
Failure is probably the most fatiguing (令人疲劳的)experience a person ever has. There is nothing more tiring than not succeeding, being blocked, not moving ahead. It is an evil circle. Failure causes fatigue, and fatigue makes it harder to get to work, which adds to the fatigue.
We experience this tiredness in two main ways: start-up fatigue and performance fatigue. In the former case, we keep putting off a task that we are forced to take up. Either because it is too boring or because it is too difficult, we avoid it. And the longer we put it off, the more tired we feel.
Such start-up fatigue is very real, even not actually physical, not something in our muscles and bones. The remedy (治疗法) is obvious, though perhaps not easy to apply: willpower exercise. The moment I find myself turning away from a job, or putting it under a pile of things I have to do, I clear my desk of everything else and attack the difficult item first. To prevent start-up fatigue, always treat the most difficult job first.
Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle. Here we are willing to get started, but we can't seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear to be insurmountable and however hard we work, we fail again and again. The mounting experience of failure carries with it an ever-increasing burden of mental fatigue. In such a situation, I work as hard as I can, then let the unconsciousness take over.
72.. Which of the following can be called an evil circle?
??   A. Success-zeal-success-zeal.
??   B. Failure-tiredness-failure-tiredness.
??   C. Failure-zeal-failure-tiredness.
??   D. Success-tiredness-success-tiredness.
73.. According to the passage , when keeping putting off a task, we can experience _______.
??   A. tiredness    B. performance fatigue   C. start-up fatigue   D. unconsciousness
74.To overcome start-up fatigue, we need ________ .
??   A. toughness   B. prevention           C. muscles        D. strong willpower
75.. The underlined word "insurmountable" in the last paragraph probably means ________ .
??   A. that can not be overcome             B. that are known
??   C. that can not be imagined               D. that can not be objected

第三节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
“How did you do it, Dad? How have you  21 not to take a drink for almost 20 years?” It took me almost 20 years to have the  22 to even ask my father this very 23 question.
When Dad first 24 drinking, the whole family was on pins and needles  25 he got into a situation that, in the past, would have started him drinking again. For a few years we were   26 to bring it up for fear that the drinking would begin again.
“I had this little 27 that I would recite to myself 28 four to five times a day” was Dad’s 29 to my 18 – year – old unasked question. “The 30 were an instant relief and constant reminder to me that things were never so 31 that I could not handle them,” Dad said. And then he 32 the poem with me. The poem’s simple, yet profound (深奥的) words  33 became part of my daily routine as well.
About a month after this talk with my father, I 34 a gift in the mail from a friend of mine. It was a book of affirmations(断言)with one affirmation listed for each 35 of the year.
I 36 opened the book to the page of my birthday to see what words of wisdom this book had in store for me. 37 of disbelief and appreciation rolled down my face. There, on my birthday, was the 38 poem that had helped my 39 for all these years! It is called The Serenity Prayer.
God, give me the Serenity (平静)to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to 40 the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.
21.  A. failed       B. succeeded        C. managed          D. tried
22.  A. courage      B. ability         C. wisdom           D. confidence
23.  A. interesting  B. personal         C. hard              D. unanswered
24.  A. started       B. enjoyed          C. minded           D. stopped
25.  A. every time    B. all time        C. next time         D. last time
26.  A. anxious       B. glad            C. afraid            D. eager
27.  A. book         B. passage          C. poem            D. list
28.  A. at least      B. at most          C. at first          D. at last
29.  A. comment      B. praise           C. contribution      D. reply
30.  A. words        B. phrases          C. letters           D. sentences
31.  A. strange       B. different       C. simple            D. tough
32.  A. shared       B. talked           C. read              D. impressed
33.  A. surprisingly  B. immediately      C. increasingly      D. regularly
34.  A. brought      B. bought           C. received         D. accepted
35.  A. hour         B. week             C. month            D. day
36.  A. easily       B. hurriedly        C. sadly             D. peacefully
37.  A. Tears        B. Smiles           C. Sweat            D. Satisfaction
38.  A. correct      B. impossible       C. original          D. exact
39.  A. mother       B. father           C. friend            D. classmate
40. A. believe      B. benefit          C. change           D. do

We often talk about ourselves as if we have permanent genetic defects (缺陷) that can never be changed.“I’m impatient.” “I’m always behind.” “I always put things   36  !” You’ve surely heard them.Maybe you’ve used them to describe   37 .
These comments may come from stories about us that have been   38   for years—often from   39  childhood.These stories may have no   40   in fact.But they can set low expectations for us.As a child, my mother said to me, “Marshall, you have no mechanical (操作机械的) skills, and you will never have any mechanical skills for the rest of your life.” How did these expectations   41   my development? I was never   42   to work on cars or be around  43 .When I was 18, I took the US Army’s Mechanical Aptitude Test.My scores were in the bottom for the entire nation!
Six years later,   44  , I was at California University, working on my doctor’s degree.One of my professors, Dr.Bob Tannbaum, asked me to write down things I did well and things I couldn’t do.On the positive side, I   45    down, “research, writing, analysis, and speaking.” On the   46   side, I wrote, “I have no mechanical skills.”
Bob asked me how I knew I had no mechanical skills.I explained my life   47   and told him about my   48  performance on the Army test.Bob then asked, “  49   is it that you can solve  50   mathematical problems, but you can’t solve simple mechanical problems?”
Suddenly I realized that I didn’t   51   from some sort of genetic defect.I was just living out expectations that I had chosen to   52 .At that point, it wasn’t just my family and friends who had been   53   my belief that I was mechanically hopeless.And it wasn’t just the Army test, either.I was the one who kept telling myself, “You can’t do this!” I realized that as long as I kept saying that, it was going to remain true.  54   , if we don’t treat ourselves as if we have incurable genetic defects, we can do well in almost   55   we choose.
36.A.away       B.off    C.up    D.down
37.A.them B.myself      C.yourself    D.others
38.A.said   B.spoken      C.spread      D.repeated
39.A.as long as B.as far back as   C.as well as  D.as much as
40.A.basis B.plot   C.cause D.meaning
41.A.lead  B.improve    C.affect       D.change
42.A.encouraged     B.demanded C.hoped       D.agreed
43.A.means      B.tools  C.facilities   D.hammers
44.A.therefore  B.somehow  C.instead      D.however
45.A.settled      B.turned      C.took  D.got
46.A.passive     B.active       C.negative    D.subjective
47.A.experiences      B.trips  C.roads D.paths
48.A.unexpected      B.poor  C.excellent   D.average
49.A.When      B.What C.How        D.Why
50.A.complex   B.advanced  C.common D.primary
51.A.arise  B.separate    C.suffer       D.come
52.A.believe     B.suspect     C.adopt D.receive
53.A.weakening       B.strengthening   C.abandoning      D.accepting
54.A.As a result       B.At the same time     C.In addition       D.On the contrary
55.A.anything B.something C.nothing     D.all

Robby was 11 when his mother dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer students to begin at an earlier age. Robby insisted that it had always been his mother’s dream to hear him play the piano, so I took him on as a student.
Robby tried and tried while I listened and encouraged him and gave him more instructions. But he just did not have any inborn ability.
I only saw his mother from a distance. She always waved and smiled but never came in.  Then one day Robby stopped coming to our lessons. I thought about calling him but I guessed he had decided to try something else.
I was also glad that he stopped coming for the sake of my career. However, several weeks before the recital (演奏会) of my students, Robby came,telling me that he never stopped practicing and begged me to allow him to take part in. I agreed, but I made him perform last in the program, so I could save his poor performance through my “curtain closer”.
I was surprised when he announced that he had chosen one piece of Mozart’s. Never had I heard a piece of Mozart’s played so well by someone at his age. When he finished, everyone was cheering.
I ran up and put my arms around Robby in joy. “I’ve never heard you play like that, Robby!  How could you do it?”
“Well, Miss Hondorf. Do you remember I told you my mom was sick? Actually she died this morning. She was born deaf, so tonight was the first time she could hear me play in heaven. I wanted to make it special. I knew I could.”
That night, Robby was the teacher and I was the student. He taught me so many important things about life.
36. Why did Robby stop coming to piano lessons suddenly?
A. He lost heart and believed that he would never make it.
B. His mother might had been seriously ill.
C. He thought that his teacher disliked him.
D. His mother died and he didn’t need to play any longer.
37. We can know from the passage that ________.
A. the writer thought that students shouldn’t begin playing the piano too early
B. the writer thought that Robby had given up his piano lessons
C. only by practicing at home did Robby learn to play well
D. no one else could play the piece of Mozart’s as well as Robby
38. The writer made Robby perform last because ______.
A. the one who performs last always performs very well
B. Robby asked the writer to do so
C. she wanted to do something to save a poor performance
D. Robby thought his mother would come at last

SYDNEY (AFP) — Thousands of people sat down to breakfast on the Sydney Harbor Bridge on Sunday after the bridge was closed to traffic and carpeted with grass for the first time for a giant picnic.
About 6,000 early riser were on the steel bridge from 6:30 am to take part in the two-hour event designed to show Sydney’s best food and outdoor lifestyle.
As music performers provided the background music, those who had won tickets to the picnic in a random lottery (随机抽奖) began to feast on fruit, pastries, muesli, yoghurt ...
“It’s amazing to see the bridge in this perspective (角度),” said Don Fuchs who lives near the bridge, which is used by about 100,000 cars daily.
“Usually you sit in the car, you cross it, and that’s it.”
“It was beautiful,” said Linda Curnow who attended the picnic with her family. “The grass was so thick that it was like being in your backyard.”
New South Wales state Premier Nathan said the event was set to become a mark of an annual Sydney’s month-long October food festival.
About 45,000 people applied for tickets to the breakfast for which people brought their own food but were able to taste samples from some of the state’s best producers.
Organizers used about 40 percent of the grass on Sydney parks. The bridge reopened at about 1:00 pm.
64. What made Linda Curnow feel as if she were in her own backyard?
A. There being no cars passing by.
B. So much food offered by Australian producers.
C. So many people dining at the same time.
D. The thick grass covering the bridge.
65. Why was the event planned?
A. To mark the Sydney food festival.              B. To attract more tourists to Sydney.
C. To promote the Australian life.                   D. To display the world’s best food.
66. We learn from the passage that _____.
A. the giant picnic is organized in a park in Sydney
B. the grass from Sydney parks was moved to the bridge
C. the Sydney Harbour Bridge was open to traffic all day
D. those who had won tickets to the picnic didn’t eat breakfast
67. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Welcome to Sydney 
B. October — Sydney’s art festival
C. Thousands eat breakfast on Sydney Harbour bridge
D. What is the feature of Sydney?

Watson entered Mr Smith’s office. The Boss was a hard man. He fired people who didn’t do well without giving them a second chance.
“Watson,” said Mr Smith, “this past year your department hasn’t earned money. We’re going to drop that department. It’s finished. I’ m sorry, —but you’ll have to go.” “But, sir—if I just had a little more time. For the moment I need the job to keep my son at Riverside School.”
“What’s that!” said the Boss. “Riverside! I didn’t know you had a boy there. That’s an expensive school for a man with your salary.”
“1 know, sir. But he likes it there so much! He’s a star trackman(田径运动员) and the best boxer in the school. The boys call him Champ(冠军) there.”
The Boss sat perfectly still for a long time—a faraway (恍惚的) look in his eyes. Then, suddenly, he said, “We’ve got to close your department, Watson. But you’ll take over a new job in another department. It means longer hours—maybe more pay. Now get out. You’re here for life.”
Watson got out, with surprise in his face. Then the Boss took a letter from the top drawer of his desk. It was Herbie’s last letter from Riverside School —written a few days before he died. He had read it over and over again with sick pain. The letter read:
I can’t say the boys here are any nicer to me than the others were. I guess it’s the same everywhere when you’re a cripple (跛脚的人). But don’t worry about me, Dad. They’ve got a good chemistry department here. And there’s one boy here who is really great. He’s a track star and boxing champ and just tops in chemistry. The boys call him Champ. He made them stop throwing my books around. And he knocked a boy down who hit me. He is the best friend I ever had. Dad, when I grow up, I want to do something for Champ. Something big—that he won’t even know about.
Your son,
56. The underlined word “drop” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ________.
A. fall                   B. close                        C. punish                      D. sell
57. It can be inferred from the text that Champ is_______.
A. Watson’ s son                                       B. Mr Smith’ s son
C. a teacher of Mr Smith’s son                           D. the son of Mr Smith’s friend
58. From the text we know that Herbie_______.
A. was a college student                    B. didn’t live to grow up
C. made friends with many boys                 D. died from a car accident
59. Watson was given a second chance because_______.
A. Mr Smith wanted to help Watson’s son
B. a man was needed in another department
C. Herbie told Mr Smith to do so in his letter
D. Mr Smith wanted to realize his son’s dream
Win a trip to the OREGON COAST-Dare to Explore the Pacific Ocean. Build the biggest sand castle on the beach. Search tide pools for sea life. Watch the bright orange sunset over the ocean. Whether you’ve been to the Pacific Ocean before or have only closed your eyes and imagined it, we want to know how you would explore the Oregon Coast if you had the chance to go this summer.
1. Clear relationship between the Essay and the Drawing 40%
2. Creativity and skill in design and form of the Drawing 40%
3. Expression of the passion to draw and explore 10%
4. Journalistic quality, tidy nature and overall quality of the Essay 10%
By entering, you will have the chance to win an all expense paid trip to the ORECON COAST. Activities will include: kite flying, studying beautiful sea creatures, searching for sea life in a boat, science exploration at a science center and roasting over a beach campfire.
Who may enter: The competition is 0pen to kids aged 6 - 14.
TERM :  Entries(参赛作品) must be postmarked no later than July 31 ,2009.
How to enter
Surf travelogue. com/kids to download and print out an entry form.
Be sure to mark whether you have or have not been to the Pacific Ocean in山e form. Create a drawing of the Pacific Ocean on a piece of paper using a pen or paints.
Write an article of 100 words or less to explain why you want to go, what you think you would see and what you would explore if you have never been to the Pacific Ocean, or describe your favorite memories from your last visit.
Send to Dare to Explore the Pacific Ocean. NG1145 14th street NW. Washington D. C. 20036
72. What is the most important for the judging?
A. Whether your article is written in a neat way. 
B. The article and the drawing should be closely related.
C.Whether you show your passion to draw and explore
D. The skill in your drawing the map of the AtlanticOcean.
73. If you win the competition, you may____
A. fly a kite on the beach          B. search the beach for sea plants
C. roast the sea creatures over a beach campfire 
D. win an all expense paid trip to Washington D. C.
74. What information can you get from the passage?
A. Your article should be 8t least 100 words.
B. Every kid can rake part in the competition.
C. You must send the drawing before June 31, 2009.
D. Your entry form should be downloaded and printed out.
75. You can most probably read the passage in ________ .         .
A.a textbook B.a travel guide     C.a newspaper D.a research book

Liam Fitzptrick
Liam Fitzptrick was born in Hong Kong and educated at Christ Church, Oxford, graduating with a First in Modern History. He wrote for several regional and international publications before joining Time in 2003. he edits Global Adviser for Time Asia, and is also Time Asia’s senior writer. Liam is married with two daughters and lives in Hong Kong’s New Territories.
Ling Woo Liu
Ling Woo Liu grew up in California, where she was a self—employed writer for Asian—American print and broadcast media. She worked as a television reporter in Beijing and California before earning graduate degrees in Journalism and Asian Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. In 2006, Ling moved to Hong Kong to report for Time Asia.
Bill Powell
Prior to his current post, a senior writer for Time in Shanghai, Bill Powell was Chief International correspondent for Fortune based in Beijing and then New York. He also served as Newsweek bureau chief in Moscow, Berlin and Tokyo. Bill is married to Shanghai native Junling Cui. They have one daughter and live in a house they recently purchased in suburban(郊区)Shanghai.
Austin Ramzy
Austin Ramzy grew up in Iowa. In 1996 he studied Mandarin in Harbin, China, and graduated from Middlebury College with a degree in Asian Studies in 1997. after working as a newspaper reporter in Washington state, he completed journalism school at the university of California, Berkeley has been a reporter for Time Asia in Hong Kong since 2003.
1.The passage is mainly written to ____________.
A. advertise Time Asia       B. introduce the publishers of Time Asia
C. introduce the development of Time Asia  
D. introduce some of the authors and writes of Time Asia
2.It’s ___________ who majored in History but worked as a writer.
A. Bill Powell    B. Liam Fitzpatrick   C. Ling Woo Liu    D. Austin Ramzy
3.It’s clear that __________ graduated from the same school.
A. Liam Fitzpatrick and Ling Woo Liu     B. Bill Powell and Austin Ramzy
C. Ling Woo Liu and Austin Ramzy      D. Liam Fitzpatrick and Bill Powell
4.Which is TURE about Bill Powell?
A. He lives in Hong Kong with his family   B. He is Time Asia’s senior writer
C. He once studied Mandarin in Northeast China
D. He once worked for Newsweek bureau in New York

II. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-35各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
You need to know when the events of a text take place. This will help you to see the __21__ of the text — the reason things happen in a certain order. Some texts   22   a period of many years, like Wuthering Heights. Others go through a __23__ period of time — many poems try to capture one moment in time. Narrators (讲述者) can be immediate eyewitness, or they may be __24     the past. Some texts present two views of events: an eyewitness version, and a second version, __25__ on the same events much later. This happens in Great Expectations, where the narrator, Pip, sometimes speaks and acts like a __26__, and sometimes like a mature adult. Look out for the __27__ that the events fit together, and how they are caused. This is called the plot—the story of the text. Action in a text is either__28__, or happens by chance. Take notes on how the action is described, eg. if the tone is angry or __29__ . Try to work out how the language of the passage is being used to create the tone, the characters and the descriptions. You should also ask why the text has been written in the way it has — your notes on who, what, when, where and how will help you to    30    your own conclusions.
21. A. structure                    B. content                     C. character                  D. substance
22. A. contain               B. discover                C. cover                         D. hold
23. A. hard                         B. difficult                   C. long                        D. short
24. A. looking forward to      B. looking out for     C. looking back on       D. looking after
25. A. relaying                    B. including             C. writing                  D. reflecting
26. A. boy                         B. child                     C. girl                         D. student
27. A. way                          B. time                        C. place                   D. action
28. A. accurate                    B. considerate              C. desperate             D. deliberate
29. A. wonderful                  B. joyful                      C. thankful                   D. painful
30. A. hit                     B. come                   C. draw                 D. find

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