

Itzhak Perlman was born in Tel Aviv, in what was then Palestine, in nineteen-forty five. Today he lives in New York City. But his music has made him a citizen of the world. He has played in almost every major city.

He has won many Grammy awards for his recordings. He has also won Emmy awards for his work on television.

Itzhak Perlman suffered from polio (脑灰质炎) at the age of four. The disease damaged his legs. He uses a wheelchair or walks with the aid of crutches on his arms.

But none of this stopped him from playing the violin. He began as a young child. He took his first lessons at the Music Academy of Tel Aviv. Very quickly, his teachers recognized that he had a special gift.

At thirteen he went to the United Sates to appear on television. His playing earned him the financial aid to attend the Juilliard School in New York.

In nineteen sixty-four Itzhak Perlman won the Leventritt Competition in that city. His international fame had begun.

His music is full of power and strength. It can be sad or joyful, loud or soft. But critics say it is not the music alone that makes his playing so special. They say he is able to communicate the joy he feels in playing, and the emotions that great music can deliver.

Anyone who has attended a performance by Itzhak Perlman will tell you that it is exciting to watch him play. His face changes as the music from his violin changes.

He looks sad when the music seems sad. He smiles and closes his eyes when the music is light and happy. He often looks dark and threatening when the music seems dark and threatening.

In nineteen-eighty six, President Ronald Reagan honored Itzhak Perlman with a Medal of Liberty. In two-thousand, President Bill Clinton awarded him the National Medal of Arts. Several major universities have awarded him honors. He continues to receive honors for his music.

1.According to the passage, we know Itzhak Perlman ___________.

A. is 60 years old today

B. was born in New York City

C. was a rich citizen of the world

D. has some achievement in music

2.Despite the disease, none of this stopped Itzhak Perlman and he_________.

A. took his first lessons at the Music Academy of New York

B. appear on television for the first time in New York

C. got the financial aid to continue his study of music

D. won the Leventritt Competition in his nineties

3.When the music seems dark,Itzhak Perlman often looks _______.

A. dark B. sad

C. happy D. light

4.We can infer from the passage Ronald Reagan must be president of __________.

A. Palestine B. Germany

C. the USA D. England




赞 成

反 对

1. 广告能拓宽人们对货物的选择

2. 使消费者更好地了解货物和商家

3. 不仅能够获得商品知识,也能得到艺术享受

1. 经常被虚假广告欺骗

2. 阅读广告上浪费了大量的时间

3. 看电视剧时插播广告特让人心烦



注意:1. 字数120词左右。

2. 可能用到的词汇:

消费者 consumer 误导的 misleading

虚假的 false 恼人的,令人心烦的 annoyed

工商局 Industrial and Commercial Bureau. 发布 issue


With the development of advertising, ads have been connected with people’s life. Last week, the students in our class had a discussion about













Dear Harry,

You ask me whether you should spend the next three years at university,or get a job.I will give you three different answers.Take_your_pick.

Answer A.You are ambitious.Your sights are set on going to the top,in business or the government.In today's high-tech times,big companies cannot be managed by uneducated amateurs.Even the middle managers are at a disadvantage unless they get a university degree and an MBA.Same thing in government.

Anyway,you are too young to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life.If you spend the next few years at university,you will get to know the world—and yourself—before the time comes to choose your career.

Answer B.Stop wasting your time on academia(学术界).Stop subjecting yourself to the boredom of textbooks and classrooms.Stop cramming for exams(应考)before you acquire a strong love for reading.

The lack of a college degree will only be a slight influence on your career.In Britain,you can still get to the top without a degree.What industry and the government need at the top is not experts but leaders.The character traits(性格特点)which make people scholars in their youth are not the traits which make them leaders in later life.You put up with education for 12 boring years.

Answer C.Don't judge the value of higher education in terms of careemanship.Judge it for what it is—a priceless opportunity to furnish your mind and enrich the quality of your life.My father was a failure in business,but he read Horace in the washroom until he died,poor but happy.

If you enjoy being a scholar,and like the company of scholars,go to a university.Who knows,you may end your days as a Regius Professor.And bear in mind that British universities are still the best in the world.You have a first-class mind.Stretch it.If you have the opportunity to go to a university,don't pass it up.You would never forgive yourself.

Tons of love,


1.What does the underlined sentence“Take your pick.”in Para 1 mean?

A.To choose what you want.

B.To cherish what you have.

C.To follow others' opinions.

D.To take action immediately.

2.What did the author think play a key part in high-tech times?

A.Ambition in careers.

B.Academic degrees.

C.Experience in business.

D.Experience in the government.

3.In the second answer the author mainly reminds Harry ________.

A.he should make use of time

B.he should learn in the classroom

C.what he should avoid at university

D.he should give up learning if he doesn't like it

4.According to the passage,the author's father might ____.

A.succeed in business

B.live a rich and happy life

C.enjoy reading in life

D.live a poor and miserable life

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