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With the development of advertising, ads have been connected with people¡¯s life. Last week, the students in our class had a discussion about














No personal success, achievement, or goal, can be realized without self-discipline. 1. It is the ability to control one¡¯s impulses, emotions, desires and behavior. To possess it is to be able to make the decisions, take the actions, and carry out your plan regardless of the obstacles, discomfort, or difficulties, that may come your way.

How to develop self-discipline? We¡¯ll explore it together.

¡¤ Start with baby steps. No process takes place overnight. 2. So, begin by making the decision to go forward and learning what it takes to get there.

¡¤ Learn what motivates you and what your bad triggers are. 3. Sometimes it is very difficult to fight off urges, so know the areas where your resistance is low and how to avoid those situations. Remove the temptations and surround yourself with encouraging items such as motivating slogans and pictures of what you want to achieve.

¡¤ Make certain behaviors a routine. Once you have decided what¡¯s important to you and which goals to strive for , establish a daily routine that will help you achieve them. 4. They can put you in a negative frame of mind and hinder(×è°­)your self-discipline. A poor attitude can also be a bad habit.

___5.___ Michael Jordan has always maintained that his greatness as a basketball player came as much from his willingness to work hard at his craft, as it did his talent. It was his desire through discipline and focus that made him one of the best basketball players ever. If it worked for him, it could certainly work for the rest of us.

A£®What is self-discipline?

B£® Engage in sports or activities£®

C£®Get inspiration from those you admire£®

D£®You can begin by learning about yourself !

E£®If you try to do too much at once , you could injure yourself and have a setback£®

F£®Meanwhile, get rid of some of your bad, self-defeating habits, whatever they may be£®

G£®It does mean learning how to focus your mind and energies on your goals until they are accomplished£®


¡°Reconstituted¡± families are more and more common in the UK.

Steve and Debbie got married in 2001 and had two children£¬Lily and Alex.Unfortunately£¬Steve and Debbie¡¯s marriage didn¡¯t work out and they got divorced in 2006.The children live with Debbie.In 2008£¬Debbie remarried.Her new husband£¬Martin£¬has three children from his previous marriage and they visit Debbie£¬Martin£¬Lily and Alex at weekends.In addition£¬Debbie is pregnant with her third child.She¡¯s expecting a boy who will be a half?brother to Lily and Alex and also to Martin¡¯s three other children.

Confused£¿Debbie¡¯s family arrangements might have seemed strange 30 years ago but nowadays this kind of ¡°reconstituted¡± family is increasingly common in the UK.Almost half of all marriages in Britain end in divorce and over 40% of marriages are remarriages.More than 10% of all British children live with one birth parent and a stepparent¡ªa parent who isn¡¯t their biological mother or father.The traditional ¡°nuclear¡± family of two parents and their children is not so traditional any more.

What does all of this mean for parents in these ¡°reconstituted¡± families£¿¡°There are difficulties and challenges£¬¡± says Debbie.¡°Different families have different routines and it can be difficult for children to move between their two families.Birthdays and holidays can be tricky.Where do the children go£¿Who should they spend their time with£¿Also£¬when my children are naughty it can be difficult for Martin to tell_them_off.Things that might be simple in a traditional family can be a bit more complicated.¡±

And how about the children£¿Martin¡¯s eldest child£¬Ella£¬is 12.¡°I like my two families£¬¡± she says.¡°I live with my mum but visit my dad quite often and I¡¯m happy that my mum and dad get along OK.They¡¯re not married any more but it¡¯s good that they can still be friends.¡± Of course divorce and separation are never easy but many families in the UK are finding ways to make family life work in new ways.

1.Why did Steve and Debbie get separated?

A£®They couldn¡¯t support the children.

B£®They couldn¡¯t get along well.

C£®They were both out of work.

D£®They had serious economic problems.

2.We can learn from the text that a ¡°nuclear¡± family ________.

A£®has two birth parents and their children

B£®has two birth parents and only one child

C£®is traditional but complicated

D£®doesn¡¯t have any children

3.What do the underlined words ¡°tell them off¡± in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?

A£®make them annoyed B£®send them to school

C£®let out their secrets D£®talk angrily to them

4.What¡¯s the text mainly about?

A£®The difference between ¡°marriage¡± and ¡°remarriage¡±£®

B£®More and more people get divorced in the UK.

C£®¡°Reconstituted¡± families are becoming more and more in the UK.

D£®The marriage situation is becoming severe.


One moment it was quiet and calm in the forest, the next, the air was charged with tension.The elephant had heard the distant alarm calls of animals and her mood suddenly changed.I urged the elephant deeper into the forest.We sounded like a forest fire ¡ª crackling, snapping, trailblazing.But through all the noise came a sharp warning cry.The elephant stopped and we heard it again ¡ª the tell?tale call of a spotted deer.

I looked quickly around the shadows of the forest.Rays of sunlight shone through tree branches, beneath which the patchwork (½»´í) of green plants and shadows?within?shadows would make tiger stripes (ÌõÎÆ) look more attractive.Apart from an occasional noise from the elephant's stomach, the forest was silent.

Gradually, the tension slipped from our bodies.The elephant seized a nearby branch and put it into her mouth.I reached forward and gently moved my hand over the elephant's neck; there was a soft part, free of wrinkles and hairs, behind her ear.

This was my fourth time to_sense_the_aura of the forest in Corbett, although I saw no tigers in the end.Located at the foot of the Himalayan mountains, Corbett is home to about 135 Bengal tigers, but the forest seemed to be guarding their whereabouts (³öû´¦), a silent reminder of their secrecy and rarity.Still, I was happy enough touching the elephant behind the ear.If I had so desperately wanted to see a tiger, I could have gone to a zoo.After all, spotting tigers merely confirms their beauty; tracking them can make you aware of something more.

1.Which of the following was a clear signal of alarm?

A.The elephant stopped.

B.A spotted deer called.

C.The elephant seized a branch.

D.The forest was silent for a while.

2.The author begins his account of the tour in the forest mainly by________.

A.describing various sounds

B.comparing different animals

C.listing different activities

D.introducing various plants

3.What does the underlined part ¡°to sense the aura¡± in Para.4 most probably mean?

A.To see the diversity.

B.To enjoy the scenery.

C.To feel the atmosphere.

D.To experience the freedom.

4.How does the author feel after several visits to Corbett?

A.Seeing a Bengal tiger is quite thrilling.

B.It is very time?consuming to travel in Corbett.

C.It is really worthwhile to study the animals in Corbett.

D.The process of finding Bengal tigers is most appealing.

People often have the impression that Chinese characters are extremely difficult to learn. In fact, if you were to try to learn how to write Chinese characters, you would find that they are not nearly as difficult as you may have imagined. And they certainly qualify as forming one of the most attractive, beautiful, logical(ºÏºõÂß¼­µÄ), and scientifically constructed(¹¹Ôì) writing systems in the world. Each stroke(±Ê»­) has its own special significance. If you are familiar with the rules of Chinese characters, you will find it very easy to remember even the most complicated looking character, and never miss a stroke.

The earliest known examples of Chinese written characters in their developed form are carved into tortoise shells and ox bones. The majority of these characters are pictographs. Archaeologists of various countries have learned that most early writing systems went through a pictographic stage, as did the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Most writing systems, however, eventually developed a phonetic(±íʾÓïÒôµÄ) alphabet to represent the sounds of spoken language rather than visual images observed in the physical world.

One notable feature of Chinese characters is the "radical." "Radical" in English means "root". For example, the characters yu "language," shuo "talk," i "discuss," "opinion," and lun "discuss" all share the yen radical, which means "language," and gives the reader a clue to the meaning of the character as a whole. The characters hsiu "rotten," shan "cedar," " t'ao "peach," and lin "forest," all contain the mu "wood" or "tree" radical, indicating one of their shared key characteristics. If you know the radical of a character, you can usually get a general idea of the meaning of the character it is a part of. Although there is a theoretical total of almost 50,000 written Chinese characters, only about 5,000 of these are frequently used; and the total number of radicals is only 214. So learning to read and write Chinese is not nearly so formidable a task as it may at first seem.

1.According to the author, Chinese characters are ________.

A. extremely difficult to learn

B. scientifically constructed

C. difficult to remember

D. as difficult as you may have imagined

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. There are rules in forming the Chinese characters.

B. Some strokes are more important than others.

C. All the Chinese characters are pictographs.

D. Some writing systems eventually developed a phonetic alphabet.

3.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. pictographs

B. the strokes of the Chinese characters

C. the Chinese writing system

D. the radical of the Chinese characters


Fears can stop us from making progress, and limit what we are willing to try. Fears can make us lead a _________ life. So we should do whatever we could to overcome them.

I was _________ of flying. In order to get rid of my fear, I decided to _________ a helicopter ride. When I was in it, _________ came in all kinds of forms. I thought flying would leave me out of _________ and that I would have to trust someone else with my life. To my _________ , my fear died away after a few minutes into the flight. The _________ views attracted me and I _________ forgot to be afraid. The views of the ocean, waterfalls and heart of the volcano were well worth the _________ of dying in a plane crash. I realized I might have _________ this opportunity of seeing the beautiful scenery if I had _________ to stay on the ground. This adventure _________ me. I was able to face everything _________. For example, I tried another business when my last one had no good _________.

Today, my business is quite _________ because I tend to accept new ideas boldly(´óµ¨µØ). This year, I am learning to fly on my own. I¡¯ve learned to _________ fear as an opportunity to warn me to watch out for something bad and learn something _________. Maybe you fear that you may fail, _________ you should learn how to deal with your fear to keep it from holding you _________in life. Learn relaxation and develop a spiritual life and _________ your fears with courage and confidence.

1.A. miserable B. private C. selfish D. slow

2.A. short B. fond C. proud D. afraid

3.A. enjoy B. try C. teach D. test

4.A. dreams B. ideas C. tears D. anxieties

5.A. work B. control C. curiosity D. sight

6.A. disappointment B. sadness C. surprise D. regret

7.A. beautiful B. strange C. common D. regular

8.A. rarely B. hopefully C. partly D. completely

9.A. intention B. pressure C. risk D. necessity

10.A. ignored B. missed C. forgot D. repeated

11.A. chosen B. advised C. instructed D. pushed

12.A. changed B. frightened C. bored D. relaxed

13.A. deeply B. fairly C. heavily D. bravely

14.A. effect B. reason C. future D. position

15.A. profitable B. flexible C. hopeless D. slow

16.A. see B. appoint C. tolerate D. compare

17.A. big B. new C. bad D. free

18.A. so B. but C. because D. or

19.A. unchanged B. out C. back D. positive

20.A. face B. share C. view D. admit


Itzhak Perlman was born in Tel Aviv, in what was then Palestine, in nineteen-forty five. Today he lives in New York City. But his music has made him a citizen of the world. He has played in almost every major city.

He has won many Grammy awards for his recordings. He has also won Emmy awards for his work on television.

Itzhak Perlman suffered from polio (ÄÔ»ÒÖÊÑ×) at the age of four. The disease damaged his legs. He uses a wheelchair or walks with the aid of crutches on his arms.

But none of this stopped him from playing the violin. He began as a young child. He took his first lessons at the Music Academy of Tel Aviv. Very quickly, his teachers recognized that he had a special gift.

At thirteen he went to the United Sates to appear on television. His playing earned him the financial aid to attend the Juilliard School in New York.

In nineteen sixty-four Itzhak Perlman won the Leventritt Competition in that city. His international fame had begun.

His music is full of power and strength. It can be sad or joyful, loud or soft. But critics say it is not the music alone that makes his playing so special. They say he is able to communicate the joy he feels in playing, and the emotions that great music can deliver.

Anyone who has attended a performance by Itzhak Perlman will tell you that it is exciting to watch him play. His face changes as the music from his violin changes.

He looks sad when the music seems sad. He smiles and closes his eyes when the music is light and happy. He often looks dark and threatening when the music seems dark and threatening.

In nineteen-eighty six, President Ronald Reagan honored Itzhak Perlman with a Medal of Liberty. In two-thousand, President Bill Clinton awarded him the National Medal of Arts. Several major universities have awarded him honors. He continues to receive honors for his music.

1.According to the passage, we know Itzhak Perlman ___________.

A. is 60 years old today

B. was born in New York City

C. was a rich citizen of the world

D. has some achievement in music

2.Despite the disease, none of this stopped Itzhak Perlman and he_________.

A. took his first lessons at the Music Academy of New York

B. appear on television for the first time in New York

C. got the financial aid to continue his study of music

D. won the Leventritt Competition in his nineties

3.When the music seems dark£¬Itzhak Perlman often looks _______.

A. dark B. sad

C. happy D. light

4.We can infer from the passage Ronald Reagan must be president of __________.

A. Palestine B. Germany

C. the USA D. England

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