective young.
(1)Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A.Javier established good relationship with the author and his team.
B.Javier faced a number of challenges that put him at some risks.
C.Javier shared the same sufferings with other kids in Tres de Mayo.
D.Javier had to learn to be independent even since he was a little boy.
(2)We can replace the underlined word “console ” in the third paragraph with ___________.
(3)According to the author, what plays an important part in the growth of Javier?
A.The united effort from the whole global village.
B.The good quality from the foreign volunteers.
C.The great care from the adults in his community.
D.The positive support from some of his family.

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