
18.It is still not quite clear ________ on earth really matters in deciding a child's character and personality.(  )

分析 究竟是什么在决定孩子的性格和个性中起真正作用,这一点(现在)还不清楚.

解答 答案:D  题干所给的句子中,前面是It is still not quite clear 这件事还不清楚;后面接了on earth really matters in deciding a child's character and personality谓语结构(matters用了动词的三单形式),说明是一个句子;从句中matters缺少主语,要用连接代词.故选D.

点评 在句子中起名词作用的各种从句统称为名词性从句.根据它们在句中的语法作用,这类从句又可分为主语从句、同位语从句、表语从句和宾语从句. 本题中it充当形式主语,真正的主语是后面what引导的主语从句.

6.The Dos and Don'ts of Learning a New Language
People decide to learn another language for many different reasons.(36)Othersdecidetolearnalanguagebecauseoftheirjob.Some learn another language because they would like to live in another country. Some people have to study a language at school and others might decide to learn a language just for fun!
I've been learning French for just over two years.I decided to learn it because I wanted to learn something new and I love French culture.Learning French has been a fun and exciting journey but it's also been challenging.I've learnt a lot about the challenges while learning a new language and have put together some‘dos'and‘don'ts'to help other language learners.
Learning a new language can be a hard process that requires a lot of motivation.Try  different activities to make your language learning more enjoyable.Why not try watching your favourite TV series in that language or listening to music in that language?
•Do write down your mistakes
(38)Apersoncorrectingyouisagoodthinganditwillhelpyouimprove.I like to write the mistakes that I make in a small pocket book.
•Don't set unrealistic expectations.
If you have recently started learning another language,it may be unrealistic to expect to be fluent within a couple of months.Be aware that it could take a while.(39)Thesamethinggoesforaccents It's very difficult to have a native accent.The most important thing is that you're clear and people can understand you.
•Don't be scared
(40)Iwasn'tconfidentwhenIfirststartedspeakingFrench.I worried about my accent,pronunciation,grammar and didn't make the most of speaking opportunities.Looking back,it seems silly and now I'm more than happy to speak  French.Don't be afraid or overthink it,just be confident and speak.

A.Be confident
B.Do enjoy it
C.The same thing goes for accents.
D.Others decide to learn a language because of their job.
E.I wasn't confident when I first started speaking French.
F.Take your time and celebrate the progress that you've made so far.
G.A person correcting you is a good thing and it will help you improve.
3.People on a college campus were more likely to give money to the March of Dimes if they
were asked for a donation by a disabled woman in a wheelchair than if asked by a nondisabled woman.In another (50)study,subway riders in New York saw a man carrying a stick stumble(绊 脚) and fall to the floor.Sometimes the victim had a large red birthmark on his(51)face; sometimes he did not.In this situation,the victim was more likely t0  (52)receiveaid if his face was spotless than if he had an unattractive birthmark.In (53)understandingthese and other research findings,two themes are (54)important:we are more willing to help people we like for some reason and people we think (55)deserve assistance.
In some situations,those who are physically attractive are more likely to receive aid.(56)Forexample,in a field study researchers placed a completed application to graduate school in a telephone box at the airport.The application was ready to be(57)mailed,but had apparently been"lost".The photo attached to the application was sometimes that of a very (58)good-lookperson and sometimes that of a less attractive person.The measure of helping was whether the individual who found the envelope actually mailed it or not.Results showed that people were more likely to (59)sendinthe application if the person in the photo was physically attractive.
The degree of (60)similaritybetween the potential helper and the person in need is also important.
For example,people are more likely to help a stranger who is from the same country rather than a foreigner.In one study,shoppers on a busy street in Scotland were more likely to help a person wearing a(n) (61)plainT-shirt than a person wearing a T-shirt printed with offensive words.
Whether a person receives help depends in part on the"worth"of the case.For example,shoppers in a supermarket were more likely to give someone.(62)money_ to buy milk rather than to buy cookies,probably because milk is thought more essential for (63)healththan cookies.Passengers on a New York subway were more likely to help a man who fell to the ground if he appeared to be (64)sickrather than drunk.

56.A.At firstB.Above allC.In additionD.For example
59.A.send inB.throw awayC.fill outD.turn down
8.Peyton,an 11-year-old boy from Florida,has the enthusiasm of scientific invention and the-gift of Thomas Edison.
The sixth-grader put his math and science skills as well as some real-life experience to use and created something that could benefit our world a lot--the sandless sandbag.Today he was named the winner of the Young Scientist Challenge for his sandbag.
"I had a really terrifying experience with a hurricane,"said Peyton."When I was 4,I experienced Hurricane Wilma.When it hit Florida in October 2005,my family and I crowded in a closet and watched the storm bring damage and death to our area,feeling terrible and hopeless."
Saltwater flooding caused great damage,which made him think about how people can prepare for floods.Peyton,who has been solving math problems since he was 3,eventually came up with the sandless sandbag.   
"Instead of filling it with sand,I filled it with just the right amount of chemicals and salt,"he said."What's amazing is that when you pick these bags up and they're not wet,they only weigh a pound or two."
Unlike regular sandbags,Peyton's is light and easy to carry.They only expand when doused (浸泡)with water.The bags are portable when dry and will not float away when wet.
Experts praised his invention and said that the sandless sandbag could someday save a lot of lives and possessions."He understands the big picture.He thinks in terms of the influence on society and safety for the people around this area,"said Dr.Antonio,the engineering chairman at the University of Miami."We'd love to have him at our university."
Peyton has to get through middle school and high school first,but until then,the young scientist will continue thinking and inventing.   
46.Why did Peyton win the Young Scientist Challenge?D
A.Because he is interested in scientific invention.
B.Because he has the gift of Thomas Edison.
C.Because he solved many maths problems.
D.Because he invented the sandless sandbag.   
47.What inspired Peyton to invent the sandless sandbag?A
A.An experience in Hurricane Wilma.       
B.Others'scientific invention.
C.An idea of Thomas Edison.                   
D.His maths and science skills.
48.What makes Peyton's sandbag different from a regular one?B
A.Outlook of the bags.                             
B.Content of the bags.
C.Material of the bags.                                
D.Usage of the bags.
49.when the sandless sandbag is wet,it willC.
A.be portable    B.float away    C.get heavy  D.1ose weight
50.We can infer from the passage thatD
A.Peyton has been admitted into the University of Miami
B.Peyton's sandbag has saved a lot of lives and possessions
C.Peyton has drawn a big picture of his sandbag
D.Peyton's sandbag could protect people from flooding better.

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