

Japan’s famously diligent workers spend more hours at the office than employees in almost any other country. Authorities have a message: Stay home. 1 . Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to attend Olympic and Paralympic events in Tokyo during the 2020 Games, putting additional pressure on the city’s already notoriously crowded commuter routes. Officials also hope that promoting working from home during the Games will encourage a more easy-going approach in a country known for its cases of karoshi, or death from overwork.

On July 22, one year before the Games, Tokyo rolled out a month-long “Telework Days” campaign, with government offices and private businesses committing to avoiding peak commuting hours. 2 . The government has been urging employers to be more flexible, hoping to help parents and others caring for elderly relatives to better balance their work and home responsibilities. Officials hope the campaign will show firms that employees can actually “work even more effectively” when they stay home.

3 . Such as concerns over the security of sensitive information, the difficulty of controlling working conditions and the fact that corporate culture stresses the importance of face-to-face communication.

Experts and government officials hope that Olympic efforts to expand telework might serve as something of a legacy for the Games. “Tokyo 2020 is a chance to actively introduce telework, which can create a stress-free lifestyle,” said Azuma Taguchi, a professor of engineering at Chuo University. 4 . And he also urged to take serious measures to tackle Olympic traffic.

5 . “This is a chance to make telework a legacy of the Games that will take root” in Japanese society, Industry Minister Hiroshige Seko said in a recent forum to promote flexible work. And some officials are hoping that a more open-minded approach to work could encourage people to take “workstations” — working remotely from far-flung locations with attractive leisure options.

A. Workstations have already appeared in Japan.

B. The concept isn’t completely unfamiliar in Japan.

C. The efforts have also run up against various barriers.

D. Tokyo tells workers to stay home to enjoy a new lifestyle.

E. The aim is to avoid traffic chaos during next year’s Olympics.

F. He warned of potentially “fatal traffic jam” if action is not taken.

G. Others also see the Games as a chance to break existing work habits.









1前文Stay home.(待在家)与E. The aim is to avoid traffic chaos during next year’s Olympics.


2前文On July 22, one year before the Games, Tokyo rolled out a month-long “Telework Days” campaign, with government offices and private businesses committing to avoiding peak commuting hours.(在奥运开幕前一年的722日,东京推出了为期一个月的远程工作日活动,政府机关和私营企业承诺避免高峰期的通勤时间)与B. The concept isn’t completely unfamiliar in Japan.(这个概念在日本并不完全陌生)承接自然,答句中的concept就是前文提到的“Telework Days” 。故选B项。

3C. The efforts have also run up against various barriers.(努力也遇到了一些障碍)与下文Such as concerns over the security of sensitive information, the difficulty of controlling working conditions and the fact that corporate culture stresses the importance of face-to-face communication.(对敏感问题的担忧,工作环境控制的困难,以及公司文化强调面对面交流的重要性)承接自然,答句所提到的barriers包括下文所列举的三个问题。故选C项。

4F. He warned of potentially “fatal traffic jam” if action is not taken.(他警告,如果不采取措施,将会有致命的交通堵塞的潜在危险)与下文And he also urged to take serious measures to tackle Olympic traffic.(他还敦促日本政府采取严肃措施来解决奥运交通问题)承接自然,答句指出可能会出现致命的交通拥堵,后文敦促政府解决问题,符合逻辑,故选F项。

5结合上一自然段的Experts and government officials hope that Olympic efforts to expand telework might serve as something of a legacy for the Games. 可知,此处陈述了专家和政府对奥运会努力的看法,故推测本段陈述另外一部分人对此事的看法,故G. Others also see the Games as a chance to break existing work habits.(另一些人把奥运会看作是一个打破现有工作习惯的机会)符合以上推测,故选G项。



Xi to attend import expo in Shanghai

The second edition of the expo, which 1 (hold) from Tuesday to Nov 10, will be a 2 (large) event than the first expo and will likely attract more attention, Wang said. Sixty-four countries, three international organizations and more than 3,000 companies will promote their products and services at the event. More new technologies and services will debut 3 the expo, according to the Ministry of Commerce.

"Holding the expo is 4 important decision China has made to push a new round of high-level opening-up. It will promote high-quality development of the Chinese economy," Wang added.

"The event will help to introduce diversified foreign products into China and further fulfill the demand of Chinese consumers 5 are seeking high-quality lifestyles. The expo will also provide opportunities for consumers to communicate 6 (direct)with foreign companies," Tu said.

"The expo is also expected to help drive 7 (invest). The Chinese government will be able to see 8 kinds of foreign products are more attractive to Chinese consumers, and thus it can encourage the producers to invest in the domestic market 9 (satisfy) local demand," he said.

The United States will have 192 companies participating in the expo — including a large number of Fortune Global 500 companies — up 18 percent year-on-year. Their exhibition area will reach 47,500 square meters, 10 ( represent) the top spot, the ministry said.

【题目】 Mid-Autumn Festival is the second grandest festival in China after Chinese New Year. It’s a time when families come together to appreciate the full moon and eat mooncakes during the festival. In fact, besides these two traditions, there are many others.

1. Watching the tide

In ancient times, watching the tide on the Qiantang River in East China’s Zhejiang province was another grand event of Mid-Autumn Festival. It has been recorded in detail since the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220). Many famous ancient poets, like Su Shi in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) wrote about the grand occasion in their poems.

2. Making colorful lanterns

On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, people usually make colorful lanterns to decorate th beautiful night. They also make Kongming lanterns, which can fly because the burning candles h t the air in the lanterns. Children write good wishes on the lanterns and let them fly up into the sky.

3. Burning pagodas (佛塔)

When night falls, people gather together in an empty place, and pick up broken bricks and tiles to pile up several pagodas. The pagodas are hollow and are filled with firewood. Then the firewood in the pagodas is lit, and the red flames rise and sparks explode, through which people express the joy of harvest in autumn.

4. Stealing vegetables

Among the Dong ethnic group in Central China’s Hunan province, it is the custom for young ladies to steal vegetables on Mid-Autumn Festival night. Whoever eats vegetables with sweet dew on this night will be healthy and happy. Also, women and girls express their adoration to their favorite young men by this way.

5. Drinking osmanthus-flavored wine

Osmanthus-flavored wine is a gift during this season. Drinking Osmanthus fragrance wine at Mid-Autumn Festival implies sweetness, wealth and luck, and prosperity of the family.

People gather together to appreciate the moon, on which Wu Gang, who chases Chang’e, is cutting a sweet-scented osmanthus tree outside the Moon Palace, according to a legend. They drink the sweet osmanthus-flavored wine to echo the festival atmosphere.

1What do people usually do during Mid-Autumn Festival?

A.People in Hunan province steal vegetables on Mid-Autumn Festival night.

B.People drink Osmanthus fragrance wine to appreciate the moon and honor Chang'e.

C.People make Kongming lanterns to express good wishes and the joy of harvest in autumn.

D.People watch the tide on the Qiantang River, which dates back to the Han Dynasty.

2Which column of a magazine does this article probably belong to?


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