
6.After the death of her mother,the girl was sold to a rich man just in the neighboring area,from   _______ house she tried to escape twice.(  )

分析 在她母亲死后,这个女孩被卖到了附近的一个富有的男人家中.在他的家中,女孩两次尝试逃跑.

解答 答案:C 考查非限制性定语从句.分析句子结构可知这是一个非限制性定语从句,要用连词连接,排除B项,先行词a rich man在从句中作house的定语,且指人,排除A、D项,用关系代词whose.故选C.

点评 考查定语从句,要搞清楚句子成分,找出从句的先行词及从句与先行词之间的逻辑关系,把主句与从句分别翻译出来,然后依照逻辑关系把句子衔接起来.引导定语从句的关系代词有who,whom,whose,which,that等和关系副词where,when,why等,关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中担任句子成分.如果该从句中缺少主语、表语、宾语或定语,就要用关系代词来连接从句;如果从句中缺少状语,就得用关系副词来连接从句.

16.The Wake-up Call
"What's that?"my ten-year-old daughter,Genie,asked.She'd caught me laughing at a piece of mail I'd just opened."Wake-up service; 2.50 per call."At the bottom was a phone number and a drawing of a rotary phone,like the one my great-aunt Sara had owned 40 years ago."Is that mail funny?"Genie asked.
"Not really,"I admitted."It's just outdated."
"What's a wake-up call?"She frowned.I explained how,before smart-phones,people sometimes paid someone to wake them with a call.
"Who sent this flyer?"she pressed.
"Probably someone older,"I said,"and could use some money."
Her eyes lit up."Can we order a wake-up?"she asked.
"We don't need it."I picked it up and headed for the recycling bin.
"Wait!"she shrieked.
"I feel sorry for the wake-up man,if he needs some money,"she said,tearing up."Can't we order?"
I looked at the flyer with its drawing of a rotary phone.I remembered,again,my great-aunt Sara and her rotary phone.As a kid,I'd visited her over Labor Day,when Jerry Lewis would host his charity event for the disabled kids.Aunt Sara would squeeze my hand,then reach for the rotary phone,dialing the number on the screen.Holding the receiver between us,we'd announce to the operator,"We'd like to help those kids."
Now here was my own child,showing the same big heart I'd once been encouraged to have,and how could I ignore her?I Googled the flyer's return address.The address belonged to a man called Raymond.He was in his mid-60s.We called him and,holding the receiver between us,the way Aunt Sara and I used to,told him we needed his services."Great!"Raymond said in a shaky but friendly voice,clearly amazed at receiving an order from a child.When I asked how to pay the 2.50,he answered,"Mail a check."
Genie was happy all week.Friday night,I put the phone by her pillow so she could answer Raymond's call.She bounded to my bedroom to tell me all about how he'd wished her a good morning and told her to have a great day,which she did.
Technology has made some things outdated.But there are still other things the world will always require.In the rush and hustle of my daily life,I'd temporarily forgotten that.I guess I just needed a wake-up call.
59.The author laughed at the mail becauseD.
A.it was printed roughly
B.the drawing in it was poor
C.the wake-up call cost too much
D.the service it offered was outdated
60.What did the author want to do with the flyer at first?A
A.Throw it away.
B.Let Genie read it.
C.Find out who sent it.
D.Keep it away from Genie.
61.What made the author finally decide to order a wake-up call?A
A.Her own childhood experience.
B.The less fortunate wake-up man.
C.Genie's curiosity about the service.
D.The information she found on Google.
62.What might"other things"in the last paragraph refer to?D
A.Bravery and curiosity.
B.Confidence and patience.
C.Honesty and humor.
D.Generosity and kindness.
61.What can we infer from the conversation between the woman and the recorder at the beginning of the passage?C
A.The woman felt ashamed to admit what her job was.
B.The recorder was impatient and rude.
C.Motherhood was not recognized and respected as a job by society.
D.The author was upset about the situation that mothers faced.
62.How did the female clerk feel at first when the author told her occupation?A
63.How did the author feel when describing her job to the clerk?B
64.Why did the woman clerk show more respect for the author?D
A.Because the author cared little about rewards.
B.Because she admired the author's research work in the lab.
C.Because the author did something she had little knowledge of.
D.Because she thought the author did admirable work.
65.What is the author's purpose of writing the passage?A
A.To show that motherhood is a worthy career and deserves respect.
B.To show how you describe your job affects your feelings toward it.
C.To show that the author had a grander job than Emily.
D.To show that being a mother is hard and boring work.
1.The African elephant,the largest land animal remaining on earth,is of great importance to African ecosystem(生态系统).Unlike other animals,the African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment.As a big plant-eater,it largely shapes the forest-and-savanna(大草原)surroundings in which it lives,therefore setting the terms of existence for millions of other animals that live in its habitat(栖息地).
It is the elephant's great desire for food that makes it a disturber of the environment and an important builder of its habitat.In its continuous search for the 300pounds of plants it must have every day,it kills small trees and underbushes,and pulls branches off big trees.This results in numerous open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas.In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attract a variety of other plant-eaters.
Take the rain forests for example.In their natural state,the spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor.By pulling down trees and eating plants,elephants make open spaces,allowing new plants to grow on the forest floor.In such situations,the forests become suitable for large hoofed plant-eaters to move around and for small plant-eaters to get their food as well.
What worries scientists now is that the African elephant has become an endangered species.If the elephant disappears,scientists say,many other animals will also disappear from vast areas of forest and savanna,greatly changing and worsening the whole ecosystem.
59.What is the passage mainly about?C
A.Disappearance of African elephants.
B.Forests and savannas as habitats for African elephants.
C.The effect of African elephants'search for food.
D.The eating habit of African elephants.
60.What does the underlined phrase"setting the terms"most probably mean?D
A.Fixing the time.
B.Worsening the state.
C.Improving the quality.
D.Deciding the conditions.
61.What do we know about the open spaces in the passage?D
A.They result from the destruction of rain forests.
B.They provide food mainly for African elephants.
C.They are home to many endangered animals.
D.They are attractive to plant-eating animals of different kinds.
62.The passage is developed mainly byA.
A.showing the effect and then explaining the causes
B.pointing out similarities and differences
C.describing the changes in space order
D.giving examples.
The Appleton Club is the focal point of undergraduate ministry in The Memorial Church.The Appleton Club provides a safe,inclusive,and welcoming space for undergraduates to grow and develop as faithful Christians as they grow and develop as intellectuals and professionals.We focus on building community through worship,study,and service,as well as through social gatherings and outings.All are welcome!
For details on all the activities of The Appleton Club,or to be added to our e-mail list,contact Epps Fellow Nathaniel Katz at nathaniel_katz@harvard.edu or 617-496-1426.You can also visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/memorialc Our life together is centered around three weekly gatherings:
Sunday Night Student Service
9:00p.m.,Appleton Chapel
Every Sunday night we gather for a"come as you are"worship service that includes the celebration of Holy Communion.The service is designed to provide a peaceful and contemplative space to find peace and encounter the divine at the start of the week.Following the service,we gather downstairs in the Buttrick Room for food and some social time together.
Wednesday Night Discussion Group
9:00p.m.,Sparks House,21Kirkland Street,Cambridge
Throughout the academic year we will come together during the middle of the week to read and discuss the works of the late Reverend Professor Peter J.Gomes.This spring we will continue discussing his best-selling book The Good Book:Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart as an entry point to conversations about what scripture is,what it isn't,and what it means for our lives as faithful contemporary Christians of the 21st century.Food will be provided.
Friday Afternoon Social Gatherings
4:00p.m.,Sparks House,21Kirkland Street,Cambridge
Every Friday afternoon we gather as a community to check in and wind down from the busy week.This is our time to plan special events,service trips,and retreats,as well as a safe place to ask those burning questions about faith,theology,and scripture that you've always wanted to know about but have been afraid to ask.
56.If you want to know some activities of The Appleton Club,there are at leastB ways.
57.From three weekly gatherings,which activity is not included?D
A.Every Sunday night we hold the celebration of Holy Communion.
B.On Wednesday night of this spring we will discuss The Good Book.
C.Every Friday afternoon you can ask what you have been afraid to ask.
D.You can enjoy delicious food after gathering each time.
15.Have you ever lost your car on a parking lot?It happens.You park and go shopping.When you get back,you fail to find your car.Then you press the button on your car keys so the alarm goes off.It can be frustrating,especially on a hot,sunny day.No,you don't need to install(安装) an expensive GPS system to keep track of your car.That's too expensive.But is there a way to track your car without spending money?Yes,now there is!
A California-based startup company was able to make this a reality.They created a small device(装置) that works with your smartphone,and it could be exactly what you're looking for!
What is it?
It's called TrackR.It is a state-of-the-art tracking device the size of a quarter.It's changing the way we keep track of the important things in our lives.
How Does it Work?
It's easy!Install the free TrackR app on your smartphone,connect the app to your device and you're ready to go!Simply attach TrackR to whatever you want to keep track of.It only takes 5 minutes or less.You can attach it to your keys,briefcase,wallet,and anything else you don't want to lose.Then use the TrackR app to locate your missing belongings in seconds.Forget expensive GPS systems or tracking services.TrackR is your VIP when you need to take cars of more important things in life.
How Much is This Thing Going To Cost Me?
You're probably thinking that this device is very expensive…False!TrackR only costs $29!That's a small price to pay for peace of mind,isn't it?
Where can I buy one?
You can buy it directly from the company's website.They ship worldwide and you'll receive your TrackR within a week.
19.TrackR can be used toC.
A.replace GPS system
B.save money and time
C.find missing belongings
D.connect the app with the phone
20.From the passage we know TrackR isB.
A.hard to install
B.available online
C.free of charge
D.big in size
21.What is the writhing purpose of the passage?D
A.To show how TrackR words
B.To make TrackR well-known
C.To introduce the usage of TrackR
D.To persuade readers to buy TrackR.
16.All through history,people from different countries and cultures have lived together in Britain.English is made (61)up of both grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain.That is why English has so many (62)confusing (confuse)rules.
Before the middle of the 5th century,people in Britain all spoke Celtic.Then two Germanic groups from the European mainland--the Angles and the Saxons (63)occupied (occupy) Britain.Old English,(64).which is very different from the English we speak nowadays,consisted of a mixture of their languages.
Middle English was used from around the 12th to the 15th century.Many things,(65)especially (especial) the Norman Conquest,contributed to the development of this new type of English.After the Norman Conquest,high-class people spoke French (66)while common people spoke English.In 1399,HenryⅣbecame king of England,and he used English for all official events.
Modern English appeared during the Renaissance in the 16th century.It went through huge (67)changes (change) during this period.However,this was not the end of the changes in (68)the English language.It is certain (69)that this process will continue.The question of whether English will keep changing in the future is easy (70)to answer(answer).

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