
【题目】Even Amundsen was moved by Scott's death saying "Captain Scott left a record, for honesty, sincerity, for bravery, for everything _______makes a man".




考查定语从句。句意:就连阿蒙森也被斯科特的死感动了,他说:“斯科特上尉留下了一份记录,记录了他的诚实、真诚、勇敢,造就了一个人的一切。分析句子,定语从句部分缺主语,引导词用关系代词且不可省略。故可排除D项。再根据先行词指物可排除C项。本题定语从句的先行词为复合不定代词everything故引导词只能为that不用which。综合分析,故选A 项。



Japan’s famously diligent workers spend more hours at the office than employees in almost any other country. Authorities have a message: Stay home. 1 . Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to attend Olympic and Paralympic events in Tokyo during the 2020 Games, putting additional pressure on the city’s already notoriously crowded commuter routes. Officials also hope that promoting working from home during the Games will encourage a more easy-going approach in a country known for its cases of karoshi, or death from overwork.

On July 22, one year before the Games, Tokyo rolled out a month-long “Telework Days” campaign, with government offices and private businesses committing to avoiding peak commuting hours. 2 . The government has been urging employers to be more flexible, hoping to help parents and others caring for elderly relatives to better balance their work and home responsibilities. Officials hope the campaign will show firms that employees can actually “work even more effectively” when they stay home.

3 . Such as concerns over the security of sensitive information, the difficulty of controlling working conditions and the fact that corporate culture stresses the importance of face-to-face communication.

Experts and government officials hope that Olympic efforts to expand telework might serve as something of a legacy for the Games. “Tokyo 2020 is a chance to actively introduce telework, which can create a stress-free lifestyle,” said Azuma Taguchi, a professor of engineering at Chuo University. 4 . And he also urged to take serious measures to tackle Olympic traffic.

5 . “This is a chance to make telework a legacy of the Games that will take root” in Japanese society, Industry Minister Hiroshige Seko said in a recent forum to promote flexible work. And some officials are hoping that a more open-minded approach to work could encourage people to take “workstations” — working remotely from far-flung locations with attractive leisure options.

A. Workstations have already appeared in Japan.

B. The concept isn’t completely unfamiliar in Japan.

C. The efforts have also run up against various barriers.

D. Tokyo tells workers to stay home to enjoy a new lifestyle.

E. The aim is to avoid traffic chaos during next year’s Olympics.

F. He warned of potentially “fatal traffic jam” if action is not taken.

G. Others also see the Games as a chance to break existing work habits.

【题目】A good hiking trip should be planned out ahead of time. Whether it is a hike on a mountain trail(路线)or through the woods, an enjoyable hiking trip can easily turn into a dangerous situation if safety is not considered well. North Mountain State Park recommends hikers consider the following tips before hitting any trails:

Make a copy of your itinerary to give to a family member or a friend. Make sure that someone close to you knows where you are and how long you will be gone.

Wear a good pair of hiking boots or strong athletic shoes. The right shoes will keep you safe, warm, and comfortable.

Prepare for various types of weather conditions. Check the forecast before you leave; take along sunglasses and extra clothing (e.g., a hat and /or a jacket for a day hike).

Pack plenty of food and water. Consider how long your hike will be and pack accordingly.

Pack basic and essential supplies. Bring a first-aid kit(急救箱), a flashlight, a pocket knife, a map of the area (if available), and a compass. You may need other supplies, such as matches, depending on the length of your hike.

Determine what time the sun sets. This information is available in most local newspapers. Most people become lost after nightfall, so it is important to know this information in advance.

Stay on properly marked trails. Stay on established trails to decrease the chances of becoming lost. Staying on established trails also lowers the risk of doing harm to rare and endangered plants.

Carry a whistle. Using a loud whistle is a good way to call attention to your location if you get lost.

Keep an eye out for wildlife. Do not approach animals in the wild, even if they seem friendly.

The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission (WSPRC) manages a diverse system of more than 120 parks. The 90-year-old park system, which receives nearly 48 million visits a year, ranks 4th nationally in day-use attendance, 10th in overnight attendance, and the WSPRC has a smaller budget than most states.

1The underlined word “itinerary” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

A. a goal B. an address

C. a phone book D. a travel plan

2According to the text, if hikers ignore what time the sun sets, they might________.

A. have difficulty finding supplies B. need extra clothing

C. be attacked by wild animals D. become lost

3According to the text, hikers are advised __________.

A. to bring friendly animals home B. to use loud whistles

C. to set up camps D. to take new trails

4What can we learn about WSPRC?

A. It’s only accessible during summer months.

B. It’s operated very well.

C. It provides trails and wildlife protection.

D. It provides search and rescue services.

5The purpose of the text is to _______.

A. attract people’s interest in the park

B. explain the hiking routes

C. explain how to be safe when hiking

D. introduce various kinds of parks to visitors

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