My husband Val and I had not been getting along well lately. We didn’t argue, but we hardly_______. I knew that one________ was that I often scold him. Unluckily, I looked only at his fault (缺点)and forgot to notice how_______ he had done in everything.

   I really didn’t want to be ______ talking too much, but it seemed as if I couldn’t_______. However , I made up my mind to________. Could I ?

   I decided to try. Each day I would find one thing I liked in_______ and mentioned it to him.

   The first day, again, appeared the greatest problem. I noticed_______ things I didn’t like about Val. Why did he leave his books everywhere in his study instead of putting them______?

How could he wear that________shirt again? And I had a difficult time ______with anything good I could mention.

   I thought and thought._______ he was good sometimes. When something needed repair around the house, Val_______until he discovered what was wrong.______ , I told Val I was glad he was patient _____my fault and said something about the way I often scold him. He smiled a small, weak smile ______ made me angry, “Maybe this isn’t going to work.” I said to myself. But as three weeks continued, finding something good about my husband came_______ . He deals honestly with everyone; he treats our children with________  . Why had I seen so many unpleasant things?

   By the end of the 21 days, I couldn’t believe how easy_______ had become to praise Val. And Val did seem________. In fact, he mentioned that I seemed to have changed a lot.

1.A. exchanged B. spoke C. touched D. communicated

2.A. result B. problem C. idea D. method

3.A. well B. badly C. angrily D. really

4.A. a girl B. a lady C. a student D. a wife

5.A. improve him B. scold him C. help myself D. believe myself

6.A. have a rest B. have a change C. take my place D. have a chance

7.A. my husband B. myself C. our children D. himself

8.A. large amount of B. few[ C. a small number of D. quite a few

9.A. in ways B. in order C. on the way[ D. out of order[

10.A. clean B. dirty C. smart D. tidy

11.A. making up B. putting up C. turning up D. coming up

12.A. After all B. In all C. At all D. All above

13.A. paid attention B. took care C. worked hard D. was tired

14.A. Next day B. Someday C. The next day D. After a day

15.A. with B. to C. for D. in

16.A. that B. what C. who D. whose

17.A. more difficult B. more easily C. more directly D. ore surprisingly

18.A. kindness B. pride C. rudeness D. fear

19.A. this B. that C. it D. I

20.A. the same B. different C. bad D. active

The idea of being able to walk on water has long interested humans greatly. Sadly, biological facts prevent us ever accomplishing such a thing without artificial aid—we simply weigh too much,and all our mass pushes down through our relatively small feet, resulting in a lot of pressure that makes us sink.

However, several types of animals can walk on water. One of the most interesting is the common basilisk Basilicusbasilicus, a lizard (蜥蜴) native to Central and South America. It can run across water for a distance of several metres, avoiding getting wet by rapidly hitting the water's surface with its feet. The lizard will take as many as 20 steps per second to keep moving forward. For humans to do this, we'd need huge feet that we could bring up to our ears in order to create adequate “hitting”.

But fortunately there is an alternative: corn flour. By adding enough of this common thickening agent to water (and it does take a lot), you can create a “nonNewtonian” liquid that doesn't behave like normal water. Now, if the surface of the water is hit hard enough, particles(粒子) in the water group together for a moment to make the surface hard. Move quickly enough and put enough force into each step, and you really can walk across the surface of an adequately thick liquid of corn flour.

Fun though all this may sound, it's still rather messy and better read about in theory than carried out in practice. If you must do it, then keep the water wings handy in case you start to sink—and take a shower afterwards!

1.What do we know about Basilicusbasilicus from the passage?

A. It is light enough to walk on water.

B. Its huge feet enable it to stay above water.

C. It can run across water at a certain speed.

D. Its unique skin keeps it from getting wet in water.

2.What is the function of the corn flour according to the passage?

A. To create a thick liquid.

B. To turn the water into solid.

C. To help the liquid behave normally.

D. To enable the water to move rapidly.

3.What is the author's attitude towards the idea of humans' walking on water?

A. It is risky but beneficial.

B. It is interesting and worth trying.

C. It is crazy and cannot become a reality.

D. It is impractical though theoretically possible.

For a long time Gabriel didn’t want to be involved in music at all. In his first years of high school, Gabriel would look pityingly at music students, across the campus with their heavy instrument cases. at school for practice hours anyone else had to be there. He swore to himself to music, as he hated getting to school extra early.

_____, one day, in the music class that was ____of his school’s standard curriculum, he was playing idly (随意地)on the piano and found it _______to pick out tunes. With a sinking feeling, he realized that he actually ____doing it. He tried to hide his ____pleasure from the music teacher, who had ____over to listen. He might not have done this particularly well, ____the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good ____ and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there __48__ him. There he decided to give the cello(大提琴)a ____. When he began practicing, he took it very ___. But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument, and was ____to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.

This ____, of course, that he arrived at school early in the morning, ____ his heavy instrument case across the campus to the ____ looks of the non-musicians he had left ____.

1.A. travelling B. marching C. pacing D. struggling

2. A. rising up B. coming up C. driving up D. turning up

3. A. before B. after C. until D. since

4. A. betray B. accept C. avoid D. appreciate

5. A. Therefore B. However C. Thus D. Moreover

6. A. part B. nature C. basis D. spirit

7. A. complicated B. safe C. confusing D. easy

8. A. missed B. disliked C. enjoyed D. denied

9. A. transparent B. obvious C. false D. similar

10. A. run B. jogged C. jumped D. wandered

11. A. because B. but C. though D. so

12.A. ear B. taste C. heart D. voice

13. A. occurred to B. took to C. appealed to D. held to

14.A. change B. chance C. mission D. function

15. A. seriously B. proudly C. casually D. naturally

16. A. committed B. used C. limited D. admitted

17. A. proved B. showed C. stressed D. meant

18.A. pushing B. dragging C. lifting D. rushing

19.A. admiring B. pitying C. annoying D. teasing

20. A. over B. aside C. behind D. out

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