
The purpose of a letter of application(求职信) is to help you to "sell" yourself. It should state   36  the job you want, and should tell what your abilities are and what you have   37 . It should be simple, human, personal and brief without   38  out any necessary facts.
In writing a letter of application, keep in   39  that the things a possible employer is most   40  to want to know about are your qualifications(条件), your achievements and your aims. The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part.   41  the first few sentences fail to   42  the reader’s attention, the rest of the letter may not be   43  at all. Try to key your opening remarks to the needs or interests of the employer not   44  your own need or desires. For example, instead of beginning with “I saw your   45  in today’s newspaper,” you might say “I have made a careful   46  of your advertising during the past six months” or “I have made a survey in my neighborhood to find out how many housewives   47  your product and why they like it.”
Try to   48  generalities(概述). Be clear about the kind of job for which you are now   49 . College graduates looking for their first positions often ask “What can I  50 in a letter? Employers want experience—which, naturally, no   51 has.” The answer is that everything you have ever done is   52 .
It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter.   53  a specific request for an interview or give the possible employer something definite to do or expect. An excellent   54  is to enclose(内附) a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your letter. That makes it   55  for a possible employer to get in touch with you.
A.brainB.sightC.mind D.order
A.probableB.possible C.able D.likely
A.WhileB.Although C.IfD.As
A.win B.payC.show D.fix
A.keptB.read C.writtenD.continued
A.fromB.for C.into D.to
A.useB.makeC.sell D.change
A.gainB.remember C.protectD.avoid
A.worker B.managerC.ownerD.beginner
A.result B.idea C.promiseD.decision
A.easier B.happierC.cheaperD.safer


小题1: D表示“清楚地”说明你想要找的工作。
小题3: B根据后面的 any necessary facts 判断,不要“遗漏”任何必要的事实。
小题4: C keep in mind 是固定短语,意思是“记住”。
小题5:D 表示可能,后面跟不定式只能用 likely,其余选项都不正确。
小题6:C 根据下文的主句判断,前面是条件句,因此选 if。
小题7: A 从后面主句中 the rest of the letter may not be… 可得出答案,如果前面的一些句子不能“赢得”读者的注意的话。
小题8:B 根据上文,如果起初几句话不能引起读者注意的话,其余部分就可能不会再“读”了。
小题9:D根据前面两个 to 得出答案。
小题10:C 因为是应聘者,所以在报纸上看到的是“广告”。
小题11: B 根据上文,应聘者是从报纸上看到的招聘广告,经过“研究”之后才来应聘的。
小题12:A 根据后面的 product(产品)判断应是“使用”。
小题13:D 根据下文判断要弄清楚具体应聘的工作,以“避免”笼统性。
小题14: A 根据上下文所叙述的是“应聘”之事可得出答案。
小题15:C 根据句意“在信中提供的是什么”得出答案,而supply是“供给、供应”不符句意。
小题16:D 根据前面的“first”一词判断答案是“beginner”。
小题18:C 根据下文得出答案“为了应聘‘做’一些特殊的要求或需要”。
小题19:B 根据后面“随信内附一个贴有邮票,写有你的地址的信封”是一个好的“建议”。
小题20: A 根据上一句所说,这样“更容易”使雇者与你联系。
Mini Book Excerpts (节选)
When Salinger learned that a car park was to be built on the land, the middle-aged writer was shocked and quickly bought the neighboring area to protect it… The townspeople never forgot the rescue and came to help their most famous neighbor.
J. D. Salinger: A Life by Kenneth Slawenski (Random House, $27)
Mystery (疑案小说)
"You're a smart boy. Benny's death was no accident, and you're the only who saw it happen. Do you think the murderer should get away with it?" The boy was staring stubbornly at his lap again.
A thought suddenly occurred to Annika, "Did you …You recognized the man in the car, didn't you?"
The boy hesitated, twisting his fingers, "Maybe," he said quietly.
Red Wolf by Liza Marklund (Atria Books, $25.99)
Short Stories
She wants to say to him what she has learned, none of it in class. Some women are born stupid, and some women are too smart for their own good. Some women are born to give, and some women only know how to take. Some women learn who they want to be from their mothers, some who they don't want to be. Some mothers suffer so their daughters won't. Some mothers love so their daughters won't.
You Are Free by Danzy Senna (Riverhead Books, $15)
Do your kids like to have fun? Come to Fun Times! Do you like to watch your kids having fun? Bring them to Fun Times! Fun Times!'s "amusement cycling" is the most fun you can have, legally, in the United States right now. Why spend thousands of dollars flying to Disney World when you can spend less than half of that within a day's drive of most cities?
Happy: And Other Bad Thoughts by Larry Doyle (Ecco, $14.99)
小题1:If the readers want to know about the life of Salinger, they should buy the book published by ________.
A.EccoB.Atria BooksC.Riverhead BooksD.Random House
小题2:The book Happy And Other Bad Thoughts is intended for ________.
A.young childrenB.Disney World workers
C.middle school teachersD.parents with young children
小题3: Which book describes women with characters of their own?
A. Happy And Other Bad Thoughts
B. J. D. Salinger: A Life
C. You Are Free
D. Red Wolf
小题4: After finishing the book Red Wolf, the readers would learn that ________.
A.the boy helped arrest the murderer
B.Benny died of an accident
C.the murderer got away with the crime
D.Annika carried out the crime
Everyone gets sick of hearing. “Put on your seat belt!”But it’s good advice. People who wear seat belts are 45 percent less likely to be killed while riding in the front seat of a car.
The US government wants more seat belt laws. It says children aged 4 to 15 are often killed in car accidents. In 2005, there were 1,627 children aged 4 to 15 killed in car accidents. More than 1,000 of those children were not wearing seat belts. If they had been wearing seat belts, 500 of those children could be alive today.
These children are too old to be in car seats, but they often sit in the back seat. Seat belt laws in many states, including Wisconsin, only require people in the front seat to wear seat belts. Children who aren’t wearing seat belts can be thrown from the car. The risk of dying in an accident is three times greater if the person is thrown from the car.
New laws could require children aged 4 to 8 to be in booster seats in the car. Booster seats help seat belts fit children properly. Right now, only 5 percent of children aged 4 to 8 are seated in booster seats.
While parents have the choice of whether wearing seat belts or not, children are too young to make that choice. Even if you decide not to wear a seat belt, make sure you children are in seat belts and car seats. It’s the law and it will save their lives.
小题1:The underlined sentence “Everyone gets sick of hearing”in the first paragraph means“________”.
A.there is something wrong with everyone’s ears
B.all people fall ill when they hear something
C.many people don’t pay attention to wearing seat belts
D.none of the people knows it is a piece of good advice
小题2:More than two-third of 1,627 children were killed because ___________.
A.they weren’t using seat belts
B.they were too careful when they walked on the road
C.they were not old enough to sit in the car
D.they wore seat belts
小题3:You must get your children to put on seat belts in order to ________.
A.keep them comfortable in the car seatB.keep them safe
C.keep them awake in the car all the timeD.prevent all kinds of traffic accidents
小题4:What would be the best title of this passage?
A.Children Should Put on Seat Belts.
B.Too Many Traffic Accidents Happened Recently.
C.Traffic Laws Are Very Important.
D.Parents Are Important to Children.
“NOW I just don't believe that. ”Surely all of us, at some point, have watched a movie and thought: It's simply badly researched,or the makers must think we're fools. Recently, The Daily Telegraph ran a humorous piece on untrue tech moments from some top movies. Let’s see what they are all about.
Tom Chiver, the writer of The Daily Telegraph uses his first example from the movie Independence Day, in which a character comes up with a virus(病毒)which destroys Windows the computer system the alien (外星人)spacecraft uses. “It's a good thing that they didn't have Norton Anti-virus,” jokes  Chivers.
It's just one case of a movie that takes a lot of license with its science. Another one Chivers mentions is from the movie Star Wars, where the glowing light beams (光束)traveling through space look very impressive. But the problem is that in space there are no air particles (粒子)for the light to reflect off. In reality, they'd be invisible(看不见的), which wouldn’t look so cool on the big screen.
Most people think that the mind—bending Matrix films are made for great viewing. But for Chivers, the science in the movies is a little bit silly. He comments “…the film is based on the idea that humans are kept alive as electricity generators (发电机). This is not just unlikely —it's basically impossible. They would need more energy to stay alive than they would produce. It's just like saying that you'll power the car with batteries, and keep the batteries charged by running a generator from the wheels. ”
And finally, as Chivers points out, DNA is not replaceable. But this bit of elementary genetics passed the makers of the 2002 Bond film Die Another Day by. In the film the bad guy has “gene treatment” to change his appearance and his DNA, which is completely impossible in our real world.
小题1:Which of the following does the writer agree with about the movie Independence Day?
A.It's a science fiction movie.
B.It's about the alien spacecraft.
C.It's produced by Tom Chiver.
D.It's a jokey and humorous one.
小题2: What is mainly talked about in the 4th paragraph?
A.How we can power the car with batteries.
B.How Tom Chiver thinks of the Matrix films.
C.How humans are kept alive as power generator.
D.How the Matrix films are made for great viewing.
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The movie Star Wars is about the light beams in space.
B.The author doesn't take the science in movies seriously.
C.Nowadays nobody believes in science movies any more.
D.There is a horrible virus in the movie Independence Day.
小题4:The underlined word “They” in the 4th paragraph refers to ______.
A.human beings B.car wheels
C.Matrix films D.electricity generators
House buyers have three main choices: building from the ground up, moving into an old house or buying a new one. All the three are very different and should be considered carefully. Your budget will probably have the biggest effect on your choice. Comparing the three will help you make a good decision.
New houses are untouched and fresh, which means they can suit your personality and you know exactly where all of the materials come from. New houses won’t hold many unpleasant surprises, such as weak foundations, or other damaged areas. Most of these modern houses are also far more eco-friendly, with future decoration being just as easy to make and do as you like. Buying new houses is also a great way to save money, and you may find its benefit with the price going up in the future.
Some buildings, such as those that are rare or in certain areas, are of value over the years. Sometimes it is the history that draws more buyers into older houses. A famous person may have lived there, or an important event may have taken place in the house. This may not add any value to the house, but it can add to the attraction. There may be more repairs which will need to be done in the old houses,so before you think you’ve found a great bargain, be sure to get a careful inspection.
There are those who prefer building from the ground up. Building your own house can be a very rewarding, tiring, and expensive experience. While people have many expectations of planning and building their own houses, one thing is sure: it will take a while. There are always difficulties during construction, so you always find the construction time will be longer than your plan, not to mention the budget. Time can add up as well as materials and costs. Building is a good choice for those who are able and qualified.
小题1:In Paragraph 2, the writer mainly tells readers _____.
A.How to choose a good new house.
B.The benefits of buying a new house
C.Things to consider when they buy a house.
D.How to save money when they buy a new house.
小题2:What does the writer suggest people do when they are buying an old house?
A.Check whether the price is low
B.Check whether it is a rare house
C.Check carefully whether lots of repairs are needed
D.Check whether a famous person has lived in it
小题3:The writer seems to believe that building a house of one’s own is ____.
小题4:What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To encourage readers to build a house of their own
B.To explain why it is hard to decide what house to buy
C.To tell readers how to find a great bargain when they are buying a house
D.To help readers make a better decision when they are buying a house
What is your body language saying to your children? What is their body language telling you? I had the honor of hearing Jan Hargrave speak the other day. She is one of four body language experts in the US. Jan Hargrave says we lie with the right side of our brains, so it is our left hand that gives us away. A person touching his nose, pulling at his ear or rubbing his eye with his left hand might be lying to you. Also, a person who, in any way, crosses any fingers might just be lying. That, she says, is a holdover(遗留物) from childhood, when we crossed our fingers to signal that we didn’t mean what we were saying. When children squint(眨) their eyes, move their body away from you, or can’t seem to make good eye contact, you may need to ask for a little more clarification.
But just as important, children learn early how to read our body language when they are conversing(交谈) with us. Here are some acceptance signals to let them know you are interested when they are talking to you. Lean(倾斜) towards them. Make good eye contact and smile. Open your arms. Let your hands relax with the palms(手掌) showing: an open, upward palm always show acceptance. If your legs are crossed, make sure you are not crossing them away from your child. These are important because they signal to your child that you are focused on them and are accepting and welcoming them into your world.
By paying attention, we can open those lines of important communication with our children and we can see the truth more clearly. I think it would be a mistake to use these tools to lie, but we need to be aware of the signals we are giving so we can show people that they really do matter to us.
小题1:According to Jan Hargrave, we can tell whether a person is lying by _______.
A.observing his/her left hand’s movements.
B.looking at how he/ she crosses his/ her fingers
C.observing whether he/ she uses body language
D.making good eye contact with him/ her
小题2:We can learn from the passage that body language _______.
A.is hard to master for children
B.can be understood in different ways
C.may help improve communication
D.is more likely to hide the truth
小题3:Which of the following does NOT show acceptance to people?
A.Smile while making eye contact.
B.Open your arms to them.
C.Relax your hands with the palms showing.
D.Cross your leg away from them.
小题4:In the last paragraph, the author seems to suggest that parents_______.
A.spend more time with their children
B.learn to read and use body language
C.pay attention to family communication
D.try to prevent their children from lying
Good afternoon, everyone,
I’d like to introduce my friend Christy to you all. Christy is a great example of how one person with 1   can make her dream a reality, so she should win the Student of the Year Award.
Christy loves to ride bikes. She does not just ride along city streets, 2   . She is interested in 3    trail (小路) rides. 4    Christy knew that people who love riding had to travel 5   the city to locate good bike trails, so she 6   to do something.
Christy knew that Roosevelt Park had a clean, lively creek(小溪)7   through it. 12 miles of land around the creek was 8   used. Christy decided to get together with other trail9  to ask the city council to 10  a bike path along the unused land. Christy   11  a petition (请愿书). She and other riders asked all of their biking friends if they would12   the list, and they gathered 300 signatures. The city council evaluated the 13   and, more 14  , agreed to allow the bike trail.
The 15   took two months of work, and now Roosevelt Park has a 16   bike trail. It has many ups and downs; it is a great ride. This trail is becoming one of the community’s important 17   spots. I can’t 18   with Christy when we ride together, but I am glad that she decided to work hard to begin the 19     of the Roosevelt Park bike path. Christy 20   this award because she acted on her dream, causing a community to come together.
Thank you!
A.put upB.keep upC.end upD.turn up

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