
【题目】 Recently, as the British doctor Robert Winston took a train from London to Manchester, he found himself having to listen to a loud conversation of a fellow passenger woman. Boiling with anger, Winston took her picture and sent it to his more than 40,000 followers on the Tweet. By the time the train reached the station in Manchester, some journalists were waiting for the woman. And when they showed her the doctor's messages, she used just one word to describe Winston's actions: rude.

Winston's tale is a good example of increasing rudeness, fueled by social media in our age. Studies show that rudeness spreads quickly and virally, almost like the common cold. Just witnessing rudeness makes it far more likely that we, in turn, will be rude later on. Once infected, we are more aggressive, less creative and worse at our jobs. The only way out is to make a conscious decision to do so. We must have the courage to call it out, face to face. We must say, "Just stop." For Winston, that would have meant approaching the woman, telling her that her conversation was frustrating other passengers and politely asking her to speak more quietly or make the call at another time.

The anger we feel at the rude behavior of a stranger can drive us to do out-of-place things. Research discovered that the acts of revenge (报复) people had taken ranged from the ridiculous to the disturbing. Winston did shine a spotlight on the woman's behavior—but in a way that shamed her.

When we see rudeness occur in public places, we must step up and say something. And we can do it with grace, by handling it without a bit of aggression and without being rude ourselves. Because once rude people can see their actions through the eyes of others, they are far more likely to end the rudeness themselves. As this wave of rudeness rises, civilization needs civility (举止文明).

1Robert Winston’s reaction to the woman’ behavior at the train can be described as ________.

A.a way of returning good for evilB.an answer to the call of the journalists

C.a good example of stopping rudenessD.an act of answering rudeness with rudeness

2Being infected with rudeness can possibly lead to ________.

A.wiser decisionsB.more frustrated passengers

C.poorer work performanceD.more face-to-face communication

3What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.What to say to a rude person.B.Civilization Calls for Civility.

C.How to Fix Rudeness Spread OnlineD.Rude Behavior Makes a Rude Man







1推理判断题。根据第一段Boiling with anger, Winston took her picture and sent it to his more than 40,000 followers on the Tweet.(温斯顿怒火中烧,拍下了她的照片,并发送给他在推特上的4万多名粉丝。)和And when they showed her the doctor's messages, she used just one word to describe Winston's actions: rude.(当他们给她看医生的留言时,她只用一个词来形容温斯顿的行为:粗鲁。)推断出,罗伯特·温斯顿对这名女子在火车上的行为的反应,可以说是以粗鲁回应粗鲁。故选D。

2细节理解题。根据第二段Once infected, we are more aggressive, less creative and worse at our jobs.(一旦被感染,我们会变得更有攻击性,创造力更差,工作表现也更差。)可知,被无礼行为感染可能会导致工作表现不佳。故选C。

3主旨大意题。最后一段When we see rudeness occur in public places, we must step up and say something. And we can do it with grace, by handling it without a bit of aggression and without being rude ourselves.(当我们看到在公共场所发生粗鲁行为时,我们必须站出来说点什么。我们可以优雅地处理它,不带一点攻击性,也不粗鲁地对待自己。)是全文的主题句,结合全文内容,可知这篇文章主要讲了当我们看到在公共场所发生粗鲁行为时,我们该说些什么。A选项“对粗鲁的人说什么”是最合适的题目,故选A。

细节理解题大多是根据文章中的具体信息如事实、例证、原因、过程、论述等进行提问的。抓住文段中的事实和细节是做好该题型的关键,也是做好其它类型问题的基础。该题型几乎都可以在文章中直接找到与答案有关的信息,或是其变体。在一篇短文里大部分篇幅都属于这类围绕主体展开的细节。做这类题一般采用寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题和选项有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案。正确选项虽然一般不是原文照搬,但是一般是原文的改写,意思不变。如换一个同义词,把否定改为肯定,把肯定改为否定等。如第2小题,根据第二段Once infected, we are more aggressive, less creative and worse at our jobs.(一旦被感染,我们会变得更有攻击性,创造力更差,工作表现也更差。)由此可知,被无礼行为感染可能会导致工作表现不佳。故选C。



The canteen was crowded with summer campers from high schools across the city, all extremely hungry after a day's activities. I spotted an empty place and walked there. Just as I put my tray(餐盘) down, I felt a bump against my hip. The tray dropped on the table and the soup spilt all over my camp shirt and jeans. And I heard a burst of laughter.

"Can’t you look where you are going, you clumsy fool!" I shouted, glaring at the troublemaker, a tall boy with wild hair.

"Sorry! Can't help laughing! You look so funny!" said the boy, bending over with laughter. I was too annoyed to respond and just walked away to change my clothes.

The next morning, we were all assembled for roll call(点名), when I saw the same boy come running out of the dorm, his unbuttoned shirt flying behind him. Before he could slide into place, he was spotted by the Camp Commandant. As a punishment for being late, he was made to do a hundred pushups. As I walked past him later, I let out a loud laugh, saying "Sorry. I can't help laughing. You look so funny."

So the war of words continued in the following three days with the wild-haired boy, whose name, I found out, was Ben.

A mountain hike(远足) marked the last day of the camp. On the way back, I found myself left far behind my team. Soon, they were out of sight. The camp site was a long way away and I was getting anxious as evening fell. I risked taking a shortcut(近路) clung to the mountain side, but suddenly, I tripped off the path and slid right down the slope(斜坡).

Fortunately, my fall was stopped by a bunch of bamboo. I saw I was about ten meters below the track. There was no way I could climb up the slope as evidently I had my ankle broken. After making several vain attempts, I waited hopelessly. It got dark and I became afraid.






Paragraph 1:

Then, I saw a faint light, and heard a voice calling out my name.


Paragraph 2:

The next day, as we were boarding the buses which would take us back to our own homes, Ben came up to me.


【题目】How to be a good roommate

Roommate horror stories are pretty popular topics of conversation at school. Follow a few simple tips to ensure you’re not the awful roommate everyone’s talking about.

Respect each other

First and foremost, you need to respect your roommate.

1If your roommate is sleeping, keep the noise and light levels down. If your roommate is studying, don’t have loud conversations in the same room. If in doubt, ask yourself whether you would be annoyed if your roommate didn’t do the above things for you.

Keep it clean. 2Hair in the shower or bathrooms littered with magazines or dirty clothes. Respect means keeping your side of the room clean. And hopefully, if your roommate sees you keeping your side clean, they’ll be more likely to keep theirs clean.

Keep your hands off their stuff. 3If you really need to borrow something of theirs, always ask before you do. If they say no, don’t get angry. Some people just don’t like other people using their stuff.

Set basic rules

You and your roommate should establish some basic rules. For instance, I really don’t like it when people have phone conversations in the room while I am studying. 4I’d rather be writing my paper than listening to you tell your best friend about your weekend. So discuss that with your roommate. Make a compromise, but the tie should go to the person studying. Another example is to discuss cleaning duties. Dividing cleaning duties will make your room cleaner and it will help ease roommate tensions. 5

A. Be considerate.

B. Talk on the phone.

C. Don’t use your roommate’s items without asking.

D. I’m not good at doing several things at the same time.

E. I have heard many horror stories about dirty roommates.

F. Taking out the trash and tidying the room are just a few things to consider.

G. It is amazing how people don’t understand what it means to be considerate.

【题目】 The mayor of Flint offered Miss Michigan Emily Sioma high praise on Tuesday for speaking out at this weekend's Miss America conference about the city's water crisis.

“I was really excited for her to do that," Mayor Karen Weaver told TMZ. “I think she was very brave because so many times you say who you are and where you're from and just general information. For her to take that opportunity and use her platform and use her voice to speak up about what‘s going on in Michigan and in Flint, in particular, was just amazing. ”

Emily Sioma,24,introduced herself on stage on Sunday by saying,“From the state with 84 percent of the U. S. fresh water but none for its residents to drink. I am Miss Michigan Emily Sioma.” The brief ‘speech was a reference to Flint, a town with lead-filled drinking water.

Weaver said Sioma's decision to speak about the Flint water crisis demonstrated her impressive character. “I applaud her for being a brave young woman. And it also shows you that she’s not a selfish person," Weaver said. “She could have talked only about herself, but she chose to use this opportunity to bring attention to, and keep attention on, what’s going on in Flint, what’s going on with water quality standards what's going on with this broken infrastructure(基础设施) that we have across the country. "

Ratings showed that 4. 3 million viewers watched the ABC program. Although Miss New York Nia Imani Franklin ultimately won the competition, many Twitter users quickly got behind Sioma, who did not make the final 15, after her introduction.

“Emily Sioma wanted to make an impact,” one Twitter user wrote on Sunday. Regardless of whether you agree with what she said or not- she is shining light on a pressing issue that we have in our state and that is still not solved. That, is a Miss America."

1What does the underlined word “water crisis' refer to in Paragraph 1?

A.Water transportation.B.Water shortage.

C.Water reservation.D.Water quality.

2How does the mayor find Emily Sioma?

A.Curious and cautious.B.Brave and unselfish.

C.Proud and admirable.D.Talkative and outgoing.

3What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 5?

A.Summarize the previous paragraphs.B.Introduce the ABC program.

C.Emphasize Sioma's influence.D.Add some background information.

4Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.The Mayor of FlintB.A Twitter Voice

C.The ABC CompetitionD.A Miss America

【题目】 Contact CCA’s Special Programs to learn more about our wide range of credit and noncredit opportunities for academic and personal development.

Summer Program

Exceptional 4-week program for students currently completing their study of high school. Earn 3 college credits!

Our setting is CCA’s Oakland campus, where studio-focused, college-level courses help you push beyond concepts to portfolio (作品集)-ready pieces. On-campus Housing & Scholarships available!

Summer courses

CCA offers about 35 for-credit degree courses each summer, scheduled on the San Francisco and Oakland campuses.

Undergraduate and graduate students can work with a visiting artist, develop skills and stay on track for graduation by earning credits ... all while still allowing time to visit family, work, travel, etc.

For information about summer housing, please contact the Office of Residential Life at 510594722 or housing@ cca. edu.

Summer Start

Summer Start is a six-week program designed specifically for international undergraduate and graduate students. This is a for-credit program; students receive six credits towards their degree. During the program, you must live on CCA’s San Francisco campus.

Tuition includes six units of discounted graduate college credit, which will include books, field trip expenses and one-on-one tutoring. Housing fees include six weeks at CCA’s San Francisco Panoramic Residence.

Company-Customized Programs

CCA’s Office of Special Programs can design customized workshops to develop andstrengthen employee skills within your company. Customized programs have included:

* An Ideation Sketching class, for the design team of a national clothing retailer, scheduled Friday afternoons on San Francisco campus.

* Software-specific workshops, for designers from a national paper products and gifts retailer, scheduled in a two-day workshop format during the week on our Oakland campus.

1Who can apply for Summer Program?

A.Undergraduate students.

B.International students.

C.High school students.

D.College students.

2What can students do if they take summer courses?

A.Get some credits.

B.Visit famous artists.

C.Make some friends.

D.Go on a field trip.

3What does Summer Start require students to do?

A.Live on one of the campuses.

B.Pay school fees in advance.

C.Read as many books as possible.

D.Complete the courses on time.

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