
4.Can I use your computer todownload(下载) some pictures?

分析 我可以用你的电脑来下载一些图片吗?

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14.Are you addicted to computer games?Do you stay up all night playing them?(26)CBut should we worry about their effects on our health?
    Choices are various when it comes to gaming:1(27)EAnd there are shooting games where you can let out your anger and frustration in violent situations where you kill people with guns.(28)APopular games like Grand Theft Auto have been blamed for everything from falling results at school to provoking(激起) acts of extreme violence.Internet safety advisor,Alan MacKenzie,thinks"many people understandably will just think that a game is just a game and not realising the obvious content that's in there".(29)GThere is evidence that playing video games could actually be good for us.Studies have also shown that the skills used in playing games can cause growth in certain areas of the brain,the ability to think in 3D and even improve our eyesight.
Video gamers are also no longer just creatures playing alone.For some,gaming is having a positive effect on their social lives with games like Halo often being played in groups.(30)BSo it seems today,gaming,if used in moderation(有节制地),we can all take part.

A.Can these kinds of games really be fun and can being absorbed in virtual reality be good for us?
B.When your group works together to win the game,your sense of achievement is higher than when winning by yourself.
C.There's no doubt that the excitement and sophistication of games these days makes them hard to put down.
D.It is widely accepted that playing games does harm to growing teens.
E.You can role play-creating your own fantasy characters and stories,giving you a chance to step out of everyday life into an imaginary world.
F.You might play games so as to get rid of the might academic pressure.
G.Others will argue that gamin g is a harmless form of entertainment.
12.A strong memory depends on the health and vitality (活力) of your brain.They say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks,but when it comes to the brain,scientists have discovered that this old saying simply isn't true.(36)G
Give your brain a workout.Memory,like muscular strength,requires you to"use it or lose it".The more you work out your brain,the better you'll be able to process and remember information.(37)F
Don't skip the physical exercise.While mental exercise is important for brain health,that doesn't mean you never need to break a sweat.Physical exercise helps your brain stay sharp.It increases oxygen to your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss.
Get enough sleep.There is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get by on and the amount you need to function at your best.(38)E
Keep stress in check.Stress is one of the brain's worst enemies.Over time,stress destroys brain cells.Studies have also linked stress to memory loss.
Have a laugh.(39)C That holds true for the brain and the memory,as well as the body.Unlike emotional responses,which are limited to specific areas of the brain,laughter engages multiple regions across the whole brain.
(40)AJust as the body needs fuel,so does the brain.You probably already know that a diet based on fruits,vegetables,whole grains,"healthy"fats and lean protein will provide lots of health benefits,but such a diet can also improve memory.For brain health,though,it's not just what you eat-it's also what you don't eat.

A.Eat a brain-boosting diet.
B.Play games with memory.
C.Laughter is the best medicine.
D.But oversleeping is not good for your brain.
E.Even skipping a few hours makes a difference!
F.You have to shake things up from time to time!
G.The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change.
19.Jane Warner's husband,Jack,was sent to prison for two years for stealing.While he was in prison,Jane had a very difficult time.because She had two children,but no job.And her husband,of course,couldn't make any money either.The only small amount she had was from the government.
"I don't know how we will manage,"she wrote to her husband in prison."I get only enough money to pay the rent.There isn't enough money for food.I think I'll have to plant vegetables in the garden.They'll grow quickly.We can live on vegetables."
The garden was quite large,and much of it was covered with grass.
When Jack Warner received his wife's letter,he replied to her immediately."Don't dig up the garden,"he wrote."That's where the money I stole is hidden."
All letters written by the prisoners were read by one of the guards before they were mailed.When the guard read Jack's letter,he took it to the head guard.When the head guard read it,he called the police.He told them what Jack had written to his wife.And the police immediately went to Jack's house.They took forks and shovels with them.They dug up the garden,looking for the money,but they found nothing.
When they had gone,Mrs.Warner wrote to her husband."The police came today,"she wrote."and they dug up all the grass.What should I do?"Her husband wrote back very soon,"Plant the vegetables."

24.Jane got a little money fromB.
A.her husband    B.the government    
C.the police     D.the prison
25.Jane had a very difficult time becauseD.
A.she had two children        
B.the couple had no jobs
C.she had to pay the rent       
D.she hadn't enough money
26.Where did Jack hide the money?D
A.In the garden   
B.In the prison  
C.In the letter   
D.Somewhere unknown
27.The passage shows that Jack was veryA.
A.smart         B.lazy         
C.stupid        D.careless.
14.Richard's father died when he was five.Later on he lost his mother.An old woman felt sorry for the poor boy and often helped him.Of course he had no money to go to school.He had to work for a rich farmer.The man paid him nothing except food and clothes.(36)DHe found some old books near the school and taught himself to read and write.
(37)C It connected the village and the town.One morning people found there was a big stone on it.It stopped them from going to town.They had to move it away,or they had to cross the mountain if they had something to do in the town.But the stone weighed thirty tons at least and the strongest young men couldn't do that.(38)G
Richard looked at it carefully for a while and said,"I have a way to move it away."But few men believed him.(39)E .Night fell and people went home.Only the boy stayed there.To their surprise,the villagers found the stone was gone the next morning.They didn't know which spirit had moved it away.(40)B"How could he?"the rich farmer called out."He's only fifteen!He couldn't move it at all!"
"He dug a big hole beside the stone,"said the old woman,"And then he could easily push it into the hole!"
Looking at each other,the farmers couldn't say a word.

A.There seemed to be nothing strange in the village.
B.The old woman said Richard had done it all.
C.There was a narrow path between two mountains.
D.But the boy didn't lose heart.
E.Some farmers even laughed at the boy.
F.The boy hoped he could do something for the villagers someday.
G.They discussed for a long time,but nobody knew what to do.

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