
People say one man's trash(垃圾) is another man's treasure. That     comes to me as I    the house purchased in 1962 by my parents. My mother passed away in 1996. My father left the house    my sister and me when he died a few months ago.
After Dad was     , we looked around the     house where we grew up and that Dad loved so much. At first we felt so     all the stuff(东西) left. Like so many of their generation, my parents     everything. And like many in my generation, we faced anxious     about what to abandon and what to keep.
As we started throwing out old phone books and every medical bill from every     my parents ever saw, I also     many hidden treasures. Mom's pocketbook was in their bedroom closet, which had everything in it,     her hairbrush with hair, as if she were still here. And Dad, who was a World War II veteran(退伍兵) and a world traveler,      everything -- from little spoons from all over the world to every letter he wrote to his parents while in the     . The letters he wrote during the war     his thoughts as a young man. Later, in the basement, I     our old kitchen table, which brought back     of my parents and sister and me having breakfast together.
I'm realizing all these things     my parents' life journey. Each time I go to     , I find something that reminded me of my childhood or teaches me something about my parents I     knew.     , from the shabby furniture to all the hidden treasures, means more to me than all the money in the world.
A.looked forB.looked throughC.looked into D.looked after
A.retiredB.illC.gone D.injured
A.clean B.strangeC.empty D.modern
A.pleased withB.familiar with C.astonished atD.disappointed at
A.person B.doctorC.neighbor D.child
A.justB.even C.onlyD.yet
A.countryside B.schoolC.collegeD.army
A.repaired B.cleanedC.spottedD.set
A.introductionsB.memoriesC.descriptions D.communications
A.the supermarketB.churchC.my officeD.the house
A.merely B.alwaysC.reallyD.never


小题1:考查名词辨析:A. coincidence巧合,一致,B. goal目标,C. principle原则,D. thought想法,从前面的句子;People say one man's trash(垃圾) is another man's treasure.可知我有这个想法是在查看父母1962年购买的房子的时候。选D
小题2:考查动词短语辨析:A. looked for寻找,B. looked through浏览,C. looked into调查,D. looked after照顾,这里是指检查房子,选B
小题3:考查介词辨析:A. to给,B. for为了,C. with和…一起,D. by通过,爸爸将这个房子留给了我和姐姐,选 A
小题4:考查动词辨析:A. retired退休,B. ill生病,C. gone去,D. injured 受伤,从上文的:My father left the house  43  my sister and me when he died a few months ago. 可知是爸爸去世后。选C
小题5:考查形容词辨析:A. clean干净,B. strange奇怪,C. empty空的,D. modern现代的,因为父母都去世了,所以就剩下空房子,选C
小题6:考查形容词短语辨析:A. pleased with 对…满意,B. familiar with 和…熟悉,C. astonished at 对…惊讶, D. disappointed at对…失望,从下文的Like so many of their generation, my parents  47  everything.可知作者他们对留下的东西都感到惊讶。选C
小题7:考查动词辨析:A. saved拯救,储存,B. enjoyed享受,C. purchased购买,D. designed 设计,象他们那代人,我父母将所有的东西都保存下来,选A
小题8:考查名词辨析:A. decisions决定,B. bargains讨价还价,C. challenges挑战,D. responsibilities责任,象我们这代人,我们在面临该放弃什么,保留什么的时候面临焦虑的抉择。选A
小题9:考查名词辨析:A. person人,B. doctor医生,C. neighbor邻居,D. child孩子,就在我们扔掉就相册和看医生留下的药费单的时候,选B
小题10:考查动词辨析:A. bought 买,B. discovered发现,C. buried埋葬,D. lost失去,我也发现了很多宝藏,选B
小题11:考查副词辨析:A. just仅仅,B. even 甚至,C. only只有,D. yet然而,妈妈的皮夹里面什么都有,甚至有带着头发的梳子。选B
小题12:考查动词辨析:A. liked 喜欢,B. bought买,C. kept保持,D. lost失去,爸爸保留着一切,包括来自世界各地的勺子到写给父母的信。选C
小题13:考查名词辨析: A. countryside乡村,B. school学校,C. college 大学,D. army军队,从上文的:who was a World War II veteran(退伍兵)可知是在军队的时候,选 D
小题14:考查动词辨析:A. receive收到,B. direct指导,C. sense感觉,D. describe描述,在战争中写的信描述了他做为年轻人的想法。选D
小题15:考查动词辨析:A. repaired 修理,B. cleaned打扫,C. spotted 突然看见,D. set设置,在地下水我突然看见我们儿时的餐桌,选C
小题16:考查名词辨析:A. introductions介绍,B. memories记忆,C. descriptions描述,D. communications 交流,餐桌让我想起父母姐姐和我一起吃早餐的记忆。选B
小题17:考查动词辨析:A. represented呈现,B. recognized识别,C. instructed指导,D. confirmed证实,我意识到这些东西代表父母的人生轨迹,选 A
小题18:考查名词辨析:A. the supermarket超市,B. church教堂,C. my office我的办公室,D. the house房子,每次我到这个房子,都能使我想起童年选D
小题19:考查副词辨析:A. merely仅仅,B. always总是,C. really真实的,D. never从不,或告诉我关于父母的一些不知道的事情。选D
小题20:考查代词辨析:A. Everything每件事,B. Nothing没有什么事情,C. Anything任何人,D. Something 某些事情,从破旧的家具到所有隐藏的宝藏一切东西对我来说都比任何记忆有更多的含义。选A
Who give us life,raise us and are our constant support and well­wishers?Our mothers.That’s why millions of people across the world take Mother’s Day as an opportunity to express thanks and send best wishes to their moms.
However,the celebration of Mother’s Day is not the recent thing that many believe it to be.It was the ancient Greeks who started the tradition by celebrating their annual spring festival in honor of Rhea,the mother of many gods and goddesses.
Later,in the 1600s,Mothering Sunday came to be celebrated in England.On the fourth Sunday of Lent (大斋期),children brought flowers and special fruitcakes to show their respect for their mothers.It may be the root of the modern Mother’s Day.
Thanks to the great efforts of Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis,Mother’s Day became an official festival in the US.It is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.Later,many countries began to celebrate this day as Mother’s Day.
Today,Mother’s Day is an international festival honoring mothers.It is celebrated all over the world in different ways.In Western countries,the most common way is to treat mothers with breakfast in bed.Kids often allow their mothers to sleep till late in the morning while they prepare her favorite breakfast with their fathers.Some also make hand­made gifts or buy beautiful carnations (康乃馨).It is the day when you acknowledge your mothers contribution in your life and pay a tribute (礼品) to her,often with flowers and gifts.It complements Father’s Day,the celebration honoring fathers.
Today,Mother’s Day is a day celebrated on various days in many places around the world.
小题1:Why do people across the world celebrate Mother’s Day?
A.Because they want to express thanks and send best wishes to their mothers.
B.Because they want to express thanks and send best wishes to Rhea.
C.Because Mother’s Day is an official festival in the US.
D.Because Mother’s Day is an international festival.
小题2:The modern Mother’s Day came from________.
小题3:From the passage we can learn that________.
A.Rhea is the mother of many gods and goddesses of England
B.many people wrongly believe Mother’s Day has a short history
C.in America Mother’s day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent
D.on Mother’s day fathers have to get up early to prepare breakfast
小题4:The passage mainly wants to tell us________.
A.how to celebrate Mother’s day
B.what to do on Mother’s day
C.the historical change of Mother’s day
D.the meaning of Mother’s day
I was out late watching a movie with a friend in Georgetown.By the time the    ended,it was 2 a.m.We walked to my car which was     across the street.When we arrived,I noticed something strange-the doors were    .I took a quick    of the car and was relieved to find everything undamaged,    one thing-my briefcase was gone. After a further search with my friend,I    the fact that it was gone, I considered myself incredibly    that nothing valuable was taken and nothing else in the car was    
The next day I    a surprising voieemail from a man.He said he had walked his dog in the morning and    a pile of papers and bills with my name all over them.I    him back immediately.He promised to   the materials back or I could pick them up.At first I asked him to send them,but then I   .We were in the same city and plus I didn’t want to inconvenience him.Normally,it probably wouldn’t be     to go to a stranger's house to   something up,but he gave me an    so I figured I was relatively safe.
I met the man and thanked him very much.He said he would   me if he found anything else. Words could not express my    of this stranger’s kindness. I thought to myself-there’s so much goodness in the world and there are so many people who    that inner goodness through acts kindness. Though it feels good to give kindness, it feels nice to      others want to give too.
A.rather thanB.along withC.as forD.except for
A.made outB.went throughC.passed downD.came across
The other day when I was passing a clothing store, I fell in love with a skirt. I knew it would suit me best at first sight. But when I looked at the price tag (标签), I knew I had to give it up.
The love for beautiful clothes has been planted in my heart the day when I was born to be a woman. Several years ago I read an article in a magazine. The article stated that when a woman is at her best time, she is usually poor or tasteless, so she can’t get the right clothes; when she can afford to buy the clothes she likes, she often finds that they do not suit her anymore.
On the way home, I was quite disturbed by such thoughts. It was just a pity, like many other pities. I thought to myself this way. But when I was about to enter the building where I was living, I saw the big mirror placed in the entrance. I saw a girl in it who was in cheap but cleanly washed sweater and jeans. She was rather young, healthy and energetic. For quite a while I was touched by what I had seen in the mirror.
Then I almost forgot the tale: A person without shoes cried until he saw a man without feet. Being young without good clothes is like the person without shoes. I should have felt grateful that I haven’t lost my feet.
小题1:How did the author feel when she decided not to buy the skirt?
A.Embarrassed.B.Wise. C.Regretful.D.Relieved.
小题2:The underlined word “She” in Paragraph 3 refers to       .
A.the author’s friend B.a stranger
C.the author’s roommateD.the author
小题3:Why was the author touched by what she saw in the mirror?
A.She came to realize what she really possessed.
B.She was reminded of her devotion to beauty.
C.She didn’t feel at ease when looking into a mirror.
D.She never thought over the other side of a person.
小题4:We can learn from the text that the author considered her love for beautiful clothes as       .
There is a problem each of us faces in following advice on emotional healing: apologizing is difficult. We are trapped in what we think of ourselves by holding onto our pride. We can be selfish and not willing to admit our most obvious mistakes. Pride eats away at us as we argue or ignore the mistake.
It's happened to me. I have had too much pride and selfishness to apologize to a loved one I hurt. When I did want to apologize, I couldn't bring myself to face the other person. This is the pride I'm talking about. Maybe apologies come difficult for men because they're expected to be dominant. It's like the joke that a man never asks for directions when lost. Ladies are more emotionally open than guys and are willing to express it. Still, both genders wonder how to correctly apologize.
In shifting the focus on apologizing away from you, what does not apologizing do to other people? They feel hurt that you are not willing to communicate your mistake. They lose trust in you as you hide behind your mistake avoiding reality. They become angry with you, wondering why you do not tell them the truth. They may begin to counter your lack of apologies by not apologizing themselves and from this the relationship goes downhill as the two of you get caught in a power struggle.
You need to communicate your mistakes. A mistake you made is like a scratch and by not apologizing you are making the scratch a deeper wound and rubbing salt into it. You need to stop hurting the other person and yourself by learning to apologize. There is real power in apologizing and emotional healing.
小题1:Why are men more unwilling to make apologies?
A.They don't intend to hurt other people.
B.They expect others to forgive them.
C.They don't want to be considered weak.
D.They aren't good at expressing themselves.
小题2:What bad effect will there be if you refuse to apologize for your mistakes?
A.Other people won't pay attention to you.
B.You will lose confidence in yourself.
C.You won't be forgiven even if you tell the truth.
D.The friendship will get hurt and go worse.
小题3:From the last paragraph, it can be inferred that              .
A.communication can stop you making mistakes
B.mistakes would turn into deeper scratches
C.apologizing is good for you and other people
D.apologizing is the most powerful in emotional healing
Please excuse me if I’m a little sad today because Mark is leaving.You probably don’t know Mark,but you might be lucky enough to know someone just like him.He’s been the heart and soul of the office for a couple of years combining professional skills with a sweet and gentle nature.He’s never been all that interested in getting credit for the terrific work he does.He just wants to do his job,and to do it extremely well.
And now he’s moving on to an exciting new professional opportunity.It sounds like it could be the chance of a lifetime,and we’re sincerely pleased for him.But that doesn’t make it any easier to say goodbye to a dear friend and trusted colleague.
Life has a way of throwing these curve balls at us.Just when we start to get comfortable with a person,a place or a situation,something comes along to change the recipe.A terrific neighbor moves away.Someone in the family graduates.A child finds new love and loyalties through marriage.The family’s bread-winner is laid off.Our ability to cope with change and disruption determines our peace,happiness and contentment in life.
But how do we do that? According to the author of Ecclesiaste,comfort can be found in remembering that “to everything there is a season,and a time to every purpose under heaven.Let today embrace the past with remembrance,and the future with longing.’’
“Change,indeed,is painful,yet ever needful,”said philosopher Thomas Carlyle.“And if memory has its force and worth,so also has hope.”
We’re going to miss Mark.But rather than lose ourselves in the sadness of our parting,we’ll focus on our hopes for a brighter future——for him,and for us.And then we’ll go out and do everything we can to make that future happen.Until our plans change——again.
小题1:What will happen to Mark soon?
A.He will pass away.B.He will leave for a new job.
C.He will get married.D.He will stay with us forever.
小题2:The underlined word “credit” in Para.1 probably means __________ .
C.opportunity D.job
小题3:From the passage,we can learn that __________ .
A.any change will make us upset any time
B.it is easy to say goodbye to a dear friend and trusted colleague
C.our happiness depends on our ability to deal with change
D.comfort can be found in remembering the sadness
小题4:The best title of the passage may be __________ .
A.My Friend MarkB.Focusing on Future
C.Always ChangingD.A Sad Story
A person, like a commodity, needs packaging. But going too far is absolutely undesirable. A little exaggeration(夸张) will do no harm when it shows the person’s unique qualities to their advantages. To show personal attractiveness in a casual and natural way, it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself. A skilled packager knows how to add art to nature without any signs of embellishment so that the person so packaged is not a commodity, but a human being, lively and lovely.
A young person, especially a female, shining with beauty and full of life, has all the favor granted. Youth however, comes and goes in a flash. Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to hide the marks made by years. If you still enjoy life enough to keep self-confidence and work at pioneering work, you are unique in your natural qualities, and your attractiveness and grace will remain. Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been, through plains, mountains and jungles, running its course as it should. You have really lived your life, which now arrives at a self - satisfied stage of quietness and calmness with no interest in fame or wealth. There is no need to make use of hair dyeing. The snow-capped mountain itself is a beautiful scene of fairyland. Let your looks change from young to old in step with the natural ageing process so as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty, while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness. To be in the company of the elderly is like reading a thick book of good edition, which attracts one so much that one is unwilling to part with it. As long as one finds where one stands, one knows how to package oneself, just as a commodity sets up its brand by the right packaging.
小题1:The underlined word in the first paragraph is closest to the word ______ in meaning.
小题2:It can be concluded from the text that ______.
A.people should be packaged at all ages
B.people should be packaged in a special way
C.elderly people also care about packaging
D.proper packaging makes people attractive
小题3:For the middle-aged, attractiveness ______ .
A.hardly existsB.is the strongest
C.comes from the insideD.comes from the appearance
小题4:According to the author, if you want to keep in harmony with nature, you should ______.
A.dye your hairB.make up at a young age
C.follow the ageing processD.give up fame and wealth
小题5:The underlined sentence means that elderly people ______.
A.are usually packaged like a finely-made book
B.experience a lot and have rich knowledge of life
C.do a lot of traveling and can give you much information
D.enjoy reading thick books about beautiful nature and fairyland
I’d meant to go to Miros that day. I’d packed my bag and was ready. The motor-boat       in on time. The sky was cloudy, but the wind wasn’t too strong for the two-hour        . I stood at my window, staring at the boat. Then I lost        of her, an old light-house partly blocked my view of the harbor. A dozen passengers were          their way there. I was about to join them --- when a man’s face          at the light-house window.
This was strange, because the light-house had been empty, unused and         for thirty years. It was stranger still --- because I’d seen that        before. I couldn’t place it but it was, or had once been, familiar to me. I opened my window and        across. “I know we’ve met before, but I can’t remember where.”
I        him to open his if he could and answer me. He did neither. The face behind the glass        motionless (静止). Seeing him more clearly now, I knew he was not looking at me. He seemed to be looking upwards,        the clouds. How well I’d known that face, sometime, somewhere!
I         again. “We met years ago. Was it in Athens in the 1950s? I used to live in Plaka.”
He didn’t reply nor give any         that he’d heard. I went back further, to        I was in the navy. “Perhaps we met at sea during the war,” and that thought at once         him to mind. Commander Leftis! He was Commander Leftis of course! How could I have forgotten? I’d saved his life once. But surely he …
The motor-boat        her bell. I turned my eyes. The wind had risen, but she was pulling      . Laughing, I called, “Now I’ve missed her, and it’s your        , Commander!”
As the boat drew away, the face at the window faded.        minute it was there. Looking up, I could see the whites of the eyes. The       minute it was gone.
Well, I didn’t rush to the light-house. I knew that Leftis was dead. He died at sea in 1963 or 1964. But there’s one other thing I ought to tell you: the motor-boat never reached Miros. It was lost in a storm, with all the passengers.
A.reachedB.arrivedC.went D.came
A.manB.face C.windowD.light-house
A.suggestionB.answerC.sign D.action
A.beatB.rang C.turned onD.put on
A.upB.down C.inD.out
A.problem B.question C.dutyD.fault
A.nextB.rest C.otherD.last
How many of us have heard that question, "Where was GOD when the World Trade Center(世贸中心) and the Pentagon(五角大楼) were attacked?" Well, I know where my GOD was the morning of September 11, 2001, and He was very busy!
He was trying to discourage anyone from taking these flights. Those four flights together held over 1000 passengers and there were only 266 aboard.
He was on 4 commercial flights giving frightened passengers the ability to stay calm. Not one of the family members who were called by a loved one on one of the hijacked(被劫持的) planes said that passengers were screaming in the background. On one of the flights he was giving strength to passengers to try to overtake the hijackers.
He was busy trying to create obstacles(阻碍) for employees at the World Trade Center. After all, only around 20,000 were at the towers when the first jet hit. Since the buildings held over 50,000 workers, this was a Miracle in itself. How many of the people who were employed at the World Trade Center told the media that they were late for work or they had traffic delays.
He was holding up 2-110 story buildings so that 2/3 of the workers could get out. I was so amazed that the top of the towers didn't fall when the jets crashed. And when they did fall, GOD made them fall inward, as many more lives would have been lost.
So when anyone asks, "Where was your GOD on September 11," you can say "everywhere"! And yes, although this is without a doubt the worst thing I have seen in my life, I see God's miracles in every bit of it. I can't imagine going through such a difficult time and not believing in GOD – life would be hopeless. So shines a good deed in a weary world!
小题1:In what way the author tried to prove his point in the passage?
A.By telling a story.B.By giving examples.
C.By answering questions.D.By performing experiments.
小题2:Which one of the following is TURE according to the passage?
A.There were three planes together hijacked in the attack.
B.The passengers on the planes were not frightened at all.
C.Many people working at WTC were delayed by traffic jams on Set. 11.
D.Many more people were killed in the buildings than we could imagine.
小题3:What’s the meaning of the underlined word “Miracle” in the context?
A.something funnyB.something important
C.something reliableD.something unbelievable
小题4:Which of the following can serve as the best title of the passage?
A. Everyone has a GOD.
B. Where was the GOD?
C. Never forget September 11.
D. September 11 – A Disaster To America.

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