
13.If you put a stone in the way of  an ant,it will go around,over,under or on top,without stopping,until it finds a way to get ______ it needs to be.(  )

分析 如果你在蚂蚁的路上放一个石头,它会不停地或绕道、或从上面越过或从底下或从顶部走,直到它找到一条路通向它要去的地方.

解答 答案是D.本题考查从属连词的选择;题干中get表示"到达",为不及物动词,后面需要的是地点状语从句,表示"到达它要去的地方",故选where引导的地点状语从句,答案选D.

点评 首先要理解连词的功能:并列连词连接并列的词、短语或句子;从属连词连接主从句;其次理解各连词含义;最后结合语境做出判断.

3.Find ways to respond to a major disaster
When natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes happen,there's always a great need for coordinated(协调的) disaster relief and recovery.(36)E.
To take a hands-on approach to disaster recovery,volunteer your time and talents.You can travel to the affected regions to provide support.(37)F.It is recommended that you volunteer through one of the professional organizations for your safety and your skills can be put to best use.
Donate money
Disaster victims often have lost their homes or need to relocate.In many cases,your money is just as valuable as your physical presence in helping with relief efforts.Many organizations provide temporary housing,food and other items for victims.(38)G.Even organizations like the Red Cross have been criticized for how donated funds have been allocated(分配).
Donate blood
If you can't travel and don't feel comfortable giving money,a need for donated blood always existed.The Red Cross and local medical organizations manage blood supplies that are important to disaster victims.Call the Red Cross to schedule an appointment.(39)D.
Goods are valuable in stricken areas.Building materials and donations of bottled water or household items can be placed on trucks and taken to the disaster areas.It is the best to allow the professional organizations to coordinate these donation efforts and see that the needed supplies reach a location where they will be best used for recovery.

A.Send needed items.
B.Make preparations.
C.A lot of people are skillful at organizing local response.
D.Or look out for a blood drive in your area.
E.Whether disaster has occurred at home or abroad,you can help.
F.And you can do everything from providing first aid to rebuilding homes in these areas.G.Before giving,though,make sure you trust the organization receiving your money.
5.Parents are often scared to talk to their kids about money.In fact kids need to under stand how to save and manage their money.Proper preparation of your children,even at a young age,can start them down the path of a successful financial (经济上的)life.(36)FTalk early and often
Children start learning about money long before their first savings account,job or credit card.(37)G.Avoiding the subject until your child needs a bank account can make the conversation hasty (草率的) and confusing.
A trip to the grocery story is a good time to explain price comparison,value and inflation.An ATM stop offers a chance to explain that money doesn't actually come from a machine.You can discuss both earned income,investment returns and even inheritance.Opening bills is a chance to talk about payment for services,credit card debt and interest rates.Children need to be taught about debt,specifically loans and credit cards.
Talk about giving.
Children should learn that money doesn't always need to be used for them.(39)A.Don't just write the charitable check.Get-the kids involved in the process by asking them to pick and check charities(慈善机构).
Websites like http://www.charitynavigator.org and guidestar.org provide information and ratings.
If they open a savings account,they can place their savings in the bank to earn a small amount of interest.Besides,they can learn about fees,account maintenance ( 管理员) and even interest.It can provide a motivation for them to save money.You.can offer them a prise if they put the money into savings.

A.It can also provide help to others.
B.Open a checking and savings account.
C.Children are eager to know about money.
D.Everyday activities are teachable moments.
E.Parents should help their children know how to use money.
F.Here are some tips that might help you teach kids about money.
G.Begin the conversation even before they're in school by talking about work and money.
2.The key to dealing with test-day jitters(怯场) is thorough preparation.(36)GIt's important to prepare your mind and body for the experience of working and pressure.
Get some sleep.I know you've heard this before,but it's often repeated because it's so important.Get plenty of sleep the night before the test.If you don't have enough rest,you'll find it much hard to concentrate.(37)BLeave early.Be sure to leave earlier than normal on the day of a test to avoid the added fear of arriving late.(38)DThe embarrassment(尴尬) will cause you to be distracted and lose valuable time.
(39)AOnce you arrive at school or at the testing center,find a quiet place where you can be all alone.You can use your car if you drive or you can find an empty locker room or office.Once you locate a quiet place,do a relaxation session.Close your eyes and try to relax completely.Take deep breaths and think calming thoughts.
(40)F It's possible that some students start to stress out as other students discuss the material.When you hear others chatting,it might sound like you skipped over something important or you misunderstood a concept.It's probably not even true-but it can seem like it.

A.Take a quiet moment.
B.A sleepy brain is a foggy brain.
C.Watch out for the road conditions.
D.Attending an exam late is the last thing youneed.
E.You can find time to eat some snacks during a break.
F.Don't talk with other students in the minutes before a test.
G.But full preparaion means more than knowing the test material.
18.The secret to losing weight isn't just watching what's on your plate; it's also about watching what's in your glass.Popular soft drinks,fruit juices,and energy drinks can be loaded with added sugars and carbohydrates that can damage your weight-loss strategy.(36)F.
We all know this one,but it's important to remember that water is the single best choice for effective weight loss.Whether it's still or sparkling,aim to make water your go-to drink choice.
(37)A.Then try adding fresh lemon,cucumber,and even a piece of tomato to add flavor without adding many calories.
Vegetable juice
(38)E.If you can find a low-sodium(Na) variety,even better.The vegetables will keep you fuller longer and the flavor will keep your taste buds happy.
Unsweetened tea
Green tea has been proven to help speed up metabolism(新陈代谢) and weight loss.Try it hot or iced with a bit of honey for a low-sugar sweet drink(39)G.Both are filled with antioxidants(抗氧化剂),which can help rid your body of toxins.
Black coffee
A morning cup of coffee or an afternoon iced coffee can help lose your weight by providing caffeine that prevents people from hunger.Just be careful about what you add to your coffee---stick to skim milk and very little sugar.
Skim milk
Milk is an excellent source of lean protein,vitamin D,and calcium that can help build your muscles and keep your bones strong.(40)B.Or add a little chocolate-low-fat.Chocolate milk is a great option for post-workout muscle recovery.
A.Think water is boring?
B.Choose low-fat or skim milk for all of the vitamins without the added fat.
C.To be honest,milk doesn't cost too much.
D.Remember to drink several cups of water a day.
E.Whether in a can or homemade,vegetable juice is an excellent way to get the fiber your body needs to fuel your weight loss.
F.Here are five tasty ways to drink up without packing on the pounds.
G.Don't forget black and oolong teas,too!

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