
Win a trip to the OREGON COAST-Dare to Explore the Pacific Ocean. Build the biggest sand castle on the beach. Search tide pools for sea life. Watch the bright orange sunset over the ocean. Whether you’ve been to the Pacific Ocean before or have only closed your eyes and imagined it, we want to know how you would explore the Oregon Coast if you had the chance to go this summer.
1. Clear relationship between the Essay and the Drawing 40%
2. Creativity and skill in design and form of the Drawing 40%
3. Expression of the passion to draw and explore 10%
4. Journalistic quality, tidy nature and overall quality of the Essay 10%
By entering, you will have the chance to win an all expense paid trip to the ORECON COAST. Activities will include: kite flying, studying beautiful sea creatures, searching for sea life in a boat, science exploration at a science center and roasting over a beach campfire.
Who may enter: The competition is 0pen to kids aged 6 - 14.
TERM :  Entries(参赛作品) must be postmarked no later than July 31 ,2009.
How to enter
Surf travelogue. com/kids to download and print out an entry form.
Be sure to mark whether you have or have not been to the Pacific Ocean in山e form. Create a drawing of the Pacific Ocean on a piece of paper using a pen or paints.
Write an article of 100 words or less to explain why you want to go, what you think you would see and what you would explore if you have never been to the Pacific Ocean, or describe your favorite memories from your last visit.
Send to Dare to Explore the Pacific Ocean. NG1145 14th street NW. Washington D. C. 20036
72. What is the most important for the judging?
A. Whether your article is written in a neat way. 
B. The article and the drawing should be closely related.
C.Whether you show your passion to draw and explore
D. The skill in your drawing the map of the AtlanticOcean.
73. If you win the competition, you may____
A. fly a kite on the beach          B. search the beach for sea plants
C. roast the sea creatures over a beach campfire 
D. win an all expense paid trip to Washington D. C.
74. What information can you get from the passage?
A. Your article should be 8t least 100 words.
B. Every kid can rake part in the competition.
C. You must send the drawing before June 31, 2009.
D. Your entry form should be downloaded and printed out.
75. You can most probably read the passage in ________ .         .
A.a textbook B.a travel guide     C.a newspaper D.a research book


My 23-year-old son Dan stood in the doorway, ready to say goodbye to his home. In a couple of hours he was going to fly out to France. He was going to be away for at least a year to learn a foreign language and __36__ life in a foreign country.
It was a milestone in Dan’s life, a change from school days to   37  . When we were to say goodbye, I   38   closely at his face. I would like to provide him with good   39_  that would last longer than here and now.
But not a sound came over my lips. I   40   motionless and silent, looking    41__    my son’s green eyes.
I knew that this wasn’t the first time I    42    such an opportunity pass me by. When Daniel was a little boy, I followed him to the bus on his first day in preschool. I   43   the excitement in his hand that held mine when the bus came round the corner. He looked at me —just _ _44    he did now. And then he boarded the bus and   45  . The bus drove away. And I hadn’t     46   a word.
Some ten years later, a similar experience    47  . His mother and I drove him to the university where he was going to   48  . Dan was ill in bed when I wanted to say goodbye.  __49   the words let me down. I only murmured something like “I hope you are   50   , Dan.” Then I turned around and left.
Now I stood in front of him and recalled all the   51    when I hadn’t make use of those opportunities. Why does it have to be so    52    to tell your son what you feel? My mouth was
53   , and I knew I would only say a few words.
“Dan,” I   54   stammered out(结结巴巴地说), “if I had the choice myself, I would have   
55    you.” That was all I could say. It was nothing, and yet it was everything.
36. A.experiment B.experience       C.business    D.knowledge
37. A.neighborhood    B.childhood C.adulthood D.brotherhood
38. A.looked       B.fixed C.glared       D.stared
39. A.gift     B.support     C.skill  D.advice
40. A.walked       B.stood C.sat     D.wondered
41. A.like     B.for    C.at      D.into
42. A.made  B.had   C.let     D.got
43. A.felt     B.knew C.found       D.realized
44. A.when  B.as      C.since D.once
45. A.enjoyed      B.ran    C.left    D.disappeared
46. A.heard  B.said   C.gave  D.left
47. A.took place  B.took on     C.turned out D.turned up
48. A.play    B.visit  C.study D.search
49. A.Luckily      B.Once C.Again       D.Therefore
50. A.stronger     B.happier     C.greater      D.better
51. A.times  B.places       C.days  D.ways
52. A.eager  B.important  C.difficult    D.lovely
53. A.wet     B.dry    C.anxious     D.painful
54. A.directly      B.finally      C.kindly      D.nervously
55. A.loved  B.praised     C.supported  D.chosen

British author JK Rowling was at the release of her latest Harry Potter book called “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” at the Natural History Museum in London, Friday July 20, 2007.
J.K. Rowling has been spotted at cafes in Scotland working on a detective novel, a British newspaper reported Saturday.
The Sunday Times newspaper quoted Ian Rankin, a fellow author and neighbor of Rowling's, as saying the creator of the "Harry Potter" books is turning to crime fiction.
"My wife spotted her writing her Edinburgh criminal detective novel," the newspaper quoted Rankin as telling a reporter at an Edinburgh literary festival.
"It is great that she has not abandoned writing or Edinburgh cafes," said Rankin, who is known for his own police novels set in the historic Scottish city.
Rowling famously wrote initial drafts of the Potter story in the Scottish city's cafes. Back then, she was a struggling single mother who wrote in cafes to save on the heating bill at home.
Now she's Britain's richest woman - worth $1 billion, according to Forbes magazine - and her seven Potter books have sold more than 335 million copies worldwide.
In an interview with The Associated Press last month, Rowling said she believed she was unlikely to repeat the success of the Potter series, but confirmed she had plans to work on new books.
"I'll do exactly what I did with Harry - I'll write what I really want to write," Rowling said.
46 What is JK Rowling famous for?
A. detective novels
B. crime fiction
C. Harry Potter books
D. love stories
47 Which of the following is Not rue about Ian Rankin?
A. He is a writer famous for police novels.
B. Most of the stories in his novels happened in the historic Scottish city.
C. It was Rankin himself who witnessed JK Rowing writing her Edinburgh criminal detective novels.
D. He told the British newspaper The Sunday Times about JK Rowling’s novels.
48 Why did Rowling like to write the “Harry Potter stories” in the cafes?
A. Because she was a romantic woman and the atmosphere in the cafes gave her lots of inspiration.
B. Because she was a single mother at that time and she wanted to find a husband there.
C. Because her children were so naughty at home and she had to go to a quiet place for her writing.
D. Because she thought that writing in a cafes could help her save some money.
49 What can we learn from the passage?
A. The seven Harry Potter series made JK Rowling a success.
B. JK Rowling had made enough money so she decided to stop writing.
C. Rowling planned to write new books because Harry Potter was not exactly what she wanted.
D. Ian Rankin and his wife earned money by telling reporters news about JK Rowling.
50 What is the best title for the passage?
A. Harry Potter and JK Rowing
B. Ian Rankin, A Neighbour of JK Rowling
C. A Successful Woman JK Rowling
D. JK Rowling writing Detective Novels

Everybody likes a winner, and there are always people ready to cheer for a good winner. But who has ever heard a song for the man who comes in second? So this is in praise of the almost winner, the nearly champion(冠军), the next to the biggest, the second best. This is the song of Mister Two.
You hear unflattering(不讨好人的) names for Mister Two. “Alsoran”, they call him, and “runner­up”, names that make you think of a fellow who couldn’t quite make it. Don’t let that fool you. Ask the winner of any race how good a man Mister Two is. He will tell you it’s Mister Two who made him run so fast, Mister Two is always threatening to overtake and pass him.
Ask the salesman who won the contest and what kept him looking for extra order. Ask the directors of the big company why they keep changing their product, seeking the new equipment, the added advantage. What drives them? What keeps them going? It’s the salesman with nearly as many orders. It is the company with the product almost as good. It’s Mister Two.
In this country, we’re proud of the quality of our champions. Our big men come very big. Our fast men run very fast. Our wise men are the wisest and our greatest men are the greatest that a country could hope to be blessed with. And why is that? It is Mister Two that makes the race always open and everybody can run. So this is for you, Mister Two. This is your song. This is for all the days you tried for first, and came in second. It’s for the nights when you wonder if you ought to go on trying, since nobody seems to notice. . .
We notice, Mister Two. We know the score. Winner or not, you’re a natural champion. There couldn’t be a race without you, Mister Two.
48. People usually call Mister Two unflattering names to    him.
A. praise            B. encourage        C. laugh at          D. respect
49. According to the author, Mister Two is mentioned in connection with the following except    .
A. business          B. sports            C. greatness         D. failure
50. It is implied in this story that    .
A. Mister Two is as important as the winner     B. every leader needs someone to help him
C. the second today must be the first tomorrow    D. second place is always praised
51. The person who wins needs to understand that    .
A. winning is everything      B. being Mister Two is wonderful
C. without Mister Two he would do better
D. without strong competition he wouldn’t have worked so hard

Arnold followed Eugie down the slope, stealing, as his brother did, from one stock of wheat to another. Eugie paused before climbing through the wire fence that divided the Wheatfield from the marshy pasture (牧场)around the lake. They were screened from the ducks by the trees along the lake’s edge.
“If  you hit your duck, you want me to go in after it?” Eugie said.
“If you want.” Amold said.
Eugie lowered his eyelids, “You’d drown before you got it, the legs of yours are so weak.” he said contemptuously(轻蔑地).
He shoveled the tub under the fence and, pressing down the center wire, climbed through into the pasture.
Arnold pressed down the bottom wire, pushed a leg through and leaned forward to bring the other leg after. His rifle caught on the wire and he pulled at it. The air was rocked by the sound of the shot. Feeling foolish, he lifted his face, uncovering it to an expected shower of derision (嘲弄)from his brother. But Eugie did not turn around. Instead, from his crouching position, he fell into his knees and then fell forward onto his face. The ducks rose up crying from the lake, cleared the mountain background and beat away northward across the pale sky.
Arnold squatted beside his brother. Eugie seemed to be climbing the earth, as if the earth ran up and down, and when he found he couldn’t scale it he lay still.
Then Arnold saw it, under the rolling hair at the back of the need — a slow rising of bight blood. It had an unpleasant movement, like that of a parasite(寄生虫).
“Hey, Eugie, ” he said again. He was feeling the same discomfort he had felt when he had watched Eugie sleeping; his brother didn’t know that he was lying face down in the pasture.
Again he said, “Hey, Eugie,” an anxious push in his voice. But Eugie was as still as the morning about them.
72.What does the underlined word “screened” in Para 1 probably mean?
A.Separated.          B.Stopped.      C.Dragged.      D.Hidden.
73.According to the passage, we know that       .
A.Eugie always laughed at Arnold
B.Eugie would help Arnold hit the ducks
C.Arnold begged Eugie to go in after the ducks
D.Eugie was worried that Arnold might drown
74.Why did Eugie lie still?
A.Arnold shot him intentionally.       B.Arnold killed him accidentally.
C.He pretended to be unconscious.     D.He was ready to shoot some ducks.
75.It can be inferred from the passage that         .
A.the relationship between Arnold and Euie was not so good
B.Arnold followed Eugie approaching the lake to steal ducks
C.they were crouching forward to steal the wheat
D.Eugie was always taking care of Arnold

Failure is probably the most fatiguing (令人疲劳的)experience a person ever has. There is nothing more tiring than not succeeding, being blocked, not moving ahead. It is an evil circle. Failure causes fatigue, and fatigue makes it harder to get to work, which adds to the fatigue.
We experience this tiredness in two main ways: start-up fatigue and performance fatigue. In the former case, we keep putting off a task that we are forced to take up. Either because it is too boring or because it is too difficult, we avoid it. And the longer we put it off, the more tired we feel.
Such start-up fatigue is very real, even not actually physical, not something in our muscles and bones. The remedy (治疗法) is obvious, though perhaps not easy to apply: willpower exercise. The moment I find myself turning away from a job, or putting it under a pile of things I have to do, I clear my desk of everything else and attack the difficult item first. To prevent start-up fatigue, always treat the most difficult job first.
Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle. Here we are willing to get started, but we can't seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear to be insurmountable and however hard we work, we fail again and again. The mounting experience of failure carries with it an ever-increasing burden of mental fatigue. In such a situation, I work as hard as I can, then let the unconsciousness take over.
72.. Which of the following can be called an evil circle?
??   A. Success-zeal-success-zeal.
??   B. Failure-tiredness-failure-tiredness.
??   C. Failure-zeal-failure-tiredness.
??   D. Success-tiredness-success-tiredness.
73.. According to the passage , when keeping putting off a task, we can experience _______.
??   A. tiredness    B. performance fatigue   C. start-up fatigue   D. unconsciousness
74.To overcome start-up fatigue, we need ________ .
??   A. toughness   B. prevention           C. muscles        D. strong willpower
75.. The underlined word "insurmountable" in the last paragraph probably means ________ .
??   A. that can not be overcome             B. that are known
??   C. that can not be imagined               D. that can not be objected
MONTREAL--He may be the world’s richest man, but that didn’t prevent Bill Gates from falling for an April Fool’s day joke by two Quebec radio comics (喜剧演员) pretending to be Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien.
Montreal French-language station CKMF--FM said last Wednesday that staffers (工作人员) Marcantoine Audet and Sebastien Trudel had a 10-minute telephone chat with Microsoft Corp boss Gates on April 1.
The broadcast was aired on their nightly show last Tuesday and repeated last Wednesday.
“We were happy. We had been calling Microsoft persistently (坚持不懈地) for four weeks,” Trudel said.
Trudel said he and his colleague had already fooled Canadian pop singer Celine Dion and Formula One (一级方程赛车) driver Jacques Villeneuve on their show.
“This time, we wanted to give ourselves a challenge with somebody more difficult to reach,” Ttudel said.
He said he was surprised that Gates’s assistants did not check to see if it was really the prime minister’s office on the line.
Trudel said they imitated (模仿) Chretien’s heavily accented English, talking about the economy, asking about Microsoft’s Windows operating system and inviting the multibillionaire to visit a well-known Montreal strip joint (运动服合资企业).
The radio host said that Gates was not amused by the fake interview.
“He did not seem angry but he did not find it so funny,” the comic said.
小题1:Bill Gates was fooled mainly because ______.
A.his assistants were not careful enough
B.the Canadian Prime Minister helped the two comics
C.the two comics imitated the Canadian Prime Minister so well
D.it was April Fool’s Day
小题2:We can conclude from the passage that the two comics ______.
A.liked to fool famous people on their show 
B.thought that Gates was not a great challenge to them
C.had a good knowledge of Bill Gates and his Windows operating system
D.were not quite satisfied with their tricks
小题3:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.Gates ‘April Fooled’B.Two Comics and Their Tricks
C.Two comics and Their ShowD.A Fake Interview
The first time I saw Carlos I would never have believed he was going to change my life. I had my arms full of books and I was tearing into the classroom when 1 ran into something solid. It was Carlos.
“My God, you’re tall,” he said.
Of course, the class began to laugh. Angry. I walked to my seat without a word.
I glanced back to see if Reed Harrington was laughing with the rest. That would be the last straw. But Reed was studying chemistry and did not seem to be aware of anything else. I didn’t know why I considered Reed my friend. Maybe just because he was a good two inches taller than I. Anyway, every time I blew out my birthday candles and made a wish, it was for a date with Reed Harrington.
“Take that seat,” Mr. McCarthy told the cocky newcomer Carlos,pointing to the only empty one,in the back of the room.
Carlos grinned,“But I need a couple of dictionaries.”Again the class laughed, but now they were laughing with Carlos,not at him. He had been here only 10 minutes and already he had them on his side.
It was the school elections that made me think of Carlos again. Reed Harrington was voted president and Carlos vice-president. “How come?”I kept asking myself,“How come this shrimp who’s only been in town for a little over a month gets to be so popular?”
So that morning,I stopped Carlos and said,“It doesn’t seem to bother you — being short.”He looked up at me , “Of course I mind being short. But there isn’t anything I can do about it. When I realized I was going to have to spend my life in this undersized skin,I just decided to make the best of it and concentrate on being myself.” “You seem to get along great,”I admitted, “But what about me? Nobody wants to date a girl taller than he is.” “The trouble with you is you’re afraid to be yourself. You’re smart. And you could be pretty. In fact, you might be more than pretty.” I felt myself turning red…
56.The author was angry because ________.
A.the class made fun of her                                                B.Carlos was too rude to her
C.she had to carry many books                                          D.Reed Harrington didn’t date her
57.Which of the following about Carlos is NOT TRUE?
A.He was popular.                                                                 B.He was new in the school.
C.He was shorter than the author.                                   D.He was chosen president in the school elections.
58.We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.Carlos and the author have become good friends
B.the author will be more confident
C.Carlos always encouraged the author
D.the author was tall
59.What’s the best title of the passage?
A.How to be popular                                                             B.A tall girl
C.Be yourself                                                                          D.Something about Carlos

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