
12.I don't think we should attach too much importance toearning(挣得) a lot of money.

分析 我认为我们不应该过分重视多挣钱这一因素.

解答 答案:earning.
分析句子的结构可知,本句考查短语attach importance to doing sth重视做某事,根据汉语提示可知答案为earning.

点评 翻译填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用.

2.Everybody has one of those days when everything goes wrong.This is what happened to Harry.
He got up one moring very late because he had forgotten to wind up (上发条) his alarm clock.He tried to shave(刮胡须) quickly and cut himself.When he got dressed he got blood (血) all over his clean shirt,so he had to find another one.The only other shirt that was clean needed ironing (熨烫),so he ironed it.While he was ironing it,there was a knock at the door.It was the man to read the electricity meter(电表).He showed him where the meter was,said good-bye and found that the iron had burnt a hole in his shirt.So he had to wear the one with the blood on it after all.By this time it was very late,so he decided he couldn't go to work by bus.He telephoned for a taxi to take him to work.The taxi arrived and Harry got in and began to read the newspaper.
In another part of the town,a man had killed a woman with a knife and was seen to run away in a taxi.When Harry's taxi stopped outside his office,a policeman happened to be standing there.He saw the blood on Harry's shirt,and took him to the police station.He was kept till 3o'clock in the afternoon before the police were sure that he was not the man they wanted.When he finally arrived at the office at about four,his boss took a look at him and told him to go away and find another job.

18.Put the following sentences into correct order according to the passage.B
a.The man who read the electricity meter came.
b.Harry ironed his shirt.
c.Harry got blood all over his clean shirt.
d.There was a knock at the door.
e.Harry wore the shirt with blood on it.
A.a,b,c,d,e     B.c,b,d,a,e      C.b,a,c,d,e     D.b,a,d,c,e
19.Harry was taken to the police station becauseC.
A.a man killed a woman with a knife
B.he was the murderer (杀人犯)
C.there was blood on his shirt and he was in a taxi
D.his taxi stopped outside his office and a policeman happened to be there
20.His boss told him to go away and find another job becauseA.
A.he was late for work
B.Harry asked him to do so
C.he had been kept by the police
D.he had killed a woman.
3.In June 2014,Huffington Post and Mail Online reported that three-year-old Victoria Wilcher,who had suffered facial scarring,had been kicked out of a KFC because she was frightening customers.Later,KFC announced that no evidence had been found to support the story.This phenomenon is largely a product of the increasing pressure in newsrooms that care more about traffic figures.
Brooke Binkowski,an editor,says that,during her career,she has seen a shift towards less editorial oversight in newsrooms."Clickbait is king,so newsrooms will uncritically print something unreal.Not all newsrooms are like this,but a lot of them are."
Asked what the driving factor was,a journalist said,"You've an editor breathing down your neck and you have to meet your targets.And there are some young journalists on the market who are inexperienced and who will not do those checks.So much news that is reported online happens online.There is no need to get out and knock on someone's door.You just sit at your desk and do it."
Another journalist says,"There is undoubtedly pressure to churn out (粗制滥造)stories in order to get clicks,because they equal money.At my former employer in particular,the pressure was on due to the limited resources.That made the environment quite horrible to work in."
In a February 2015 report for Digital Journalism,Craig Silverman wrote,"Today the bar for what is worth giving attention to seems to be much lower.Within minutes or hours,a badly sourced report can be changed into a story that is repeated by dozens of news websites,resulting in tens of thousands of shares.Once a certain critical mass is reached,repetition has a powerful effect on belief. Thus,the rumor simply becomes true for readers."
And,in spite of the direction that some newsrooms seem to be heading in,a critical eye is becoming more,not less important,according to the New York Times'public editor,Margaret Sullivan."Reporters and editors have to be more careful than ever before.It's extremely important to question and to use every verification(验证) method available before publication."Yet those working in newsrooms talk of doubtful stories being tolerated because,in the words of some senior editors,"a click is a click,regardless of the advantage of a story".And,"if the story does turn out to be false,it's simply a chance for another bite at the cherry."
Verification and fact-checking are regularly falling victim to the pressure to bring in the numbers,and if the only result of being caught out is another chance to bring in the clicks,that looks unlikely to change.

32.According to Brooke Binkowski,newsrooms produce false news becauseA.
A.clicks matter a lot
B.resources are limited
C.money is needed for news
D.journalists lack experience
33.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5probably mean?D
A.Lies can't sell without an atom of truth.
B.Rumors are like a flame blown by the wind.
C.You can hear rumors,but you can't know them.
D.A lie,repeated frequently enough,will end up as truth.
34.What's Margaret Sullivan's attitude towards false news online?A
35.What is the passage mainly about?B
A.Consequences of false stories.
B.Causes of online false news.
C.Inability of journalists.
D.A craze to get clicks.
4.Railway Stephen Manufacturer:
Publication date:2016-6-15
Price:$ 9.65
For Ages:2+
Stephen is one of the earliest engines ever built.Other engines may be faster and stronger than Stephen,but in terms of strength or speed,Stephen makes up for with his positive spirits,sense of humor and knowledge.Stephen can connect to other engines and vehicles with magnet connectors.
Monster Truck Manufacturer:
LEGO Publication date:2016-2-21
For Ages:3+
Get the big monster truck to the race with the Monster Truck!Check the engine and huge tires
before the show.Jump the ramp to hear the crowd cheer with excitement!
Features a man-made low-loader trailer,a monster truck,a ramp (斜坡)and a carriage with opening doors.
Attachments include tools,a toolbox and an oil can.
Stacking Train Manufacturer:
Melissa & Doug Publication date:2015-12-16
Price:$ 15.45
For Ages 4 and up
The brightly colored wooden train is over 17 inches long and includes 15 changeable pieces.The engine and multicolored goods cars have strong pegs (钩) for linking the cars.Get on board for a high-quality,value-packed adventure!
Crazy Forts Manufacturer:
Crazy Forts Publication date:2016-8-9
Price:$ 44.95
For Ages 5 and up
Children of all ages love building fun structures where they can play endlessly in their imaginary worlds.And Crazy Forts makes play so easy and so fun.Simply connect the balls and sticks and cover the structure with bed sheets to create your imaginary places.They are durable,portable and best of all,there are no batteries required!You can build your own creation,a playhouse for parties,tunnels or connect with friends for amazing structures.
21.Buy the Monster Truck,and you will getB.
A.fun building structures
B.a toolbox and an oil can
C.a wooden train with many pieces
D.magnet connectors to connect other vehicles
22.If John Smith pays $ 15,45,he will get a product which hasD.
A.portable balls and sticks
B.a faster and stronger engine
C.a ramp and a carriage
D.hooks to connect other cars
23.Which of the following can better promote children's imagination?D
A.Stacking Train.
B.Monster Truck.
C.Railway Stephen.
D.Crazy Forts.
1.The hot summer sun was over the southern shore (岸) of Japan.Eight-year-old Sho Scott and his father were riding along the hilly coastal road.They were very tired,(41)Bthey didn't stop.As they(42)DCape Sata,their final d estination (目的地),they were very(43)A."We did it!"Sho said with a smile.
On August 30,2009,Sho and his father,Charles,became the first(44)Dfa ther-son pair to(45)Cthe whole length of Japan on connected bikes.It took them 67 days to(46)Cabout 2,500 miles from Cape Soya on the northern shore of Japan to Cape Sata on the southern shore.
Sho was only seven when his father(47)B that they go on a father-son bike(48)A.Sho thought it was a very(49)Bidea."Let's do something in (50)C,"said Sho.Sho and his family live in New York City,but Sho's mother is from Japan.
Sho and his father(51)D their bike ride"Unite to Combat Climate Change-Ride Japan"and (52)Ato raise money for the United Nations'Billion Tree Campaign.(53)Bthe trip,the father and son spent many hours(54)Con their bikes and became comfortable working as a(55)D.Once Sho and his father (56)Ctheir trip,they biked about 46 miles per(57)Afor more than two months straight.(58)Cthey faced lots of difficulties on their way,they didn't(59)B,and finally reached their(60)A.
The bike ride was a dream come true-a dream that grew for more than a year.

50.A.Cape SataB.Cape SoyaC.JapanD.New York
59.A.break outB.give upC.put offD.hold on

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