
Coral reefs(珊 瑚 礁)are not just beautiful to look at,but also very useful.They shelter nearly 25% of ocean life and provide food for billions of people.However, like many other species,this amazing ecosystem(生态系统)is in danger of dying out!

There are two main reasons for the destruction—the rising carbon dioxide levels caused by global warming as well as human influences like bottom operation.While not much can be done about the former,the loss caused by the latter can be reduced.

Bottom operation involves dropping nets to the ocean bed and then dragging them up when filled with fish.This action damaged the ocean floor,causing the coral branches to separate from the reefs.While that is very discouraging,the good news is that if these branches are found quickly,they can be saved.At present,that work is being performed by volunteer divers. But the method has only limited success because they cannot stay long underwater, nor reach depths of over 200 meters where some of the deep-sea coral grows.

However,this is not the case for Coral bots—the robots that can constantly seek out broken branches.A team of ‘coral bots’,each individually working to simple rules will piece together’ damaged bits of coral, allowing them to regrow. They are programmed to be able to distinguish between other things and the coral.The robots work together in groups,similar to bees.If one coralbot is damaged then the others will still be able to complete the task.

Dr Lea-Anne Henry said:“The project of using coral bots offers us the possibility to restore(修复)the function of reefs.It is in the final stage of testing.Once ready, the researchers hope to build hundreds of them and use them effectively in the waters off Scotland and then hopefully in the oceans across the world.”

1.Which of the following is a cause of the danger that coral reefs are facing?

A.The appearance of new creatures.

B.The seriously polluted sea water.

C.The activities of volunteer divers.

D.Human activities like bottom operation.

2.Compared with volunteer divers,coralbots ______________.

A.can stay longer underwater

B.must work as bees do

C.can distinguish what is coral

D.can never be damaged

3.What does the underlined word“them”in the last paragraph refer to?

A.Coralbots. B.Broken branches.

C.working bees. D.Bits of coral.

4.We can infer from the passage that _______________.

A.bottom operation has affected most underwater creatures

B.broken branches of coral can regrow if saved in time

C.hundreds of the coralbots have worked well in the oceans

D.with the coralbots all damaged coral reefs can be restored





【解析】本文主要介绍了珊瑚礁所面临的问题以及应对的方法。珊瑚礁由于全球变暖以及人类的一些海底作业而濒临灭绝。对此,Coral bots却是一个挽救珊瑚礁的好帮手,它可以长时间呆在水下以帮助受损的珊瑚礁重新生长。


1.D 细节理解题。根据第二段的There are two main reasons for the destruction—the rising carbon dioxide levels caused by global warming as well as human influences like bottom operation.可知有两个原因导致珊瑚礁面临灭绝。故选择D,指人类海底作业导致珊瑚礁面临灭绝。

2.A 细节理解题。根据第三段最后的But the method has only limited success because they cannot stay long underwater, nor reach depths of over 200 meters where some of the deep-sea coral grows.以及第四段的However,this is not the case for Coral bots可知,志愿者不能长时间呆在水下,但是Coral bots可以,故选择A,指它可以长时间呆在水下。

3.A 词语辨析题。本题考查代词的指代意义。根据下文的use them effectively in the waters off Scotland and then hopefully in the oceans across the world.可知这里的them指代的是上文提到的Coral bots,因为要用这样东西来修复珊瑚礁。故选择A。

4.the good news is that if these branches are found quickly,they can be saved可知,珊瑚礁如果被损后再短时间内修复还是可以的。故选择B。选项A未涉及;根据最后一段的It is in the final stage of testing可知选项C错误;而根据then hopefully in the oceans across the world可知修复所以珊瑚礁只是有希望,而不是绝对会被修复,故选项D错误。


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When we donate(捐献) blood, a small amount is usually taken in advance for at least ABO and Rh systems typing. If you are O+, the O is your ABO type and the + is your Rh type. It is possible to be A, B, AB, or O as well as Rh + or Rh-.

The ABO system was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in the early 1900s. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his achievements. There are four basic types of blood in the ABO system: A, B, AB and O. Everybody is born with one of these four types of blood. We get blood type, just like hair color and height from parents. Because of the substances(物质) contained in each type, the four groups must be transfused carefully, If two different blood types are mixed together, it may put a person into an extremely dangerous situation. Basically, A and B cannot be mixed. A and B cannot receive AB, but AB may receive A or B. In an emergency, type O blood can be given because it is most likely to be accepted by all blood types, so it is often called the universal donor. However, there is still a risk. For the opposite reason, AB is sometimes called the universal receiver. However, because there can be so many reactions in the blood bank of the hospital.

There is a relationship between your blood type and your nationality. Among the Europeans, about 45 percent have type O while 42 percent have type A. The least common is type AB. Other races have different percentage. For example, some American Indian groups have nearly 100 percent type O out of 100 donors in the world.

1.Which of the following shown the correct relationships in blood transfusions?

2.The underlined word “transfuse” most probably means ________.

A. to put the blood into a container

B. to move the blood from one place to another

C. to put the blood of one person into the body of another

D. to give power to another person

3.The writer suggests that the third most common blood type among the Europeans is ______.

A. B B. A C. AB D. O

4.The text mainly tells us ______.

A. about the basic types of human blood

B. what kind of blood is the most common

C. about Karl Landsteiner who won the Nobel Prize

D. the relationship between blood type and nationality

“The way we choose to respond when others make mistakes can cause them to feel ashamed or can allow them to remember our kindness and share our stories with future generations.”

——Michelle Sedas

When I read the above quote I couldn’t help but Doris.She had been a science teacher by ,but she also was a very person.All around her room were dolls that she had made.They were the most interesting dolls I’d ever seen;each was very from the other.

By talking to Doris I learned she’d a class in doll making.One day while I was in her room she took one of the dolls out of the case to me.This doll was very with fine artistic work.I was that anyone could do such unique work.

As Doris was the doll carefully in her hand,I could see a slight break in the skirt.I was to know what happened.Doris said that on the way to class she the side of the skirt.She expressed how scared she was and almost didn’t go to at a11.When it came her to show the doll to the teacher,she had to point out the in the skirt.Doris felt for sure that the doll would be because of it.Much to her surprise the teacher told her she was just going to this break and grade the doll on the other good it had.Doris shared that this remark and from the teacher changed her life.

This teacher could have made Doris feel by her mistake.But her willingness to ignore the mistake,Doris was sharing her kindness with the next generation.

1.A.give up B.call on C.turn down D.think of

2.A.profession B.accident C.birth D.mistake

3.A.energetic B.generous C.creative D.conservative

4.A.far B.safe C.free D.different

5.A.taken B.quitted C.prepared D.organized

6.A.flatter B.show C.comfort D.upset

7.A.common B.cheap C.expensive D.unusual

8.A.disappointed B.amazed C.terrified D.annoyed

9.A.turning B.bending C.mending D.shaking

10.A.sorry B.proud C.curious D.content

11.A.burned B.bumped C.replaced D.decorated

12.A.hospital B.church C.class D.work

13.A.turn B.task C.honor D.choice

14.A.spot B.patch C.hole D.break

15.A.destroyed B.appreciated C.rejected D.removed

16.A.ignore B.value C.notice D.assess

17.A.talents B.quantities C.varieties D.qualities

18.A.responsibility B.attitude C.habit D.standard

19.A.ashamed B.shocked C.puzzled D.overjoyed

20.A.as for B.because of C.despite of D.apart from

Helen Thomas, the pioneering White House reporter known for putting presidents on the hot seat, died at 92.

To those who regularly watch presidential press conferences, Helen Thomas is a familiar figure.Usually dressed in red and always seated in the front row, she is always the first or second reporter the president calls upon.It is an honor she has earned.Besides, it affords her the perfect opportunity to do what she does best ---- challenge the president and other public officials to tell the plain truth.She said, "We reporters' priority(首要事情) is the people's right to know ---- without fear or favor.We are the people's servants."

Helen Thomas was born in Kentucky in 1920.All the nine Thomas children were brought up to value education, and all were expected to make something of themselves through working hard.She made up her mind while still in high school to become a reporter after writing for the student newspaper.After receiving her bachelor's degree in 1942, Thomas headed straight for Washington, D.C.in search of a newspaper job.Before long, she landed one at Washington Daily News.Her duty included fetching coffee and doughnuts for the paper's reporters and editors.The eager young woman found the atmosphere exciting and was convinced she had made the right career choice.

Her big break came when she was sent to Florida to report on the vacation of President-elect John F.Kennedy and his family.Once President Kennedy took office, Thomas changed her focus from the president's family to his policies.She began attending the daily press briefings at the White House as well as presidential press conferences.Thomas has covered every president since Kennedy.Over the years, Thomas found her job "thrilling and inspiring," but never boring.And she took very seriously her duty to "keep an eye on the president" and keep American people informed.

1.What can we learn about Helen Thomas from the passage?

A. Her career took off after covering the Kennedys.

B. Her first job was to deliver doughnuts to a news agency.

C. She was born to a large family in Kentucky in 1942.

D. She decided to be a reporter while in college.

2.Paragraph 3 is written to show Helen Thomas

A. is a good decision maker for her career

B. appreciates education and hard work

C. wants to be famous by writing reports

D. has great support from her family

3.What does Helen Thomas think other work?

A. Unbearable. B. Exciting.

C. Challenging. D.Unforgettable.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.A reporter sticking to the facts.

B.A reporter challenging President Kennedy.

C.A reporter from an ordinary family.

D.A reporter for Washington Daily News.

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