
7.My color television has given me nothing but a headache.I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of a lot of clothes that wouldn't fit.I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model.I realized this a day late,when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid.The set worked so beautifully when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed off for the night.Fortunately,I didn't got any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed.
    Then I started developing a problem with the set that involved static (静电) noise.For some reason,when certain shows switched into a commercial,a loud noise would sound for a few seconds.Gradually,this noise began to appear during a show,and to get rid of it,I had to change to another channel and then change it back.Sometimes this technique would not work,and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound.I actually began to build up my arm muscles shaking my set.
    When neither of these methods removed the static noise,I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away.At last I ended up hitting the set with my fist,and it stopped working altogether.My trip to the repair shop cost me $62,and the set is working well now,but I keep expecting more trouble.

24.Why did the author say he was fooled into buying the TV set?C
 A.He got an older model than he had expected.
B.He couldn't return it when it was broken.
 C.He could have bought it at a lower price.
D.He failed to find any movie shows on it.
25.Which of the following can best replace the phrase"signed off"in Paragraph 1?A
 A.ended all their programs            
B.provided fewer channels
 C.changed to commercials            
D.showed all-night movies
26.How did the author finally get his TV set working again?D
 A.By shaking and hitting it.
B.By turning it on and off.
 C.By switching channels.
D.By having it repaired.
27.How does the author sound when telling the story?D
A.Curious      B.Anxious      C.Cautious      D.Humorous.

分析 本文作者以幽默的口吻讲述了自己买电视被骗,后来发现电视出现了毛病,自己想办法来应付,而且把晃动电视当作锻炼肌肉;最后当两种方法都行不通时,作者不得已拿去修理的故事.

解答 24-27.CADD
24题答案:C 考查细节推理.根据文章第一段的"I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model.I realized this a day late,when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid"(我让一个销售员骗进去买了一台停产的机子.一天之后我意识到了这一点,当我看报纸时发现了一则这台电视机的广告--其售价比我支付的要少75美元)可知本题答案为C选项.
25题答案:A 词义推测题.根据后一句,幸运的是,我不用整晚上看电影了,否则我不能睡觉了,故选A. 
26题答案:D 细节理解题.根据文章最后一段,可知作者修电视机花了62美元,故选D.
27题答案:D 推理判断题.根据开头说:没有电视节目就可以睡觉,中间还说晃动电视来锻炼肌肉,可知作者语调幽默.故选D.

点评 本文是人生感悟类阅读理解.这类题材是高考常考的内容,它注重考查考生整体理解文章大意的能力,在做题时要结合题干以及上下文做出正确的选择.

18.When people use food as a way to deal with feeling instead of satisfying hunger,emotional eating happens.(36)A Have you ever finished a whole bag of chips out of boredom or downed cookie after cookie while preparing for a big test?But when done a lot-especially without realizing it-emotional eating can affect weight,health,and overall well-being.
Not many of us make the connection between eating and our feelings.
(37)EOne of the biggest myths about emotional eating is that it's caused by negative feelings.Yes,people often turn of food when they're stressed out,Lonely,sad,anxious,or bored.But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too,like the romance of sharing dessert on Valentine's Day or the celebration of holiday feast.Sometimes commotional eating is tied to major life events,like a death or a divorce.(38)G.
Emotional eating patterns can be learned:A child who is given candy after a big achievement may grow up using candy as a reward for a job well done.(39)B It's not easy to"unlearn"patterns of emotional eating.But it is possible.And it starts with an awareness of what's going on.
We're all emotional eaters to a degree.But for some people emotional eating is the once the pleasure of eating is gone,the feeling that cause it remain.(40)D That's why it helps to know the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger.
Next time you reach for a snack,wait and think about which type of hunger is driving it.

A.Believe it or not,we've all been there.
B.If a crying boy gets some cookies,he may link cookies with comfort.
C.One study found that people who cat food like pizza become happy afterwards.
D.And you often may feel worse about eating the amount or type of food you like.
E.Understanding what drives emotional eating can help people take steps to change it.
F.Boys seem to prefer hot,homemade comfort meals,while girls go for chocolate and ice cream.
G.More often,though,it's the countless little daily stresses that cause someone to seek comfort in food.
2.A new study by the British government has discovered that the mental well-beings of the country's teenage girls has worsened.
The survey which included 30,000 14-year-old students in 2005 and 2014,showed 37 percent of girls with psychological stress,up from 34 percent in 2005.British boy's stress level was actually seen to fall over the same period from 17 percent to 15 percent.
The report's authors pointed out the"advent of the social media age"could be a major contributing factor for increased stress among teenage British girls.
"The adolescent years are a time of rapid physical,cognitive and emotional development,"Pam Ramsden,a lecturer in psychology at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom,wrote in a blog post."Teenagers interact with people in order to learn how to become competent adults.In the past they would associate with parents,teachers and other adults in their community as well as extended family members and friends.Now we can also add social media to that list of social and emotional development."
Throughout adolescence,girls and boys develop characteristics like confidence and self-control.Since teenage brains have not completely developed,teens don't have the cognitive awareness and impulse control to keep from posting inappropriate content.Moreover,this content can easily be circulated far and wide implications.
Social media can also feed into girls'insecurities about their appearance,Ramsden said.These sites often filled with images of people with body types unsuitable to the normal person.However these images and messages tied to them creep into societal standards.

28.How does the survey tell the negative impact of social media?B
A.By making experiments.
B.By analyzing cause and effect.
C.By asking a question.
D.By telling a story.
29.According to Pam Ramsden,we can knowA.
A.teenagers interact with people to learn more about life
B.teenagers hate sharing their thoughts with people around
C.teenagers interact with others only through social media now
D.teenagers will not post inappropriate content on the internet
30.What does the message mainly tell us?B
A.The well-being of the teenagers in Britain.
B.The social media's negative effect on teenager girls.
C.The development of teenagers in Britain.
D.How interact with teenagers in Britain.
31.What is Ramsden's attitude towards the images with fine body shapes?C
A.Supportive.B.Indifferent.C.Critical          D.Concerned.
12.第二节 语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.
The Dutch are used to living in a country which is always exposed to dangers of deadly floods.A country with a half of its land below sea level cannot afford (61)to ignore(ignore)the problem of rising sea level,and Holland,which already has spent about U.S.$2.5 trillion on flood(62)prevention (prevent),plans to invest more over the next century.Life in these challenging(63)circumstances (circumstance) has inspired the Dutch to develop many excellent methods of(64)fighting (fight) floods.Thanks to the skill of Dutch engineers,flooding in Holland is rarely widespread,and is instead limited(65)to certain areas of the country.Two such areas are the valleys of the Rhine and the Meuse Rivers.In spite of large flood wall,these rivers regularly flood the surrounding areas.During dry times,however,those areas are perfectly(66)pleasant(pleasure) to live in.One solution that(67)is being developed (develop)now is a type of house that seems normal in every day,except that it can float during times of high water rather than(68)simply (simple) sink beneath the waves as normal houses would.Groups of houses would form floating neighborhoods in(69)which people could live together during times of high water,temporarily getting around by boat(70)till/until the flood ends.
19.One day,I was invited to an important event,and I wanted to wear something special for it.I looked through my suitcase but couldn't find anything to wear.I was lucky to be at the technology conference then,and I had access to 3D printers.So I quickly designed a skirt on my computer,and I loaded the file on the printer.It just printed the pieces overnight.The next morning,I just took all the pieces,assembled them together in my hotel room,and this is actually the skirt that I'm wearing right now.
It wasn't the first time that I had printed clothes.For my senior collection at fashion design school,I decided to try and 3D print an entire fashion collection from my home.The problem was that I hardly knew anything about 3D printing,and I had only nine months to figure out how to print five fashionable looks.I always felt most creative when I worked from home.I loved experimenting with new materials,and I always tried to develop new techniques to make the most unique textiles for my fashion projects.
One summer break,I came here to New York to do practice at a fashion house in Chinatown.We worked on two incredible dresses that were 3D printed.They were amazing.But I had a few problems with them.They were made from hard plastics and that's why they broke easily.The models couldn't sit in them,and they even got hurt from the plastics under their arms.So now the main challenge was to find the right material for printing clothes with.I mean the material you feed the printer with.
The breakthrough came when I was introduced to Filaflex,which is a new kind of printing material.It's strong,yet very flexible.And with it,I was able to print the first garment,a red jacket that had the word"freedom"printed into it.And actually,you can easily download this jacket,and change the word to something else,for example,your name or your sweetheart's name.So I think in the future,materials will be better,and they will look and feel like fabrics we know today,like cotton or silk.

24.What does the writer mean by mentioning the skirt she is wearing nowC
A.It is not easily breakable.
B.It represents the latest style.
C.It came from a 3D printer.
D.It was made by a fashion designer.
25.When did the writer start experimenting with 3D printingC
A.When she attended a conference in New York.
B.When she had just graduated from her college.
C.When she was studying at a fashion design school.
D.When she attended a fashion show nine months ago.
26.What was the problem with the material at New York fashion houseA
A.It was hard and easy to break.
B.It was hard to come by.
C.It was difficult to print.
D.It was extremely expensive.
27.What can we know about FilaflexD
A.It is the latest model of a 3D printer.
B.It gives fashion designers room for imagination.
C.It is a plastic widely used in 3D printing.
D.It marks a breakthrough in printing material.
8.When asked about happiness,we usually think of something extraordinary,an absolute delight,which seems to get rarer the older we get.
For kids,happiness has a magical quality.Their delight at winning a race or getting a new bike is unreserved.
In the teenage years,the concept of happiness changes.Suddenly it's conditional on such things as excitement,love and popularity.I can still recall the excitement of being invited to dance with the most attractive boy at the school party.
In adulthood the things that bring deep joy-love,marriage,birth-also bring responsibility and the risk of loss.For adults,happiness is complicated.
My definition for happiness is"the capacity for enjoyment".The more we can enjoy what we have,the happier we are.It's easy to overlook the pleasure we get from the company of friends,the freedom to live where we please,and even good health.
I experienced my little moments of pleasure yesterday.First I was overjoyed when I shut the last lunch-box and had the house to myself.Then I spent an uninterrupted morning writing,which I love.When the kids and my husband came home,I enjoyed their noise after the quiet of the day.
Psychologists tell us that to be happy we need a mix of enjoyable leisure time and satisfying work.I don't think that my grandmother,who raised 14children,had much of either.She did have a network of close friends and family,and maybe this is what satisfied her.
We,however,with so many choices and such pressure to succeed in every area,have turned happiness into one more thing we've got to have.We're so self-conscious about our"right"to it that it's making us miserable.So we chase it and equal it with wealth and success,without noticing that the people who have those things aren't necessarily happier
Happiness isn't about what happens to us-it's about how we see what happens to us.It's the skillful way of finding a positive for every negative.It's not wishing for what we don't have,but enjoying what we do possess.
63.As people grow older,theyB.
A.associate their happiness less with others
B.feel it harder to experience happiness
C.will take fewer risks in pursuing happiness
D.tend to believe responsibility means happiness
64.What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 5and 6?D
A.She cares little about her own health.
B.She enjoys the freedom of traveling.
C.She prefers getting pleasure from housework.
D.She is easily pleased by things in daily life.
65.People who equal happiness with wealth and successC.
A.consider pressure something blocking their way   
B.are at a loss to make correct choices
C.stress the right to happiness too much           
D.are more likely to be happy
66.What can be concluded from the passage?A
A.Happy is he who is content.
B.Each man is the master of his own fate.
C.Success leads to happiness       
D.Happiness lies between the positive and the negative.

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