
I’d meant to go to Miros that day. I’d packed my bag and was ready. The motor-boat       in on time. The sky was cloudy, but the wind wasn’t too strong for the two-hour        . I stood at my window, staring at the boat. Then I lost        of her, an old light-house partly blocked my view of the harbor. A dozen passengers were          their way there. I was about to join them --- when a man’s face          at the light-house window.
This was strange, because the light-house had been empty, unused and         for thirty years. It was stranger still --- because I’d seen that        before. I couldn’t place it but it was, or had once been, familiar to me. I opened my window and        across. “I know we’ve met before, but I can’t remember where.”
I        him to open his if he could and answer me. He did neither. The face behind the glass        motionless (静止). Seeing him more clearly now, I knew he was not looking at me. He seemed to be looking upwards,        the clouds. How well I’d known that face, sometime, somewhere!
I         again. “We met years ago. Was it in Athens in the 1950s? I used to live in Plaka.”
He didn’t reply nor give any         that he’d heard. I went back further, to        I was in the navy. “Perhaps we met at sea during the war,” and that thought at once         him to mind. Commander Leftis! He was Commander Leftis of course! How could I have forgotten? I’d saved his life once. But surely he …
The motor-boat        her bell. I turned my eyes. The wind had risen, but she was pulling      . Laughing, I called, “Now I’ve missed her, and it’s your        , Commander!”
As the boat drew away, the face at the window faded.        minute it was there. Looking up, I could see the whites of the eyes. The       minute it was gone.
Well, I didn’t rush to the light-house. I knew that Leftis was dead. He died at sea in 1963 or 1964. But there’s one other thing I ought to tell you: the motor-boat never reached Miros. It was lost in a storm, with all the passengers.
A.reachedB.arrivedC.went D.came
A.manB.face C.windowD.light-house
A.suggestionB.answerC.sign D.action
A.beatB.rang C.turned onD.put on
A.upB.down C.inD.out
A.problem B.question C.dutyD.fault
A.nextB.rest C.otherD.last


试题分析:作者想去Miros,去乘汽船时看到灯塔里有一张熟悉的脸.但想不起在哪儿见过,后来“我”想起他是“我”在海军时的指挥官! “我”曾经救过他,但是他已经…后来汽船开了, “我”没赶上…那艘汽船最后没有到达Miros,因为在途中它遇到了风暴,一船的乘客再也没有回来……
小题1:考查动词辨析:A. reached到达,B. arrived到达,C. went去,D. came来,摩托艇准时到了,reach是及物动词,不要介词,arrive后面没有宾语的时候,不需要介词,go后面用to,选D
小题2:考查名词辨析:A. voyage航海,B. crossing十字路口,C. travel旅行,D. boating划船,对于两个小时的横渡来说这个风不是很大,选B
小题3:考查名词辨析:A. sight 风景,视野,B. way路,方法,C. patience   耐心,D. chances机会,词组“lose sight of”看不见,从下文的an old light-house partly blocked my view of the harbor.可知是看不见船了,选A
小题4:考查动词辨析:A. searching寻找,B. finding发现,C. making制作,D. hurrying匆忙,make one’sway向…走去,选C
小题5:考查动词辨析:A. placed放置,B. existed存在,C. occurred发生,D. appeared出现,我刚要加入他们,这时一个男子的脸出现在灯塔的窗户上。选D
小题6:考查动词辨析:A. locked锁,B. opened 打开,C. rebuilt重建,D. chained上锁链,灯塔已经空置没有使用,被锁上30年了。选A
小题7:考查名词辨析:A. man男子,B. face面容,脸,C. window窗户,D. light-house灯塔,从前面的句子:when a man’s face     at the light-house window.可知我以前见过这张脸,选B
小题8:考查动词辨析:A. jumped跳,B. ran跑,C. shouted叫喊,D. screamed尖叫,从下文“I know we’ve met before, but I can’t remember where.”可知作者打开窗户,对着这张脸大声喊,选C
小题9:考查动词辨析:A. expected期待,B. hoped  希望,C. believed相信,D. asked问,我期待他打开门回答我,选A
小题10:考查动词辨析:A. became变成,B. remained仍然,C. seemed似乎,D. grew成长,玻璃后面的脸仍然是静止的。选B
小题11:考查介词辨析:A. through通过,B. after在…后面,C. for为了,D. at在…地方,和look搭配,用at,他在看着上面的云,选D
小题12:考查动词辨析:A. persuaded说服,B. repeated重复,C. tried尝试,D. continued继续,我再次尝试,选C
小题13:考查名词辨析:A. suggestion建议,B. answer回答,C. sign标志,迹象,D. action行动,他没有回答也没有迹象表明他听见了,选C
小题14:考查连词辨析:A. when当…时候,B. which哪个,C. where哪里,D. how怎样, 我继续回忆回到我做海军的时候。选A
小题15:考查动词辨析: A. kept保持,B. brought带来,C. caused导致,D. changed改变,这个想法立刻让我想起他。Bring sb to mind“想到”,选B
小题16:考查动词辨析: A. beat击败,B. rang 响起,C. turned on打开,D. put on穿上,摩托艇的铃声响起,选B
小题17:考查副词辨析:A. up向上,B. down向下,C. in在…里面,D. out在…外面,风变大了,船还是驶出去了。选D
小题18:考查名词辨析:A. problem问题,B. question问题,C. duty职责,D. fault过失,现在我错过了船,是你的过错。选D
小题19:考查代词辨析:A. Each每个,B. Every 每个,C. One一个,D. Some一些,从上文的:As the boat drew away, the face at the window faded. 可知一分钟前他还在,选C
小题20:考查形容词辨析:A. next下一个,B. rest剩余的,C. other其他的,D. last最后的,下一分钟他就消失了,选A
The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled, and pain-free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But in fact, the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.
As a result, many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably(不可避免的) brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment (义务), self - improvement.
Ask a bachelor(单身汉) why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure, excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features.
Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night’s sleep or a three - day vacation. I don’t know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.
Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates (解放)money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
小题1:According to the author, a bachelor resists marriage chiefly because _______ .
A.he is reluctant to take on family responsibilities
B.he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains single
C.he finds more fun in dating than in marriage
D.he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement
小题2:From the last paragraph, we learn that envy sometimes stems from ________ .
A.hatredB.misunderstanding C.prejudiceD.ignorance
小题3:What is the author trying to tell us?
A.Happiness often goes hand in hand with pain.
B.One must know how to attain happiness.
C.It is important to make commitments.
D.It is pain that leads to happiness.
The world is filled with smart,talented and gifted people.We meet them every day.A few days ago,my car was not running well.I pulled it into a garage,and the young mechanic had it fixed in just a few minutes.He knew what was wrong by simply listening to the engine.I was amazed.The sad truth is,great talent is not enough.
I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn.I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than $100,000 a year.A business consultant who specializes in the medical trade was telling me how many doctors and dentists struggle financially.It was this business consultant who gave me the phrase,“They are one skill away from great wealth.”
There is an old saying that goes,“Job means ‘just over broke(破产)’”.And unfortunately,I would say that the saying applies to millions of people.Because school does not think financial intelligence is intelligence,most workers“ live within their means”.They work and they pay the bills.Instead I recommend young people to seek work for what they will learn,more than what they will earn.
When I ask the classes I teach,“How many of you can cook a better hamburger than McDonald’s?” almost all the students raise their hands.I then ask,“So if most of you can cook a better hamburger,how come McDonald’s makes more money than you?” The answer is obvious: McDonald’s is excellent at business systems.The reason why so many talented people are poor is that they focus on building a better hamburger and know little or nothing about business systems.The world is filled with talented poor people .They focus on perfecting their skills at building a better hamburger rather than the skills of selling and delivering the hamburger.
小题1:The author mentions the mechanic in the first paragraph that    .
A.he is just one of the talented people
B.he is ready to help others
C.he has a sharp sense of hearing
D.he knows little about car repairing
小题2:The underlined part in the third paragraph can be best replaced by   
A.spend more than they can afford
B.do in their own way
C.live in their own circle
D.live within what they earn
小题3:Why do talented people earn so 1ittle according to the author?
A.They don’t work hard enough
B.They lack financial intelligence
C.They don’t make full use of their talents
D.They have no specialized skills.
小题4:The success of McDonald's lies in its         
A.skills at making hamburgersB.good business systems
C.talented workersD.excellent service
小题5:The main purpose of the author is to tell us          
A.how young people can find a satisfactory job
B.what schools should teach students
C.why so many talented people are poor
D.how McDonald’s makes much money
People say one man's trash(垃圾) is another man's treasure. That     comes to me as I    the house purchased in 1962 by my parents. My mother passed away in 1996. My father left the house    my sister and me when he died a few months ago.
After Dad was     , we looked around the     house where we grew up and that Dad loved so much. At first we felt so     all the stuff(东西) left. Like so many of their generation, my parents     everything. And like many in my generation, we faced anxious     about what to abandon and what to keep.
As we started throwing out old phone books and every medical bill from every     my parents ever saw, I also     many hidden treasures. Mom's pocketbook was in their bedroom closet, which had everything in it,     her hairbrush with hair, as if she were still here. And Dad, who was a World War II veteran(退伍兵) and a world traveler,      everything -- from little spoons from all over the world to every letter he wrote to his parents while in the     . The letters he wrote during the war     his thoughts as a young man. Later, in the basement, I     our old kitchen table, which brought back     of my parents and sister and me having breakfast together.
I'm realizing all these things     my parents' life journey. Each time I go to     , I find something that reminded me of my childhood or teaches me something about my parents I     knew.     , from the shabby furniture to all the hidden treasures, means more to me than all the money in the world.
A.looked forB.looked throughC.looked into D.looked after
A.retiredB.illC.gone D.injured
A.clean B.strangeC.empty D.modern
A.pleased withB.familiar with C.astonished atD.disappointed at
A.person B.doctorC.neighbor D.child
A.justB.even C.onlyD.yet
A.countryside B.schoolC.collegeD.army
A.repaired B.cleanedC.spottedD.set
A.introductionsB.memoriesC.descriptions D.communications
A.the supermarketB.churchC.my officeD.the house
A.merely B.alwaysC.reallyD.never
Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment.We're all used to thinking that work provides the material things of life—the goods and services that make our modern civilization possible.But we are much less conscious of the degree to which work provides the more important psychological well­being that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.
Historically,work has been associated with slavery and sin (罪恶)and punishment.And in our own day we are used to bearing traditional complaints.Against this background,it may well come as a surprise to learn that not only psychologists but other behavioral scientists have come to accept the positive contribution of work to the individual's happiness and sense of personal achievement.Work is more than a necessity for most human beings;it is the focus of their lives,the source of their identity and creativity.
Rather than a punishment of a burden,work is the opportunity to realize one's potential.And the opposite is true,too.For large numbers of people,the absence of work is harmful to their health.Retirement often brings many problems surrounding the “What do I do with myself?”question,even though there may be no financial cares.Large numbers of people regularly get headaches and other illnesses on weekends when they don't have their jobs to go to,and must take care of themselves.It has been observed that unemployment,quite apart from financial pressures,brings enormous psychological troubles and that many individuals'conditions become worse rapidly when jobless.
But why?Why should work be such a significant source of human satisfaction?A good share of the answer rests in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job,by the activity of accomplishing.
小题1:Which of the following statements can NOT be learned from the passage?
A.People feel happier and more content than they realize when working.
B.Work is likely to provide you with the chance of achieving your potential.
C.Happiness can only be gained through working.
D.A lot of people will suffer physically and psychologically without work.
小题2:Traditionally,people are used to believing ________.
A.work is related to negative aspects
B.happiness has nothing to do with work
C.identity and creativity depend on work
D.work is not only a necessity for humans but the focus of their lives
小题3:What would the author probably discuss in the following paragraph?
A.What the proper way to balance work and life is.
B.How work brings people pride in accomplishment.
C.Which is more important:the material things of life or psychological well­being.
D.How people overcome the problems arising from retirement.
小题4:Which best describes the author's attitude towards work in the passage?
During my elementary school years, I used to compare my mom with my best friend Tiffany’s mom.  
Tiffany’s mom always gave her lots of money to buy the most fashionable clothes and favorite food. Her mom allowed her to do anything she liked. I really admired Tiffany. My mom didn’t give me much pocket money and she always told me that I should behave myself. I was annoyed with her.
Whenever I didn’t get what I wanted, I would complain to my mom, Tiffany’s mom would give her that! I wish she were my mom. Every time, my mom would calmly say “Poor Tiffany”. I couldn’t understand her. “She shouldn’t be feeling sorry for Tiffany!” I thought. “She should be feeling sorry for me.”
One day, I couldn’t help saying to Mom, “Poor Tiffany? Lucky Tiffany! She gets everything she wants! Why do you feel sorry for her?” I burst out crying.
My mom sat down next to me and said softly. “Yes, I do feel sorry for her. I have been teaching you a lesson that she will never be taught.”
I looked up at her. “What are you talking about?”   
Mom said with care, “One day she will really want something. Maybe she’ll find out that she can’t have it. Her mother won’t always be around to give her money, and what’s more, money can’t buy everything.”  

It took some time, but I eventually understood my mom’s words. Now I am a happy and successful woman.   
小题1:During the author’s elementary school years, she __________.
A.wished that her mom were as good as Tiffany’s
B.went to school with Tiffany every day
C.usually compared her lesson with Tiffany’s
D.sometimes gave lots of money to Tiffany
小题2:Why did the author’s mom always say “Poor Tiffany”? 
A.She felt sorry for Tiffany because Tiffany was poor.
B.She wanted to tell a lie to comfort the author.
C.She thought that Tiffany was spoiled by her mother.
D.She told the author this and wanted her to help Tiffany.
小题3:What do we learn about the author’s mother? 
A.She was strict and taught the author to be independent.
B.She cared for other people’s children more than her own.
C.She thought that life lessons were as important as money.
D.She was so poor that she couldn’t give the author much money.
小题4:What can we infer from the passage? 
A.The author was quite annoyed with her mother in the past.
B.The author’s mother felt sorry for Tiffany.
C.Tiffany’s mother took the author’s mother’s advice.
D.The author is thankful to her mother now.
Dear XXX, 
As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on my mind.

Do your best in classes, but don’t let pressure get to you. If you graduate and learn something in your four years, we would feel happy. Your Columbia degree will take you far, even if you don’t graduate with honors. So please don't give yourself pressure. The only thing that matters is that you learned. The only measurement you should use is that you tried.
Most importantly, make friends and be happy. College friends are often the best in life, because during college you are closer to them physically than to your family. Also, going through independence and adulthood is a natural bonding (结合的) experience. Pick a few friends and become really close to them — pick the ones who are genuine and sincere to you. Don’t worry about their hobbies, grades, looks, or even personalities. If you think you like someone, tell her. You have very little to lose. People are not perfect, so as long as they are genuine and sincere, trust them and be good to them. They will give back. This is my secret of success — that I am genuine with people and trust them (unless they do something to lose my trust).
College is the four years where you have:
  ?the greatest amount of free time
  ?the first chance to be independent
  ?the most flexibility to change
  ?the lowest risk for making mistakes
So please treasure your college years – make the best of your free time, become an independent thinker in control of your destiny. May Columbia become the happiest four years in your life, and may you blossom into just what you dream to be.
小题1:What is the most probable relationship between the writer and the receiver of the letter?
A.Friends.B.A parent and his or her daughter.
C.A teacher and a student.D.Sisters.
小题2:Which of the following suggestions is not given to the receiver in the letter?
A.How to adapt to the college life quickly.
B.To make new friends.
C.To learn to be independent in thinking.
D.Not to make herself under much pressure in grades.
小题3:According to the writer of the letter, college is a time _______.
A.during which one may make mistakes
B.during which one has little free time
C.during which it is hard for one to change
D.during which one needs to learn to be independent
There was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love.One day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving songbirds.She took them home and put them in a small cage,caring them with love.Luckily,the birds grew strong little by little.Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful song.The girl felt great love for the birds.
One day the girl left the door to the cage open accidentally.The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage.The girl was so frightened that he would fly away so as he flew close,she grasped him wildly.Her heart felt glad at her success in capturing him.Suddenly,she felt the bird go limp,so she opened her hand and stared in horror at the dead bird.It was her desperate love that had killed him.
She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage.She could feel his strong desire-needing to fly into the clear,blue sky.Unwillingly,she lifted him from the cage and tossed him softly into the air.The lucky bird circled once,twice,three times.
The girl watched delightedly at the bird.Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss.What she wanted to see was that the bird could fly happily.Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder.It sang the sweetest tune that she had ever heard.
Remember,the fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight;the best way to keep love is to give it wings!
小题1:After the girl found the two birds,she________.
A.became delighted at once
B.treated them for a long time
C.took them to their home
D.fed them and raised them
小题2:Why did the girl grasp the stronger bird wildly?
A.Because the girl disliked the bird any longer.
B.Because the bird wanted to fly alone.
C.Because the girl loved the bird deeply.
D.Because the bird intended to found some food.
小题3:The underlined word “tossed” in the passage means________.
A.throw someting with slightly force
B.give up something happily
C.hold something fast
D.cast something without patient
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Catch what you can catch on your way to success.
B.Going too far is as bad as not going far enough.
C.The best things come when you least expect them to.
D.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Silk production has a long and colourful history unknown to most people. Scientific discoveries have shown that silk production existed in China from around 2500 B.C., although it could be much older. For hundreds of years, China kept the secret of silk to itself as one for the most closely protected secrets in history. Anyone revealing the secret of silkworms or trying to take silkworm eggs out of ancient China was punished by death.
At one time silk was reserved only for the Chinese emperor. Gradually, others began wearing silk. In addition to being used for clothing, silk came to have industrial uses in ancient China, something that happened in the West only in modern times. Silk was used to make musical instruments, fishing lines, weapons, ropes and even paper. During the Han Dynasty silk became a form of money. Farmers paid taxes in both rice and silk. The prices of goods were calculated in lengths of silk just as they had once been calculated in gold. The importance of silk is even reflected in the Chinese language. For example, of the 5000 most common Chinese characters, around 500 have silk as their “key”.
In spite of their secrecy, the Chinese eventually lost their monopoly on silk production. It reached Korea in around 200 B.C. when immigrants from China arrived there. Silk production came to India in 300 A.D.. It was not until 500 A.D. that silk production came to Europe when travellers smuggled out silkworms in hollow tubes of bamboo. These were used to establish silk industry in Rome (modern-day Italy), although Chinese silk was still considered to be the best.
Silk was brought to Rome from China by means of the Silk Road. There were actually two Silk Roads, one over land and one on the sea. The land route in particular had a huge effect in history. All sorts of trade goods — silver, gold, jade, porcelain — passed along this road. Ideas travelled the Silk Road too. For example the religion of Buddhism was carried to China from India by traders on the Silk Road. The Silk Road created the first international culture, exposing many people to the ideas and treasures of both Western and Chinese cultures.
小题1:How was China able to keep the secret of silk production?
A.It refused to sell its silk to other countries.
B.Foreigners were not permitted to enter China.
C.The silkworms needed were not able to survive outside China.
D.Chinese passing on the secret to foreigners were seriously punished.
小题2:Which of the following uses of silk is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.A way of purchasing goods people sold.
B.A material used for making different products.
C.A method of paying money to the government.
D.A valuable gift given to foreigners travelling in China.
小题3:In what order did silk production spread throughout the world according to the passage?
A.Europe àIndia àKorea àChina.B.China àKorea àIndia àEurope.
C.China àIndia àKorea àEurope.D.China àEurope àIndia àKorea.
小题4:The underlined phrase “smuggled out” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.
A.quietly traded B.openly removed
C.illegally transportedD.violently stole
小题5:Which of the following is true about the Silk Road?
A.It allowed for economic and cultural exchanges between countries.
B.It made China the most powerful country in the ancient world.
C.It could only be completed by travellers with access to a boat.
D.It was first developed for transferring religious ideas.

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