
16.The Wake-up Call
"What's that?"my ten-year-old daughter,Genie,asked.She'd caught me laughing at a piece of mail I'd just opened."Wake-up service; 2.50 per call."At the bottom was a phone number and a drawing of a rotary phone,like the one my great-aunt Sara had owned 40 years ago."Is that mail funny?"Genie asked.
"Not really,"I admitted."It's just outdated."
"What's a wake-up call?"She frowned.I explained how,before smart-phones,people sometimes paid someone to wake them with a call.
"Who sent this flyer?"she pressed.
"Probably someone older,"I said,"and could use some money."
Her eyes lit up."Can we order a wake-up?"she asked.
"We don't need it."I picked it up and headed for the recycling bin.
"Wait!"she shrieked.
"I feel sorry for the wake-up man,if he needs some money,"she said,tearing up."Can't we order?"
I looked at the flyer with its drawing of a rotary phone.I remembered,again,my great-aunt Sara and her rotary phone.As a kid,I'd visited her over Labor Day,when Jerry Lewis would host his charity event for the disabled kids.Aunt Sara would squeeze my hand,then reach for the rotary phone,dialing the number on the screen.Holding the receiver between us,we'd announce to the operator,"We'd like to help those kids."
Now here was my own child,showing the same big heart I'd once been encouraged to have,and how could I ignore her?I Googled the flyer's return address.The address belonged to a man called Raymond.He was in his mid-60s.We called him and,holding the receiver between us,the way Aunt Sara and I used to,told him we needed his services."Great!"Raymond said in a shaky but friendly voice,clearly amazed at receiving an order from a child.When I asked how to pay the 2.50,he answered,"Mail a check."
Genie was happy all week.Friday night,I put the phone by her pillow so she could answer Raymond's call.She bounded to my bedroom to tell me all about how he'd wished her a good morning and told her to have a great day,which she did.
Technology has made some things outdated.But there are still other things the world will always require.In the rush and hustle of my daily life,I'd temporarily forgotten that.I guess I just needed a wake-up call.
59.The author laughed at the mail becauseD.
A.it was printed roughly
B.the drawing in it was poor
C.the wake-up call cost too much
D.the service it offered was outdated
60.What did the author want to do with the flyer at first?A
A.Throw it away.
B.Let Genie read it.
C.Find out who sent it.
D.Keep it away from Genie.
61.What made the author finally decide to order a wake-up call?A
A.Her own childhood experience.
B.The less fortunate wake-up man.
C.Genie's curiosity about the service.
D.The information she found on Google.
62.What might"other things"in the last paragraph refer to?D
A.Bravery and curiosity.
B.Confidence and patience.
C.Honesty and humor.
D.Generosity and kindness.

分析 本文讲述女儿想订购电话叫醒服务,我认为没有必要,我回忆自己小时的经历同意的女儿的要求,在科学技术进步的今天,善良的心仍然是我们所需要的.

解答 59.D 考查细节理解题.根据文中提到"Is that mail funny?"Genie asked."Not really,"I admitted."It's just outdated."女儿问这个很有趣吗,不,但过时了,故选D项.
60.A考查细节理解题.根据文中 提到We don't need it."I picked it up and headed for the recycling bin我们不需要,我拿起它,准备扔到垃圾箱,故选A项.
61.A 考查推理判断题.根据倒数第四段提到作者想到自己童年的经历,故决定预定这项服务,因此选A项.
62.D 考查细节理解题.根据最后一段提到Technology has made some things outdated.But there are still other things the world will always require科技让一些东西过时但这个世界仍然需要一些东西,如体贴他人的善良,故选D项.

点评 本文是一个日常生活类阅读理解,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

6.The Cardboard Box Office is a project created by Lilly and Leon Mackie,who recently moved from New Zealand to Sydney,Australia.The transfer left them with a mountain of cardboard boxes,and the arrival of their baby son Orson 10 months ago meant their social lives were"completely altered (改变."So the couple decided to try to make some fun of the situation.
"We started after creating a one-off photo where we wanted to portray the general mess and sleep-deprivation (睡眠) that comes with being new parents,"Lilly Mackie said in an email."People seemed to really love it and asked for more.We had a lot of weekends at home and a stockpile of cardboard so we thought‘Why not?'It went from there."
The Mackies took the first photos in September and have portrayed 14 movies so far,including their versions of"Cast Away"(or"Castababy")and"Jurassic Park"(or"Goo-goo Gaa-gaa-rassic Park").Even"Star Wars"gets the Mackie treatment,with Orson holding a cardboard tube in place of a saber (军刀)and mom sporting impressive Princess Leia-like hair buns (HI made out of brown paper in the photo titled"Wah Wars."
The family usually creates the sets on'Saturdays and posts the whimsical pictures on their blog and Facebook page,which have almost 3,000 fans.Besides cardboard boxes,the photos feature costumes,props (道具),and sets created out of everyday household items,toys,"and three individuals slowly losing their sense,"they joked on their blog.
Leon,a children's book designer at a large publishing company,and Lilly,a stay-at-home mom,are both film buffs and photography fans.The baby is also becoming a connoisseur(鉴赏家)of movies and cardboard boxes.
"Orson seems to find the photo shoots quite fascinating and enjoys exploring the sets-and tearing things apart.There's never a dull moment for him on Saturday nights,"Lilly said."When he gets a little older,we'11 bring in a lot more of his input,asking for his ideas on films and sets.Make it a real family thing.I think he may come up with some quite funny things."

28.The original reason why the Mackies create family movies is thatD.
A.they want to earn a great deal of money            
B.both of them are children's book designers
C.they have no friends in their new community
D.they want to make their family life interesting
29.What do we know about the Mackies'family movies?C
A.They are usually made on Sundays.
B.They are not popular on the Internet.
C.Some of them are made based on famous films.
D.They are mainly about early childhood education.
30.Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word"whimsical"in Paragraph 4?A
31.What's the final purpose of the Mackies'making family movies?C
A.To teach audiences how to make films.
B.To prove their baby is very bright.
C.To develop Orson's skills in art.
D.To make themselves.famous.
4.Recent studies show that only one out of three people have strong and healthy self-confidence.That(36)Btwo out of every three people simply don't know the  (37)Dthey already have to be successful when it's(38)Cthere in their hands!(39)Aif you want others to believe in you,you have to believe in yourself first.Remember:"No one can make you feel inferior (差的) unless you(40)Bthem."A successful businessman says,"You can't push anyone up a ladder(41)Che knows he can climb himself."
Many of us have an image(42)D,the image(形象)we have of ourselves.(43)Aone guy put it:"You can't win a horse race if you think you look(44)Con a horse."To succeed,the first person you have to(45)Bis yourself!So stop believing your own lies about yourself.Just(46)Dyour mind and you'll change your life.
One of the most harmful weapons that can kill your success in life is the two little words:"(47)C."You know that people used to (48)Athat if human beings traveled faster than 30miles an hour it would(49)Dour circulation(循环)of blood and kill us?Thank goodness a few people didn't believe that(50)Bthinking,or we wouldn't be riding in cars,buses,and flying in airplanes today.You'll never know until you(51)B.
Roger Bannister was the first human being to run a mile in less than 4minutes.But(52)Ahe did it,most people in the world didn't think it was even (53)DYet only weeks after Bannister did it,suddenly(54)Aall over the world began running a mile in less than 4minutes!If we believe something can be done,we'll (55)C do it.

47.A.I failedB.Not me.C.I can'tD.Can I?
11.My father grew up in Oklahoma during the early years of the Great Depression.He was the only living child of a hard-working farmer and a (21)Bmother.When Dad completed eighth grade,my grandfather believed his only son would work on the farm.My grandmother,(22)D,understood the door that education could open even in (23)Aeconomic times.She persuaded grandfather to (24)ADad to finish high school.
Dad worked hard and completed high school at the age of 16.At last,grandpa was to have his wish.Dad would work on the farm,easing the economic and physical (25)Cgrandpa carried.But grandmother again (26)Bgrandpa to permit my father to go to college.
After(27)C,grandpa made the most difficult decision of his lifetime.He walked to the chicken coop(鸡笼子),where he did his(28)D.Taking a shovel in his work-worn hands,grandpa(29)Ba jar that held all the family's savings.He offered the jar and its precious (30)Cto Dad,saying,"Here boy,go make something of yourself."
Realizing that his family was (31)Aall their savings by investing in his education,Dad became a steward of those funds.He (32)Bhis bachelor's degree and then went on to the University of Oklahoma,where he graduated second in his (33)Dschool class in 1936.Jobs were hard to (34)Cwhen Dad graduated,so he opened his own practice and lived in a home with a dirt floor.He worked long hours,but I remember him (35)Dthe great books he discovered in the course of his education with me.
Our family was changed by the long walk grandpa took to the chicken coop.Education is (36)Aan investment in our family.It is a treasure.I(37)Bmy father to college and law school,and all of my children have also (38)Ahigher education.We have been transformed by a sacrifice made two (39)Dago by a loving,if not fully convinced,grandfather and a persistent grandmother and that has made all the(40)C.
29.A.picked upB.dug upC.broke upD.cut up
34.A.come offB.come aboutC.come byD.come on
36.A.more thanB.rather thanC.other thanD.less than
1.How to Become Best Friends with Your Dormmates
Do you feel nervous and stressful about living in the dormitory?Sharing a room with strangers may be challenging at the beginning,but it will turn out to be a precious experience in your life.Here are some tips on how to become best friends with your dormmates.
Agree on Some Basic Rules
(36)D.Make a list of the things that are/aren't allowed to both of you and stick to it.Decide on the studying time,cleaning and visiting hours.Not only will it make your routine easier,but can also help to avoid misunderstanding and quarrels.
Discuss the issues at once
You will escape many fights if you start talking about the problem once you feel it's necessary.When you accumulate the little things,they grow bigger and you may say some unpleasant things you don't really mean.Your dormmates simply cannot know or notice some things.(37)G.
Respect Your Dormmates and Their Stuff
Using without asking is the cause of most conflicts and misunderstandings between dormmates.(38)C.If you think that wearing their cosmetics is okay,they may think in an absolutely different way.Always ask for permission when you want to borrow,use or take any item.
Get to Know Each Other Better
You won't become best friends at once,but you can do a lot in order to establish a good relationship from the very start.(39)F.Everybody loves to be asked questions about their personality.Getting to know each other will make your living together less stressful and you may have pretty much in common!(40)A
Your dormmates may be from other countries with different traditions,religion and views.Be careful with the stereotypes and prejudgment,your ideas about the subject may be superficial and incorrect.Most probably your overseas dormmates will need some help during the period of adaptation to the new surrounding and lifestyle.Sharing a room with an international student is a unique chance to learn another culture and language.Don't miss it!
A.Tolerance Makes a Difference
B.Learning from each other
C.Being dormmates doesn't mean sharing everything with each other
D.This is the essential rule of any good relationship
E.Tell them your own interests and preferences
F.Take an interest in their hobbies,family or academic preferences
G.That's why negotiations are always the right thing to consider.

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